SECTION B — PAGE 8 Fernbrook Mrs. Gershom Hoyt, ! : pital. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Rogers, Maple ‘Mrs. Ira Button, 162 East Over: Middlesex, callers on [Sunday were: Rogers, Dallas. Teachers and Officers of Glenview Friday. Mr. | ‘Street, had as weekend guests, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Trimble, Billy and Danny, Bristol, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sorber, Linda and Nancy, 336 Normal Burest, Eos New Jersey. Other and Mrs. James Rogers, Trenton, New Jersey; Mr. and Mrs. Dick Rogers and son, Ricky; Mr. and Mrs. Robert brook Avenue, presently a guest at the Mar-Ment Manor Nursing Home, trouds- burg, is improving nicely. Edwin Lumley and his daughter | Mary Alice, Harris Street, were din- ner guests on Saturday evening in {honor of their birthdays. Ed cele- | brated his birthday on Wednesday 'and Mary Alice, her 10th birthday Other guests ‘were, Mr. PM. Church will. be honored on sng Mrs, Thomas Morgan and Mr. social and ‘Mrs. Gordon Austin, Shaver- rooms of the church by a covered town, Mrs. Helen Weaver, Linda, Saturday evening in dish supper. the |Bucky, and Helen, Philadelphia, Mr. and Mrs. Melvyn Compton Kathleen Lumley, and hostess, Mrs. Demunds Road, is a patient in Nesbitt Hos- Wayne Hughes Wins Honors At College Mrs. William R. Hughes, R. D. 5 ment for iDean’s List. Wayne is a senior majoring in science. He is a graduate of Kings- ton high school, Kingston. On Dean's List Miss Mary Bennett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Bennett, Trucksville, was named to the Sr em cm and Harry, Levittown, spent the Alice Lumley. weekend visiting relatives in this area. for the first semester. majoring in mathematics. Dean’s List at Lycoming College | Tri LauLAS POST, THURSUA YL, FuBhUARY 27, 1964 Beaumont Mrs. Calla Parrish, who is ill at Wayne Hughes, son of Mr. and Carpenter's Nursing Home at Ide- » town, enjoyed her numerous Valen- Shavertown, has been recognized tines, for outstanding scholastic achieve- Wayne Brace has returned from the first pemester at the Wyoming Valley Hospital where Bryan college. Wayne has the cur- he submitted to a series of tests. rent average of 2.417 out of a pos- | sible 3.000, qualifying him for the ‘Jersey were with the Herbert Good- The Victor La Brunos of New wing last weekend. It was good to see Paul Nulton HI looking so well when he called on his many friends last weekend when he and his dad came from Long Island, N. Y. | The Harry Walters found their son doing well at Camp Le Jeune, N. C. on their recent visit. Mrs, Kenneth ‘Jackson. RETAIL VALUE *10. Beautiful 16 Piece Set CANNON LS if you buy a new Electric Dryer now from a participating deal- er for installation on Luzerne Division, UG, lines you will re- ceive free of charge this set of beautiful Cannon Towels. Offer expires March 31, 1964. the revolutionary-new seas rer eeas nanan, svwesnseses - » With the same care and convenience that Susy, » Click! you wash them... WITH TWO Click! It's a normal- speed dryer! > \ Now it's a super-speed dryer! Is just like two dryers in one! Normal-speed drying for all your washable garments . . . super-speed for extra-fast drying of a heavy load. Just turn a dial to get the kind of drying you want. Other features you'll especially like include: Six automatic cycle settings e Five automatic temperatures e Ultra- violet lamp that brightens clothes as they dry e Automatic door shutoff e Built-in lint screen. “Waltz Through Wash Day... With a Modern Electric Dryer” Ais di LUZERNE ELEG Ete » DIVISION ~~ Charles the semester. lL SSL NEWS FROM POST CORR ESPONDENTS BEAUMONT, Mrs. William Austin NE 9-2544 @ MT. ZION, Rev. Charles Gilbert Harding 388-2270 DALLAS, Carol Ann Williams 674-4109 @® NOXEN, Mrs. Ira Beahm .. NE 9-8522 FERNBROOK, Mrs. George Shaver 674-5460 . ® SHAVERTOWN, Mrs. F. W. Anderson 675-2001 HARVEYS LAKE, Mrs. Albert Armitage NE 9-9531 ® SWEET VALLEY, Mrs. Albert Ray GR 7-3271 IDETOWN, Bess Cooke NE 9-5137 ® TRUCKSVILLE, Mrs. Arline Bessmer 696-1531 JACKSON TWP., William Hughes 696-1005 @ EAST DALLAS, Mrs. Irene Moore 674-2392 .EHMAN, Mrs. Morton Connelly 674-2488 ® I . Lehman Roger Squier, Ely, was nephew ° of Mrs. named to the Dean’s list at Wilkes College for Roger is a member ; William Jones remains ill