The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, May 14, 1964, Image 8

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Architect's Conception Of The Proposed Trinity Presbyterian Edifice |
Benefit Dinner
Grandma Jewell Dies
; Fol ;
7 ; \ Peacefully In Sleep A Roast Beef Dinner will be held a
ews e UU C 1s : | Th hild p b Beet in. Muhlenberg Methodist Church ki!
Sn : ; e children on Parrish Stree :
: Ly La a i called her’ #Grandma’. Grandma Dining Room for the benefit of
DALLAS METHODIST ST. THERESE’S NOXEN INDEPENDENT BIBLE : § Jewell. They visited her during | Benscoter ‘Cemetery = Association,
Rev. Russell Lawry Rev. John P. Walsh, Pastor CHURCH > | her lingering illness, and inquired | Saturday, May 16 at 5 p.m.
Sunday: Divine Worship, 8:30 and iev. Francis T. Brennan, Assistant Pastor, Warren Hathaway about her on those days when she r= {
ungay: pve SLID, 8! Sunday Masses: 7:30; 8:45 .and Sunday ‘Services - S.S. at 10, was not up to having company. ;
11:00. = 0:45 y ? worship at 11 a.m. Mrs. Anne Pugh Jewell, 82, died
Sunday School, 9:45. : as Young People, 6:30; evening wor- | in her sleep early Tuesday morning.
Senior MYF at 6:30; Intermedi- GATE OF HEAVEN ship 7:30 Mothers Day had been a: happy
ate MYF at 6:30. R Francis A. Kane, Pastor Midweek serivce Wednesday at time for her, with a visit from her
Tuesday: Girl Scout Troop 639 BY. rancis py ? 7:45 son Robert and his wife, and three
at 4. Assistants: Rev. Richard J, Frank | — year old greatgrandson Edward.
Commission on Education at 7:30. Rev: Michael Rafferty HUNTSVILLE METHODIST And on Monday, she had talked on
Wednesday: Wyoming Annual| .Sunday Masses, 7:30, 9 and 11 CHURCH the telephone to relatives in Kings- |
Conference begins in First Meth- Religious Inspuelion i jose Rev. Robert L. Jones, Pastor ton.
odist Church, Wilkes-Barre. 10t attending parochial schools w. ; Since 1937, when her husband
Chancel oir rehearsal at 6:30; | oe given Sundays at Gate of Heaven ay i Morning Wor John died, she had made her home
Senior Choir rehearsal at 8:00. after the 9 o'clock Mass; at Our > day School 11:10 with her son and his wife, Mr. and | ) J
i Girl Scouts Troop 652 at 7; Cub | Lady of Victory, after the 9:30 Mpcey Boson eb am. Mrs. Joseph Jewell. » fo)
; Youth Fellowship 7 p.m. " (et
Scout at 7:30. |, Mass. Ll Born in as euslte a
A Thursday: Conference WSCS in ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN of the late Joseph an ary Ann [at
; Central Methodist Church, Wilkes- OUR LADY OF VICTORY Rev. Frederic H. Eidam, Pastor Pugh, she was educated in Edwards-
Barre. Sunday Masses at 7:30 and 9:30. Sunday - Sudey School at 9:30 ville and Nanticoke schools. hel |
‘Boy Scout Troop 281 at 7. S1 YRANCES. OF CABRING am el ee Dron | ji .
— . . : : i ; . erian urch. She was one of
SHAVERTOWN METHODIST Rev. Stanley Kolucki ; Morning worship with The Ser- eleven children, eight of whom died | Pp r escrip tion
Rev. Robert D. Yost, Pastor Sunday Masses at 7, 9 and 11 a.m. | Vice, at 11. in infancy or early childhood. | ma he “Greek i”.
