her ed- the er- in- ted the ays ors, er= v4 1 ue | . EE THE DALLAS POST, split, Quartered & Cut- Up = 97¢ ~~ (WHOLE CHICKEN) -23° NONE PRICED HIGHER! TENDER-BEEF 3 2c THIN SLICED CALVES LIVER None Priced Higher! wn. 99¢ SUPER-RIGHT—THIN SLICED LUNCHEON MEATS YOUR CHOICE Bologna, Pickle boat EE C Plain Loaf bs FULLY COOKED HAMS Shank 29¢ Whole 2 Portion Ib. Half Center Slices, 1b. = * 45¢ & ir L Dial Soap FROZEN FOODS °° MRS. SMITH’S CREAM PIES Lemon, Choc. & Neopolitan 7c OFF EACH 32¢ PACK A&P BRAND | Orange Juice 4 So 99c A&P BRAND aa Strawberries 2 ner 45¢ ROMAN Lasagne ..... "ne 49c HAWAIIAN Punch ....... 3 &% 59¢c BANQUET Meat Pies .... 5 5 99¢ ICEBERG lettuce ......28 5 Fresh Green Beans 2 Lbs. 33 CALIFORNIA | | Strawberries 3... *1.00 ; BORDEN'S STARLAC .......... MAZOLA MARGARINE + PRINCESS—PIMNK AND AQUA BAGGIES Rib Roasts BING CHERRIES ‘i JuMBO SIZE Cantaloupes ... ra 39¢ 239¢ ALLGOOD—LEAN B A = oF 4 Sliced Bacon +o 49¢ += 89%¢ SH LEGS and Fryer Parts vines SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY All 7-Inch Cuts SMOKED Boneless Butts 29¢ BREASTS SHRIMP " @O¢ w. 45¢ ww. 09¢ Lb. 59¢ Scallops Sliced Halibut .... .. Haddock Fillet uel Mackerel Claw Grabmeat Lb. 69¢ 65¢ die 65¢ 3%¢ 39¢ 59¢ Rib Steaks “oi Spice Luncheon RUMP or Meat Lh. Pork Butts ress ie 1p, Cooked Salami *sces™ 1. Slab Bacon Zio Piece Lb. Short Ribs of Beef 1. Meat Loaf “mu vot LEG LOIN VEAL FRESH VEAL SALE! Sirloin Roast *° Roast of Veal Veal Chops Cutlets & Tenders SEAFOOD BUYS! Smoked Cod Fillet ,. THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1964 FANCY MEDIUM SIZE ‘> 79¢ Lb. 6%¢ b9¢ 49¢ 19¢ 15¢ b5¢ Sher wh ee ein Ab, 8-0z. Can 1s, 65¢ 1s, 69¢ 1s. 95¢ 1». 99¢ 62 -oz. Cans Pork, Veal Lb. WISCONSIN CHEDDAR Mild Cheese .... ~ Wisconsin Cheddar Sharp Cheese JANE PARKER ie PLAIN, SUGAR, g. Donuts w. 49C wn. 63C CINNAMON of 12 25¢ JANE PARKER Rye Bread ...... Lot 19¢c COLGATE DENTAL CREAM FAMILY SIZE TUBE 99 JIFFY CHUNK STYLE 3c OFF LIGHT MEAT WHITE MEAT Fine Granulated: SUGAR SULTANA—PLAIN OLIVES Biscuit Mix “+z” 33¢ STAR-KIST 6Y%2-o0z. Cans 26¢ 61° 59 49¢c 5-1b. Bey Large Size Pt. CHICKEN OF THE SEA CHUNK STYLE TUNA (LIGHT MEAT) (WHITE MEAT) 6Y2-0z. 20¢ 2 §t as, 63c Cans SWEET Lb. 39¢ CALIF. 4 for 29C FRESH i Cucumbers FRESH Green Onions SWEET DELICIOUS Fresh Green Peppers 4 for 29c JUICY lemons ....... 5. 39c 3 Behs. 19¢ ¢ SPECIAL BONUS BUYS Modern Fig Bars ..... Cheerios Cereal ...... Green Giant Peas 1 A&P Drink Pineapple- Grapefruit Hormel’s Spam ....... Skippy Peanut Butter V-8 Cocktail Juice Mazola Oil ....... Hunt's Tomato Sauce 2 Gleem Tooth Paste .. .. 2-Lb. Pkg. 15-0z. Pkg. 35¢ 39¢ [Ie ur ‘gT ounp ‘Aepamjes yInoag) 0AN0LJR PY SI} ul SIL Ht, Jo 19¢ “cane BTC irod1c Ih 7%" 63C aio 35¢ Se B9¢c 19¢c| 59c¢ Family Size 6-qt. Cont. ASSORTED FLAVORS 5%¢ 39¢ RE 1 Del Monte Reg, 35¢ ° Bars Hi-C Drinks ORANGE-GRAPE FLORIDA PUNCH ORANGE-PINEAPPLE NABISCO VERI-THIM PRETZELS Pe oe B 0 Rance. ae hy i To I te 5 | E DuWu ORANGE-PINEAPPLE es eo 0 00s Jar : 0 ie F ROSY 11-o0z. 5 BURRY'S “5% cookies ..... ui 3%¢ | glad Dressing au eo 9 0 Pkg. SUNSHINE COCOANUT BARS ...%w 39¢c | ANN PAGE (10 OFF) MAXWELL HOUSE corres «oe orm) eon 5 409 Strawberry PRESERVES YELLOW CLING PEACHES 2 Seneca Rialeats Sandwich Bags .....:% 29¢C AIR REFRESHER un 3 Florient ..........7.. 