The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, May 07, 1964, Image 12

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Sr Rip
— \
Hillside Holstein
Makes Good Record
. .
Hillside Holsteins figure in the
recent release on lifetime milk and
butterfat achievements of the Na-
tional Holstein-Friesian Association.
Hillside Sally of Oz chalked up a
record of 111,585 pounds of milk
and 141 pounds of butterfat in
2,991 days of official testing.
Memorial Highway
The beautiful vases of flowers
at the Sunday Morning Worship
Service were in memory of Mrs.
Ida Brumfield given by Mr. and
Mrs. Herbert Ward. At this same
service were two rosebuds in hon-
or of Kimberly Kay, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Lannan born
April 3rd and Jon Clyde, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lamoreaux born |
on April 14.
Mrs. John Dobson and children,
Elmira, N. Y., spent last week with
her parents Mr. and Mrs. Corey
Couples Club Auction
The (Couples Club met in the
churchhouse on. Saturday night,
April 25 with Henry Bergstrasser
presiding. Rev. Norman Tiffany led
in prayer and Mrs. Bergstrasser
and Mrs. Sweitzer Sr., served re-
freshments. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn
Hadsel with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Ward were welcomed as new mem-
bers. Special guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Lewis.
Plans are ‘being - made for the
auction to be held on Saturday,
June 13th. Those having items
Buy Printed Napkins At The Post
Special 4 for 99.
® Cards
® Handmade Hankies
PECK’S Floral Shop
Meyer’s Lane, Kingston
pring I'urniture Show
was: put on by Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Bergstrasser, Mr. and Mrs.. Alfred
Swelgin, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ide,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sweitzer.
Present were Rev. Tiffany, Mr.
and Mrs. Willis ‘Ide, Mr. and Mrs.
Bruce Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Jos-
eph Neizgoda, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Bergstrasser, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
Swelgin, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ide,
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ward, Mr.
Lynn Hadsel, Mr. and Mrs. James
Barrall, Albert Sweitzer, Jr., Mr.
and Mrs. Robert
Happy Birthdays to — Mrs. Lee
Honeywell, Mrs. Neil Smith, - Mrs.
Al Rinken; Mrs. Albert Kanon, Jake
Casterline, Elizabeth Ann Shaver,
Lawrence Fritz, Mrs. Charles Cas-
terline, Mrs. John Race, Mrs. How-
ard Crosby, Ted Parrish, Mrs.
James Hodge, Mrs. Walter: Meade,
Sr., = Lewis Schultz, Mrs. John
Lynch, Jr., Mrs. Harold Dymond,
Leonard Mahle, Mrs. Robert Bon-
ning, Betty Goodman, Earl Meade.
Richard Lewis,
Bmetican Legion Gives
Four Flags To Area
. The American Legion will hold a
dinner meeting tomorrow at the
post home. Make reservations with
the Commander or Tom Reese be-
fore Friday. e
In the past week the American
Legion donated four flags to differ-
ent organizations in: the Back
Mountain ' area: St. Therese’s Cub
| Scouts, Lehman Brownie .Troop,
| Dallas Methodist Girls. Seouts; and
{a new flag and presentation at the
| dedication of the New Park Neigh-
! borhood Free Methodist Church
| Sunday, May 3. :
| be discussed for the coming
Memorial day parade.
Two of the candidates running
for District Commander will be
and Mrs. Richard Ide, Mr. and Mrs. |
and Mrs. Albert Sweitzer, Sr., Mr. |
[At the next meeting plans will
Phone 874-0316
Jackson Twp.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ashton
entertained in honor of their
daughter, Sandra's eleventh birth-
day on April 6, with the following
in attendance: Sandra Splitt, Joan
Klebon, Joanita Swartz, Nancy Ash-
ton, her cousin, her sister Donna,
| her brother Albert and her grand-
| mother, Mrs. Mary Ashton. [Sandra
| received several heautiful gifts and
, got to blow out the candles on .a
| beautifully decorated birthday cake.
Jackson Township Firemen are
busy distributing coin cards to fll
residents of the Township, with the
| quarters which will be picked up ‘at’
|2 later date by the firemen. The
money collected will be used for the
purchase of additional fire fighting
equipment. This undertaking is
worthy of your full support.
