- a _ John Pall, ents. we sno A — PAGH © } ln — POS, - NEWS FROM POST CORRESPONDENTS BEAUMONT, Mrs. William Austin DALLAS, Carol Ann Williams - FERNBROOK, Mrs. George Shaver ~ HARVEYS LAKE, Mrs. Albert Armitage IDETOWN, Bess Cooke - JACKSON TWP., William Hughes LEHMAN, Mrs. Morton Connelly NE 9-2544 ® MT. ZION, Rev. Charles Gilbert Harding 388-2270 674-4109 ® NOXEN, Mrs. Ira Beahm NE 9-8522 674-5460 ® SHAVERTOWN, Mrs. F. W. Anderson 675-2001 NE 9-9531 @ SWEET VALLEY. Mrs. Albert Ray GR 7-3271 NE 9-5137 ® TRUCKSVILLE, Mrs. Arline Bessmer 696-1531 696-1005 @ EAST DALLAS, Mrs. Irene Moore 674-2392 674-2488 @ : TRE - RR BR Sweet Valley George ‘Stockage, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stockage, Sr., Pikes Creek has returned to Selfridge, Michigan, Airbase after spending a seven day leave with his parents. Recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Post included her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Kibler, Foundryville; Mr. and Mrs. Guy Lynn and Jeffrey, and Mrs. Bonnie Youlls, Berwick; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moore and Mark. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Willard Bonning, Willard, Jr. and Ricky, Corning, New York, spent last week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith. Mr. Smith has returned to Newark, New Jersey, after spend- ing the holidays at his home. ~ Don Anesi, student at Williams- port Technical School, spent the holiday recess with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Anesi. Don Pall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sr., has returned to Fort Gordon, Georgia, after spend- ing a leave at the home of his par- Don is a 1963 graduate cf Lake-Lehman High School. Congratulations to Pastor and Mrs. William G. Hughes and Pastor and Mrs. B Kirby Jones who ob- served their wedding anniversaries on December 27. Pastor and Mrs. Hughes were married at the Church of Christ, Wilkes-Barre, December 27, 1952, with Pastor Dale Heffelfinger officiating. They are the ‘parents of two children, ' Linda, 7, and Billie, 3. Mrs. Hughes H is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William former Mildred Gillman, Gillman, Wilkes-Barre. Pastor and Mrs. Jones were married December 27, 1958, at the Beaumont Baptist Church with Rev. Truman Reeves officiating. They are the parents of two sons, B. Kirby Jr., and Brett. Mrs. Jones is the former Gladys Jones, R. N., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald. Jones, Beau- mont, Pastor Jones, who is a na- tive of Lilesville, North Carolina, is Pastor of the Pas Christian Church. Karen Lee Spencer, donghtin of Mrs. Ann Spencer, observed her birthday on New Years. Karen was a member of last year’s graduating class, Lake- Lehn ‘man. * Janice and Dean Bronson, daugh- ter and son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred D. Bronson, were guests of their parents over the holidays. Janice has returned to Columbia Univer- sity, New York City, and Dean to ‘Shepherd College, Sheppherdstown, ‘W. Va. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Myron Moss and son, Bob, returned to ‘their home New Year's eve after spending a delightful holiday vacation = in ~ Plorida as the guests of their sons, Warner and Fred. Mr. and Mrs. ~ Warner Moss and family live at Devils Garden and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moss 'and family at Immo- halee. Another son and family, ‘Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Moss, arrived at Warners’ from Texas in time for a family reunion on Christmas ~ . day. The Moss families attended a F \Bzr Mitzvah honoring Joel Lipman, ‘ ‘Hollywood, Florida. son of Mr. and Mrs. Lou Lipman, ] The following day the Lipmans entertained at a barbeque at the Warner Moss home, honoring the entire family: Mr. and Mrs. Moss and Bob 'also visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank ~ Shelton, Jacksonville, Enroute they also visited the Sugar Mills at Cleweston, Fla. and the Shell fac- tory at Fort Meyers. A highlight of the trip was a drive along the Golden Sand Beaches at Miami. Mr. Moss is the principal at Ross Elementary School. Mrs. Moss en- joys an active part in thte school activities. Bob is a senior at Lake- Lehman. Henry: Post, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Post, observed his twelfth birthday January 2. On ~ hand ‘to help with the celebration