day: 9: hurch School Ta Thursday - Chapel Choir at 6:30] She leaves in addition to her son | y
i o i = sd choo OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL | p.m.; Senior Choir at 7:30 p.m. Joseph, another: sen Jesse. Wil- | £
P00 or Fini Church Rev. Frank A. Barlik Friday - Children’s Choir at 4:15 ; liamsport. There are two grand- | 0 y 0d... {
for pre-school children. L er a Dam 8 oe HY) This is the Presbyterian church [ity United Presbyterian Church was tects. In August 1963, the commit- Di 5 Tn Gi but to your Rexall druggist the
11:00 — Morning Worship Serv- iy Suey . CHURCH OF CHRIST which will rise on a high hill over- | organized with 123 charter mem- | tee recommended to the session grandchildren; and a number of | Latin symbols have an exact
ice — Installation of WSCS Officers at St Martha's Mass at 11 SWEET VALLEY looking Dallas, a beautiful location | bers and Rev. Pillarella installed as! the firm of Allan, Rodda and Hauck nieces and nephews. technical ‘meaning. His years of
and Pentecost Sunday. , " 3 . William Hughes, Minister decided upon when the congrega- | pastor. for approval. ‘In all of the discus- S ib ducted Frid | skill qualify him to read and fill
11:30 — Junior Church in Chapel FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH : : h tion was formed in April of 1961. Since its organization the church | sions and planning the basic ap- Cd wi [oe oo acts Po ay your Doctor's Prescription to the
Room. / : Sweet Valley Sunday Se Tyicos: Bible School A petition signed by 150 residents | hag been growing steadily, meeting | proach has been to give to the con- morpme of a ® L Se | letter, with fresh, potent ingredi-
6:30 — MYF Meeting in Chapel 3 10 a.m.; morning worship and com- Ie Monntaie wv re. oranily at the Dallas. Junior 3 A 1d. Funeral Home, Rev. Russe awry ’
g Pp Rev. B. Kirby Jones 3 11 of the Bac ountain was Pp temp: y t Ss gregation and community a build officiating. Burial will be in Forty. | ents. You can depend on your
Room. ; Lah : Schos] munion a 3 : sented to the Presbytery of Lacka- | High School. ing designed to fulfill present and Fort Corvier Friends may oll | Rexall druggist just the same as
Monday: 4:00 — Brownjes, Troop | Sunday ‘Services: Sunday Schoo 7:30 Evening worship. wanna, asking for the organization | In April, 1963, a Building Com-| projected future needs. Te apt y Tis a : hi ou can dépend on any drug prod-
629; 4:00 Girl Scouts, Troop 633. |8&t 10; morning worship at 11. 6 p.m. Christian Endeavor. of a 2 Presbyterian Church in Dallas, | mittee was appointed by the Ses- On ‘Sunday, April 19th, a special Ps " on [2 Sol ais ove y ve t Wk the name Rexall EE
7:45 — 75th Anniversary Com- 7:30 bBrening Worship. d 8:30 Senior Choir rehearsal. and a committee was appointed by | sion of the Church: Mr. Bradford meeting of the congregation was nin 2,4 ° Le | gt ine : | |
mittee Meeting in Capel Room. Fellowship groups Sunday at Tuesday: prayer meeting and Bible Presbytery to visit the area. Alden, chairman; Mrs. William | held to receive and approve recom- | and on Sunday, the climax of the, ol / a
Tuesday: 4:00 — Brownies, Troop 6:30. ; . I ._ | study, 7:30. The committee unanimously | Cooper, Sr. Mr. George Davis, Dr.| mendations of the Building Commit- | trip came when they worshiped in | i
626; 4:00 Girl Scouts, Troop 632; |, lLhursday at 7:30, midweek serv- Third Fridays, 8 P. M. Christian | agreed to organize a church, and | Robert Bodycomb and Mr. Clifford | tee presented by Mr. Alden. the National Cathedral.
7:30 Boy Scouts, Troop 231. Ice: Comrades. ! the first service was held Septem- | Troup. Mr. Lester Hauck architect, by Taking the trip were Rev. and | !