The residents of Chase are to be
complimented on the fine showing
they made in the recent Heart Fund
: Drive.
. A Committee from the 49 Class
| of Lehman High School, Leona Wal- |
ters, Elsie Wagner and Phil Sca-
bone, met with Mr. and Mrs. Albert
to be held tentatively on July 25 at
a place to be announced later.
Protective = Association met re-
cently at the Fire Hall, with Henry
‘presiding. Matters of
property owners
were discussed.
Jackson Township Fire Depart-
ment was called out last Sunday
of the township
shed on the Devans’ property on
Steeles’ Road at the top of the
Larksville Mountain. The shed was
‘practically destroyed by the time
the fire department arrived:
Missicnary Ladies
Ladies of the Shavertown Bible
Church held their monthly Mission-
ary meeting April 27 at the home
of Mrs. Donald Easton, Oak Hill.
Brace; Samuel Keast, J. R. Mobre, |
Oscar Culp, Ernest Bell, Mabel Bell, |
Dayton Garnett, Ira Button, Russell |
request that slots be filled with |
Ashton to plan for a Class Reunion, |
i Jackson Township Home Owners |
Temporary Chairman, |
interest to |
night to help extinguish a fire in'a
The speaker was Mrs. Russell
Present were Mesdames James
Harveys Lake
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Harlos of West
Chester recently visited Mr. and
Mrs. Raymond Garinger and Lina
Garinger. Mr. and Mrs. Harlos
are formér Kingston residents, ‘and
came up for the recent dedica-
tion of the new Dorranceton Metho-
dist. ‘Church. :
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Higgins
visited Mrs. Higgins’ parents, Mr.
and Mrs. O. F. Miner at Tunlhan-
nock last week.
Gleaners Class of the Alderson
Church gave a birthday surprise
party to Mrs. Harry Allen re-
| cently. She was presented with
‘a gift and games were played.
| Present were: Eleanor Humphrey,
| Mesdames Theodore Heness. Amos
. Hunsinger, Fred BEister, Howard
| Higgins, Arthur Wagner, Iris Armi-
| tage, Helen Hartman, Fred Swan-
| son and Mr. and Mrs. Allen
| Mrs. Raymond Garinger and Mrs.
Gilbert Carpenter attended Womans
Night at Dorranceton Church., Mrs.
Garinger and Mrs. John Hudson at-
tended the * Spring Meeting
, Dallas Methodist Church.
Alderson WSCS met recently at
the home of Mrs. Warren John-
som. y
| [For the worship service, slides
on the Passion Play at Obe fm-
mergan were shown by Mrs. Ray-
mond Garinger.
The lesson on ‘Recruitment’ was
very well presented by Mrs. Theo-
dore Henness.
Mary Ann Johnson gave a very
interesting report on her experi-
ences with the Wilkes-Barre Dis-
trict M.Y.F. Easter tour to New
York City. Highlights of the trip
were — gq visit to the Church of all
nations, the United Nations Build-
ing, and the Easter Show at Rocke-
feller Center. ;
Twelve members were present.
{ W.S.CS. of Alderson Methodist
Church will entertain the choir and
| M.Y.F. Monday evening at 8 p.m.
“Mrs. Theodore Heness will lead de-
votions,” Mrs. Raymond Garinger
, will be in charge of the program.
Pearl Averett of Shavertown will
be speaker. Mrs. Gilbert Carpenter
and: Mrs. Albert Armitage are co-
chairmen of refreshments.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Yellilonis,
Wilkes-Barre District W.S.C.S. a rows and Bear Badge; John Kollar,
Edmondson, Mildred Rusmisel, Don-
ald Easton, Joseph Burczyk, Misses
Marybeth Keast, Florence Garnett
and Erma Garnett.
Save 10% Save 20% Save 30%
Special Low Prices For This One Day Sale
| Baltimore, Md., announce the birth
| of a son on‘April 29. Mrs. Yel'alonis
| is the former Lillian Clark, daugh-
| ter of Mv. and Mrs. Michael Clark.
| This is the first grandson for the
|| Clarks, 2s there are three grand-
id | daughters, Joan, Annette, and Terri.
