held t the Lake. while was kins, d A} fea- riety cared from ugh- nada. 1ston and Wil- and 8 in Rut- class gert. reas- ents, suc- 7:30 ida) 155€ ne: 1 ~ the Air tnt r 29 e 9, | all The i on gym-= s' to com- Fri- ting, with i Ambulance eous talk of Wilkes-Barre Toastmasters Club, held at the YMCA. DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA Orange Stanley Jones tells me that the phia recently. Maza Best Speaker ~ Joseph Maza, Dallas RD 2, took the palm for the best extemporan- Association starts its i All of at last week’s meeting ily. Mr. and Mrs. | Dick Morgan, son of Mr. Mrs. Arthur Morgan, Demunds road, iy | rushed the spring Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Evans visited | playing baseball in his yard, he fell his brother George Evans and his | and broke the large bone in his wife down in Roslyn near Philadel- | 3m in two places. It doesn’t pay to rush, I guess. Mr. and Mrs. John Newberry and daughters Debby and Joann, Ran- som Road, and Mrs. Lucy Morgan, Hildebrandt road, drove to Clifton Heights last weskend to visit sister and daughter, Ada Brown and fam- season. Norman Scheidt, , Well, March went out like the ~ drive to pick up coin card beginning | proverbial lion, but he certainly has the week of April 13 and at the |, taj] long enough to extend a few same time ‘to distribute the coin | gay in April. cards for the Fire company. Franklin Township is to be covered in the drive. and While Pottstown, friends of Lois Ryman, were Easter guests of her parents, Wilson and Mary Ryman. a birthday party Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wilson. Guests were kenneth, Gary, ‘Sharon, Melvin Jr., Melvin Morris Sr., Jule and Ted Wilson. Many happy returns, Marilyn. Mrs. Louis Goeringer, Applewood Manor, is a patient in General Hos- pital having submitted to a 6 hour operation on her back. We wish her a speedy recovery. Dr. Blanche S. Davis, Athens, Pa, spent the week with her cousin, Mrs. Bessie Thomas, during the time of Bess’s bereavement over the loss of her brother, Dan Davis, Ema a ia STEHT GES GRE 288-1496 of our Sanitone Drycleaning o *} prefer Sanitone drycleaning,” \ says Don, "It puts new life : in my clothes and ; ‘keeps it there longer.” & APPROVED SERVICE 8 national service You'll agree with Don McNeill when you try our quality Sani- tone Drycleaning. Try it today. “This Is It... the best drycleaning [I've found,” says DON McNEILL Hear Don McNeill's “Breakfast Club” on ABC : for Sanitone FREE pick up and delivery Enterprise 1-0843 MAIN PLANT and NARROWS SHOPPING CENTER BRANCH STORE O'Malia’s Laundry & Dry Cleaning Luzerne-Dallas Highway Plymouth. Mr. and Mrs. Friend Hildebrant, Apalachin, N.Y., spent Easter weeic- end with his sister Myrtle Miller, and George Snyder. We were pleased ‘to worship with them at the Sun- rise gervice in East Dallas Church. Marian Hildebrant is in traction ‘in Mercy Hospital, and expects to be there two or three weeks. | Mrs. Ellen Garinger Liss reentered ' Nesbitt, Hospital, her condition sger- i Jous ; : Mrs. Beatrice Moore has returned from Nesbitt Hospital to her home lin Fast Dallas. «= ~ boy Mrs. Anna Strazdus was brought from Nesbitt Hospital to her home on Ransom Road by ambulance, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Baird were ‘host and hostess at an Easter Din- {ner at their home. Guests were: Mrs. John Hughes, Kingston; Mr, and | Mrs. Ernest” Gay, Ernest Jr., and i Enola; Arthur Emmanuel, Wilkes- ‘Barre; William Meade, Lehman; Sandy Baird, Jersey City Medical Center; Barry, Marjorie, and Arty. Arthur "Morgan Sr., was honored by a birthday dinner Saturday ev- ening. His mother, Lucy Morgan, ‘was a guest with the family; while his sister Diana Newberry and bro- ther Robert and famiiies dropped in later to celebrate. Malcolm Baird attended the Lay-. man's and Minister's Convocation at Buck Hill Falls, ‘Saturday and Sunday as a delegate from Orange Methodist Church. Ella Moore Memorial Class of East Dallas Methodist church, will meet at 8 pm. in the church social room, Tuesday. Linda Watson and Betty Kintzer will be hostesses. Mr, and Mrs. Donald Nay®or, Ver- mont, visited her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Hayden Phillips, Upper De- munds road, over Easter. Also children Donna, Barby, and Ellen. New Monkeys S.P.C.A. last week, taking two pup- pies to find them a home. She retaliated by bringing back to her home’ two eight month old mon- keys. The family arc:-all real fond of them already. Anyone is invited to see the new additions to their family. Kintzers will end up with a 700, Im sure. Birthday greetings to Marilyn Morris, Roy Moss, Thomas Neyhard, Brian Watson, John Cool. Anniver- sary congratulations to Dorothy and Thomag Heslop. 