SECTION B — PAGE 6 N —™ THE DALLAS POST, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21,1963 + News Of The Churches A DALLAS METHODIST CHURCH Russell C. Lawry, Pastor Sunday: Divine Worship, 8:30 and 11:00. Sunday School, 9:45. Senior M.Y.F. at 6:30; Inter- mediate M.Y.F. at 6:30. Special John Wesley's Aldersgate Experience Service in the church sanctuary at 7:30. Rev. Richard Hudson, professor at Wyoming Seminary, will speak and David Joseph will direct singing of the Wesley Hymns. Monday: Commission on Missions at 7:30, Mrs. Sheldon Mosier pre- siding. Tuesday: Boy Scout Court of Honor ‘to give Bruce Davies III his Eagle Scout award. The Durbin Class will meet at the home of Mrs. John Kistler, Mrs. . Mary Kelley presiding. Girl Scout Troop 639 at 4. Wednesday: Chancel Choir re- hearsal at 6:30; Senior Choir 8:00. Thursday: Thanksgiving Service in the church sanctuary at 8:30 a.m. ~ SHAVERTOWN METHODIST Rev. Robert! DeWitt Yost, Pastor Sunday: 9:45 Church School with Classes for all ages. 11:00 Nursery during Church for pre-school children. 11:00 Morning Worship Service— Thanksgiving Sunday. 11:30 Junior Church Room. y 12:00 Trustees Meeting in Chapel Room. in Chapel 5:00 Family Night Supper in Social Rooms. . Monday: 4:00 Brownies, Troop 633; 4:00 Brownies, Troop 629. 8:00 Deborah Group Meeting. Tuesday: 4:00 Brownies, Troon 626; 4:00 Girl Scouts, Troop 632; 7:30 Boy Scouts, Troop 231. 7:30 Commission. Meetings. : 8:15 Official Board in Chapel ~ Room. : Wednesday: 4:00 Junior Rehearsal; 6:45 Youth Choir; 7:30 Senior Choir and Quartet. Choir GATE OF HEAVEN Rev. Francis A. Kane, Pastor Assistants: Rev, Richard J. Frank, Rev. Michael Rafferty Sunday Masses, 7:30, 9 and 11 Religious instruction for those not attending parochial schools will be given Sundays at Gate of Heaven after the 9 o'clock Mass; at Our Lady of Victory, after the 9:30 Mass. OUR LADY OF VICTORY Sunday Masses at 7:30 and 9:30. OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL Rev. Frances Kolucki Sunday Masses: 7 and 9 am. at Lake Silkworth. Confessions Satur- day 7 to 8. y3 At St. Martha’s, Mass at 11. ST. THERESE’S Rev. John P. Walsh, Pastor Rev. Francis T. Brennan, Assistant Sunday Masses: 7:30; 8:45 and 10:45. ST. FRAINCES OF CABRINI Rev. Stanley Kolucki Sunday Masses at 7, 9 and 11 a.m. | HUNTSVILLE CHRISTIAN CHURCH ‘ Rev. Morgan Richard Bevan Sunday services: Worship service 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 Young People 7:30 Thursday at 7:30, prayer meeting. DALLAS FREE METHODIST Rev. James Randall Sunday services: S.43 10 a. m,; Morning worship at 11; Youth Service 7 pm.; evening