X bl
9109) |
Diamond Cut
Inch Colored Glass
A a
ie ly i LE i seteits,
Lila Garinger and Mrs. Albert
Bl Armitage attended the luncheon
| | meeting of Nesbitt Auxiliary at
Shavertown, on Friday. 2
Frank Jackson has returned for
the summer after spending the
winter with his daughter ard fam-
ily, Mr. and Mrs. William Richards
i | in New York State.
: Visit Washington
Mrs. Ted Lavelle, Pole 75, Har-
veys Lake, Mrs. Ray Price, Cease
Drive, 'Shavertown and Mrs. Ted
Lavelle, Sr., Elizabeth Street, Dal-
las, recently spent the weekend in
Washington, where they toured the
White House and saw -the presi-
dent. They also visited the Wash-
ington Monument.
Sweet Valley |
Cub Pack 444, Sweet Valley-Pikes
Creek, met last week at Maple
Grove Methodist Church Hall. The
business meeting was presided over
by Cubmaster Burl Updyke. Pledge
of allegiance was led by Raymond
Kabota. Financial report of the
smorgasbord held “April 25 was
given by Al Ray. Other reports
were given. by cochairmen Betty
Remley and Kaye Ray, treasury
report by James Yoder, Sr. Mr.
Updyke announced that at the May
Pack meeting May 27, plans for the
annual ‘trip will be announced. The
| theme for May is “The Cub Scout
Naturalist,” and for this a museum’
type display will be set up for
Cubs’ collections.
Advancements were ‘made as
follows: Edward Pall, one gold ar-
row and a wolf book; Duane Up-
dyke, one gold and one silver ar-
row, = wolf boek; Robert Morris,
Wolf ‘Book and one gold arrow;
Allen Casterline, three silver - ar-
Bear Badge and Lion Book.
Long, Mrs. Earl Remley and Mrs.
Edward Pall, the Cubs entertained’
with sons, dances and stories of
Indian ‘lore. Decorations in the
hall in¢luded a large wigwam, camp-
fire and a totem pole. Cubs were
costumed in Indian outfits.
part ‘in entertainment were Eddie
Piper, Joseph Zapotoski, Alan,
Duane and Merwin Updyke, Kevin
Ray, Albert Holcomb, Daniel Doug-
al, | Edward Pall,
James Yoder, David Haines, Jan
Long, Richard Bridal, Allen Caster-
line, Stanley Stempien, John Kol-
lar, Russell ' Harrison, Raymond
Rabota, John = Sterapien, Robert
Agnew; - Ricky - |Aghéw,
Garrahan, Timmy Garrahan, Tommy
Piatt, Danny Williams, Walter
Wesley, and Gregg Hoover.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Searfoss, Moore-
town, ‘had as guests last Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. Loren Edwards; Loren,
Jr.; and Jean; Mrs. Alice Edwards;
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Zerfoss, Jr., Deb-
bie and Toby; Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Zerfoss, Rodney and Donnie, Dallas;
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zerfoss, Donna:
and Karen; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lutz;
Mrs.. Marjorie Springer, Frank and
Mary Jane, Fernbrook.
Mrs. Alice Edwards, Mooretown,
returned home last week after
spending a week with her son and
family, Mr. and Mrs. William Ed-
wards, Marysville.
Jolin Sitempein is among the re--
cent victims confined to his home
with measles.
Recently celebrating ‘birthdays in
our area are Larry Culver, son of
Harold Culver; Kathy Kline, Twin
brothers, Shawn and Shane Wil-
doner, Steven Garrahan, son of Rev.
and Mrs. James Garrahan, Billy
Stock, ‘son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Stock, Dayid Thomas Roberts, Gin-/
ny Piatt, Ferris Roberts, Joan Cor-
nell, Buddy Morris, Elmer Wolfe,
Bradley Kreller, Michael Fox, Mel-
vin Ryan, Linda Wald.
