. DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA Purely Pr Mrs. Caroline Joslin, Baltimore, mother of Mrs. John LaBerge, Coun- try Club Road, is a patient at Nes- bitt Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Etner, Wellsboro, spent the weekend in Dallas visiting relatives. Carl Daubert, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Daubert, Parrish [Street staged in Japan with the Navy, would like to hear from his friends. He expects to be away for about two years. His address is Carl F. Dau- bert S. N. 596-6694, U. S. S. Vernon | County LST 1161, San Francisco, Calif. c/o FPO 96601. J. Bowden Northrup, Huntsville Road is a patient at General Hos- pital. Qur sincere sympathy to Miss Fern Coldren, upon the death of her mother, Mrs. Anna Coldren. Mrs. Hannah James, Jackson Street, and son Charles, Milltown, N. J., spent {Saturday in Shingle- house after being notified of the | death of Owen Holcomb, brother- 3 v 3 \ 5A in-law of Mrs. James. Mrs. Frank Roese, Ronnie, Frank- lin and Betsy Sue, Cleveland, spent some time with Mrs. Roese’s par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ide, Ide- town. . Mr. and Mrs. Donald Paeglow, Parrish = Street, spent Sunday in Blossburg, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred Scaife, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vaughn, Jim and Bob. Mrs. Jessie Gordon, Trucksville, an@her twin sister, Jessie Sweezy, Kingston, plan to pay a long visit » the * Pacific coast, leaving Sat- y for Vallejo, California, where i, will visit with Mrs. Norma ‘Walter. Mr. and Mrs. John Zorzi, and daughter, Ruth Ann, Harveys Lake, will leave tomorrow for Hillside, N. J., where they will attend the | wedding ‘of their son and brother, John Peter Zorzi to Miss Theresa Louise Fuhrmann. Ruth Ann will be maid of honor. : Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Stetson and family, Highland Boulevard, Dallas, . will spend Thanksgiving with her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Nils Sandner, Sandusky, Ohio. Gerald Cobleigh, five year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Clint Cobleigh, Dallas, is a patient at Nesbitt Hos- pital, where he recently submitted to surgery. Mrs. Roger M. Gray, Mansfield, Ohio, is spending a few weeks with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. » and Mrs. Robert Crossin, N. Lehigh icy Street, ‘Shavertown, following ‘the birth of their baby daughter, Ketra geld yy b . Suzanne, at General: Hospital: Mr. and Mrs. Robert MacHenry ‘and son Bobby, Cortland, N. Y., were weekend guests of Mr. and ~ Mrs. Theodore MacHenry, Orange. and Mrs. James Weston, Al- visited friends in Orange on N toorl Sunday. Ronald Carruthers, Sterling’ Ave- nue ais convalescing at his home a patient at Nesbitt Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stiner, Bloonis- burg, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore MacHenry, Orange, on Sunday. Mr. and. Mrs. Jay Saunderson, Lewistown, were ‘Sunday callers at the home of Mrs. Rose Llewellyn, Orange. William Phillips, 87, Beaumont, father of the late “Little Bill Phil lips,” well known radio and sports announcer, is seriousy ill at Nesbitt Hospital. Albert Colley, who has lived for the past few months on Franklin Street, as Mrs, Howard Caperoon’s roomer, has moved to Wilmington, Delgy to make his home with his dauffhter, Mrs. Tony Oliviera. Mrs. Stanley Rinehimer, Dallas, leaves this week by plane for Glen Elif, III. where she will spend the Thanksgiving holidays with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. George K. Becker and their four sons. Mr. and Wis Elwood McCarty, Wellington Avenue, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Linden Tucker, ‘Schenectady. Mrs. Eleanor Dendler had as ~ weekend guests, Mr. and Mrs. Ro- & walland Lilly, Bristol, ‘Pa. Mrs. Clarence Jones, Hasbrouck Heights, N. J., has taken up resi- dence with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Stock, Harris Hill Road. Larry Chamberlain, Park Street, has returned home after undergoing a tonsillectomy at Nesbitt Hospital last week. : Mr. and Mrs. Leo Nauroth and family, Carverton, have purchased: the home of Mrs. Emaret Franklin, Centermoreland, and will move the “end of the month. Mrs. C. A. Boston and Mr. and MA Dana Swan and family, Lex- ington, Va., will spend the Thanks- giving weekend as guests of Mrs. H. W. Risley, Huntsville Road, Dallas, and at their home at Nichol- son, Mr. Swan is football and basketball coach and English teach- er at Washington and Lee Univers- ity. Mrs. Boston is a house director there. Mrs. Leighton Scott, Easton, will also be guest at the Risley “home. Mr. and Mrs. Philip White and baby son, Todd, Folsom, Pa. will spend Thanksgiving as guests of the