JVANIA mn; Secre- 1S; Finan- rey; Trea- § dthers at re: Pastor . C. Wes- s, Garvin | § 1d Mrs. C. avis, Gar- ge Lein- i nger, and f i nd daugh- | i Amy, and [} son Mark, if Thursday | ond Gar- and Mrs. ster were k my pgaus- our" 0th spent the - daughter Jrin Beck- ngston, as » EE ERNE —— 2 SRR ET ETT ERE Cw» Te Nyy . former East Dallas DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA ” East Dallas Libby Cypers placed first in ‘the (Class B All-events Category, in the W.S.B.C. State Tournament, held recently at Stanton Lanes. (See Bowling News). Doris Cyphers, Carverton, Libby's sister, has been very sick the past week. Chief Petty Officer and Mrs. Har- old Shupp and children, Dale and Donna, arrived here Wednesday, May 3, from Jacksonville, Fla. Mrs. ‘Shupp and children will re- ‘main here and make their home at Demunds Corners. Harold will return to Florida to complete his 20th year with the Navy, ‘which’ will be May 31, 1965. Sandra Shupp and Betty Cyphers, cousins, are members of the 1964 class who graduated Tuesday night from the Dallas Area School. Betty has accepted a position with Commonwealth Telephone Company and will start June 15th. Pete Wilson, a brother of Ted Wilson, is a surgical patient in Veteran's Hospital. Miss Bernice Spencer, Rome, Pa., resident and teacher, has been a guest of her cousin, Mrs. Charles Spencer, Sha- vertown, for the past week. : Mrs. Harry. Nolf, Demunds Road, is improving after having been ser- iously ill. She and Mr. Nolf were made happy by having their son Harry, his wife and sons, Randy and Donald, from Lehighton; also son Kermit - and * wife, visit them over ‘Memorial weekend. Their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Dropeski from Washington, D. C., were an added pleasure. Mrs. Maude Bun sustained bruises and black eyes after a bad fall down the stairs at the home of her daughter, Jean Atk.nson, De- munds Road. Mrs. Beatrice Graham and Mrs. Thelma Hauck, Goshen, N.Y., were Memorial Day guests of their cou- sin, Mrs. Nettie Mokychic, whom they hadn't seen for over a year. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Nicholas, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lumley, Conklin, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lumley, Berwick. Ralph Kauffman and family wish to thank friends and neighbors who so kindly showed their love and esteem in so many ways during their time, of trial. Again our sympathy is extended to the families of Richard Frantz and Stephen Haradem:. Mrs. Sheldon Frantz has returned to her home on Demunds Road after being ‘a heart patient in Nesbitt Hospital, the past few weeks. Mrs. Wesley Barber and daughter, Barbara Ann, Willard, N. Y., visited her son Irvin and family at De- munds for 'a week. Nelson Barber, brother, and sister, Mrs. Bessie Turner, also from Willard, joined CALL - 674-5816 Sp EZ A FREE MONK Pibg, & Htg. N. Lehigh St. Shavertown, Pa. DRAINAGE STONE DIRT FILL ASPHALT PAVING Driveways Parking Areas CRUSHED STONE “Meeting Pa. Dept. of Highway Specifications.” American Asphalt Paving Qo. 696-1114 Plant and Quarry Chase + This Emblem Identifies Your, Welcome Wagon Sponsors £33 Firms of prestige tn the business’ and civic lite of your community. in the Memorial Day weekend. Irvin and - Gracie Barber, Falls Church West Virginia, Mr. and Mrs. Jacque Buckley and daughter Janice, Nox- en, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Polachick - not to mention “drop-in visitors” made quite a gathering, wouldn't you say Tll bet Pearl didn’t know if she was coming or going—but it’s wonderful to know you made a home where’ folks love to come. There will be an all-day -quilting | at East Dallas Church, ‘with WSCS meeting this afternoon. Warren and Marilla Stanton and son, Earl, left Sunday for West | Chester, where they visited Mr. and | Mrs. Jay Bloomer and daughter. The Stantons were on a business trip to General Electric in Phila. and so combined business with pledsure, returning to East Dallas Monday night. Children’s Day was observed in East Dallas Church, Sunday, with a packed congregation. The child- ren really outdid themselves under direction of (Beatrice Ockenhouse, Lorraine Moore, Robert Moore, Mary Gobel, and Myra Carlin, pianist. "Birthday Gathering Sunday May 31, was a “Happy Birthday” cook-out at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Dickson, on the Martz Estate. Bob Spudis, Car- olyn’s husband, was the 25th. Aunt Lizzie Cramer, Kingston and Leslie Dickson's 26th, Carolyn Spudis 29th. Others who enjoyed the party were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Schmidle, children Nancy Lee and Tommy Al- len, Mr. and Mrs. Drew (Bertha) Daniels son Freddie, Ernest Supul- ski, Carolyn and Bob Spudis, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Dickson and Beverly. 