Mary is at the home of her daughter, Mrs. of the Junior class, and is majoring in accounting. Mens Bible Class of the Methodist Church met in the church base- ment, with Robert Disque presiding. Plans were made for a Ham and Egg Supper April 4th at 5:30 p.m. Tickets may be purchased from class members. Albert Ide. showed pictures of his trip West. Luncheon was gerved by Mrs. Charles Nuss, Mrs. Albert Ide and Mrs. Joseph Ellsworth. Next meet- ing will be March 17th. We extend our sympathy to Mrs. Willard ‘Sutton in the loss of her sister, Mrs. Norman Blackburn, who was buried last week. Her home was in Schenectady, N. Y. She died very suddenly. BIRTHDAY GREETINGS Happy birthday to the following: Ruth Disque, Alexander J. Mieuro, Fred Cutting, Claire McKenna, Law- rence Cease, Thomas Major, Jerry Hoover, Peggy Jane Disque, Karen Rogers Perrego, Janet Ehret, W. Russell Ide, Mark Dial, Jill Smith, Mrs. Emily Major Whitenight, Mrs. Norman Tiffany, Pamela Traver, Fred Brown, Arthur L. Nuss and Elwood Ruckel. Mr. Ruckel celebrates his birth- day every 4 years, being a Leap Year baby. World Day of Prayer was held in the Shavertown Church, and the following ladies from Lehman at- tended: Mrs. John Hildebrant, Mrs. Howard A Ehret, Mrs. Joseph Ells- worth, Mrs. Morton Connelly, Mrs. Charles Nuss, Mrs. H. A. Brown, Mrs. Alice Elston, and Mrs. Harry Howells. The beautiful flowers in ' the morning service of the Church Sunday were sent to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nuss for a Valentine's Day gift from their son Ronald and wife from Hawaii, who are spending their honeymoon there. Roger Squier, nephew of Mrs. Charles Ely, was named to the Dean’s List of Wilkes College for the semester, Roger is a member of junior class, his major is ac- counting, and he makes his home with Mr. and Mrs. Ely. W.S.C.S. will sponpor a roast beef dinner March 11 at the Métho- {dist Church basement. Serving starts at 5:30. All you can eat. Mrs. Morton Connelly is chairman. Committee: Ruth Wright, Viola Hoover, Mrs. H. A. Brown, Mrs. Lester ‘Squier, Mrs. John [Sidler, Mrs. Janet Ehret, Mrs, Janet Eddy, and Mrs. Earl Eustice. Idetown Mrs. George May, Mrp. Elisa Gill- man, Mrs. Roswell Ferderic, Mrs. Ralph Welsh and Bess Cooke at- tended the World day of prayer which was held on Friday afternoon in the Shavertown Church. Joanne Maloid and Carol Hadsel spent the weekend in Washington, D.C Those having birthdays for this week and next week are Jane Cave, Mr. Sheldon Cave, Gilbert Husted, Mrs. Edward Parrish, Stephen iCal- S/8gt. Leonard Stoner In Giesson Germany Army Staff Sergeant Leonard S. Stoner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Stoner, 118 Park ISt., Dallas, par- ticipated in Operation WINTER- TRACK, an 8th Infantry Division field training maneuver near Geis- sen, Germany, which ended late in January. . The exercise included all phases of offensive and defensive tactics under simulated battle conditions: The severe winter cold provided a thorough test for both soldier and equipment. Sergeant Stoner, a section chief in Battery B, 5th Battalion of the division’s 53rd Artillery near Baum- holder, Germany, entered the Army in May 1951. He is a 1950 graduate of Dallap High School. kins, Jill ‘Smith, Mrs. Goldie Kit- chen, Mrs, Clara Mckenna, Mrp. Alfred Hadsel, P. H. Parks, Martha E. Hadsel. ; NEED AUCTION ITEMS Couple’s club met Saturday eve- ning in the churchhouse with 23 members in attendance. Rev. Nor- man Tiffany led the group in prayer. New members, Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert Sweitzer Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Harris were welcomed at this time. Old * business concerned the membership drive which is A pro- gressing nicely, Mr. Joseph Neiz- goda contacted the light company and the new outside light has been installed and is appreciated by all. Mrs. Henry Bergstrasser, enter- tainment chairman, contacted Mr. and Mrs. Walter Boyer who showed religious slides to the group which were most interesting. The club has made arrangements to go bowl- ing next month on March 14, 1964. New business revolved around the forth coming auction and Mrs. Willis Ide suggested we contact our neighbors for itemp to give the auc- tion. Anyone having items to do- nate can call Albert Sweitzer Sr., NE 9-5367 for the Idetown area, the Henry Bergstrasser 674-3701 for the Dallas area and arrange- ment will be made to pick up the articles. President Henry Bergptrasser also suggested a Spaghetti Supper for next month with Albert Sweitzer Sr.,. as chairman. The men will cook and serve the supper at 6:30 p.m., on our regular meeting nite. Mrs. Alfred Swelgin and Mrs. Mar- shall Harrison will furnish the dessert. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Merrel Burnett and Mrs. Robert Wilson. Those in attend- ance were Rev. Norman R. Tiffany, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Ide, Mr. Mrs. Alfred Swelgin, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bergstrasser, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Williams, Mr. and Mrs. El- mer Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sweitzer, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Richard | Ide, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sweitzer Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Harrison, { Mrs. Merrel Burnett and Mr. Robert Steele. and: Shavertown TIME OF CRISIS It is indeed regretful that we lose an excellent secretary to the Board of Supervisors. Ed Richards did an outstanding job as anyone who attended meetings at the township building knows. hard to fill but a man, who is conscientious cannot tolerate the friction which certainly exists. All the supervisors will ‘be equally sorry to see him go. . Progress must be made and when qualified men give their time in the service of their community it is imperative that they work for the good of all and in some sort of agreeable atmosphere. Any man, who serves his state, nation or community is bound to cope with | misunderstanding, apathy and many times unjust criticism, but when accord fails to exist among board members, the situation can be most trying. A difference of opinion is sometimes necessary but when it goes beyond this point, the town- ship and its people suffer. I was really shocked to hear of some of the disturbing events which nearly caused the resignation of another member of our board. When one stoops so low as to in- timidate the wife and children of a man, who has the courage of his convictions, it is time the public is made aware of it. Come out to your supervisors meetings and learn at first hand just what is going on. Then do something about it. Politics can be clean and constructive. Any other form is a mockery of the constitu- tion of this great nation. HERE AND THERE Another candidate for committee man has announced his intention of seeking office. Bob Jones, Lin- coln Drive, tossed his hat into the ring last week. He will oppose Ted Poad, former tax collector. The heavy snowfall found the children enjoying a holiday and in several instances = their parents joined them. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Elliott got some good fresh winter breezes Wednesday when they took time out to sleighride with their youngsters and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wadas and family took off for Elk Mt., Thursday to do a bit of skiing. Time spent with your boys and girls really pays off, and who after all, is more important. Residents on Roushey Hill, Per- rin Avenue and Mt. Airy Roads say the fine job done last year was not repeated last week in clearing snow from these strets. Don Edwards has about decided to quit having birthdays. Every year on February 19, it storms and this year, Mr. and Mrs. Edwards were dismayed when a big snow fall arrived on the eve of the Roast Beef Supper at Shavertown Metho- dist Church. Unable to use their car they went on foot to the affair, working nearly all day helping pre- pare the food to be served. Warren Reed, who has been fol- lowing the Farmer's Almanac with interest this year says the fore- casts of storms have been very ac- curate with the biggest one of the season due today. Where will we put it? Bob Walp, son of Mr. and Mrs. His place will be! Ralph Walp, will celebrate his 22nd birthday today. Greetings and many more happy anniversaries, Bob. Sister Margery Walp will leave this morning for the University of { Thomas Gauntlett, Dallas, to spend the weekend at the college, visit Tom, who is enrolled there and see the game with Duke University. Mr. and Mrs. John