SECTION A — PAGE 4 Jallas Junior Women lo Hold Spring Dance Dallas Junior Woman's Club will old a Spring Dance Saturday ev- ‘ning, April 25 at Kingston Amer- can Legion, from 9 to 1. | A combo will play for dancing nd a buffet dinner will be served. | Mrs. Robert Bradley, general hairman is assisted by the follow- ing committee: Mrs. Raymond Wil- lon, Mrs. James Kearns, Mrs. Wil- lam Bourke and Mrs. Robert Gable. || Reservations must be made with Irs. James Kearns, 674-2771, no ater than April 21. ! The public 4s invited. : A i k 8 2 K hi Hi FOR YoU! / * TREMENDOUS VALUES! GREATER SAVINGS! THE 1964 SPRING GAS RANGE SALE : SWINGS INTO ACTION AND ITS YOUR TIME TO THINK ABOUT CLEANER, COOLER, Mrs. Daisy Crispell, Laketon, was delighted on Easter Sunday when a number of visitors called on her, bringing along a four tiered birth- day cake. Guests included: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hoover, Lee, Paul, Billy and Jimmy, Endicott, N. Y.; Mrs. Iva Hoover and granddaughter, Sandra Hoover, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cob- leigh and Delbert, Binghamton, N.Y; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Sick- ler, Jill, Laurie, Elva, Harveys Lake; Mrs. Daisy Crispell Honored On Eightieth Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Considine, Beth, Joie, and Nancy, Falls; Mr. and” Mrs. Jack Williams, Joan and Jacqueline, Fernbrook. Mrs. Crispell celebrated her birth- day on April 1, her brother, Attlee Kocher is 70, her son, Clarence Oberst, 60, and her daughter, Mrs. Edward Cobleigh is 50, all follow- ing a ten year cycle of births which appears to run in the family. THE DALLAS POST, THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1964 Entiques Fair To Be Held At Harrisburg The Eastern National Antiques Fair will be held at Harrisburg this year with the first Show opening its doors April 13 at the Farm Show Building. . The show will continue through April 16 and will open daily at 1 pm. and run till 10. There will be a daily auction at 7:30 p.m. Over 50,000 people are expected to attend. JA million dollars worth of an- tiques will be on display with armed guards on 24 hour duty during the #,1 entire showing. . MORE CONVENIENT AND MOST CONTROLLABLE GAS COOKING! SE MODERN GAS RANGES NOW WITH EVERY AUTOMATIC FEATURE YOUVE EVER WANTED! ~ ASK FOR A DEMONSTRATION! ASK ABOUT SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES! E THE LARGE SELECTION OF SEE YOUR GAS APPLIANCE DEALER OR GAS COMPANY! BUY NOW! SAVE! SPRING GAS RANGE SALE! PENNSYLVANIA GAS and WATER Company THE LARGEST PUBLIC UTILITY WITH HEADQUARTERS IN NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA — IN THE BACK MOUNTAIN — Telephone ENterprise 2-0668 TOLL FREE for information and service ¥ Plans for a Fashion Show theme of which will be ‘“Summer- time And The Livin’ Is Easy’ were formulated recently when the'com- mittee met at the home of ‘Mrs. Leonard Groboski, Dallas. The offering which will be pre- sented by Dallas Junior Woman's Club on Tuesday evening, May 12, at Trucksville Methodist Church Educational Building will be one of the highlights of the Spring calendar of social activities. Pictured above are members of the committee. Seated, left to right: Mrs. Evan Bonawitz, chairman of refreshment, committee; Miss Donna LaBar, chairman of programs; Mrs. Robert Bradley, ticket chairman; Mrs. Leonard Groboski, co-chair- man of ‘the affair; Miss Marlyne Lipfert, general chairman. Standing: Miss Flora Sue Ander- Dallas Junior Woman's Club Plan Fashion Show (son, publicity chairman, and Mrs. | Joseph Borton, president and hon- orary chairman. Styles to be shown will be pre- sented by The Boston