Wednesday: 10:00 — Wyoming CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF — ber 24th, 1961, with the Rev. Dr. Rev. Pillarella pastor, Rev. Robert | means of slides, elevation drawings | Mrs. John Prater, Mrs. James 4% 1]
Annual Conference begins at First LATTER-DAY SAINTS (Mo: ) OUTLET Peter K. Emmons officiating. Smyrl, Presbytery Executive, Rev. and a colored rendering presented Haines, Mrs. Russell Parsons, Ron- : $5 J 4
Methodist Church, Wilkes-Barre. 145 Lehigh Street FREE METHODIST CHURCH From November through March, | Douglas Vance, Synod Executive, the plans as recommended by the | ald Grant, Gloria Jean Grant, Carol E V A N S wey,
3:30. Girl Scouts, Troop 631. g Rev. Emery D. Stokes — Pastor the Rev. Robert Smyrl, Presbytery | and Elder Harry Hickman, a mem- Building Committee. The plans were | Meyers, Cheryl Parsons, Sherrill | |
{ Thursday: 9:30 — WSCS Day of Sunday: Sunday School 10 A.M. Sunday Survices: Sunday | School Executive of Lackawanna Presby- | ber of the Strategy Committee of unanimously accepted and the | Owens, Sheryl Stanley, Susan | DRUG STORE i
Conference at Central Methodist | Sacrament Service 11 AM. ab 10 az. Wordle at 11 2mm tery conducted services. Lackawanna Presbytery sat in with | architect authorized to begin work- Cheney, June Hayes, David Lacy, | |
Church. Tuesday: Young Men’s and Young a ne ip aa a In March 1962, the Rev. Andrew | the committee at many of their| ing drawings as specified. David Elston, Jim Haines, Ted | SHAVERTOWN
4:00 Junior Choir Rehearsal: 6:45 Women's Mutual Improvement As- 145 vi 4 Prog Pp Pillarella ‘was sent by the Presby- | meetings offering advice and guid- A ground breaking ceremony will Wright, Joe Doran, and Sandy
Youth Choir; 7:30 Senior Chol and sociation. Chapel, 7:30 P.M. Ages Pp Pi Tire dnesd tery of Lackawanna to be the or-| ance. take place Sunday afternoon June | Smith.
253 Wednesday at 7:30 in the chapel, rayer Meeting: Wednesday at
ALDERSON: Sunday services:
Rev. Fred Eister
10 a.m. Morning Worship 11:15;
MYF 5 p.m.
KUNKLE: Sunday services: S. S. at
, 10 am. Evening Worship, 7:30 MYF
at 5 p.m.
NOXEN: Sunday services: S. S. at
11. Morning Worship at 10. MYF at
- RUGGLES: Sunday services: morn-
ing worshipat 8:45. S. S. at 9:45.
MYF at 5:30.
Rev. Norman Tiffany, Pastor
JACKSON - Worship Service 8:45
a.m. Sunday chool 9:45 a.m.
IDETOWN - Worship Service 10
a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m.
LEHMAN - Worship Service 11:15
am. Sunday School 10 a.m. M.Y.F.
6 p.m.
Thursday, Lehman Sr. Choir, 7:30
Thursday — Lehman - Sr. Choir
7:30 p.m.
Jackson — WSCS, 7:30 p-m.
Friday Lehman - Mother-
Daughter Tea, 7:30 p.m.
Saturday — Idetown - Choirs—
Jr. 11 am. Sr. 7 p.m.
Couples Club, 8 p.m.
Tuesday — Lehman - Men’s Bible
Class, 8 p.m.
Wednesday — T.ehman - Little
Notes, 3:45 p.m.
! Junior Choir, 6:30 p.m.
Children’s Day rehearsal, 7 p.m.
Rev. Robert E. Germond
Sunday, May 17th, 9:30 and 11:00
am. Worship Services. The Pas-
tor will speak on “Needed, 5 Sense
of Mission.”
9:30 a.m. Church School. Classes
for all ages.
3:00 p.m. District Youth Choir
6:00 p.m. Junior High Fellow-
6:30 p.m. Senior High MYF.
Monday: 6:00 p.m. Girl Scout
7:00 p.m. Appreciation Night for
Bishop Corson at Elm Park Church,
7:30 p.m. Children’s
Workers’ ‘Conference.
~ Tuesday: 9:00 a.m. Quilters.
3:30 p.m. Girl Scouts.