Shadrach, Philadelphia, left for ‘home on Thursday after spending some time with his sister, Mrs. Allan Johnson, Main Street. Her nephew, David Phillips, also of Philadelphia, has been visiting her over the past two weekends. Frank Wadas, Jr. who observed his eighteenth birthday on Wednes- day will enter Mansfield State Col- lege in, the fall. Frank expects to major in Science. completed for next semester. Linda Woolbert will enter Susquehan- na University following graduation from Dallas Senior High in June. She is the youngest daughter of Flossie and Ted. Charles Glasser in his recent be- reavement. Joan Edwards sprained her wrist in a fall during the storm lasf week. \ Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tondora are moving into one of the Van Campen Apts. SIXTY SEVEN YEARS I was very sorry to have missed the recent anniversary celebration February 9 of the Morris Lloyds. What a wonderful occasion for them. Sixty seven years of wedded happiness is hard to match and both are in fairly good health. ' Mrs. Lloyd, the former Eva Ellis of Bloomingburg, N. Y., met her husband, a native of Brooklyn, when he came to live and work near her home. She vividly recalls that‘ they were married on his 20th birthday which makes him 86 this month. ; Son, Richard, lives with them and two other sons, Bert of Miami, Fla., William, Long Island, and two grandchildren complete their family circle. The Lloyd’s have resided in Shavertown for the past six years having lived previously in Trucks- ville for two decades. both. SCOUTS HAVE DINNER A delightful dinner party was held recently at the Parker homg on Shaver Avenue when two youn: { ladies took over for the evening meal. Working on requirements for their cooking badges, Estelle Park- er and Priscilla Kloeber prepared the entire menu Friday evening with Leader Mrs. Donald Edwards and patrol members, Susan Bucan, Susan Owens, Diane Alden, Judy Misson, Doris Sims and Mrs. Clif- ford Parker as guests. Mrs. Edwards says they did a fine job. Her troop has earned 15 badges so far this year. Miss Charlotte Martin, Lyons, N. J., was a recent visitor at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Martin. Brenda gets Dunked OPEN 24 HOURS DAY S&H GREEN STAMPS 'BIRTH'S DALLAS ESSO SERVICENTER AT THE ¢ Dallas, iain mh KR | yo? Pa. my 4 ROUTES 309 and 118 1 Spring cleaning urges have been on Saturday I succumbed. tains came down in the kitchen and dishes off shelves and right in the midst of the confusion we received guests and more visitors continued to arrive throughout the day. Not as much was accomplished as I had planned but the kitchen sure does look brighter. To complete the cleaning influence, Fred and I decided to give Brenda Chimp her mid winter bath and al- tho she wasn’t keen on the idea, she didn’t give us too much trouble and the hair dryer fluffed up her heavy coat and took away the chill following the dunking. I never spend time with her with- out remembering another little monkey who became my friend, al- beit scarred fingers might dispute that fact. Poor little Chi-Chi won't be with us this summer to swing about in her cage outside the Post for she died in December just one [year after her beloved master. | Temperamental as she could be, | there was something likeable about | the creature and 6 when 1 am tempted to remove our simian to a | ZOO, I just cannot bring myself to | transfer her from a home where i she is happy and contented as Chi Chi was at the Post. | Robinson, Roy Shaver, Dorothy R. | Pope, Robert Sprau, Harry Carson, | Edith Hart Smith, Elton Brace, Dick Farley, Clifford Parker, Jr. James Averett, Rilla Berlew Beat- | rice Ross. | Eric John Phillips, Ralph S. EI, Kathy Jones, Charlot Denmon, Joan Shrey, James Malkemes, Gay M. | Williams, Charlotte WM. Roberts, | Susan Fritzinger. | Named To Dean's List Bruce S. Grant, .R.D. 5, Chase Road, Shavertown, and Linda Ww. Williams, Box 224, Pole 175, Har- 674-4571 . - { Io Lake, were named to the Dean's List at Bloomsburg State College. Xe pan RR RTT Aj North Carolina with Mr. and Mrs. | Another young lady has her plans Sincere sympathy is extended i / Our belated best wishes to i ~~ with me for the past few weeks “ney Cur some of the fost BIRTHDAYS ga Greetings this week to Wal | Andrews, Glenn (Carey, Ronald Senna