SECTION B — PAGE 6 7 Last Thursday night Catherine resumed full-scale choir rehearsals for her three choirs beginning at six and ending at nine. I took her to the church for she wasn’t driv- ing yet. A Mrs. Ida Menhennet and Mrs. Howard Krum attended the annual share-owners meeting of the P.P. i and L. on Monday April 20 at the Paramount Theater in Wilkes-Barre. zx They found it most interesting. od ‘Ira Crawford of Sutton Creek and A lately a resident of the Valley Crest } Home died on April 22. He had i been in poor health for some time and was advanced in years. { Tdst Friday night investiture ' ceremony was carried out for all is three classes of Girl Scouts. There were 23 Brownies under the leader- § ship of Skirley Swan and Joan | Ring; and 24 Junior Girl Scouts with Mrs. Robert Winters and Mrs. : William Williams; and Cadets with Mrs: Kenneth Coolbaugh and Mrs. ! Samuel Salus. i ‘Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Swan and ! J children went camping over the week-end at Mrs. Swans’ mother’s cabin somewhere off over beyond Red Rock. Mrs. Swan's mother is Mrs. Johnson of Trucksville. Last Saturday I had my first : cutting of rhubarb from the garden. Yum- -yum it was good! * year ago the same thing hap- pened according to my diary. We went to the Pops Philhar- monic. concert and as I looked around I didn't see anybody I knew. ‘Then the Wilkes College Chorus came on the platform and there among the girls singing was our Carol Sutton from ‘Carverton. Then Sunday afternoon Cathy and 1 went to an organ recital by Myron Same date , Leet in First Presbyterian church Mount Zion and I looked around to see if I knew anybody. Right there was a seat and who was in it? Carol Sut- ton! So we sat down right there. Carol of course is an organ student at Wilkes. We had a newsy letter from Mil- dred Jones (many people around Dallas Post country knew her as Mildred Snyder) who now lives over at “Joy Acres”. She was inter- ested in the fish worm gadget I wrote about. Who gave out with fish stories of her own. For in- stance, Mil caught a 2% 1b. trout, 19% inches long. So proud of it that she froze it, then got it out to show anybody to illustrate her fish story. Recently she went down to her pond and caught 5 trout, all legal. The Jones have birds, among them a Towhee that comes every season. They have just finished setting out 2000 little larch trees up behind the house. Their daugh- ter JoAnn is going into four 4-H projects, and daughter Judy is getting applications in to go to col- lege in the Fall. Phyllis Ann Seiple, a senior stu- dent at Nesbitt School of Nursing asked permission to use my name as a reference in an application for a position down in Harrisburg. I wrote a recommendation when she entered Nesbitt School of Nursing and it didn’t seem to hinder her any! Mrs. Russell Nielson from Carver- ton was over for a visit and in- quiry as to our condition. I guess a correspondent for the Dallas Post would never put in the paper about a visitor bringing a fresh, warm cracker crumb pie,—cream’ pie. So I'll not mention about Mrs. Nielson doing that! ¥ ] _ Attorney for the Jackson Town- ship Home-Owners Protective As- | 'soeiation is filing papers for a char- i is expected in the near future ! At a meeting at the fire hall Wednesday evening, ‘April 22, by- laws of the association were ap- proved. It was also agreed that as many members of the ‘Association as possible should attend the meet- ing of the Township Supervisors on Tuesday evening, May 5, at which time the aims and desires of the Association would be discussed ' with the supervisors. Association n is open to all property owners of Jackson Township. In unity there is strength. ~The following matter of utmost importance was brought to this re- porter's attention, a matter impor- Five New Members Join Rebekahs Lady Toby Rebekah Lodge 514, Lekman, formerly of Trucksville, welcomed five new members recent- Biodbeck and staff from Thalia Lodge of Pittston. Mrs. Brodbeck is a former State President of the Seana Lodge of Pennsylvania. Initiated were: Emma Ide, Ruth Re Dorothy Moore, Ruth Dis- que and Celia Ellsworth. Following the business meeting refreshments were served to the fol- lowing: Althea Zandora, Ada Pearl, Grace Brodbeck, Emma Gombert, Ethel Reid, Charlotte Evans, Agnes ‘Evans, Ruth Lewis, Nita Haskings, “Edna Ruggles, Minnie Fisher, Jen- nie Scott, Elizabeth Kramer, Ruth ‘eed, Rebecca Grey, Myrtle Rine- phan, Maude Reisley, Emma Ide, Mary Shaver, Dorothy Moore, Mar- garet Robbins, Ruth