i Sy SECTION A — PAGE 2 THE DALLAS POST Established 1889 Entered as second-class matter at the post office at Dallas, Pa. under the Act of March 3, 1889. Subscription rates: $4.00 a year; $2.50 six months. six months. months or less. No subscriptions accepted for less than Out-of-State subscriptions, $4.50 a year; $3.00 six Students away from home $3.00 a term; Qut-of- State $3.50. Back issues, more than one week old, 15¢. Member Audit Bureau of Circulations olaa= 8 Member Pennsylvania Newspaper Publishers Association Member National Editorial Association Member Greater Weeklies Associates, Inc. Pi ee. - Cunt 2 2 A They Have A Right To Run There are so many appeals for help, all of them worthy, all of them hard to resist. ? Nobody can give heed to all of them. But the appeal for Crippled Children is one which it is impossible to ignore. Children have a right to run and skip and jump in the spring sunshine. They have a right to go splashing through puddles in red rubber boots. They have a right to climb trees. their It wrings the heart to see children who must drag feet; children who cannot coordinate their muscles; children to whom every step is a deliberate challenge in balance. The strides that have been made even in the past few years, in training sufferers from cerebral palsy to walk without staggering, to take their place among nor- mal children without suffering embarrassment, have been phenomenal. . Much of the progress has been due to efforts of the Crippled Children’s Association. E It all costs money. But who wouldn't contribute to a fund which helps a handicapped child to stand erect, to play with other children on their own terms, ‘useful future? The Easter Seal campaign is on. DO something about it ! and to look forward to a § As a thank offering that YOUR child can run and jump and splash in the puddles in bright red boots! Pupils Of Louie Ayre To Present Recital Louie H. Ayre will present the following piano students in an En- semble Recital, Sunday March 15th at 2:30 p.m. in St. Clement's Parish House, Lockhart Street, Wilkes- Barre — Debbie and Donald An- thony, Gwen Arnaud, Ann Barnes, Roshan Billimoria; Cathy Cawley, Cathy Codovos, Lorene Daring, Charline, Donna and Christine Demmy, Carylon Edwards, Mark Eves) Nancy Gordan, Joanne Gen- sel. Aon and Robert Graham, Jane Gilmartin, Glenda and Patti Larson, Katharine Loveland, Nancy Love, Stephanie Lindaur, Eric Martin, Alda > Maturi; = Brian McCartney, Nancy Micky, Mary Miller, Megan and Susan Moore, Diane Morgan, Anne Moyer, Joan Nelson, Sally Otto, Maeryta Parkhurst, Brenda and Paula Richards, Tom Rowett, Susie Stouffer, Susan Strye, Pa- tricia Wilde, Local Students Earn Good Citizenship Awards Margaret Fleming, Dallas High School, and Patricia Kanasky, Lake- Lehman High School, will be pre- sented, Good Citizen awards with. twelve other Wyoming Valley stu- dents this Saturday, 2 p.m. at the Adams room of Hotel Sterling. The students were chosen by their schools for qualities of good citizen- ship. and will take competitive exams in American History. The contest is sponsored by the Good Citizens Committee of the National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution. Lydia Jones js chairman of the * Wyoming Valley