were Michael Adams; Mr. and Mrs. ~ Charles Moore and son, Mark; the |honoree’s brother, Brent Stanley, and his parents. ~ Dayton Long, a teacher in the Lancaster City Schools, Lancaster, y has returned after spending the holidays with his parents Mr. and Mrs. McKinley Long. During the ; ‘Mrs. \ “holiday recess, Mr. Long and his nephew, Dean Long, returned to Lancaster for two days the guests of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Smith, Connie Pall, daughter of Mr. and Walter Pall, Pikes Creek, re- turned to studies at Nesbitt Hos- pital School of Nursing after spend- ing the holidays with her parents and brother, Jimmie. i Karla Penny Ray, daughter of ‘Mr. and Mrs. Albert IL. Ray, has returned to College WMisericordia ‘after sending the holiday vacation at home. She is a freshman. Marie Rasimovicz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Rasimovicz, Sly- van Lake, and Sharron Farver, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Far- ver, have returned to the Mercy ‘Hospital School of Nursing after spending the holidays with their * parents. . Karen Lorraine Haines, only "daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George ‘Haines, observed her sixth birthday ‘on January 3. She is in first grade “at Ross School. % Barbara Ross, daughter of Mrs. Edith Ross, Broadway Corners, re- turned to Temple University, Phil- New Year's morning dawned stormy, cold and Adresry. It was my sad duty that day to cover the tragic Coon fire at Huntsville. I stopped on the way to pick up Mrs. Hicks, knowing she, too would like to cover the story fr; a her own individual angle. As usual when h:'n is needed owr firemen were early on the scene along with Trucksvill: and other companies from the Back Mountain. The boys were doing a fine job but saddened that they had been unable to save thoge worthwhile lives. They ' remained throughout the day until 8:30 p.m. wetting down the ruins and searching for the bodies. Meanwhile at the Frederick household, members of the Ladies Auxiliary and friends were making sandwiches by the score, whipping up tasty snacks from sixteen loaves of bread and two huge urns of cof- fee. Dozens of doughnuts went along to the hungry boys, cold, wet and weary on the first day of the new year.. It was a sad way to begin a new period but how valu- able a service thev all give their community. On the bright: side, the Bill Dungeys were ret rning a lovely little girl named “Melody”, who had shared Christmas week with them to Bingham'on Methodist Home. Nine yea‘'s of age, the youngster had a glorious time, re- ceiving a wealth of gifts and more important, love ard their whole- hearted attention. The Percy Lov s also shared their holiday wits three children from the same ins*.tution. HERE AND THERE Roy Trexler, off for the holiday from his many duties at the Game Commission, joined his family visiting in Emmaus. Young Eddie Trexler made David Newhart’s vacation g little happier when he found a wrist watch which David had received for Christmas and lost. Last Friday morning, three hungry doe appeared in Mrs. Shaver’s field in back of our home. Fred was startled to see them there calmly pawing the ice crusted snow, in search of something to eat, while he watched close hy. The Bucan pool, covered during cold weather amd destined for an ice skating rink, was the victim of an early freeze and the youngsters are waiting for a thaw so that the cover may be removed. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Daniels, Philadelphia, were holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Andrew. Sincere symathy .is extended to Mrs. William Eike and Mrs. Ted Poad in their recent bereavement. Also to Mrs. Dorothy Wadas and Mrs. Arthur Hayston in the loss of their grandmother and son. Tommy Borthwick returned to Penna. State University and Jim to University of Pennsylvania last week after spending the holidays with their parents, Dr. and Mrs. Malcolm Borthwick, Pioneer Aven- ue. Also returning to Penna. State were Larry Newhart and Charlene Mannear. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGuire were saddened on New Year's Day to receive word that the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bobeck, Sommer’s Point, N. J., had died, two weeks after birth. Mrs. Be- beck, is the former Joyce Ed- wards, Shavertown, and the grand: daughter of the McGuires. Mrs. Marian Gay, has taken up residence with her son and daugh- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Griffith. George Jacobs had as a holiday visitor, classmate John Lane, Prirceton, N. J. George returned home with him for a short stay and spoke to members of Princeton Rotary Club. James Morgan has returned to Mansfield State College after spending the holidays at his home. Misses Sandra Ross and Patricia Cla1k, New York City, were guests of Marilyn Eck during the holiday season. Dorothy Eck has returned to Allentown Hospital after a two week vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eck. Also returning to classes over the weekend were Jack Eck to Muhlenberg and sister Marilyn to Susquehanng University. Miss Charlotte Martin, Lyons, N. J., returned home New Years Day after spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Martin, Lehigh Street. Misses Lizbeth Hansing and Ed- mee Debetaz, from .Swaden and Switzerland, respectively, guests of the recess with her mother and sister, Phyllis, a student at Wyo- ming Seminary. Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Ray re- cently entertained at dinner mo- ther and brother, Mrs. Harry L. Martin, Trucksville, and Ralph L. Martin, Emmitsburg, Maryland; Stacey Witkoski, Patty and Robbie Yaskiewcz, Janet Bresney and Sammy Morravini, Wilkes-Barre. Dean and Gloria Long, son and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Long, have returned to college after spending the holidays with their parents. Dean is a student at Bloomsburg College and Gloria at- \ cite this week after spending | tends Lock Haven State. Shavertown Patricia Sinicrope, proved delight- ful visitors and made a number of friends during their stay here dur- ing the holiday recess. They re- turned last week with Pat to Wake Forest College, N. C. George = Jacobs entertained 33 guests at a New Years Eve Party at his home. His dad was much impressed with the immaculate condition of their household after the guests had departed. George says our youth are just great, and I agree wholeheartedly with him. Miss Esther Saxe returned Wednesday to the homes of Mrs. ‘Walter Shaver with whom she re- sides during school sessions after spending the holiday recess with her brother at Berwick. ; BIRTHDAYS My apologies for the lack of a birthday listing last week but due to little space the names fell by the wayside on the cutting room floor. Greetings this week t> William Dymond, Sandra. Miller, = Doris Whipp, Jeanne Merolla, John Man- near, Betty Ann Lamoreats, Jack Strickland, Little Mary Kloeber, Cyril Darrow, Bradley Ide, Gordon Austin, Wally Roberts, Cora Jean Kloeber, Elaine Grimm, Allan Dale Biggs, James C. Edwards. Vern Ann Lord, Mrs. Walter Cook, Herbert Hill, betty Rogers, Janet Engels, Scott Tiugett, Char- lotte | Rich, Ernest Ashbridge, III, Patricia Wadas, J. W. Owens, Rusty Hill, Jane Torr, Judith Kleinrock, Keith Rogers, Loren Dymond Jr. Marietta Warden, Gary Kleppinger. Ruth Roberts, Jan Elizabeth Bigelow, John Sterner, John C. Holdredge, Mrs. William Pethick, Dan Monk, Dale Zimmerman, Wil- liam H. Pierce, 3rd, Theln'a Adams. /iloa Holeman, Patricia Bauman, Tcanmy Purvis, Regarding the many about Freddie's wedding. We ar- rived in time but encountered a wate train to Chicago, missing an- other to the northern peninsula of Michigan, site of the ceremony. Flanes did not fly near enough, the U-Drive-Its were exorbitant, and we finally took a bus, arriving early Saturday morning and caus- ing a cancellation of bridal party dinner and wedding rehearsal. Susie was thorough'y disgusted, as was ‘her dad and both vowed to drive next time. Rehearsal was scheduled for 9:30 Saturday morning and with only a few hours sleep we were up again and everything proceeded smoothly from this point. The newlyweds left for Green Bay Wisconsin, where they spent a short honeymoon, then returned te the trailer they had purchased nea: the coil: to spend their fret Christmas at home. On the way back to Chicago, Sunday mornrns with a | seven hour layover sche fuled we stopped a: Zion, Illinois, to visit with Clyde end Alice Faacz Clyde treated us to one of his delicious venison din. rers and then tock us out to see the town. After dinner he drove us into Chicago where we arrived in time for our train back to Penn- sylvania and ice coated roads ‘at Scranton. It was good to see old friends again, and Clyde Jr., und his wife were at home for the holiday. Clyde will graduate in another year from Jaw school and Wayne is completing his senior year at the University of Illinois. inquiries Truman H. Lasher Rev. Grove Armstrong, pastor of Trucksville Free Methodist Church, officiated at burial services for one of his parishioners from Court- dale last Tuesday afternoon. Truman H. Lasher was buried in Orcutt Cemetery. He leaves Noxen relatives, among them Jessie’ Thomas. “his parents, Trucksville Sympathy to Ira Hoover and family on the death of his wife this past week. Sympahy to Lucy A. Courtright on the death of her sister, Marian D. Courtright this past week. Fred Williams, Trucksville Gar- dens is a patient in Nesbitt Hogpit- al. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Swatt, Falls Church, were holiday guests of Mrs. Swatt’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Miller The Swatts have two children, a boy and a girl. David Palmer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ogden Palmer, Grove Street, is undergoing tests in Nesbitt Hos- pital. Kathyrn Gensel, Hellers Grove, accompanied by Mrs. Kathryn Arm- strong and Mrs Minnie Lord, Wyo- ming drove to Ohio recently to visit Miss Gensel's aunt, Mrs. Genevieve Boyer. Mrs. Lowther Brown, South Pio- neer Avenue, has been ill at her home the past two weeks. The community extends sympa- thy to Arthur Smith and his family on the death of his wife this past week. Donald Anderson, son of Mrs. Emma ‘Anderson, Holly Street, was a member of the choir of Union Col- lege, Barbourville, Ky., in which they presented their Christmas concert, He is studying for the ministry. James Goodwin, principal of Sha- vertown Grade School, has been ill at his home the past two weeks. Reports are that he is somewhat improved. William Greenly, has returned to Pennsylvania Military College, Ches- ter, after spending the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Greenley, Harris Hill Road. Clair Geissinger, was a house guest of Arliné Bessmer the past week. ‘Word ‘has been received that Mrs. Arthur Adams, underwent sur- gery recently. She is the daughter of Mrs. John R. Austin, and the late Rev. John R. Austin. Her ad- dress is 206 Utica Street, Ithica, New York. She would appreciate cards from old friends. Harris Hill Road was very fes- tive this holiday season, beautiful displays at he homes of Sterling McMichael, Frank Billings, Fred Turner, John Holdredge, Harold Rose, Ralph Hazletine, and the Carl Stryes. Mrs. Henry Kann has been ill at her home the past two weeks. Henry / G. Kann, Lehigh Street, has resumed his position at Royer Foundry. Harold Croom and David Mathers left Saturday on a business trip to upper New York State. Both are employed by Royer Foundry. Ruth L. Merril had as guests re- cently: Mrs. Mary McNeilis,. Helen Sweeney, Lucy Courtright, and Ar- line Bessmer. Kenneth C. Woolbert has re- turned to his studies at Lycoming College after the holilday recess with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Woolbert, Rice Street. Ben R. Jenkins, Lehigh Street, returned to Orlando, Florida, after holidays spent with his family. He is with his father in the heavy equipment business in ‘the south. Vought Long, Trucksville fire chief, suffered a broken elbow when he fell on the ice last week. Trucksville extends best wishes to James A. Martin for a speedy re- covery from his illness. Birthday Greetings: Shelley Hoo- ver, ‘Karen Kerpovich, Ray Metz- gar, Sr., ‘Alice Evans, Betty Beck Marguerites Renville, Linda Jane Plummer, Pearl Williams, Bert Fen: nell, Robert Uudyke. Mrs. Earl Hess, Sheman Sutton Karen Williams, James M. Strauser, Lois Brown Bell, Karen Shovlin Mrs. Walter L Darrow, Marior Young, Mary Bowman, ‘Willard Bul- Fowler, Dick | : | | ED 5 and Platemaking Wilkes-Barre, Pa. ONE STOP SHOPPING WAXKIINOCOOOOOO00000 PLENTY OF FREE PARKING PAAR VOC OCOOO00 Dr. Aaron 88 Main Street, Dallas 674-4506 DALLAS HOURS: Tues, - = 2 to 8 pm. Wed. =- - 2 to 8 pm. Friday - = 2 to 5 pm. Optometrist :S. Lisses Professional Suite Gateway Shopping Center Edwardsville 287-9735 GATEWAY CENTER HOURS: Daily 9:30 to 5:30 p.m. Evenings: Thurs. & Fri. to 8 p.m, BD Gp AMERICAN AK 5 Hoge WIE i oH AT Van 1 LHES + WOR WOE MOVERS TRANSFER COMPANY | East Overbrook School, is a patient at Nesbitt Hos children, George, Sharon and Cin- George Shaver, Jr. and family East Overbrook Avenue,