7:00 p.m. Explorer Post.
8:00 p.m. Friendship Class.
Wednesday: 1000 :a.m. = Wyo-
ming Annual Conference begins.
4:30 p.m. Wesleyan Boys’ Choir;
5:15 p.m. Wesleyan Girls’ Choir.
7:00 p.m. Boy Scouts.
8:00 p.m. Chancel Choir.
Thursday: 7:00 p.m. Rainbow
Girls Public Installation.
Friday: 3:45 p.m. Aldersgate
Sunday, May 24, 9:30 a.m., Chil-
dren’s Day Program.
Rev. Grove Armstrong, Pastor
Sunday - Sunday School 9:30
am. Morning Worship 10:30 a.m.
Rev. John S. Prater
Thursday, 4:15 p.m.
Choir rehearsal.
Sunday, 7:45 a.m. — Men’s Corp-
orate Communion and Breakfast.
9:30 a.m.—Family Service and
Church School.
11 a.m. — Holy Communion.
6 pm. Episcopal Young
Tuesday, 8 p.m. Episcopal
Churchwomen meet in parish house.
Wednesday, 8 pm. — Senior
Choir rehearsal.
| Praise Service 7:30 p.m.
Primary Association Ages 4 = 11,
7:00 P. M.
Rev. Andrew Pillarella, Pastor
Choir rehearsal at the home of
the Pastor at 8:30 p.m. on Thurs-
Sunday 9:45 Church School.
11:00 Morning Worship with
church hour nursery.
4:00 Youth Fellowship.
7:00 Young Adults.
This Sunday at 11, new members
will be received. Also members of
the communicants class will be re-
ceived into fellowship, following
Rev. Morgan Richard Bevan
Thursday - Midweek Prayer Meet-
ing and Bible Study, Rev. Bevan
Sunday - Morning Worship and
Communion 9:30; Church School
10:30; Christian Youth Fellowship
Harveys Lake
Rev. and Mrs. George Clement,
Sunday services: S.S. at 10 a.m.,
morning worship at 11; 6:30 Young
People; 7:45, Evangelistic service.
Wednesday, 7:30, Bible study
and prayer.
Elder Roger H. Clausen
Saturday services: Sabbath School,
3:30; church services at 11 a. m.
Rev. James Randle, Pastor
Sunday services: S.8 10 a. m;
Jdorning worship at 11; Youth
Service 7 p.m.; evening <vangel
istic service 7:30.
Wednesday 7:30 pm. Prayer
Rev. Andrew Derrick, Pastor
Morning Worship at 9:45 a.m.
Sunday School at 11 a.m.
Evening Services and Christian
Endeavor at 7 p.m.
Wednesday, Prayer
Study at 7:30 p.m.
and Bible
Rev. L. E. Peterson, Pastor
Sunday Services: Sunday School
at 10; morning worship at 11.
Monday: 6:30 Young People.
7:30 Choir Practice.
Thursday: 7:30 Prayer and Bible
This Sunday evening at 7:30, a
choir from Ousterhout will sing.
Rev. Wesley Kimm, Pastor
Sunday services:
Sunday School 10. a.m.
The Service at 11 a.m.
First Tuesdays, Sunday School
Second Tuesday, Council.
Second Wednesday, Ladies
Rev. R. W. Edmondson, Pastor
Sunday - Sunday School 10:00
a.m.; Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.;
Evening Evangelistic Service 7:30
p.m. }
Tuesday - Back Mountain Evtn-
ing Bible School 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday ~ Ladies Prayer Meet-
ing 1:30 p.m.; Pioneer Girls 7:00
Thursday - Mid-week Prayer and |
7:45 p.m,
Special Sotalors this Sunday in
the absence of the pastor; Lamar
Dinger for A.M. Service and Homer
Major for the P.M. Service.
Monday, May 18th. WMS Work
Meeting and Men’s Fellowship at
7:45 p.m.
Learn to swim lessons, for Back
| Mountain YMCA Youth members
only, will begin Friday, May 15. A
series of four lessons will be given
at the Central YMCA-6:00-6:45 p.m.
for boys and 6:45-7:30 p.m. for
Registrations will be received at
the "Back Mountain YMCA, until
Thursday, May 14. Small charge
for bus transportation.