7 Birthday greetings for this week are for twins Jimmy and Judy Martin, Wiley Moore, William Bar- an, Jim Salantz, Russell Eyet, Irene Berg, Linda Neyhard, Pauline Ma- gee, Barbara Lasher, Sherry Ann Hobbs. Anniversary congratulations to Glen and Virgina Howell. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Cadwala- der have announced the coming marriage of their daughter, Mima Marvilla, to Donald Melonovitch, son of Mrs. Gus Melonovitch, Plains, which will take place in East Dallas Methodist Church June 27, at 1 p.m. “Father and Son Banquet” is planned at East Dallas Methodist Church, June 27 at 6 o‘clock. Res- ervations must be in by June 22. Plans are going ahead for the fair at the church grounds, June 20, from noon on. There will be pony rides for the kiddies, games for all, new goods booth, rummage and odds and ends booth, baked goods booth, refreshments and a lot of good old fashioned get-to- gether with friends you haven't seen for a while and also meet a lot of new folks. «Anyone wishing -to- donate rum- mage or new articles, contact Myra Carlin, 674-2391. Boys Club of Orange met Fri- day evening and played baseball, with teams divided among them- selves. Billy ‘Smith and Bobby Cy- phers teams split a double header. Brian Duffy and Doug Dymond were winning pitchers. John Oliver and Bobby Cyphers each had five hits: Bill Smith had ‘a home run. The club has three more weeks to go on their raffle. - Daily Vacation Bible School will be held in East Dallas Church, June 22 though June 26, nursery and intermediate. Idetown- Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Boice spent the’ weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Boice in Harrisburg, where they attended the wedding of Don- na Meyers and Rusty Shraurer on Saturday. * Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Sionsed with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Teak, Delaware, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Miller, Larksville, spent the weekend with Mrs. Pearl’ Connor. While here Mrs. Simoson observed her 52nd birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stehman, i Lancaster, spent the weekend with | Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Williams. “The Confidence class met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wil- liams on Tuesday night, assisting hostess was Mrs. Claire McKenna. Mrs. Hope Ide led devotions and presided at the business session. The devotions were continued by watching the telecast of the San Diego Crusade which was enjoyed by all.’ Present were Mrs. Lewis Anesi, Mrs. Roswell Frederici, Mrs. Ralph Welsh, Mrs! Herbert Ward, Mrs. George May, Mrs. Merrel Burnett, Mrs. Mary Rogers, Mrs. Alfred Had- sel, Mrs. Hope Ide, Mrs. Calkins, Mrs. Donald Fell, Mildred Gelsleichter, Bess Mrs. Claire, McKenna and Mrs. Bruce Williams. Next meeting will be in the form of a covered dish picnic on Williams Dock, Tuesday, July 7. Mrs. Top Salesman CHARLES GORDUN James B. Darling, District Sales Manager for Western ' Luzerne County, wishes to announce that Charles Gordon, Agent for Nation- wide Insurance Companies, was honored for life insurance sales dur- ing: the month of April by being top producer among 800 agents of Eastern Pennsylvania. Charles has been an agent with his father at 3 E. Franklin Street, Shavertown, for the past two years. He resides at Pikes Creek. Receives Degree Carol: L. Cutting, daughter of D. S.. ‘Cutting, R.."D..+2, Dallas; ‘was awarded the bachelor of arts de- gree from Lycoming College, Wil-| liamsport, Pennsylvania, at the Col- lege’s 116th Commencement to be held Sunday, June 7, 1964. Dr. D. Frederick Westz, president of the College, will confer degrees upon 223 seniors, the largest graduating class in the history of the insti- tution. Kenneth Cooke, THE DALLAS POST, THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1964 Noxen Company held their monthly meet- ing at the fire hall on Monday June 1 ‘with the following present: Mesdames, Melvin Hopfer, Fred Schenck, Clara Hopfer, Stella | Shook, Ira Beahm, Elsworth Field, | Jacob Miner, William Hollos, Clark Oliver, Willard Bender, G. H. Rauch, Dorothy French, Harold | Guy Fritz, Joseph Nalbone, Oscar Fish, Elwood Patton, Ralph Lutes. Mrs. Ralph Lutes was re-elected as president. Mrs. Joseph Nal- bone as secretary and Mrs. Guy Fritz as treasurer, Mrs. Calvin