Johnson, Mil- dred Baker, Delores Trumbower, Leona Uaugle, Ruth Disque, Celia Ellsworth and the men from Leh- man Osage Lodge. POLICE AUXILIARY ' Ladies Auxiliary of Back Moun- tain Police Association will meet ‘tonight at 7:30 in the Lehman Fire "Hall. There will be no speaker. Tt ‘is expected that old and. new busi- ness will be completed. READ THE TRADING POST Dallas Shopping Center DALLAS §Y5-1176 : | Ceniosmcreland FEderal 38-4500 3 tér in Harrisburg, receipt of which | ly. They were initiated by Grayce | Jackson Township tant to the functioning of our fire department and one which concerns all residents of Jackson Township. The TFiremen’s Relief Fund for Jackson Township is supported by out of state fire insurance com- panies, which pay back into the State a percentage of the fire in- surance premiums collected from the people of this state. The ‘State then sends money to local town- ships specified by the Insurance Companies. However, if your in- surance company does not have your correct address, this money will not get back into Jackson Township. Since the new address, R.D. 5 Shavertown, has gone into effect, the amount of our Relief Fund check has dropped and the firemen believe the change in our maling addresses has caused this. The firemen are appealing to every- one carrying fire insurance in the township to write to your insurance carrier and give them your correct address, viz, John Doe, Box 111, R. D. 5 Shavertown, Jackson Town- ship, ' Luzerne County, Pa. The names Jackson Township ‘and Lu- zerne County in your address are very important because there are about nine other Jackson Town- ships in Penna. What helps our fire department may some day help you. | Sine East Dallas Marion Hildebrant has returned to her home in East Dallas after being a patient at Mercy Hospital for three weeks. ‘Wednesday evening, Mrs. Mabel Bell, Mrs. Grace Moore, and Mrs. Myrtle Miller attended the Orange ‘Sunday School class party. A pleasant evening was enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Carlson of Courtdale spent Sunday evening with Mrs. Myrtle Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Tony DeCosta, Taunton, Mass. returned to their home after spending a week with Janet's mother, Mrs. Beatrice Moore. % The men of East Dallas Metho- dist Church are continuing the clean-up of the adjacent property and would like as many helpers out each Tuesday evening as possible. Bring your tools and have a time of fellowship with your neighbors. Birthday greetings to: Helen Dickinson, Eva Dymond, Bessie, Brace, Albert Hoover, Carol Ney- hard, Ida Edwards, Connie Ed- wards, Viola Brace, David Moore, Tony Matukitis. NOXEN Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Territo ‘and family, West Wyoming, visited Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Territo, on Sun- day. Miss Jessica Thomas and Mrs. Tillie Loveland spent a day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Gregg, Bloomsburg, recently. Eddie Hollos, student at North- eastern University, Boston, Mass., spent. last weekend here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Hol- los. ‘Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Blizzard on Sunday were Mrs. Judy Steltz and Steven, Harveys Lake, Mr. and Mrs. John Hettes and family, West Wyoming, and Mr. and Mrs. John Jones, Can- dy and Elizabeth, Noxen . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Coole spent the weekend at the home of her brother, Cecil Hale, at Savona, N.Y. Classmates of the Noxen Metho- dist Church will hold a rummage sale in the very near future. Date to be announced later. Any rum- mage may be left with Mrs. Elwood Patton om» Mrs. Oscar Fish. The following employees of Noxen Manufacturing Company left early on Saturday morning, by bus for Washington, where they made a tour of the city and came back late on Sunday night: Mary Shook, Mrs. Chester Keiper, Mrs. Sophia Hack- ling, Mrs. Guy Fritz, Mrs. Henry Lane, Mrs. Dorothy French, Mrs. James Hettesheiner and Mrs. Ches- ter Goodman, from Ronox Dress Company. Named For Jury Duty The following five persons were idents have been drawn for Criminal Court duty: Bernice ‘Hill, Shaver- town; Thomas Meighan, Harveys Lake; Sarah Rogers, Harveys Lake; Hayden Richards, Dallas; Theodore Poad, Shavertown; Elizabeth Dett- more, . Dallas. AUDUBON ') Jewelry " GIFTS ~— 3 Memorial BE Rene oma el oo Keepsake the finest expression of the SHAVERTOWN STYLED BY New high-fashion styling, gem-setter’s art, brings forth a magic radi- ance from within each perfect