Unless a cancerous = growth is
completely removed or : otherwise
Early diagnosis
treatment are necessary to the cure
and prompt
— READ THE TRADING POST — of “cancer. ; ~
Give your first lady, Mother, the best (you know
she'll share them with you). Choose an assortmerit
of Candy Cupboard Chocolates . .
the finest: ingredients to bring pure delight to
every bite,
From #1.65 pound
“ihe firs lady at
your house
.- made with
“Your Rexall Prescription Pharmacy”
direction and leadership |
of Den Mothers, Mrs. Charles H. |
Robert Morris,
~~ Here And There
The bright sunny weather after
days of rain certainly brought out
the motorists on Sunday, giving us
a preview of our busy highways
during the summer months.
Pioneer Avenue as usual drew its
share of the traffic, some obgerv-
ing the speed limit but others tak-
ing advantage to whiz by far in
excess of it. ra
At Shavertown Methodist Church,
parents * turfied- out in great num-
ber for Childrens Day with
gram directed by Mrs. Donald Ed-
wards, who does such a great job
Everyone will be glad when the
. Center ‘Street corners take on a
| different appearance. Right now,
{ with a muddy road swinging up
to Roushey Street, more of the bank
{ caved in where Tischler’s Store once’
| stood and Hall's Parking lot a far
| ery from the wide smooth pave
{ which once fronted it, what a dis-
heveled ‘scene it presents to visit-
{ ors. But. this is the price ‘of pro-
gress. - :
| Elsewhere, the forsythia. flowered
| and tulips opened their bright pet-
als in many a garden and everyone |
who could, spent some time out-
side; grateful for two days in suc-
cession without rain.
A hand printed sign" across from
Druid Hills drew the attention of
all passersby
when -the ambitious sons of Mr.
and Mrs. James ‘Devlin took ad-
vantage of the ample night crawl-
eryone admires a boy with a little
ingenuity and we hope much pro-
fit was realized, what with so many
eager fishermen around.
The "Ladies ‘Auxiliary put on a
hice party Saturday: evening. May-
etta ‘Roberts - made
bone of the prettiest ceramic cookie
jars 1 have ever seen, and Marie
one ‘wds anxious to receive. Elea-
nor Frederick's lovely velvet pil-
lows went to Mrs. Earl Henwood,
and many a mother went home
wtih attractive dollies for the young
fry while the wax begonias pleased
| other winners.
Our very deepest sympathy goes
out’ to the family of David Joseph.
To those of us who knew him well,
there will be only one Dave. A for-
mer resident o6f our community,
many will long remember his
whole hearted effort in aiding the
churches and service clubs through-
out the area. Few have given more
| of themselves for so many.
Mrs. George Wolfe is + making
good progress at Mercy Hospital,
. where she underwent surgery on
Friday. HI
Note From MacArthurs
Mrs. John Rogers; who is so ac-
tive in Shavertown °@ Methodist
Church, Dallas Senior Woman's
Club and many other activities was
delighted beyond words when she
received a thank you from the
Douglas MacArthur family last
Betty who admired the famous
general as many of us did, had
sent a get well card when Mac-
Arthur entered -the hospital and a
message of sympathy when he was
mander. Betty says the note will
become one of the family treas-
ures. .
Our sincere sympathy is extend-
ed to John Butler in the recent
loss of his brother, Edward.
Mae and Harold Ash are celebrat-
ing the birth of their finst grand-
child to son, Bob and Janie. The
little boy enters a grand family.
We were sorry to lose one of
our good neighbors, the Jim Alex-
anders on Monday. However, we are
happy that they will remain in the
in their: new home. el
Mrs. Demmie Watson, San’ Diego,
Cal., ‘is visiting her mother, Mrs."
the |
youngsters presenting a fine pro-’
with the children in many lines of’
over the weekend,
er supply to set up a business. Ev- |
and ‘donated
Heidel won the prize which every- |
called before his Supreme Com- |
‘Back Mountain area and wish them:
much happiness and contentment |
Ruth Shaver. On the way east,
Demmie stopped to take in the
sights at the New York World's
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
Arnold Yeust on reaching their
45th ‘wedding anniversary.
their 50th year of wedlock were
kept ‘busy last Wednesday, greet-
ing the many friends who flocked
to their home to extend greetings.