Strohl as vice president, a second vice president, Mrs. Oscar Fish, was elected. We had two guests, Miss Dianne Myers and her mother Mrs. Richard Myers, Dallas. Dianne showed some very interefting slides of a recent trip to Europe with a group of Eastern Star members, from various places. Also many slides of the Worlds’ Fair. : Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Traver, Endicott, recently visited Mr. and Mrs. Voyle Traver. ‘Mrs. Fred Schenck and Mrs. Ray Gunton = recently visited relatives at’ Drums. Mrs. E. J. Turrell returned from her winter home at Fort Lauder- dale, Fla. and will spend the sum- mer at her home in Noxen. A freak accident occurred while Robert May was building a cesspool | at his home. He was being assisted “Squig” Bean and | by his neighbor, Squig dropped a rock on Robs big toe and broke it in four places. He is being treated at Noxen Clinic. Methodist men of Noxen will hold a ham and egg supper in the church basement ‘on June 20 at 5:30 p.m. Tommy Edwards, who has been a patient in Veterans’ Hospital, hag returned to his home here. W.S.CS. of Noxen Methodist Church met in the social rooms on Thursday evening. Present were: Patton, Oscar Patton, Ray Gunton, Herbert Ray, Earl Johnson, Violet | Gary, Fred Schenck, Francis Sche- nck, William Butler, Albert Jones, William MacMillan, Charles Patton, Jacob Miner, Elsworth Field, Mel- vin Hopfer, Richard Traver, Clara Hopfer, Warren Montross, Spencer Holmgren. Hostesses were Butler and Mrs. Oscar Patton. already has spent some time there. Mr. and Mrs. Robert May enter- | tained at a children’s barbecue and supper at their home on Wednes- day evening. Present: Ora PBcan and grandson Mike Bean. Mrs. Ira Beahm, Raymond Kelly, Elvin Bean, William May. Peggy Coole, N. Plainfield, N. J. spent the weekend at the home of | her parents, Mr. and, Mrs. Fred | Coole. Mrs. Isaac Swire and Mrs. Thomas Swire motored to Cana- densis, and returned Miss Kathy Ann Christian to her home there, after spending a week with Mrs. Thomas [Swire and her family. Mrs. Oscar Fish, Mrs. Joseph Dotter, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Ben- der, Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler Hess. attended the Republican dinner at the “Windmill”, Dark Hollow, on Friday evening. Charles Mead, Douglas and Jef- frey, Pougheepsie, N. Y., spent Fri- day night, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Leibenguth. Ladies Auxiliary of Noxen Fire Bennett, Joseph Dotter, Loren Case, | Mesdames Franklin Patton, Elwood | Mrs. | Mike Bean, son of Mr. and Mrs. | Elvin Bean, left for Viet Nam. He Mr. and Mrs. David Brobst, Lynn, Pa., visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Brobst, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schenck visited Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Cahill, West Pittston, on Saturday.’ George Rauch and sons Fred and E George, Lewiston, Idaho, are spend- ing some time with his mother Mrs. G. H. Rauch. Guests at the home of Mrs. Lawrence Race are her sister Mrs. Charles Murphy, La Crescenta, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Cargill and Candice, William Race, Bing- hamton. Mrs. Emma Hough and daughter Ruth, Almedia, spent the weekend with Stella Shook. Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Kaminstein and family, Flushing, N. ¥Y., spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bean returned home with them. Mrs. Elvin Bean spent a week re- cently at the home of her daughter Mrs. Joseph Kerns, Linden, N. J. James Casterline, Buffalo, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. family. June 3. The meeting was called to |: order at 8 p.m. by Spencer Holm- gren, Final plans for the ham and egg supper on June 20 were made. Lunch was served to the following: | mer Lyons, Spencer Holmgren, Sr., Spencer Holmgren, Jr., Jacob Min- er, Harold Hackling, Charles Wom. | er, Reverend Fred Eister, Franc Thompson, John Lyons, Franc Schenck, Fred Schenck, Elwoor Patton, Harold Bennett, Oscar Fisk William McKenna, Elmer Dymond William Bates, Raymond Gunto and William Lyons. Visitors at the Frank Turners o- Sunday were: Russell Turner, Mr | and Mrs. Robert Turner, Tunkhan- nock, Dr. and Mrs. F. Budd, Schooleyv. Dallas. | Mr. and Mrs. Loren Case visited Mr. and Mrs. Alva Case, Sweet Valley, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Inman, | Kingston, Case. | Mr. and Mrs. Guy Fritz visited at : the home ef Mr. and Mrs. George | Steltz, Sweet Valley, on Sunday. | Dr. and Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Crispell, Wisconsin are yisiting