2 w= ’ > P E stances proved trying indeed to a a a i ~ ‘tentions of resignation materialized . disagreeable phone calls was in- “own are interested in the post and the post is Milton Evans, who has paras, PENNSYLVANIA . Shavertown RESIGNATIONS Several previously announced in- last week when Supervisor Lester Hauck submitted his formal resig- nation to the Board. The story of a family harassed by deed true but there is more > to the decision, Mr. Hauck’s tenure in office was marked by a sincere desire to im- prove his chosen community and he made tireless efforts to do so. How these were frustrated in many in- man of his ability. It is strange that the circum- stances parallel the tenure of an- other dedicated man, who also re- igned. ‘Austin Line had similar ob- Vectives and improvements to offer and he, too, was thwarted. The third man to resign within | two years, Secretary Edward Rich- ards, was likewise caught in a web of circumstance and, too, found the situation untenable. This is indeed something to think about. Every member must be aware of all matters, and not ex- cluded from any PoRinent proce- dures. Continued trilarest on the part of taxpayers can help to solve the stalemate. Again, I say, come out to the meetings. SUCCESSOR ? ; The supervisors have 30 days in which to appoint a successor to Hauck. It is to our interest that such be done. Another court ap- pointment would point up the fric- tion which has proved a problem. Several residents from Shaver- Shavertown should have repre- sentation. The general favorite for bne such an admirable job in eading up the Kingston Township Board of Appeals. He would bring stability to the board. Dan Shaver has also been proposed for the job | and Ted Poad is having petitions signed. Rumor has it that Richards wag offered the vacancy but turned. it down. : Many are wondering why our police chief was so interested in pre- senting a list for consideration on the appointment. Were other em- ployees ever allowed this privilege? HERE AND THERE When the Shavertown 6th grad- ers go to the World's Fair, they will be met by Flossie Pugh and daughter, Debbie, who now reside in the near vicinity. Debbie will have a chance to join old classmates and Flossie will join the big group of chaperones. Sincere sympathy is extended to Arnold Yeust in the death of his sister, Mrs. Minerva Stoltz, Lincoln h LB. 59c Park, Michigan: Mr. and Mrs, Yeust and daughter, Carol Jean, re- urned home last Wednesday after a hazardous trip to attend the funeral services in the north central «state. . Mrs. Norman Honeywell, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Honeywell and Barbie attended the 7th birthday party of Norman Honeywell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Honeywell at Plains om Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. Frederic Eidam visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sterner in Allentown last week, Mr. Stemer had not been feeling well. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Metz and | family will soon move back to Car verton after spending several weeks with her brother and sister-in-law, ‘| Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Newhart. They will reside in a trailer near the site of their home which was destroyed by fire: Our best wishes go to Sam Spaci- ‘ano, recuperating in General Hos- Jital following injuries suffered in @ fall from a roof at his home two weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. fowrénes Jones and ry, Binghamton, spent the week- ad at the home’ of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Denton Updyke. Mrs. Margaret Traver is home again from Mercy Hospital but is not feeling too well. Mrs. Harold ‘Ash and Mrs. Emaret Franklin visited their sister, Mrs. Morris Welsh at Geisinger Hospital on Sunday. They were accompanied by Mr. Welsh. Mrs. Charles Dressel, mother of Mrs. Welsh, visited her daughter on Saturday. Tom Reese, is again seriously a at Nesbitt Hospital. * Our very best wishes go to Earl Hons, = who celebrated his 70th birthday om Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Granville Sowden and. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Hoover returned home on Monday after spending some time in Pimehurst, N. C. The Hoovers went down last week. Sincere sympathy is extended to the - family of the late William Oldershaw. Always interested in his friends and community, he will be missed by his friends and neighbors. Mrs. Daniel Shaver ig a pafient in General Hospital where she under- went eye surgery last week. rs. Robert Daniels, Philadelphia, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Andrew over the weekend. Tom and Mary drove her back to school on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Newman and children, Reading, visited her mother, Mrs, Sally Ell on Sunday. How nice to know that spring is almost upon us. Freddie and Dot- tie called Sunday evening and said the youngsters were kite flying in | their area. I was surprised to hear that they had had a mild winter in the vicinity of the Tinele-lowa | ERCH ENJOY A WONDERFUL WORLD OF LANCASTER BRAND MEATS Lancaster Brand SIRLOIN OR RIB lancasier Brand ROAST NELESS Ci Lancaster Brand OVEN READY IB ROAST -=;, Lb. 1st Cuts Slightly Higher PORTERHOUSE STEAK "THE DALLAS POST, THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1964 ~~ % 75¢ WI Boneless Cross Cut Roast ™ 79¢ Tender Eye Roast ......" 1.09 TENDER ARM ROAST PLATE SOUP BEEF LEAN MEATY 15¢ SHORT RIBS L. 39¢ TENDER CROSS CUT ROAST 5. 69¢C Lancaster Brand GOVERNMENT TO PROTECT THE iNTERESTS OF BUYERS AND SELLERS OF COMMCOITIES OR GROUND BEEF AND PORK “ 69c 53c SELECTED BEEF LIVER ............. » 306 NATIONAL ( CENTER CUT CHUCK STEAK ..........» 49c "TENDER CUBE STEAKS ... . .. Thing, ABs MEATY BEEF NECK BONES . .......... » 19¢ . 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MUSHROOMS snes miner con st POTATOES BUY 3—GET 1 FREE GREEN GIANT GOLDEN CORN WHOLE ' CRUSHED 4 = 59° 4 = 5 (Regular or Hard to x Hair) 4-0z. can CR i 39° "89: iy 2 «50 vf) Qe IDEAL PURE STRAWBERRY PRESERVES D :- b5° IDEAL WHITE SHORTENING as su 69¢ OF 6 PACKAGES OF JELL-O GELATINES JELL-O 4 i= 38° ASSORTED FLAVORS IDEAL GET YOUR FREE KITE WITH PURCHASE APPLE BUTTER SCOTT TOILET "SECTION A — PAGE 7 EXTRA SAVINGS! EXTRA VALUES! . IN ACME’S FABULOUS SAVINGS BOOK! SAVE 50c NORMANDY ROSE MELMAC DINNERWARE 4-PIECE $ ! .. WITH PLACE 99 BOOK SETTING : COUPON SAVE $1.00 SAVE $44.50 STAINLESS MN TLuE STEEL ALUMIRUM TABLEWARE bid COOKWARE Yeemne. 99¢ 50 BONUS STAMPS 50 BONUS STAMPS WITH ANY PIECE 475 EXTRA BONUS STAMPS! WITH BOOK COUPONS AND COUPONS BELOW! WITH SAVINGS BOOK COUPON AND PURCHASE OF 3-PC. COMPANION SET HOREIANDY ROSE DINNERWARE VITH SAVINGS BOOK COUPON ANI PURCHA E OF 4-PC. PLACE SETTINC STAINLESS STEEL TABLEWARE WITH SAVINGS BOOK COUPON AN! 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