Keepsake center diamond. Prices from $100 to $10,000. Rings enlarged to show detail, Prices include Federal Tax. Henry's CARDS Highway Sinclar v= CALL 268-3636 Complete Oil, Heat & Burner SERVICE WITH FUEL OL THE DALLAS Fuwi, 1uUnoUAY, APRIL 30, 1904 Ladies Auxiliary of Noxen Volun- teer Fire Company held a special meeting on Monday evening, at the fire hall. The horse show was dis- cussed an a cake decorator. from Old River Road bakery gave a demonstration on cake decorating which was very informative and interesting. Lunch was served to the following: Mrs. Richard Traver, Mrs. Ira Beahm, Mrs. Elsworth Field, Mrs. William Macintosh, Mrs. Melvin Hopfer, Clara Hopfer, Mrs. Ronald Hopfer, Mrs. Oscar Fish, Mrs. Elwood Patton, Mrs: Jacob Miner, Mrs. William Hollos, Mrs. Ralph Engelman, Mrs. Ora Bean, Mrs. Roy Dendler Margie Moss, Mrs. Chester - Keiper, Mrs. Dorothy French, Mrs. Elmer Race, Mrs. Har- old Bennett, Mrs. William Mun- katchy, Mrs. Albert May, Mrs. Ralph Lutes, Mrs. Guy Fritz, Mrs. Bernard Dendler and the demon- strator, Chester Chanowski. ‘New members accepted were Mrs. Mel- vin Hepfer and daughter Clara and Mrs. William Macintosh: ; Mr. and Mrs. Voyle Traver and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Traver re- cently visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ney, Tunkhannock. First Sgt. Loren Fritz, Fort Bragg, N. C. is spending a ‘week here with his mother, Mrs. David Williams. Mr. Fritz recently returned from a year in Viet Nan. Classmates of Methodist ,'Church held a covered dish supper at. the Church parlors on Friday evening in honor of the organist and choir director Mrs. Warren Montross and members of the Junior and Senior choirs. A business meeting was held following the supper, Present were members of the Junior Choir: Judith Scott, Betty Patton, Amelia ‘Wall, Allan Kitchen, Darlene Cas- terline, Barbara ‘Bates, Robert Womer. Members of Senior Choir were Christine’ Race, Sharyn R. Montross, Gayle: Nalboneé, Dorothea Lyons, Marlene Patton, Director Mrs. Warren ‘Montross. Mr. William Bates, Superintendent; Pastor and Mrs. Fred Eister, Madeline Patton, Mariel Lutes, Laura Jones, Agnes Butler, Stella Shook, Elida: Beahm, Violet Kitchen, Dorothy Gunton. Noxen Lions Club will sponsor.a card party at the Veterans Hall, Friday May 1 at 8 o'clock, every- body invited. Postmistress Mrs. Guy Fritz an- be sold on Saturdays, beginning May 4, in compliance with orders from Washington. The follwing five persons were installed as new members of the Noxen Lions Club Meeting at Ester’s Restaurant, Beaumont, Friday even- ing: Gilbert Harvey, Warren John- son,’ Russell Transue, Lewis Wilson, Lowell Roberts. Zone Chairman Richard Williams of arveys Lake Club was the installing officer. It was Ladies night and the following were present: Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Bean, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Belles, nounces that no money orders will and Mrs. Osmand Casterline, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Crispell, Mr. and Mrs. Arlie Harvey, Pastor Wesley Kimm, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Womer, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Fielding, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Walters, Mr. and Mrs. William Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Tran- sue, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Harvey. Guests at the meeting were Mrs. Robert Timko, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis May, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Williams. Sam Maroody acted as Master of Cere- monies and entertainment was fur- nished by Candy Wisner, Felix Wea- ver from the Neznick Dance Studio. Nick Novak, Cleveland, Ohio, spent the weekend with his fam- ily at the home of Mrs. Ira Beghm. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Miner spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gunnis, Buffalo, NY. Mrs .Ora Bean is spending some time with Mrs .Elizabeth Wilcox, Endicott. Richard Rauch, Maccungie, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Robert May. Tommy Shalata left on Monday to return to MacDill Air Force Base, Tampa, Fla. after a thirteen day stay with his parents, the Joe Sha- latas. Tommy Tompkins, Oneonta, N.Y., spent the weekend with his sister, Mrs. Marguerite Lord. Mr. and’ Mrs. Osmond Casterline spent ‘Sunday with Mr> and Mrs. William Doty, Benton. Mr. and Mrs. Nevin © Bennef, Richfield, spent Sunday with Mrs. Albert Casterline and Mr. and Mrs. ‘Warren