Mr, and Mrs. Norbert Schneider,
who took a brief weekend off in
many lohg months to attend the
wedding of a niece in New York
were. shocked and ‘saddened when
her mother ‘passed away suddj ly
during ‘their absence. Mrs. Schfrei-
der ‘Has cared for Mrs. Rushton
for’ several years, devoting her full
time to her parent. Our sympathy
goes out to her.
‘Harold Raynor returned home
on ‘Saturday after being a patient
for ‘several weeks at Nesbitt Hos-
pital. y : :
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pramick
have purchased the former home
of Hilda Stephenson Hughes on
| Perrin ‘Avenue.
Mrs. Edna Johnson entertained
a .number of friends on ‘Saturday
| evening. . ;
[© Mr. and Mrs. Thomas * Andrew
left Saturday to meet their first
grandchild, little Eden ' Elizabeth,
born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dan-
| iels, Philadelphia.
Not only did Mary Ruth give
birth to a beautiful daughter but
she was also awarded ‘an art sigl-
iarship to study in Europe all witain
the same week. : .
the Shenanandoah Apple Blogg=m
Festival as a pleasant Frelud fio
a 30th anniversary; such ‘was not:
possible with Fred off par and the
buggies in rather sad shape, so we
settled for a night: out with Billy
i and’ Susie who took us to a lovely
dinner. Freddie called. from Illinois
to extend greetings and a few more
bushes and trees were added to the
garden, an anniversary ritual we
started several years ago.
We have much to be thankful for
and although material wealth is not
ours, what greater blessing could
| we ask thah the love and devotion
of our beloved children, who give
life its impetus and furnish the
rays of sunlight which pierce many
a shadow.
Much pleasure was derived also
from the many lovely cards we re-
ceived from our friends and neigh-
bors and to them we say a sincere
thank you.
Greetings this week to Lila Lozo,
Sandy Moyer, Brenda Clause, Dale
Nygren, Frank Fritzinger, Rick Ru-
dy, Gail Rosaire Bynon, Tamara
Lengel, Linda Sue Ell, Mrs. ‘Will
Pierce, Sr., Jack Williams, Sally =H,
Robin Templin, Jeff Seiber, Jack
B. Kitchen, Lester Schramm, Sr.
Christine Elizabeth Jenkins, #)-
thony Moreck, Laura Grace Jenkins,
Lee Vivian, Bettie Brace, Deborah
Post, Karen Ann Crispell, David
Price, Mrs. Lou Jones, Billy Flock,
Leona Watkins, Ruth Nesbitt, Rob-
bie Mitchell, Louise Ockenhouse,
Heidi, Peggie Rozell.
{Andrew Stash, son of Mrs. Betty
Stash, Davenport Street, received
his First Holy Communion at Gate
of Heaven Church, on April 26.
A party was held in the after~
noon at his home.
| Present were Mr. and Mrs.
| Thomas Beline and family, Mr. and
Mrs. John Chimola and family,
Wilkes-Barre; Mr. and Mrs. George
| Vedor; Kingston; Mr. and or
| Steve Kmush and daughter, Ply#A-
| outh; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gabel
| and family, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bo-
| beck and family, Mr. and Mrs. i"
| Santa Crouse and family, Mr. W. J.
| Gabel, Dallas; William O'Keefe, Mr.
| and Mrs. William O'Keefe, Mr. and
| Mrs.- James - Musto, Exeter; Betsy,
| Marianne, Mrs. Betty Stash and the
| guest of honor.
Number one
number two car!
SAAB... first car to consider
for performance and practical-
ity when you think about a
second car!
} Why? Because SAAB starts in-
stantly, winter or summer.
Boasts sure-footed front-wheel
drive. Plenty of passenger
space. Two separate hydraulic
braking systems and an un-
world’s only car engiesred to aircraft standards
canny ability to squeeze into
tiny parking spots. It also gets
28-32 mpg, treats tires kindly,
and grows old gracefully.
Sound sensible? See your
local SAAB dealer for a free test
ride.: He'll show you just how
smart it is to own a SAAB, start:
ing with its practical price of
$1895 p.o.e.
The John Boltons who celebrated 4
Although I had hoped to cover :