Store and will feature the latest fashions for pleasant Summertime living. Tickets may be purchased from any member of the Dallas Junior Woman's Club. photo by Kozemchak In Wellesley Show Miss Cynthia Townend, Yeager Avenue; took part in the annual water ballet show to be presented by the Wellesley College Swim Club April 3s:and’ 4. Thirty members of the club based their show on quotations from such literary figures ‘as Shakespeare, Dickens, and Cervantes. The music was selected’ from works by Bizet, Offenbach and others. All of the numbers in the show were designed’ and directed entirely by the students of the club. This year’s Swim Club is dis- tinguished by the fact that its of- ficers are ‘also the officers of the Synchronized Swimming for College ‘Women. Wellesley College will be the hostess for the national synch- ronized swiming meet next fall. Miss Townend was the natho- | grapher (or designer) of two of the numbers and performed in ‘three. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Townend, she is a graduate of Wyo- ming Seninary in Kingston. GOLDEN FRIED 8 By SHRIMP 'N BASKET 95¢ T-BONE STEAK 1.25 "CLAMS Color TV BREEZE INN SUNSET | HARVEYS LAKE NE 9-9776 Grieg, Rev. and Mrs. Emery D. Stokes, Harveys Lake, will celebrate their silver wedding anniversary on Fri: day evening with their family and close relatives present. The couple were married Easter Sunday ‘at high noon at Free Meth- odist Church, Allaban, N. Y., April 10, 1939, in the heart of the Cats- kill Mountains. Rev. Howard Deats, former pas- tor of Bowman's Creek Free Meth: odist Church performed the cere- ‘mony and will be on hand with hie wife to help the Stokes’ celebrate Rev. And Mrs. Emery Stokes To Mark Silver Anniversary their 25th anniversary. ; Rev. and Mrs. Stokes have been residents of Harveys Lake for the past seven years where he is pas- tor of Outlet Free Methodist Church. This is his 17th year in the minis- try of the New York Conference and Outlet is his fifth charge. Tkree children complete the Stokes family, Joyce, employed at Commonwealth Telephone Company, Dallas; Nancy, a junior at: Lake- Lehman High School and David, sor- ving with the U. S. Army at Fort San Antonio, Texas. Worthy Matron Honored Af 39t Mrs: Evelyn Smith, Worthy Mat- ron, and Dennis Bonning, Jr, Worthy Patron, were guests of hon- or at the thirty-ninth annual ban- quet of Dallas Chapter No. 396, Order of the Eastern Star at Irem Temple Country Club, Friday, April 3, at 6:30 p.m. “Wishing Wells” filled with red roses, red and white tapers, and golden pinafore maids were the colorful table setting. FOR A NEW, MORE GLAMOROUS FIGURE . . . «+. CUSTOM-MADE FOUNDATIONS AND BRAS DESIGNED INDIVIDUALLY FOR YOU! cE Diporeer Margaret Mieczkowski 95 Davis Street, Trucksville MARGARET MIECZKOWSKI 696-2878 DARING'S MAIN HIGHWAY SPECIALS 674-8481 Fresh Lean G ro u in 4 Deep Chocolate - White . Reg. $1 Head and Shoulder Armour’s Star [AIMS (11 to 15 Ib. ave.) 39: Pork Loins (wincnasi.ave) center cut Pork Ghops Beef Daring’s Laree BOlOgNA (Sticed paring's Liverwurst (by the pe.) 49° - Mazola Oil Mayonnaise « 49° puncan Hines Bake Mixes Dandruff Shampoo 33. 69. 