Montross. Visitors at ‘the home of Mr. and Mrs. ‘William Munkatchy on Sun- day, were Mary Ann Fleth and Pat- ty Ann Costanzo, Dunmore and Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Kalmar and An- na, Scranton, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Patton, Al- , lentown, visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank- lin Patton, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Case and family, Ravenna, N. Y., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Loren Case and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Patton, Buckwheat Hollow. Miss Shirley Hackling, New Jer- sey, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hack- Jing, Jr., Maitland, Fla., visited Mrs. Joseph Hackling, Sr., on Thursday and took Mrs. Hackling and her sis- ter Mrs. Ann Kanouse of Benton, to visit Mr." and. Mrs. Joseph Hackling, dr., New Jersey, until Sunday. ‘Anyone who has not been contact- ed about donating to the ambulance association can pay Dave Fritz. Adding Machines, sold, rented and repaired. 696-1008 HOLDREDGE CO. NOXEN Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keiper, Lynn, Pa., visited Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Keiper, on Saturday evening. Other weekend were Mr. Rittenhouse, Plymouth. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Keiper, Deb- bie and Nancy, and Clayton Keiper visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keiper, GLEN ALDEN Lynn, on Sunday. Mrs. Alton Field and son, Dan, Jonestown, N.Y., spent the week- |@ v ON end with Christine and Delbert ; Blizzard. 24-HOUR SERVICE Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ruff, Mrs, Joseph Dotter and Weston Ruff, visited Mrs. James Blizzard, Bing- “hamton, on ‘Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jackson, Clarks Summit, was a recent caller | home. Mr. | § at the Willard Bender and Mrs. Bernard Obert, Dushore, called on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Evan Summerson and family, Plains, visited Mr. and |B callers at Harry Keiper's over the | and Mrs. Gerald | # Mrs. Howard Engelman, on Sunday- — SUBSCRIBE TO THE POST — LUZERNE MOTORS | Mrs. Adam Hozempa, Harveys Lake, called on Mrs. Tillie Loveland on Friday. OAL BACK MT. LUMBER & COAL Company 674-1441 | om mw nem too cost is small . The Friendly ‘Carry your money. in your fountain pen! A Miners Bank Checking account makes it un- necessary to carry large sums of money around with you. It’s so much easier . . . . .. to pay by check. ‘So come in today and open a checking account at THE MINERS. The . . the convenience great. “Miners im Dallas” INERS NATIONAL BANK MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION ! Sit \ So i} qT; RN and safer, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Boston, Mr. COM MONDAY MAY 11 ING 12:01 A.M. (E.D.S.T.) for DALLAS SUBSCRIBERS TOLL FREE hy Kingston and 0 (DO NOT DIAL the Prefix ‘1’ — Only The 7 Digits of the Desired Number) Dial the listed number In Your Directory TE TT IRE CommonweaLth TeLeps DALLAS; PA. ONE Company 4 ing and Brakes. ya NY SALE '60 PLYMOUTH 4 Dr., Radio, Heater, Automatic. "19 ’58 PONTIAC Custom Starchief Sedan. Radio, Heater, Power Steering, Power Brakes. "895 60 RAMBLER 4 Door Wagon, Radio, Heater. Standard Trans. "1095 ’58 PLYMOUTH Custom 4 Door Wagon, Radio, Heater, Automatic, Power Steer- "es *’59 FORD "6 Passenger “Country Sedan (4 Door Wagon). . Radio, Heater, Automatic, Power. Steering. "09% See One of Our Professional Salesmen: BILL OLIVER HAROLD LEWIS | RAY SHOVLIN ED DONNELLY ’63 FORD Galaxie 500 4 Door Sedan, Radio, Heater, Automatic, Power Steer- Many Other "2295 ’59 FORD Custom 300 Club Sedan, Radio, Heater, V8, Standard Trans. "19% ’60 FALCON 4 Door Sedan, Radio, Extras. Heater, Automatic. "895 SPECIAL ! ’63 FALCON Futura Conv. Showroom Condition. Only 8,000 Miles. Factory New Car Warranty. Loaded with Extras. "2275 ’58 CHEVROLET Biscayne 4 Door Sedan. Radio, Heater, Automatic. "19% '6({ FORD Galaxie 2 Door Hardtop, Radio, Heater, Automatic, Power Steer- © S578 ’62 FALCON Deluxe 4 Door Wagon, Radio, Heater, Standard Trans. "1495 ’59 CHEVROLET Biscayne Club Sedan, Radio, Heater, 6 Cyl. Standard Trans. "195 '58 DODGE Coronet Station Wagon, Ri Heater, Automatic. *595 Extra Special ! ’62 FORD 1 Ton Stake Body, T Tag. Dual Rear Wheels, 4 Speed Trans. Looks and runs like a new Truck. "1895 Immediate Financing Easiest Terms Anywhere ! LUZERNE Motor Co. 'LUZERNE-DALLAS HIGHWAY | LUZERNE, PA. PHONE 287-1155 Open Evenings 'Til' 9 fg Radio, # pc