Mr. and Mrs." | Earl Crispell. The Bloodmobile will be at the. Methodist Church Monday, June 15 from 2:45 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. Elect Trustees And Delegates William Zeek. ed delegate to the ‘annual confer- ence to be held in Dallas in July, Reelected as Sunday School Su- perintendent was Mrs. Frank Math- city for the past five years: For Christ, was asked to fill the vacation on his father's farm. WHY INSTALL HOUSE HEATING IN JUNE? There's no better time than Summer to arrange for Winter- time heating comfort. The installation of gas house heating equipment usually takes less than a day and when it's done now, theres no inconvenience due to loss of house heat. Best of dll, installation costs are low. Plan now for next Winter - install automatic gas heat! PENNSYLVANIA GAS and WATER Company TER 2 eggs well beaten Elvin Bean. Mrs. Ora | Osmand Casterline fy Methodist men’ of Noxen met on | Osbert Patton, Franklin Patton, El- |° tand ‘Mrs, "lanta, Ga., on Monday. Borough High School, class of 1946; : “school for five years at Fort Meade, ‘aged six. spent Sunday afternoon § at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Loren | Earl Crispell, San Francisco |’ Elected as trustees at the An- | nual Meeting of Park Neighborhood | Free Methodist Church June 3 were | Frank Mathers, Juan Pizarro, ‘and {i Mrs. Wesley Cooper was desighat: ! Prize Recipe Mrs. William Moss, Trucksville, has an unusual recipe which she is willing’ to share with readers of The Dallas, Post. Tt ‘sounds completely improbable, but it is perfectly delicious. And in spite of the notation that it is sup- posed to be eaten hot, smothered with pudding sauce, it tastes mar- velous sliced thin and eaten cold, like Boston brown bread. And it keeps practically forever, wrapped in aluminum foil and placed in the deep-freeze, all ready | pE— to be brought out and heated, or just sliced and eaten. Carrot Pudding 1 cup grated carrots 2 1 cup grated potato one-half cup shortening 1 cup sugar 1 cup flour 1 tsp. baking soda; one-half tsp salt; 1 tsp cinnamon and 1 tsp cloves sifted into the flour. 1 tsp vanilla 1 cup raisins 1, cup ‘currants’ 1 pi 5oup mixed candied ' fruits, op- i tional: Steam three hours. Good £oy sauce. David Shaver : Now Pastor : Rev. David H Shaver, son of Mr. Milford ‘Shaver, 15 E.: “Center Hill Road,” Dallas, received his degree from Candlor School of Theology, Emory = University, At- with Rev. Shaver. a graduate of Dallas ‘is also’ a graduate of Florida South- l‘ern. College, Lakeland, and taught Fla. “IA member of the Florida Motho- dist Conference, he will shortly be assigned ‘a charge. He is married to the former Jean Meade, Dallas, and has a son, Mark, Tirst Child Is Born | SECTION B — PAGE 5 READ THE TRADING POST Mr. and Mrss. Frank Roginski, 39 Carverton Road, Trucksville, an- | nounce the birth of their first child, Rita Joan, born May 22 at Nesbitt | Hospital. TE | Rarely does a person live beyond | 108 or 110 years, though such cases | GLEN ALDEN are reported. | ON Did You head The Trading Post 24-HOUR SERVICE BACK MT. LUMBER & COAL WNGAS Company FOR BETTER SRS 674-1441 DELANEY SS GG Sh NII IIIT 674-4781 GAS SERVICE, Inc. Memorial Highway Dallas FORTY-FORT THEATRE Thursday - Friday - Saturday 7 and 9 SCREENED TO? SOIL Crushed Stone Red Shale for ® Driveways ® Parking Areas ® Drainfields Jos. Yatsko EXCAVATING 675-1276 Plant & Quarry - Lehman Tony Randall, Burl Ives Barbara Eden “The Brass Bottle” Sunday - Monday - Tuesday 7 and 9 Nancy Kwan “Tamahime” Sunday (Continuous 3 - 11) Sunday Matinee Once only at 3 éLassie’s Great Adventure” SANDY BEACH Friday, Saturday and ‘Sunday SELENA PRODUCTIONS JL PROUITONS oc ia BISFIANCASTER | Friday and Sunday starting at with Mrs. Jennie Sweezy alternate. |! ers, who has served ‘in that capa- : Paul Lienthall, director of Youth . pulpit for morning and evening ser-iii vices last Sunday, while the pas-} tor took a much needed ‘week of ‘Dusk: — Seturday 10:15 : AND The Young ‘Swingers “rc Isa "Hootenanny 1211 — Lauren '— Molly Bee Gene McDaniels — Jack Larson "The Sherwood Singers . Friday and Sunday — 10:30 "Saturday Starting at Dusk- FATHER'S DAY iS JURE 28 White Dress and Sport SHIRTS (half sleeve) Walking SHORTS SWIM TRUKRKS SOCKS 59¢ - $1.00 HUSH PUPPIES | BELTS - HANKIES - UNDERWEAR JOE'S MEN'S SHOP $2.99-85.00 $2.99-84.95 $1.99 up TIES $1.00 up $9.95 37 Main Street, Dallas | Ask for your Free Heating Survey! Phone your Heating Contractor or Plumber now! THE LARGEST PUBLIC UTILITY WITH HEADQUARTERS IN NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA