ANIA ms. ington, c with is the Basil , resi- annual ady of e Silk- eld on invited. or with ssisting ctended Jr. who is the Charl: and § >. Also , Swire, Swire; nd Mrs. Lynn Trudie ng an- 1 Mrs. d Mrs. 1d Mrs. v. Mr. . longer r, Char- hmidle, , Thom- Spudis, r, Char- Thomas Russell ckin Ey! et, Tex ed Wil- ool, Mo J Roger Watson, mn, Mel- is, Ken- r., Por- v, Afton ry Mar- Jimmy ie Lash- Ta N s, and ; came ce Sun- t 1 p.m. rip with ass, two Pickett, er, were time to 2d ~ gan accompanied them. While there - Locks, DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA Truck Trucksville Fire Company will hold its meeting tomorrow night in the fire hall at 7:30. The “Auxili- ‘ary will not meet this month. Mrs. Jack Berkheiser and chil- dren, Stephen and Jeffery, Okla- homa (City, Okla. are spending some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Stengel, Post Road. y Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Eugene Thomas have changed their address from 93 Carverton Road to 95 Car- verton Road. Mrs. Thomas is the former Jean Croom. Mrs. John Havir, has returned to her Carverton Road home after being a patient at Wyoming Valley | a Hospital . Rev: Robert T. Webster, former pastor of Trucksville Methodist Church, has been cited by the So- ciety for Pennsylvania Archaelogy for outstanding services preservation and recording of the pre-history of Pennsylvania. Mrs.. John © Welker, Highland Avenue, entertained at a luncheon recently Rev. and Mrs. McClelland and family of Roswell, Ga. Rey. McClelland is a former minister of Prince of Peace [Episcopal Church Dallas. Mrs. Dorothy Hoover, Basking Ridge, N. J., is spending some time with relatives and friends in the | area. John N. Conyngham, Sutton Road, will head the initial gifts di- | vision of the Wyoming Valley | this fall. George Williams, Harris Hill | Road, will return Sunday after completing a two week's summer | course with the United States Coast Guard at Yorktown, Va. HAS SIXTH BIRTHDAY Barbara Lynn Johnson, 54 Car- ‘verton Road, was entertained on her sixth birthday at a party Fri- day afternoon given by her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Willis D. John- son. Garaes were played and prizes awarded. Refreshments were served on the patio to the group. A large birthday cake served as a center- piece. Spring flowers decorated the tables. . Twenty five guests attended the affair. Mr. and ‘Mrs. Chester Adams, Cliffside Avenue, spent several days in New York City last week. They also attended the convention of the 28th division of the 109th Field Ar- tillery held at Wildwood, N.J. Mrs. Frank Trimble, Rice Street, was hospitalized several days in Nesbitt Hospital last week. Mr. and Mrs. James Hutchison, 134 Doran Drive, recently visited their son and daughter-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. James Hutchison in Ab- ington. Edward (Croom, Airman Class, N.'D., First stationed at Grand Forks, received his discharge from & the sevice and is at home with. hig parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earold rcom, Carverton Road. Birthday greetings this week to Mrs. Shirley Johnson Swan, Mrs. Jacob: Hoover, Mrs. Cedric Grif- fiths, Mrs. Louis Wilcox, Lois Ruth Billings, Phyllis Moore Culver, Helen Dugan, Jean Yanalunas, John Bauer ‘Wardell, Harry Misson, Sr., Frank G. Mathers, III, Herbert Jen- kins, Richard Winston, and Gary Richard Crompton. Mr. ‘and Mrs. Arthur O’Connor in the | United Fund in its appeal for funds | sville Shavertown. The ceremony was performed in the chapel at Penn- sylvania State University. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Kresge, Cliff- side Avenue, are spending the week with their son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kresge and family, Mountville. Kenneth C. Woolbert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Woolbert, Rice Street, has accepted a job with the Hazleton Laboratories in Falls Church, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Lowther Brown, { Pioneer Avenue, are enjoying two l'weeks of fishing in Canada. | Mr. and Mrs. .Richard Bush and | family have changed their address from Rice Street tc Demunds Road, [ Dallas. | Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Green- wood, Terrace Avenue, recently visited her brother and sister-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Dor- sch, Allentown. Jackson Twp. Dale Wright, Secretary of the Jackson Township Volunteer Fire Department has requested that all » | property owners of the township, take note of the following. The Firemen’s Relief Fund of | Jackson Township is supported by out-of-state fire insurance | nies, these Companies paying back to the State a percentage of | the fire insurance premiums col- lected from the people. This money is then sent to the cities and | townships specified. However, if your insurance company does not | have your correct address this | money will not get back to Jack- | son Township. dress of R.D. #5, Shavertown went into effect the amount of our Fire- men’s Relief Fund Check has dropped ‘and we believe this change of address is the cause of same. The Fire Department is now appealing to all property owners to notify their insurance carrier, to use their correct address, such as John Doe, Box 111, R.D. 5, Shavertown, Jackson Township, Lu- zerne County, Pa. The names, Jackson Township and Luzerne County are important as there are about nine other Jackson Town- ships in Pennsylvania. What helps the Fire Department will also help you. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scruitsky announce the birth of a son, Wil- liam Robert, on June 22 at the Nesbitt Memorial Hospital. Wil- liam Robert weighed in at 8 1b. 1% ounces, and measured 20” long. William® Robert has a bro- ther, Robert Lee, Jr., who, inci- dentally, was fourteen months old on June 22. Mrs. Seruitsky is the former Mildred Katchmar of Chase. Mrs. Scuitsky was a former Home Economics teacher at Lake-Leh- man High School. Mr. Scuitsky is Paymaster for Friedman's Express at Wilkes-Barre. Dog Obedience Trials July 12, Scanlon Field President Bart Collett of Trucks- ville announces that the Anthracite Dog Training ‘Club will hold an AKC Obedience trial on Sunday, July 12, at Scanlon Field, Kingston, 10 a.m. Spectators are welcome. Anyone interested in showing his and family, Franklin, N. J., were weekend guests of Mrs. John Wel- ker and family, Highland A-enuec. | Mrs. Rose Mary Ketcham and, son William, Dover, N. J, ave | spending some time with her par- | ents, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Adams, ICliffside Avenue. After a motor trip through the western states Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Bbur Morgan and children, David, Diane, and Dawn have returned to their Maple Street home. Mrs. j Anna Davis, mother of Mrs. Mor- they visited a brother of Mrs. Mor- gan in Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ringstrom, Harris ‘Hill Road; spent the week- end with their son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ringstrom and family, Mendenhal. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Green- wood and their daughter, Mrs. Carl Terrace Avenue, attended the wedding of William Prater, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Prater, NGA I gy Ye el Good health is the foundation of good ‘living. Without it life becomes a meaningless burden. Fortunately, it is not usually dif- ficult to maintain health. You need only follow a few common: sense rules, one of which is to have your physician examine you regularly. ih And you can rely on us when JOU hesd to have a grascriplion illed. om aA eo E v ANS DRUG STORE SHAVRTOVN PE & S| dog, who has not received a pre- mium list, should contact Mr. Col- lett or show chairman, Ray Bartow of Kingston. com- ! Since the new ad- | ' Twenty “boys of “Mal Kitchen’s Boy Scout Troop left Sunday for Camp