George M. Jacobs was recently
elected chairman of the Back Moun-
tain Branch YMCA Board of Man-
Mr. Jacobs, an active member of
the Back Mountain YMCA for many
years, served as chairman of the
1964 Annual Meeting Committee.
Mr. Jacobs, a long time resident
of the Back Mountain area, has al-
ways contributed very generously of
his time in the work of the Back
Mountain YMCA. His term of of-
fice will be for a year.
Mr. Jacobs is a member of the
Dallas Rotary and of the Shaver-
town Methodist Church.
Requiem Mass For
Native Of Poland
Michael Sikora, native of Poland,
and resident of Hunlock Creek RD.
was buried in Qur Lady of Mt.
Carmel cemetery last Wednesday,
following service from the Bronson
Funeral Home, and a Mass of Re-
quiem from the church at Lake
Silkworth. He had been ill for a
year before his death.
Son of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Ignatz Sikora, he came to this
country in 1904 as a young man
of 17. He lived in Plymouth before
moving to a farm in Muhlenburg
in 1920. He belonged to Our Lady
of Mt. Carmel Church and the Po-
lish © National Alliance.
He is survived by his widow, the
former Julia Ziemba; six children:
John and Joseph, Muhlenburg;
Stanley and Edward, Buffalo, N. Y.;
Benjamin, New London; Mrs. Gene-
vieve Cmiech, Buffalo; sisters: Mrs.
John Bronk, Avoca, N. Y., and Mrs.
Caroline Biermanoski, Paramus, N.J.
Glenview P.M. Church
Missionary Society
The Missionary Society of Glen-
view P.M. Church met Thursday at
the home of Mrs. John Fluck, Har-
vey’s Lake.
Letters were read from the Dessie
Scott's Children’s Home and the
Juanita Coe (Children’s home where
used clothing is sent periodically.
The group will meet soon to tie a
couple of suilts to be sent where
Refreshments were served to
Mesdames Andrew Derrick, Sam
Higgins, George Shaver, Jr., Henry
Randall, Corey Crispell, Leona Bel-
les, Florence Rolison, Marguerite
Bogert, Roy Moss, Miss Verna La-
moreaux, and the hostess.
The next meeting will be on June
4 at the home of Mrs..Sam Higgins,
East Dallas.
A Later Communion
Due to the large number absent
from illness, another First Com- |
munion will be held at St. Therese's |
| Church, Shavertown, on May 31.
ganizing minister.
In the Dallas Junior High School
gymnasium June 10th, 1962, Trin-
Mormon Elders
Shift Positions
In accordance with established
custom of the Church of Latter Day
Saints, the Elders serving this com-
munity are shifted to other fields
every few months.
Elder Paul Remund, from Mid-
way, Utah, now replaces Elder
Riggs, who has been transferred
to New York State.
Elder James C. Dowd, of the Los
Angeles area, will have finished his
mission work in June, and in the
fall will return to Brigham Young
University where he plans to con-
tinue with his pre-medical educa-
tion. He expects to be a pedia-
Elder Remund, who entered the
mission field before completing his
freshman year at Utah State Uni-
versity, has spent five and a half
months at Cornwall, and six and
a half at Fulton, N. Y. Upon finish-
ing his required two years of labor
as a missionary, he expects to com-
plete his education, studying to be-
come a veterinary surgeon. Elder
Remund has been in this area for
a month.
Upon Elder Dowd’s retirement,
another Elder will be assigned to
work with Elder Remund.
Brickel Class Meets
| With Mrs. Brown
The Brickel Class met Thursday
night, at the home of Mrs. Louise
Brown, Lake Street. The newly
elected president, Mrs. Richard
Owens, presided. Mrs. Ralph Brown,
vice president led devotions.
Present were Mesdames Hannah
James, William Baker, Sr., Clara
Brenner, John Garbutt, B. B. Lewis,
Walter Boehme, Richard Owens
Fred Welsh, Ralph Brown, Florence
Greising, Joseph Jewell, Z. E. Gar-
inger, O. L. Harvey, Lorraine Stair,
Helen Rice, Miss Gertrude Wilson
and the hostess.
