started to come back from its low- est poina, which netted this part of the earth 551 minutes of day- Today, we have one minute more | light to a 24 hour span. Today we ? devia ill we did yesterday. | have 552 minutes. * Gulu New Year’s Party : AT ~ O'CONNELL'S TWIN LAKES CALL NOW FOR RESERVATIONS ~ NE9-59%1 ~ SING and DANCE TO THE Rocking and Twisting MUSIC Of The Colonials ! Every Saturday Night and New Year's Eve AT. HERB and ANNE LAHR’S COLONIAL INN Overbrook Ave. Fernbrook ~ Make New Year’s Reservations Early 674-9201 FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIAL $ 35 LOBSTER TAIL 1 a The Dallas Post welcomes to its “parish” Mr. Merle Smith of what we call Kitchen-town Road” (leads from Ezra Rozelle’s on our Mt. Zion road over the hill to Apple- tree Road. It's the road that Booths, Georges, Kitchens, Ku- schels, TLaBars, Shiffers, Daniels, Gilmores, and others live on. Merle Smith drives past our house every day, most, on his way to and from work. It was Merle and Lizzie Smith who celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary a few weeks ago. On the morning of the snow storm, last Wednesday, the Evening Grosbeaks were out in full force to devour sunflower seeds from our kitchen window feeder. 1 counted 13 on the board at once, chattering and pecking at each other as they chewed up the seeds, Much more than half of them were males clothed in black and gold of royal beauty. Other birds wait patiently in the nearby trees and bushes for their turn at the seeds. Inasmuch as items have to be in early for Christmas season I'm going to write up two events which at this writing (Wed. Dec. 18) are still in the future, as if they were past. If anything happens that DALLAS @Y5-1176 land FEderal 3-4500 Lo UALLAS POSL, MUnbia x, DECEMBER 23, 1963 Mit. Zion they do not take place, well then, they didn't! (Saturday afternoon Marjorie Seiple’s Sunday School class of young people of many tal- ents and much good will went to Valley Crest and put on a program of entertainment for the guests and distributed small gifts of remem- brance. ‘All of which was much en- joyed and appreciated. Then on Christmas eve according to a cus- tom inaugurated by the chaplain last year a Communion service was held in the general purpose audi- torium for all patients who wished to partake. Assisting the chaplain this year was Rev. Wesley Cromp- ton of Trucksville and his choir of which he is also a member as well as pastor of the Derr Memorial Methodist Church on North Main Street, Wilkes-Barre. They sang a number of Christmas anthems which they had sung in their own church on Sunday. Rev. Wesley Crompton gave a brief meditation and assisted the chaplain in distri- buting the communion. Down on the Kitchen Road the Howard Georges are spending Christmas quietly at home. The children are not coming home, and the Georges are not going jut. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Rozelle will be celebrating Christmas by them- selves. Son Glenn has to work the day before and the day after, so they couldn’t come home. Last Thursday night at choir practice - Catherine had cocoa and cookies for the junior choir and they seemed to enjoy them. She brought home from the rehearsal some lovely tape recordings of the Christmas singing by all the choirs. “ONE STEP AT A TIME” President Johnson’s message to the United Nations had many meaty sentences, I don’t take shorthand so didn’t get anything on paper only this: “Peace is a journey of a thousand miles and is taken one EXTRA LARGE KAYWOODIE BUTANE LIGHTER eo UPRIGHT FLAME ; : 2 S Q n 9 5 © LIFETIME GUARANTEE L. ‘WILL NOT BURN PIPE BOWL Cartridge of Fuel Included LARGE CARTRIDGE FUEL Up Tos 8 Years Refueling $1-00 EVAN S DRUG STORE SHAVERTOWN SS SSS a ee SS SS SS SSR Sea T he CASTLE MEMORIAL HIGHWAY, DALLAS FOR YOUR RELAXING MOMENTS Serving Christmas and New, Years Featuring A Large Variety of STEAKS — CHOPS — ROASTS — SEAFOODS Full Course Dinners — $2.00 up Children 5-8 years /, price — Small Children—TFree Catering to Card Parties - Banquets - Weddings A i Ti I 7 i SUNDAY. | weekpays | | mHoumavs § i zNooN— | sPM— | l 12 NooN— | i 9:00 PM. | | moNGET | MIDNIGHT | gl Lo Pod ! Ala Carte’ Cocktail Lounge or wn Lil k & Harveys Lake The W.S.C.S., Alderson Methodist Church, was recently entertained at a Christmas Party at the Par- sonage, with. Mrs. Frel Eister as hostess, Present: Eleanor Humphrey, Mes- dames Edgar Hughes, Ida Rogers, T. Heness, Amos Hunsinger, Joe Rauch, Jessie Garinger, [Alferd Rogers, John Hudson, Charles Mur- phy, Iris Armitage, Gilbert Carpen- ter, Raymond Garinger, Clarence Montross, Helen Hartman and Al- bert Armitage, also Rev. Fred Eister, Next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. John Hudson on January 9, 1964. at 8 o'clock. The Gleaners Class will be enter- tained at their Christmas party at Mrs. Helen Hartmans’ on Friday after Christmas. Two sons of Mr. and Mrs, Harry Beck shot bucks during the season. William Beck, Allentown, getting his the first day, and Gordon gett- ing his the last day. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beck will celebrate their 46th. wedding anni- versary on New Years, and their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Beck, East Stroudsburg will celebrate their 10th. anniversary. Mrs. Harry Beck and son Gor- don, and Mrs. Leatha Spaulding, Shavertown, : spent Saturday in Allentown with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Beck and daughter te cele- brate the first birthday of the William Beck’s daughter. step at a time.” So many journeys longer and we think we’ll never make it. = Probably we will not, but at least we can take today’s step toward peace. It means to avoid stirring up a quarrel today. Over- looking a slight, now. Making friends with someone this week. It means trying to get the other fel- low’s viewpoint. SUBSCRIBE TO THE POST Sn, ; | FREE : : SHAVERTOWN enjoy Christmas as much as we have Sr the opportunity to serve you, Ni Qur hearty thanks! ih 16. E..CENTER STREET SHAVERTOWN abaiDatthe EXPERT TAILORING '® Trouser Alterations @® Skirts & Dresses Hemmed @® Coat Alterations Cleaning & Pressing -ADAM’S CLOTHES Clothes For Dad and Lad Back Mt. Shopping Center Shavertown Open °Til 9 Every Night 674-8936 Borate del lindo lio doliodiondioi CVV PV VO VV VV VT VV VV VV IPP Ove vvvvvvvvvvvvvey Bidder Morton Connolly | sidi sent out Christmas cards to the shut-ins. made over 100 bibs for the veter- ans at Veterans Hospital. The next meeting will be He | Milbrose’s. Please come and bring Mr. and Mrs. and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lamoreaux and Carol Ann went to Phildelphia over the weekend attend the funeral of Mr. Connelly’s brother-in-law, Dav'd Sanders. X was raised in Kingston, several sisters and brothers still living in Kingston. Arthur Hoover lost his brother Perry this past week. He has bcen ill for some time and was in Gen- eral Hospital only a few days. He lived at Pikes Creek. W. C. T. U. had their Christmas party at Idetown church. Mrs, Rus- sell Hoover from Cutlet Road, pre- The Brass: Band of Lehman en- tertained at the Veterans Hospital, also the folks at Valley Crest, re- cently, This is a fine way to let your light shine and give som. people a merry Christmas, What have you done? Greetings to all those celebrating their birthday this week: Beatrice Kathleen Maue, Marie dei iashibriry as daa NANED X deo + PROTTIN % : Wright, Mrs. Leonard H. Ide Jr., Gregory K. Simms, Thomas Elston. Harold Major Jr., Nancy Cilvik, and Louise M. Pettebone, “Sorry folks, that is all the n news I have. Mr. Scott from the Dallas Post called me Thursday morning, when I had my hands full of butter, making cookies, and he said the news had to be in early. So please call in your news early next week if you want to read any. We wish one and all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. The national economy for ef- ficient operation needs both pro- duction and distribution, Adver=- tising is the cheapest means of obtaining maximum distribution. 6 - 41 WRI COLON OT Xi #2 AN ors coitinms ——tn, eS Glad tidings to all and our warmest wishes for the hap- | piest of holidays. Please ac- cept our sincerest thanks for your friendliness and patron- age this past year. It has been a pleasure to serve you. . ar LAKE LIGHT COMPANY CHURCH STREET. LUMBER CO. on Sa MERRY CHRISTMAS... MERRY CHRISTMAS... On this and every day, you the best. And mor FORTY FORT ICE CREAM CO. F MEMORIAL HIGHWAY FERNBROOK Rh Ea 7 Shiai a da v ‘ ~ { L i TY SN i MERRY CHRISTMAS... the people serving your telephone needs wish important, they see that C 1 you get the best in terms of service, courtesy and convenience with every | call you make or receive, MONWEALTH TELEPHONE COMPANY e : REETINGS of the many gifts we give or receive — the greatest gift of all is the gift of love. In the true spirit of Christmas we send you E the warmest wishes for a Happy and Holy Christmas Season, oy and—may the glow of Christmas Cheer keep : busting for you and yours throughout the WYOMING NATIONAL of Wilkes-Barre Since 1829 tm “and its Area Officers { 4 espe ra