12 59¢ Grape Drink seer NESTEA , : LEMON-LIME Instant Tea . > > ggc |Realemon set 4 MA SE THING HOME 15-02, 3Q H : LEMON JUICE Spaghetti Sauce stvie Jar C|Kéd emon Cans (SPECIAL!) *AyurorA pue sefed ur syoyaewaadng dV = Oe Hn we 35° 49° zi 69 959 2:539° 2:55° 99 59° 1-Lh., 13-0z. Cans 1-Qt., 14-0z. Cans Quart Bottle ” IVORY LIQUID 2 SSC DUZ 12-Oz. Cont. THRILL LIQUID 12-0z. 35¢ Cont. FLUFFO JOY LIQUID 33¢ CRISCO WHITE SOAP SHORTENING SHORTENING de Si 3-Lb, 3-Lb. korg Siee 33° Can Tic ; Can 73c Super COLD WATER . ALL Que 730 Cont. THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA COMPANY, TNC. _ Market FUT ITER LT] PLT Ld 1859 » . INSTANT FELS ; Giant con 756 IVORY SOAP (MEDIUM SIZE) oc IVORY SOAP (PERSONAL SIZE) 4 For 2ic CAMAY SOAP (Regular Size) a For 39¢ : ZEST SOAP (REGULAR SIZE) 2 For 29¢c LAVA SOAP (MEDIUM SIZE) 3... 32c FT Donald Smith Named To Alumni Council Donald Smith, West Dallas, and a member of the firm of Roushey, Smith and Miller, Engineers and Architects, Kingston, wag reelected a director of Penn State University .| Alumni Council for three years and named to the Executive Committee over 'the weekend. Mr. Smith will serve on a special Long Range Planning Committee as well as Membership and Dues Structure Committees. Mr. and Mrs. Smith returned home on Sunday after attending Alumni sessions at the University. The largest railroad yard in +he world is in Pennsylvania known as Conway Yard and located in Bea- ver County, 22 miles northwest of Pittsburgh. “It stretches for four miles’ along the northern bank of the Ohio river. CARLOAD TOWEL -SALE- Buy Now! SAVE!! Famous Cannon Terry Cloth TOWELS BATH TOWELS 20x40 Inch — All cotton— Pink - Blue - Yellow - Green 2 for 88¢c 12X12 Inch (9 oz.) WASH CLOTHS 10¢c ea. Asst. Colors ep Screen Printed i ‘OUTDOOR { TOWELS $1.98 val. "1.31 12, sq. ft. All Purpose TERRY TOWELS 15X25 od Size Assorted Colors BEN FRANKLIN 13 CHURCH ST. ‘Howard Hontz SECTION B — PAGE 3 Shavertown This week we dedicate our column to the graduates in our community, who will soon begin a new phase of life. [Some will go on to higher educa- tion, some in the service and others will take their place in industry, all becoming an important part in their new adult world. Qur best wishes for success and happiness go to Robert Allen, Anna Berger, Letitia Bevan, John Camp- bell, Russell Casterlin, Edith Chap- ple, Teresa Cushner, Robert Decker, Beverly Eck, William Glahn, Wil- liam Hontz, Kenneth Jones, Michael Jones, William Jones, Susan Kit- chen, John Lohman, Richard Love, James Malkemes, Verna Miers, Norman Nicol, Albert Paltineri, Sylvia Phillips, Carol Pope, David Ryan, Ronald Sinicrope, Marsha Sowden. Lorraine Bednar, Jean Burrier, Alice Dorosky, Ann Glenn, ,Eugene Judge, John Kritchen, Jr., Edward Lenahan and Joan Montedonico. One hundred and four men turned out Sunday morning to honor Rev. Robert Yost at a breakfast in the social rooms of Shavertown Methodist Church. The returning pastor was also the re- cipient of a number of gifts. The heavy downpour over the weekend certainly lessened the danger of fire in woodland and parched field but it also dampened several ‘outings planned for ‘Satur- day and ‘Sunday. The Joe Allens, whose family thoroughly enjoy a back yard bar- becue, upon seeing the sun come out prepared for their Sunday night supper out of doors. The delicious dishes were all ready for serving when the sudden rainstorm sent all scurrying for the security of the indoors carrying their repast with them. BIRTHDAYS Greetings this week to Brian Zimmerman, Sylvia Wills, Bertha Ehret, Robert Pethick,..Robby Lee, Kenneth Beisel, Gail White, Cathy Wilson, Lilo Pethick, Henry Hill, Frank Gelsleichter, Sr. Henry Lyon, Belle Bauerly, Wen- dy Ann Hontz, Tommy ‘Appel, Carol McCoy, Glen Price, Dorothy Shaver, Cathy Anne Swingle, Thomas Swin- gle, Albert Torr, Helen Skillenger, David Kimball, Wilma Coons, Eve- lyn Dillon, William H. Vincent, Willard Hoover, Dorothy Schooley, William W. Oldershaw, Gloria Thomas, (Clifton King, Sally Ann Parker, June A. Henschke, David Ash, Marian Courtright, Mark Het- tinger Jenkins, Mrs. George Dodson, Virginia Van Blarcom, Kenneth Kirk, Kate Newhart, Ray Turner. HERE AND THERE We were happy to hear that Walter Cooke is improved following a second operation. ‘Mr. and Mrs. visited him on Saturday. Earlier callers were Dr. Malcolm Borthwick, Granville Sow- den and Mrs. Willard Hoover. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Line re- turned on Sunday after visiting their daughter, Mrs. Robert Cole and family, Windsor Locks, Con- necticut. Henry Calkins was admitted to Nesbitt Hospital early Monday morning when he became ill at his home. Our very best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Troxell on the birth of a baby daughter. Mrs. Bentha Asbury and Miss Viola Brewster, Berryville, Va., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Krit- chen, coming up to attend Jackie's graduation. 3 Mrs. Mary Bonfig, Democratic Committee Woman, nursing a ' fractured shoulder suffered in a fall at her home. : Our sincere sympathy is extended to Mrs. Raymond Malkemes in her recent bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. George Walter and son George, Regal Park, Long Is- land, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Shaver. Major Thomas Lewis, Highland, N. J., and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ker- stetter, Lock Haven, were weekend visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Dana Campbell. Harry Ritts remains in grave condition at Nesbitt Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hontz, Mrs. Harry Hughey and daughter, Patti, and Carl Hirner visited Mr. and Mrs. What is a headache? causing the incoordination. abnormal condition again normal. ease or malfunction. | Sat., 10-12 Headache is a term to express pain in different parts of the head or perhaps one which affects the entire structure. The symptoms are varied as are the direct causes, but the spine is found to be the origin of most headaches. ! In writing ‘this article, we are prompted ‘to do so by a realiza- ‘tion that ‘there are many thousands of people who have suffered because of headaches, some of them for many years, and during that time have been continually treating ‘the effects in one way or another, rather than getting to the fundamental basis of what is Most people suffering with chironic headaches ‘seek rather to eliminate or deaden the symptoms or discomforts of the headache than ‘to determine the real causative factor and strive to make the Headaches are like any other symptom, ‘they are a signal or sign that somewhere within the body there exists a state of dis- The normal functioning of any tissue,organ,or system is de- pendent upon the control of the brain which is brought about through the nervous system. Any interference ‘with the flow of nerve impulses from the brain to ‘the tissues, organ or systems produce a staje of abnormalcy or lowered resistence, which is the case when spir al segments are allowed to remain misaligned. This in turn may usher in the symptom known as headache. It is the special work of the doctor of Chiropractic to locate and correct misalignments of the spine which would interfere with' the normal flow of nerve impulses from the brain. Consult your doctor of Chiropractic; he 'will answer any ques- tions you have concerning headaches. DONALD E. Chiropractor : 127 N. MAIN ST., SHAVERTOWN, PA. Office Hours: Mon., Tues., Wed., and Fri. 10-12, 2-4, 7-9 Benjamin Earl and son, at Hamil- DALLAS. PA ton Square, N. J., over the week- HEADACHES GETZ PHONE 67 13 756 end. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wills, who are celebrating their silver wedding anniversary. Mrs. Donald Rowlands, Slating- ton, is visiting the William Pethicks while her husband is attending the Postmasters Convention. Little Susan Shafer is the measles. Dr. and ill with Mrs. Donald Getz and son recently spent the weekend in New York City. Mrs. George Bednar and Miss Frances Lenahan, R. N. returned home on Tuesday after attending the graduation of their son and fiance, George Bednar, who re- ceived his diploma from Notre Dame. Mrs. Madeline Leslie, Queens, Long Island, was the weekend guest of her sister and brother-in- . law, Mr. and Mrs. Morris King. Mrs. Mary Stanko, Old Bridge, N. J., recently visited her brother, Earl King, who is slowly .improving following surgery. Birthday greetings today to Mrs. Harry Albert, who is very ill at General Hospital. It was good to bring Fred home on Saturday. 1 can. readily under=' stand what Mrs. Hicks meant when she wrote of the long lonely ride home from Geisinger each evening. He will have to take it easy for some time, but we are glad to have him back in our midst. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant John VanHorn Goes To Fort Knox, Ky. John Bruce VanHorn, son of Mr and Mrs. Robert VanHorn, Lake Street, was commissioned a second lieutenant in the United States Ar- my, following a commencement ex- ercise on Sunday from University of Scranton. During his four years at Scranton, he was in the ROTC. Upon gradua- tion, he was given the Distinguished Military Award. VanHorn was one of thirty-five graduates to be commissioned, out of a graduating class of over 400. He had orders for Fort Knox, Kentucky to be carried out immed- iately. The young officer left Mon- day morning. Graduating’ ROTC men received their diplomas in cap and gown. During the commissioning ceremon- ial following graduation, men doffed academic garb, revealing full dress uniform. : VanHorn, in addition to laying aside his cap and gown, laid aside also the hood denoting Bachelor of Science, A major in education, he expects to make the Army his car- eer. Salutatorian Of Class Gerald A. Miller Gerald A. Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. W. Miller, former Overbrook Road residents now re- siding in Forty Fort, has been named Salutatorian of the class of 196 students graduating this even- ing from West Side Central Catholic High School. Gerald, a Gate of Heaven School graduate, is president of the Nation- al Honor Society, a member of the student council, glee club, chemise. try club, and is on the staff of tha school newspaper. Last week he received a regional award, an engraved silver plaque, from Future Scientists of America sponsored by the Ford Foundation for his chemistry project “Deters mination of Reaction De with an A.C. Conduciivity Bridge,” which also won him in April a second place award at Scranton University's Academy of Science and an honor- able mention in Northeastern Penn- sylvania Regional Science Fair held in Scranton . In his sophomore year, he cap- tured several trophies with his bi- ology project. Gerald has received a Magna Cum Laude award from the Association for the Promotion of the Study of Latin, an honorable mention in the Driver Essay Contest, a letter of recognition in the Handicapped Es- say Contest, and tied for 4th place in the Luzerne County Mathematics Contest. [Last fall he was awarded a Let- ter of Commendation from the Na- tional Merit Scholarship Test. Gerald will enter King’s College in September in the pre-engineering course, having received a full tuition scholarship through competitive ex- amination. “Thur. and Sat. Afternoon by y Aproiniment He is a grandson of Mrs. Walter Sovshi of Demunds Hoad - tr