After visiting a number of new
church buildings the committee be-
gan its work of interviewing archi-
Compile Statistics
For Wyo. Conference
On Monday morning at Dallas
Methodist Church, fourteen statis-
ticians started work under Rev.
Russell Lawry's direction, compil-
ing information for the use of the
Wyoming « Conference which is
slated for the following week. Each
May, Rev. Lawry is responsible for
working up the statitistics neces-
sary for smooth running of the con-
Mrs. Nellie Mautz
Dies At Age Of 92
Mrs. Nellie L. Mautz, 92, and resi-
dent of Dallas for the past sixteen
years, was buried yesterday in
Harmonsburg cemetery. Rev. John
Larson, TLinesville, officiated at
committal services.
Mrs. Mautz, who made her home
with her niece, Mrs. Glenn Jacoby,
on Church Street, Dallas, died Sun-
day morning at the Carpenter Con-
valescent ‘Home, where she had
been a patient for some time.
‘A native of Pittsburgh, she was
daughter of the late John and
Emma Bryant. She lost her hus-
band George several years ago.
With the exception of her niece in
Dallas, and a nephew in Arizona,
she leaves no near relatives.
Arrangements were by Richard
Ann F owlor Christened
Ann Kingston Fowler, daughter
of Staff Sgt. and Mrs. Samuel Fow-
ler, Fairfax, Va., was christened
Sunday morning in Dallas Metho-
dist Church by Rev.. Russell Lawry.
A family dinner was held at the
home of the baby’s grandparents.
home of the baby’s grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kingston,
Present were Sgt. and Mrs. Fow-
ler, Sammy, Pamela, Jackie Sue and
Ann, Fairfax, Va.; Mr. and Mrs.
William Burnaford and Billy,
Havertown; and the Kingstons.
Mrs. Fowler and children accom-
3 Benefit of . .
Auctioneers: M. Bunnell,
This ad contributed by the DALLAS POST in memory of the late
Ad Woolbert—who like Howard Risley—worked so hard to launch
a benefit auction.
SATURDAY — MAY 16, 1964
The following items will be offered for sale at the
Coffee Mill, Pitcher and Bowl Set, Carnival Glass, Ironstone
China, Pattern Glass, Doll, Pewter, Oil Lamps, Chairs, Suitcases,
Baoks, Sheet Music, School Desk, Pictures and Frames, Bells,
Bisque Figures, Milk Glass, Large Cabbage Cutter, Coins, Wooden
Bowl. Other Antique and Modern Items too Numerous to Mention,
Including Furniture — Apparel — Etc.
Refreshments Available on Grounds
Auction Chairman — WESLEY HERRON
J. Tallman, W. Weaver
7th, on a seven acre plot adjacent
to the Dallas Junior High School,
Church Street, Dallas.
Episcopal Young Folks
Visit Washington, D. C.
This past weekend the Episcopal
Young Churchmen of Prince of
Peace, made a trip to Washington
On Saturday, they visited many
of the historic’ points of that city,
Mooretown Assembly
Of God Starts Drive | :
Mooretown Assembly of God will |
join over 8,000 churches through- |
out the nation in g special literature
campaign during the Pentecost
Crusade May 10-17.
The sermon title will be, “SPEAK-
is invited to this service at 7:30
Sunday evening.
Distribution of the ‘Pentecostal
Evangel” will be the major em-
phasis of the campaign. The special
edition of the national church mag-
azine will be distributed by the
youth of the church on Sunday
afternoon. Thé& campaign will be
climaxed with a special sermon to
be delivered by the Mooretown
church pastor, Rev. Lloyd Curry.
panied the Burnafords home, where i
they are spending a week. Mrs.
Fowler and Mrs. Burnaford
las. Sgt. Fowler left for home on
Fire - Flood - Hail -
Wind - Accident -
All Forms of Insurance
are §
They are the former Jac- |
queline and Mildred Kingston, Dal-
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