43: 49. Qt. 53° 3/89° 69 - Yellow WE'RE OPEN SUNDAYS Open Mon., Tues., Wed. 9 to 6 — Thurs,, Fri, Sat. 9 to 9 And Patron n O.ES. Banquet Following the group singing of “Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah,” invocation was given. by the Chap- lain, Mrs. Layiah Martin. Mrs. Bethia King, chairman, extended greetings and introduced the toast- master, Mrs. Mildred Bronson, P.M. Prior to a selection by the “Sing- ing Stars,” the Eastern Star Dallas Choir, Mrs. Evelyn Smith expressed her sincere gratitude for the mem- orable occasion and then presented her family and friends. Remarks and congratulations on the Chapter’s vote to proceed with building plans were given by Mrs. Oce Beryl Austin, District Deputy Grand Matron of District District 21-A. : 3 Worthy .Patron, Dennis Bonning, Jr., introduced ‘the officers and con- cluded the formalities after which Rev. Kenneth O'Neil, pastor of the Plains Methodist Church, gave the main address. “The Singing Stars,” were di- rected by Mrs. Virginia Swanson and accompanied by Mrs. Dorothy Dodson. i Members - and guests of Charles E. James Memorial Assembly of Order of the Rainbow Girls joined the banquet guests for dancing. Mrs. Bethia King, chairman, was assisted by Mrs. Elma Price, P.M., Mrs. Elsie Jolley, Mrs. Bina Marie Holdredge, and Mrs. Verna Davis. _ Telephone squad was Mrs. Myrtle Rineman, P.M., Mrs. Elizabeth Ide, P.M., Mrs. Anna Shaver, and Mrs. Lana Birnstock. Patty Larson In Music Festival Patty Larson, fifteen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Larson, Elmerest Drive, Dallas, was a par- ticipant in the North East Region Jr. Music Festival, Saturday, April 4, at Lycoming College, Williams- port. She was awarded a superior rating. Patty is a student of Mrs. Louie Ayre and is a freshman in Dallas Junior High School. WARTED $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of party or parties guilty of destroying equipment, March 13, Slocum Dam. Contact Penn- sylvania Police, Wyo- ming. Signed, Fy IRVIN T. MILLER a ANY. DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA ‘Mrs. Sorchik Is President Harveys Lake Woman's Service Club met at Lake-Noxen School Thursday night at which time Mrs. Allen Sorchik was elected to serve as president for the next two years. Other officers chosen were: First Vice President, Mrs. Carl Swanson; Second Vice President, Mrs. Robert Traver; Recording Secretary, Mrs. Clarence Swire; Assistant Recording Secretary, Mrs. Taft Truska, Jr.; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Joyce Gordon; Assistant Corresponding Smet Mrs. reasurer, Mrs. Fred Dodson; As- sistant Treasurer, Mrs. Howard Jones. These new officer will be installed at the May meeting "to be held at the Castle, at which time the Executive Board will be installed also. - Mrs. Charles Wil- liams, presided. J ’ Easter plants were delivered to two honorary members who have been ill, and cards had been sent to other honorary members. Two additional walkers have been or- dered for use to those who might need them. Conservative chairman, Mrs. Howard Piatt, will present two books 'to Lake-Lehman High School Library, entitled “Careers | In Conservation.” Plans were made for the Scholar- ship Loan Fund and a slogan “Two hundred or more in 1964” was an- nounced by chairman Mrs. Ray- mond Garinger. Joint Board meet- ing comprising, the retiring execu- tive board and the newly appointed board will be held April 20, 1964. Speaker of the evening was Miss Roshan Billimoria, a Rotary Ex- change student from India who spoke and showed slides of her native country. This was most interesting and informative and very well presented by this un- usually talented young lady. Present were: Mesdames Burton King, Robert Pilger, Darrell Loomis, Martha Swire, Clarence Swire, James Garrahan, Howard Piatt, Carl Swanson, Taft Truska, Jr. Clarence Oberst, Albert Gulitus, Clarence Moledor, Allen Sorchik, Willard Sutton, Ray- mond Garinger, Carrie Rood, George Searfoss, Harvey Kitchen, Fred Dod- son, Elwood Davis, Donald Hanson, Elwood Whitesell, John Zorzi, Jr., Charles Williams, Howard Jones, Clarence Montross; Miss Hazel Davis, Miss Pauline Davis. : Altar And Rosary Tea Set For