Acahela to spend the week. | Ben Kleppinger and Bill Frederick will assist, Some of the boys came’ back on Tuesday to, play in the Little League and returned. Donald Edwards is lcoking for- ward to a reunion with his Penn- sylvania comrades who survived the attack on’ Pearl Harbor. The group will held their first r2uuion zt Ca- noble’s Grove in two weeks along! with their families. Don has been | made a charter me: be. saw Dallas Ambulance sneeding to the assistance of their Kiagston Township ne'ghbors, on Saturday night ‘and be’izve me those boys were as intent on reaching the scene | of the accident as if it had been on€ of their own community. Altha our ambulance was pack on the job by that time, they are to bes com-| mended for their ‘willingness and | promptness. Ass’t . Chief Coslett, | | waved them on through when they | reached the scene thinki gz they were on another emargency. Birthdays { Gretings this week to Camilla Murphy, Mrs. James Smith, Ross |. D. Williams, C. R. Spauldin.g George | Mahler, Mrs. Mary Roehring, Clara Kitchen, John Scott Blase, Cecile Jane Deats, Clyde Faatz, Charles Liamoreaux, Jr., Robert Bolton, Ric- ky Sickler, Jack Simpson, Elsie Wil- iamson, Mrs: John -Blase, Clarence Laidler, Kenneth Chamberlain, Jill Fudge. Lillian Kunkle, Ruth Corcor- an, Melanie Bauerly, Robert Todd . Eyet, Beverly June Lockett, Gerald John Gerrity, Donald Bolton, Sr. ! Barry Carson, Virginia Jane Jen- kins, Beulah ‘Calkins, Marion Elliot, Ronald Biggs, Dana Campbell, Dav- | id Parker, Ginny Farley, Miss Rach- | el Jenkins, A. George Prater, Janics Olenick. Arthur Kemerer, Hrnest Phillips, Jr., Teresa Lengel, Harry Westfield, Virginia Schramm, Raymond Mal- kemes, Richard McRay, Donald Bean, Johnny Gerrity, Pamela Kemmerer, and Todd Lozo. Here And There Rev. Robert DeWitt Yost left Monday morning for a vacation on the West Coast. Mrs. William Dungey 1s a patient in Wyoming Valley Hospital where she underwent surgery on Friday. Sincere sympathy is extended to Mike and Alex Silic in their recent bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Horlacher, Kingston, have moved to 200 Eli- nore Street, Shavertown. Congratulations are in order for Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lauer and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hall, who are the proud. parents of new sons. Henry (Calking returned home on Saturday after being a patient at Nesbitt Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wadas. and family are summering at Harveys Lon q . and Mrs. William Glahn and | Po “spent Monday at Penna. State University. | Mr. and Mrs. Louis Purvin are| planning a new home on their ik neer Avenue lot. Airman Stuart Stahl is spending | several weeks leave with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Stahl, = art is stationed at a Michigan Base. | Mr. and Mrs. James MacFarland | have returned home after spending | the weekend visiting their daugh- | ter and son in law, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Bartz, Holly, N. J. | Jim and Tom Borthwick are en- THE DALLAS POST, THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1964 Mr. And Mrs. Haines Entertain Cub Pack Mr. Shavertown joying the summer vacation from classes at University of Penna., and Penna. State University at the home "of their parents. Dr. and Mrs. Michael Bucan are home again after spending some time in Pittsburgh. Mrs. Dorothy Schooley returned Monday after visiting her daugh- |p ter and son in law, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Williams and family at Le- raysville. Ted Poad helping several days in Harrisburg with the tremendou: amount of mail Governor Scranton is receiving reports the state cap- itol real hot and humid. The Bill Pughs are expected to visit their old home town in the | near future. Mrs. Frank Parker was the win- ner of an adorable cocker spaniel puppy in the WILK Friskies Frolic Award last week. Inci identally, son | | Tommy iS able to be out in the § yard now during the nice weather and spends quite a bit of time with 'H# Jimmy Kreidler, his neighbor. Navajes Busy The little Navajos visiting here at the Rev. Russell Edmondson home are enjoying their trip to the East and have so many seeking engagements for their appearance that their director has to watch the schedule in order that the lit- tle ones may not get over tired | and have some time to play. They : will appear at Shavertown Bible Church on Sunday evening and a §& fine crowd is expected. Animals do We were chagrined last week when Prince Blue Heaven, the cat, commenced to bring home | little garter snakes, howling out- | side the door for some word of § commendation, but when neighbor John Stahl reported he had seen our pet getting cozy with a young skunk the other night, we really drew the line. I am probably on Chief Herbert Updyke’'s black list, scalded the township officer Monday. Taking a few minutes to chat in the kitchen while I was making a hurried lunch and state police were occupying ‘the office, a pot toppled from the stove filled with boiling water and altho Herb jumped this way and that to miss the spill, his [f# received a if goodly amount of hot liquid any- trousers and shoes way. The weight of the officers uniform probably prevented a more serious burn . iB Dangerous dry conditions are a- gain prevailing in ows community as elsewhere. Youngsters were try- ing to light a Roman candle nearby some very dry lots on Monday night. Fortunately it would not go off though gasoline was thrown on- resultant the flame with several small’ explosions. More care must be observed if we are to get through the 4th holiday without catastrophe. For a weekend cof fun, visit the Lehman Horse Show, where many events are scheduled to hold your interest from Thursday until Sat- urday night. Tourists Hit Deer Dr. and Mrs. Nathan Zvaifler and daughters, Bethesda, Md., while en- route to Vermont, where they were to enroll their daughter in camp, damaged the front end of their station wagon, when they hit and killed a deer, near the Scandi- navia Motel, Saturday night. gore; . _ Let’s Celebrate SEE IT TRY IT DRIVE IT HOME FROM \ | FRED L. PARRY Inc. “6 Extra Value Features : V. Save on Rambler's V Save on Rambler's GAS ECONOMY and LOW COSTS 'V Save on Rambler's HIGH RESALE, VALUE 375 Bennett Street Luzerne 287-0215 GET A RAMBLER! V ‘Save on Rambler's a I low, low PRICE | the oddest things. Persian § probably | for no other reason than I nearly I] on | | Ee B f | J |B |B I 4 i MAINTENANCE at the and Mrs. George Haines, ust. ed as Burl Updyke, _cubmaster, presided business meeting. Plans were made for the family | outings to be held in July and Aug- IM In July the Cubs and their ain Road. Sweet Valley, entertain- | families will have a corn roast at ed at their home last week, mem- | Rummage's Grove. bers of the committee of Cub Pack 444, Sweet Valley-Pikes (Creek area. follows: Kaye Ray, refreshments; Judge, entertainment; Rosanna | Haines and Mildred Pall, reserva- | tions. Beuka is now working with Shop! SHOP Compare! Save! D LO ON FAMOUS NATIONAL BRAND ITEMS POMEROY’S GUARANTEES . . . We Will Not Be Undersold On These Famous Brands — SHOP! COMPARE! SAVE! Pomeroy’s Prices Are Everyday Low, Low Prices! SHOP EVERYDAY FROM 9:30AM. TOO P. M. OMEROYS FIRST WILKES. BARRE Pomeroy’s ry Low, Low Prices TOILETRIES FIRST FLOOR aaa aaa a, % Reg. .98 Ban Roll-On Deodorant .69 Ban Cream Deodorant .98 Secret Roll-On Deodorant 69 Secret Cream Deodorant 1.00 Right Guard 1.00 Old Spice Stick Deodorant 69 Mum Deodorant 1.25 125 .99 99 1.50 2.25 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.25 .98 1.25 .83 .83 83 .89 87 1.29 1.39 Aqua Net Hair Spray Just Wonderful Hair Spray Lustre Creme Hair Spray Lanolin Plus Adorn Hair Spray VO5 Hair Spray Lilt Milk Wave Toni Home Permanent Lilt Special Perm Lilt Refresher Wave Score Hair Dressing Softique Colgate Toothpaste / Crest Toothpaste Gleem Toothpaste Ipana Toothpaste Sal Hepatica Bufferin 100’s Excedrin 100s er 1.09 Phillip’s Milk of Magnesia 98 Haley's M. O.. 1.50 Pepto Bismeol ki. ; 2.94 One-A-Day Vitamins - 1.49 Maalox Tablets .79 Personna Blades .89 Aero Shave Everyday Low Price 28 2 for 1.65 1.29 L.}7 1.09 1.05 79 1.00 : 55 2 for .99 2 for 1.00 355 = == I Save On Suntan Oil And Lotion 1.35 Coppertone Suntan Oil 1.35 Coppertone Suntan Lotion .69 Tanfastic 1.45 Sea & Ski .79 Sea & Ski 1.75 Tanorama aaa aS — Everyday Low Price 1.00 1.00 59 1.00 59 1.49 Toiletries—FIRST FLOOR Pomeroy’s Everyday Low Prices On RECORD Ss THIRD FLOOR Reg. E 3.98 Cotton Condy—Al Hirt 3.98 Enchanted World of Ferrante & Teicher veryday Low Price 2.87 2.87 3.98 More Themes for Young Lovers— P. Faith 3.98 Call Me Irresponsible—Andy Williams 3.98 Bewitched—dJack Jones 3.98 Till the End of Time—Jerty 3.98 The Italian Voice—A] Martino 3.98 Speak to Me of Love— - Ray Coniff Singers 3.98 Rolling Stones 3.98 Little Children—Billy J. Kramer 3.98 Glad All Over—Dave Clark 5 3.98 Today—Christy Minstrels © 3.98 Back in Town<-Christy Minstrels 5.98 Hello Dolly Original Cast ot q ) 2 rh Lie 2.87 2.87 2.87 2.87 2.87 Vale 2.87 2.87 2.87 2.87 2.87 2.87 4.57 HE Pomeroy’s Everyday Low, Low Prices Lanny, Fii:s1 FLOOR Romerer's Evasdey Low: Loa Piles.) Everyday Low, Low Prices CANDY Your Choice of | Your Choice of [ALL REG. 10c Any 389c Candy | Any 29c Candy Packages Packages I 4 © 1-00 3” fd 31mg jmige 2% | fein fodiens s Everyday Low, Low Prices CAMERAS FIRST F Da My a Reg. E 13.50 21.50 (complete) 15.50 17.95 Kodak Instamatic 100 Camera Kit (complete) : 12.88 7.95 Kodak World’s Fair Camera 6.00 19.95 Kodak Fun Saver Movie Camera Kit 10.99 59.95 Argus Electric Eye Movie Camera 39.99 199.95 New Polaroid 100 Camera 109.99 215.90 Bell & Howell Zoom Movie Camera [35.00 109.95 Keystone Zoom Projector 87.50 69.95 Kodak Stack Slide Projector 53.74 69.95 Airequipt Slide Projector 49,96 5.25 Polaroid 108 Color Film 4.50 89.95 Bell & Howell Movie Projector’ 69.99 Pomeroy’s Everyday Low, Low Prices ELECTRIC SHAVERS. FIRST FLOOR l= Reg. 19.95 Norelco Flip Top Shaver 21.95 Norelco Cordless Shaver 29.95 Shick Super Speed Shaver 37.50 Shick Cordless Shaver 25.95 Shick Magna Power Shaver 22.75 Sunbeam II Degree Shaver 26.25 Sunbeam Standard Shaver 26.25 Sunbeam DeLuxe Shaver 37.50 Sunbeam Cordless Shaver 29.50 Remington Rollamatic 25 Shaver 37.95 Remington Lectronic II Shaver ( Pomeroy’s Everyday Low, 21.95 Westinghouse Steam, Spray and Dry Iron 10.95 General Electric Dry Iron 17.95 Presto Steam 'N Dry Iron: 39.95 Regina Electric Broom 19.95 Westinghouse Electric Toothbrush 19.95 Universal Toothbrush 50.95 Sunbeam Mixmaster Mixer 14.95 General Electric Hand Mixer 4 15.75 Proctor Silex Juicer . 44.95 Proctor Health Juice Extractor 14.95 General Electric Percolator 29.95 Sunbeam Automatic Percolator 27.95 Universal Automatic Can Opener 32.50 Sunbeam Party Grill WESTINGHOUSE AIR CONDITIONER Pomeroy’s Appliance Center—FIFTH FLOOR Shirley | the Scouts of Troop 444. Attending the meeting were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ray, Mr. and Mrs. | Burl Updyke, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas The committee accepted with re- | Judge, Mr. and Mrs. James Yorder, gret the resignation of Mrs. Frank | william G. Hughes, Marjorie Wil- A special com- | Beuka, who has been in charge of | Jimas, Mildred Pall, Mrs. Stella Kol- mittee for the outings was appoint- | hospitality for the past few years. Mildred Pall and | Mrs. en the host and hostess. IGES Kodak Starmite Camera Kit (complete) 9,99 Kodak Super 27 Camera Kit Everyday Low Price 29.95 Norelco Floating Head Shaver SMALL APPLIANCES FIFTH FLOOR , Everyday Low Price 119.95 SECTION B — PACE 5 Candy Bars a RPS Low Price 16.83 11.87 13.88 15.88 22.88 13.88 15.95 17.77 19.36 22.88 16.88 22.88 Low Prices 16.88 8.99 7.99 25.87 14.99 9.99 39.88 9.37 10.99 34.99 10.38 22.99 19.88 22.69 5000 BTU'S