3 J * Mt. Zion Sunday afternoon I called at the funeral home to see’ Abe. Gay's family. - ¥ was only last October {that I was there to give my sympa- thy to Abe himself, ahd the family, on the occasion of Edith Gay's death. It ig a bit heartening to be one of the ‘old timers” meeting other old timers on various occasions. Years. have a way of deepening friendships, making me- mories more golden. Sheldon and Frances, for instance, wer: remind- ing me of twenty-seven years ago when 1: performed. their wedding. And the youngster they asked me to baptize the night when I came down from ‘N. Y. State to show Africa pictures at Orange — well that “youngster’’ now | is married HEATING ‘REPAIR END, COSTS! "FREE HEAT LOSS SURVEY! NMiobilheat _ HOME FUEL CORP. 245 Charles St., Luzerne PHONE 287-1117 ET Jiao has a bouncing baby girl. And as I was going out the door of the funeral hime I met Howard and Dolores Piatt just coming in. Dolores first thing said, “I always read your articles in Dallas Post . .. I like to read about the people 1 know, about Clara Goner who used ‘| to teach me in Sunday School.” I recall Abe Gay as a man of rich, quiet humor, and genuine friendship. One day as I was coming up from West Wyoming, there wag Abe wanting a ride. So I pulled up and said, “Want a ride?” To which he replied with a quirk, “Have you got a radio in your car ’ But of course he got in. At this writing Catherine con- tinues to improve, especially in her general feelings. The leg is a long time healing and getting back to normal color. The doctor told her Crushed Stone Red Shale For {il © Driveways ® Parking Areas ® Drainfields Jos. Yatsko EXCAVATING 675-1216 Plant 8 Quarry + Lehman Mrs. Melvin Morris was feted at! Mrs. Betty Kintzer visited the! ___ THE DALLAS POST, THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1964 | Trucksville Louise Hazeltine, spent the Easter Iseason with her parents, Mr. and { Mrs. Ralph Hazeltine, Harris Hill Roa 4 1 | Mr. and Mrs. Donald Miller, Or- chard Street, were guests of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Swatt and family in Hyattsville, over the week-end. Ladies of Trucksville Fire Com- pany will hold a fish dinner Friday, April 24th in the Educational Build- ing of the White Church on the Hill. Frederick Dingle, Orchard Street, was admitted to Nesbitt Hospital after injuries suffered in an auto- mobile accident on Monday. Mrs. Ben Post was hostess to the | Reynolds Class, White Church on (the Hill, Wednesday evening. Lucy Courtright, Harris Hill Road, has returned after being a surgical patient in Nesbitt Hospital five weeks. . Mrs. Addison Woolbert, Sr. of Crawford, N. J., has returned home. She was here to attend the funer- al of her son, Addison, Jr. Our sin- cere sympathy to all the family. Mrs. Addison Woolbert, Sr., Mrs. Ralph Hazeltine, Lucy Courtright, and Arline Bessmer were luncheon guests of Mrs. Dorman Woolbert, last week, in ‘Shavertown. ; Donald Anderson, son of Mrs. Emma Anderson, Holly Street, is spending the week with her. He is a student at Union College, Bar- boursville, Kentucky. ‘Evelyn Wheeler, Carverton Road, remains a patient in Nesbitt Hos- pital. Mrs, David Peters, Lehigh Street, has returned from Nesbitt Hospital where she was a patient. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bush, two daughters and son, Syracuse, N.Y., have become new residents of Rice Street, Trucksville. They are rent- ing the Ben Davis home. Mr. Bush was transferred here by General Electric Company. Joseph Walton, Trucksviile, has returned after having spent ‘four years as a member of the Air Force in foreign service, in Formosa. Boys between ages of eight and twelve, inclusive, may sign up for Little League Baseball from the Trucksville area Saturday morning at 10 at the practice field near Checkerboard Inn. Ben ‘Pieczynski makes the announcement for both major and minor league teams. ternbrook Mr. and Mrs. Price Knarr, Upper Greenwood Lake, N. J., are spend- ing a few days visiting Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Dymond, E. Overbrook Avenue. Visitors of the Dymonds on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Don Knarr and family, Jersey City. N. J., and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Berlew, i Ilion, N. Y. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McGough,” Summit Avenué, had as a weekend guest the latter's mother, Mrs. Ralph E. Johns, Wilkes-Barre. Sincere sympathy is extended to the relatives of Mrs. Amy Reese, who passed away last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Shaver, Jr., and family, E. Overbrook Avenue, visited on Sunday afternoon with David Eves and family in Milton. David ‘was the roommate of Mr. Shaver ‘while he was a patient in Geisinger Medical Center. Mrs. Lena Carey, Summit Avenue, | is a patient in Nesbitt Hospital where she was taken on Saturday Bird Club Tonight Bird Club tonight at 8 in the! Library Annex will feature a talk jon wild-flowers by Rev. George Dei- sher, illustrated by slides. Visitors are welcome, it would be slow. She has enjoyed the many expressions of concerned friendship. Her friends at the oratorio sent word they would ‘'save a seat for her”! Priscilla ‘Krum came over, and Cathy gave directions about hold- ing the meeting of the Kings Cru- saders class of which Priscilla is vice president. Mrs. Hronich took care of ‘the youth choir that sang last Sunday. And Cathy sent over to John Reid, president of the oratorio Board of Directors, the minutes of the last meeting, and he was to ask somebody to take the minutes of the meeting in Cathy's place. ‘And up stairs on her bed, among books and magazines, are copies of her oratorio music which she rehearses all by herself “a capella”. ) Lilacs are budding. Rhubarb is pushing through. Cathy has seen | scod COMING EVENTS ‘With Easter past, we come into a busy season. Many activities are scheduled, and again comes the job of cleaning up our yards and our homes. No word has yet been received on the installation date for the new lights at the Center Street inter- section. With increased traffic ac- companying nicer weather, some sort of protection should be offered the citizens who must cross against oncoming motorists. Men’s Brotherhood of St. Paul's Lutheran Church will hold their annual Roast Beef Dinner on Satur- day, April 25. Plan now to attend. Ladies Auxiliary of Shavertown Fire Company will hold a Card Party on May 1. This will be an- other nice affair and the ladies really contribute much to hall. Mrs. Frank Wadas and Mrs. | the Cancer Crusade for Shavertown. { Many will aid them. Welcome these | yolunteers when they call, for their efforts may save a life very dear to you. LEAGUE REGISTRATION All boys, ages of 8 to 12, from Shavertown area who are inter- ested in playing on the Shavertown Little League Team are asked to re- port at Shavertown Fire Hall on Saturday morning at 10 a.m. Bill Roberts, manager, will be on hand to register players. Practice will begin April 25 with the first June: HERE AND THERE Mr. and Mrs. Fred Malkemes are in 7th heaven these days with the arrival of their wery first grand- child to daughter, Peggy Mahoney and her husband. They are now in Long Island, getting their first glimpse of little Ronald Frederick. Jimmie Morgan returned: to classes at Mansfield State College last week after spending the Easter | recess with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Morgan, Jr., Spring Street. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nicely, Main Street, returned home on Saturday after spending nearly two weeks in the Midwest, where thoy visited Airman 2nd Class and Mrs. Robert Nicely at Madison, Wisconsin, and at Taylor, Michigan. The Nicelys reported bad weather with terrific winds and blizzard conditions at Chicago on Easter Sunday, but the opportunity to spend time with their children and their families made up for any ad- verse weather conditions. The sudden death of Mark Bush, one of our good neighbors, left the community shocked and saddened. Mr. Bush was a fine man and a citizen. We shall miss his friendly chats, and the lovely flowers which filled his yard with beauty. : Our sincere sympathy is offered to his daughter, Mary Carey, and his family. } A fine turnout at St. Paul's Lu- theran (Church greeted Rev. Carl Schindler, formerly of St. Paul's, Wilkes-Barre, when he supplied for Pastor Frederic H. Eidam on Sun- day morning. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Harmon and Richard, Tarrytown, N. Y., re- turned home on ‘Sunday after spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ritts, Sr., Pi- oneer Avenue. Sincere sympathy is extended to Miss Katheryn Gay in her recent bereavement. Jack Eck returned to Muhlenberg College and Marilyn to Susquehan- na University last week, after spending the Baster holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eck, Lehigh Street. Dorothy, stu- dent nurse at Allentown Hospital was able to be home for the Easter weekend. i Mrs. Herman LaBar, Mt. Airy Road, will return this week after spending the winter in Melbourne, Florida with her daughter, son-in- law and family, Mr. and Mrs: Rich- ard Christ and children. Larry Newhart returned to classes at Penn State last week after spending the Easter recess with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Newhart. Larry will graduate in June. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Daily, Lawn Avenue, had as Easter visitors, Mr. Richard, Pamela, (Christine and Jennifer, Arlington, Va. and Mr. the phoebe bird a couple of times. What is Sciatica ? Sciatica ‘Ask anyone, who has had Sciatica, this Daily’s mother, Mrs. Agnes Heath, ’ Shavertown the | equipment needed for the new fire Robert Bayer are co-chairman of game scheduled the first week of! Mr. and Mrs. Paul Evang and family nearly the entire time of their trip | and Mrs. Robert Wrigley, Barbara, | question, and they will be at a loss to find words to adequately explain the extreme pain involved. Sciatica is usually proceeded by sensitivity of the lower back, which if ignored, will proceed from slight pain running down the back of the leg, to extreme pain which may stop at the back of the knee or continue to the heel of the foot. Sciatica is usually associated with pressure on the sciatic nerve root, produced by one or more misalinged segments of the lower spine. If this pressure is allowed to exist for any length of time, the sciatic nerve will eventually become inflamed. Tt is at this point that the pain becomes unbearable. There is nothing that you can ‘take that will completely relieve the pain. The only course that can be taken with this condition is that of removing the pressure from the sciatic nerve root. Like any other neuritis, even after the cause is removed, pain will still exist until the inflammation is able to heal. Your chiropractor is trained to locate and correct misalign- ments of the spine ‘that are responsible for sciatica. Bee your chiropractor at the first possible signs of sciatica. DR. DONALD E. GETZ Chiropractor 127 N. MAIN ST., SHAVERTOWN, PA. Ofice Hours: Mon., Tues., Wed., and Fri. 10-12, 2-4, 7-9 PHONE 674-3756 Philadelphia. Harold Raynor, Division Street, is reported improving at Nesbitt | Hospital following a heart attack. | Glen ‘Stroh is building a new home on upper Pioneer Avenue. Mrs. Marge Stout and son, David, Wilkes-Barre, came back to the | area for a brief visit when they spent Sunday with Mr. Elwood Swingle. Mrs. Olwen Overman, Alta, | Oklahoma, has purchased a home| on Londale Avenue, and is among | the newcomers to our community. | Mr. and Mrs. Warren Daubert, | Spring Street, entertained Mr. and | Mrs. Ernest Berlew, Wilkes-Barre, | and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Berlew, | Dallas, on Sunday, at a family get | together. On Easter Sunday, the Daubert family, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mannear and children, took off for | Montrose where Billy and Bobby | Daubert and Johnnie Mannear set | out 1,000 Scotch Pine seedlings on | the Mannear farm, while a snow- | storm engulfed the regicn. | BIRTHDAYS Greetings this week to Debra | Ann Gelsleichter, Amy Rowett, Heather Alexander, Beatrice Ell Newman, Fredric Anderson, Jr. Katherine Whitehead, Louise W. Roberts, Frances Rowlands, Linda | Former Noxen Resident Dies In New Jersey | Mrs. Mary Wright, 89, a former resident of Noxen before moving to Dover, N. J., twelve years ago, died | last Wednesday morning in a nurs- | ing home after an extended illness. She was buried Friday in Mt. Green- wood Cemetery. and Mrs.