April Altar and Rosary Society of St. Therese’s Church recently complet- ed plans for the coming ‘Birthday Tea to be held April 19 at 8 p.m. in the church auditorium, ’ Mrs. Edward Chukinas, chairman and Mrs. Michael Olinatz, co-chair- man have appointed the following George Messersmith; May, Mrs. Ed- ward Kupstas; June, Mrs. Joseph Balavage; July, Mrs. Jacob Beline; August, Mrs. Anthony Hudak; Sep- tember, Mrs. Edward Miller, Octo- ber, Mrs. Carl Aston; November, Mrs. Anne Stenger; December, Mrs. Robert Franklin; Spring, Mrs. Ed- ward Kropp; Summer, Mrs. James Inman; Autumn, Mrs. William Guy- ette; Winter, Mrs. Bernard Novicki. Mrs. Stanley Hozempa and Mrs. Joseph Fanucci are in charge of the basket of cheer which will be ‘chanced off at the Tea. Ticket re- turns should be made by April 10. Entertainment will be provided by the “Never-Home-Four”, barber shop quartet. Mrs. Adrian E. DeMarco is in charge of publicity. Tickets may be purchased only from committee members and hostesses. Mrs. Adrian DeMarco and Mrs. Donald Meade are co-chairmen of preparing and serving the Holy Name Society Communion breakfast to be held May 3. Volunteers are needed to assist and interested per- sons are asked to contact the chair- men. At the April meeting, entertain- ment was provided by Mr. Valenti, a representative of the Kingston Nat'l Bank who showed films and narrated highlights of the New York World's Fair. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Imelda Thomas’ band. Next meeting will be held in the church auditorium May 6, with Mrs. Edward Chukinas’ band in charge of refreshments. Purely Personal Mr. and Mrs. Jack Godtfring, with children, Deborah, Kimberley and Todd, have returned to their home in Lower Burrell after spend- ing the Easter holidays with Mrs. Godtfring’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Morris, Overbrook Avenue. Mrs. Lillian Glova, Kunkle Road, Kunkle, is a surgical patient at the Mercy Hospital. Miss Sandy Ambrose, freshman at Mary Washington College, Fred- ericksburg, Md., has returned to classes after spending the Easter recess with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ambrose. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ide, Brad- | enton, Fla., former Trucksville resi- dents and Mr. and Mrs. Byron Ide, and Debbie, Donna, Doreen and Dennis Ide of Ft. Wayne, Ind., re- cently enjdyed a visit to Saratoga on Florida's. Lower West Coast, members as hostesses: January, Mrs. Gerald Mangan; February, Mrs. Joseph Youngblood; March, Mrs. Robert Methot; April, Mrs. Clarence Moledor; Robert Traver, |. Jungle Gardens while vacationing os fork y ’ PY g ’ 1 wv ® A HL ous of Mr. New Y end gu Mrs. Ll! Cind; home i Mr. ¢ donia weeken ter-in-1 N. XY. John home a te! ee fora n son of Miss Wilkes- guest law, , N Fernbrc Decug and M Valley holiday: Dean's sity. Mr. | Goss M ing th early het Mrs. Mass., terday holiday Peterso Mrs. ite 3 Mi SHEat Mr. ¢ WW. 42: tioning “gy rs. Street, spendin and fa: Phillips Carl Girard Easter Stash, Davenp Mr. : and Ka Oak H Heights Mr. ant family. Nancy Mrs. Ri Mrs. Avenue ther a and M non. Mr. ¢ ty, Gl Drive, ° Larson , Kincaid { df Jenn has bee damght; Cis. Mr. Linda, ter wit eler, B Bob visited Valley, Mr. ¢ . burg, EK son, In at the Brown, Mitchel Brown. Mr, e Street, their si Howard dra, Nc Ay. ¢ Jr 8n Dallas, M.. an SiNgvert with Mi Binghan Dallas. Allen the Ma Mr. and Grove, over tl Mrs. E Mr. (a West V Lloyd, Robert Mrs. H ton, N Lamore ters, D Martha grndch Metzge son Gi Mr. Catheri spent Mrs. R Mr. : returne daught Mrs. J Va. si son, spent his pa . Hons, Mrs. Road, Hospite Mr. Harvey Friday, mother - been | on the and M at No: . Jimn Sl) ath