latter's brother and sister-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Barry Edwards, ‘West Dallas, and Mr. and Mrs. Philip ‘White, Sr., Mehoopany. Mrs. White 5 is ‘the former Faith Edwards. | Congratulations are extended to Ms. Mary Joes, DeWolfe, | Shaver- Neighborhood News And Sw Of Personal Interest THE DALLAS POST, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1963 SECTION A — PAGE 3 Mrs. Jessie A. Winters Will Observe 88th Birthday Monday Mrs. Jessie Winters, Centermore- land, will observe her 88th birthday | m on Monday, November 25. In fairly good health, the octo- genarian greatly enjoys taking care of her flowers,, particularly the Af- rican violets which bloom prolific- ally on her window sills. For past time she crochets small rugs, reads a little, and enjoys her favorite programs on teievision. An occasional ride is like-wise a treat. Born in Centermoreland, Mrs. Winters is the daughter of the late Joseph and ‘Amanda Schoonover. Her late husband, James, conducted a general store in the town for many years. Mrs. Leona Thomas, her oldest daughter lives with her, while two other daughters, Mrs. Edith Schoon- over, also of Centermoreland, and Mrs. Marian Baird, Kingston, come to visit frequently. There are 11 grandchildren and 29 great grand- children. Mug. Schoonover has been a life- long member of Centermoreland Methodist Church. Our very best wishes for a hap py anniversary, Mrs. Winters. Thomas Meighans To Celebrate 55th Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Meighan, Carpenter Road, Harveys Lake, will celebrate their 55th wedding anniv- ersary with a family dinner Sunday ‘at their home. They were married November 25, 1909. Mr. Meighan a resident of Wilkes-Barre, and Mrs. Meighan, the former Elizabeth Farrington, Forty Fort. Mr. Meighan is retired now, but formerly was employed by Glen Alden Coal Company. He is well- known in the Lake area for all the time and energy he devotes to car- ing for Our Lady of Victory Chapel at Warden Place, of which the Meighans are both members. Mr. Meighan cared for the chapel even before it was housed in its present building, and: many remember his trips with horse and buggy to pick up the parish priest. ’ Children are: Thomas ‘Jr. Lu- zerne; Mrs. Michael Dean, Hazle- ton; Mrs. Francis Britt, Kingston; and Helen Meighan, Carpenter Road. Library Book C ub Members Enjoy Review Of New Books A number of books, new and less recently acquired, were dis- cussed Monday afternoon at the Book Club Meeting in the Library Annex. “Travels with Charlie,” John [Steinbeck’s latest, was review- ed by Mrs. H. R. Weaver as one of the most appealing books in years. Mrs. Paul Gross, president, spoke on ‘Moon Spinners”; Mrs. George Montgomery on ‘Battle of of the Villa Fiorita”; Mrs. Fred Howell on “King’s Orchard’; Mrs. Dana Crump, ‘Tears are for the Living”; and ‘Smith and Jones”; Mrs. Warren Unger, moderator, on “The Tilsit Inheritance”; Mrs. Wil- lard Seaman, “The Living Reed”, latest book of the perennially popu-, John Dudas Honored: On S§lst Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. John Duda, Pine crest Avenue, Dallas, celebrated their 51st wedding anniversary re- cently with a family dinner at their home. The Dudas were married Nov- ember 11, 1912 at St. Anthony's Church, Larksville. The couple have eleven children: Jack, Leo, and Frank, Virginia; Victor, New Jersey, Andrew ‘Wayne, Pa. Peter, Paul and Mrs. Emerson Steele, Dallas; Mrs. John Timko, Carverton; Mrs. Frank Hnw- atch, Swoyersville, and Mrs. John Dobranski, California. There are al- so 25 grandchildren and fnur great grandchildren. MrS. Duda is the former Susan Stanislow of Edwardsville. son, have returned to Trenton, N.J., after spending two weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Hons, Lehigh Street. lar Pearl Buck. General discussion’ of Margaret Bourke White's autobiography, and of “The Incredible Journey”, .fol- lowed. At a Tea table festive with or- chids in a Steuben glass bowl, flanked by twisted white tapers, Mrs. Herman Thomas and Mrs. Wil- lard Seaman poured for Mesdames Thomas E. Heffernan, Edward Re- pep, Warren Unger, Charles Frantz, | George M. Jacobs, Dana Crump. Mae E. Townend, Stewart Fergu- son, G. C. Faust, Edgar Brace, Ro- bert Weaver, Paul Gross, J. Traver Nobel, A. W. Hutchinson, John Wil- pon, Fred B. Howell, W. J. Daw, and Homer Moyer. “| Orange Couple To Have Golden Anniversary A ‘well esteemed Orange couple, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Risch will cele- brate their 50th wedding anniver- sary on Tuesday, November 26. A family dinner will be held at Irem Temple Country Club with open house to follow at the home, Sunday from 3 to 6 p. m. Mrs. Risch is the former Elizabeth Muir, Swoyerville. The couple have ‘one son, Freder- ick, ~Jr., Orange and five grand children. Cindy Lee Major Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Major, Spring- field, Nebraska, announce the birth of a daughter, Cindy Lee, born Monday, November 18. : Mother is the former Judy New- berry. Her husband is presently serving in the Air Force and is based at Omaha, Nebraska. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Willard Newberry, Fernbrook and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Major, Lehman. The final touch in hospitality is to place a “Miming” Gerber blade at each plate. These sharp, graceful cutting tools tenderize any meat. No other blades hold such an edge or are made of such, superb and costly steel—steel that costs 3 times as much as cutlery steel. ; are no ordinary knives ef og The quality of their steel and finish is not even remotely approached by imitators! MIM/ i STEAK BLADES by Gerber SET OF 6 — $32.50 in solid walnut chest Chosen by the Museum of Modern Art as an outstand- ing Product of Good Design, Gerber Blades add distinction to any table. Gerber handmade steak blades in sets of 4, 6, 8 and_ 12. Prices from $18 to $62.50. Mr. gagement of the Linda, to Thomas B. Major, son of T. Bryce Major, R. Miss Gosart, a graduate of Lake- Lehman High School, and, Mrs. R. D. 2, Dallas, ‘announce the en- Engagement Announced ' MISS LINDA GOSART Frank Gosart, | attending School of Nursing. their daughter, D. 2, Dallas. No is presently | wedding. Williamsport Hospital Her fiance is a graduate of Lake- Lehman High School and is current-. ly serving in the United States Navy. date has been set for the ‘was honored recently by Harveys Paul Rother, maternal grandfather. Christopher Hons Is Christened Sunday Little Christopher Hons, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Hong, Tren- ton, N. J., was christened Sunday morning in St. Therese’s Church, Shavertown, by Rev. Francis Bren Mrs. Harvey Kitchen Is Honored By Club " Mrs. A dinner followed at the home of | Mr. and Mrs, Chester Hons. Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rother, Judy, Janice, Paul, Susan and Carl; Mr. and Mrs. Chester | Hons, Kathy and Bobby; Mr. and Harvey Kitchen, Idetown, Lake Woman's Club when she was made a Life Member and presented a Life Member Pin. nan. She was pinned by her daughter, Godparents were Mrs. Chester | Mrs. Frederick Hons and young Mrs. Donald Smith, who also gave Hons, paternal grandmother and | Christopher. her mother a Past Presidents pin. Affair was held at Irem Temple Country Club. Mrs, Kitchen is a charter mem- ber and past president of Harveys Lake Woman's Club and is active in many civic organizations throughout the Back Mountain. A most gracious lady, she numbers a host of friends in this area. SHH HTT HOLIDAY FALL MERCHANDISE At Sale Prices Juniors (7-15) Misses (10-20) Halfs (14,-247,) Why Pay 30% MORE? ? BROCADES DOUBLE KNITS WGOOLS CHIFFONS ONLY AT BBACHMAN'S 460 N. MAIN STREET WILKES-BARRE OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 al ERRATA AEROS ES "TOWN & COUNTRY Has The Largest Selection of = IS Other charter members attend- ing were Mrs. Harry Allen and Mrs. Otis Allen, Sr., Mrs. H. E. Payne, Mrs. Walter Kitchen, and Mrs. Ora Bean were unable to at- tend. Past presidents also in atten- dance were Mesdames Joseph Rauch, Walbridge Lienthall, Elwood Whitesell, Ruth Deets, Richard Wil- liams, Wilfred: Ide, and Mrs. G. Stewart Williams, a member of the State Finance Committee. cdl 0 Musical ‘selections were given by Mrs, Ethel Millard and Mrn. Daisy £5 FN ES aR Xe ad Ice Cream Coffee Children’s Thanksgiving Dinner . . . Tomato Juice Reservations Suggested THANKSGIVING MENU Nov. 28, 1963 $3.00 Fresh Shrimp, Cocktail French Onion Soup' With Croutons Cranberry Juice Relish Trays Roast Stuffed Young Turkey With Cranberry Relish Baked Virginia Ham With Pineapple Sauce Roast Prime Ribs of Beef Au Jus Fried Jumbo Stuffed Shrimp With Tartar Sauce Fruit Salad with Whipped Cream Dressing CHOICE OF TWO Snowflake Potatoes Candied Sweet Potatoes Mashed Yellow Turnips Creamed Pearl Onions Buttered Fresh Peas Hot Mince, Apple, or Pumpkin Pie Coconut Cream Pie Milk PRINCE HOTEL TUNKHANNOCK viii BL73 TE - ‘ Sherbet 6-6131 GRAND OPENING Betty and Barbara's BEAUTY near Newell's Store SALON NOXEN one week only OPENING SPECIAL PERMANENT % WAVE including Cut - Wash - Set MM Betty and Barbara Phone NE 9- $351 Kovalick DINING ROOM FURNITURE In The Valley Ed ; wa 53 5S 309% FROM FACTORY RETAIL LIST PRICES Henredon Grand Rapids Cushman Consider Willett Drexel Baker Tomlinson Thomasville Kindel Heritage Kittinger Pennsylvania Cherry AND MANY OTHERS 5 Floors Of Fine Furniture To Select From oon FURNITURE GALLERIES 253-57 S. MAIN ST. WILKES-BARRE