| Mrs. Wright was born in Kings- SECTION B — PAGE 5 ton, daughter of the late Jesse and Grace Buckley Sink. Her husband Thomas died in September, 1960. During her twenty-five years resi- dence in Noxen, she belonged to Noxen Methodist Church. Surviving are: a daughter, Mrs. James Howell, Dover, N. J.; a son George Snell, Luzerne; eight grand- { children, sixteen great grandchil- ' dren, and two stepchildren. GREENWALD'S IN LUZERNE (@S5 8 [el] 1\e FURNITURE "s GIFTS SYP 0000000060000 066 y HI OOOCOOCOOOCOOII EEC EC SLT HT ERA C2 EIU CCT A 3 1 : 2 I A Rear 29 North Main Street CEE EE TF CL LE CEE TEE CTT PE TE PRC CR ERCP Craplhic Arts Services INCORPORATED PHOTO-ENGRAVING Offset Negatives and Platemaking Screen Prints, Art Work Phone VA 5-2978 Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Woolbert, Joseph Earl Tweedle, Frederick J. Eck, Jr., Mrs. Bob Wright, John Beagle, Richard Daniel Lengel. Donald Biggs, Mrs. Fred B. Howell, Morris William Sheckler, Laura - Elliott, David Lohmann, Robert Price, Sr., Arja Brown, Bon- nie Jean Shaver, David Wadas, Edna H. Smith, Elizabeth Taylor, Karen Purvin, Jack Appel, Thomas M.: Templin, Ann Daw Heffernan, Brad Boyer, Ruth Post, Fred Ross, | Leslie Hoover, Scott Eric Crispell, | Aline Sprau, Betty L. Lamoreaux, | Wayne Frederick, Florence M. Wil- | liams, Mrs. Clarence Lord, and Mar- gie Davis. Sweet Valley Mr. and Mrs. Freag Benscoter, Lloyd and Carolyn, Berwick, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. | Long, last Saturday. Mrs. William James and daugh- ter, Debra; Clarks Summit. was a recent guest of Mrs. James’ mother, Fill ID SLOCUM — EXCAVATING — Screened Topsoil 471-2851 NE 9-9497 Septic Tanks Gravel Mrs. - Vida Kitchen and sister and | brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- | {liam George. Birthday greetings are extended | this week to Penni Wesley, daugh- | ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Wesley, Jr.; Adrian E. DeMarco and son, | John; Tommy John Creasing, son lof Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Creasing; | Beverly Adams; daughter of Mr. and | Mrs. Robert Adams: Susan Stock. | daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Stock; Rosanne Mahoney | Special congratulations go to Mr. | | and Mrs. Richard Culver whose wedding anniversary was observed on April 5 along with the birthdays | of their daughter Cindy Kay and son Keith Richard. : i .Jan and Wanda Long, son and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Long, are among recent victims of mumps. i DRAINAGE STONE DIRT FILL ASPHALT PAVING Driveways Parking Areas CRUSHED STONE “Meeting Pa. Dept. of Highway Specifications.” American Asphalt Paving Go. 696-1114 Do eo Ss.’ f= CROSS SQ-2 co a Se Qe 2 GS e wo To o : © ao eo, Ve @ © 6) - LS] Lp * Pose 8 - & o Br a re = ~~ . - P.O Tah Bot. © > Oo > - RO eae > 0° on i) «lB = Nos ir o> ’ .- he eo @ . 8 Pg .. Po, a * - - . “The Nicest Cards in, Town, “PRESCRIPTIONS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED" QUCKSVILLE PHONE DALLAS 696-2222 HARRY HOLAK R. P.,B.Sc. MAIN ROAD TRUCKSVILLE, PA. "WHERE QUALITY AND SERVICE PREVAIL" It’s Time To .. . and “The Miners” ' will help you finance the repairs and improvements you've planned. You'll like the easy, friendly way ‘we do business and you will save money with our low bank rates and easy re-payment plan. Come see us soon ! MEMBER Spruce Up for Spring! The Friendly “Miners in Dallas” Nii NERS Jwuniovar save FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Convenient Banking Hours 8 am. to 2 pm. Monday Through Friday Friday Nights $5 to 8 p.m. Sat., 10-12 Thur. and Sat. Afternoon by Appointment