| DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA on THE DALLAS POST, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1963 SECTICN B — PAGE 5 YOUR HEALTH Al stone was accident prone! The word got around and Al ~ found it more and more difficult to get a job. Because there are many accident- prone individuals, industries and especially large trucking companies, make careful ‘checks on applicants before hiring them. ETON RSE RA A RST Tt is accepted that the more ac- ; cidents a person has had in the . past, the more likely he is to have accidents in the future. Characteristic ' factors are partic- ularly noticeable in the accident- Dpigne group. Accidental repeaters are tested BONELESS—(Rolled Breasts and Thighs) Turkey Roast 3 10 5B. AVG. _ A&P BRAND Cranberry Sauce’ JANE PARKER Stuffing Bread * from various angles such as intell- igence, physiological, perceptual, and psychological. Accident-prone individuals are usually impulsive, happy-go-lucky, and enjoy excitement. As a rule, the accident-prone per- son has little definite planning for the future. Typically, he resents authority and changes his job frequently. His amtipathy towards discipline sometimes includes hostility towards safety rules and regula- tions. Workers who deve a physical condition: such as muscular incoor- dination or awkwardness which shomis in a lack of precision in mo- a 16-0Oz. Cans Tih. Yoaf rr TEE ‘DOMESTIC CANNED HAMS : 53,75 nperied Canned Hams__:+ c=» $2.69 U. S. Government Inspected For Wholesomeness _1b, - 890 oo TURKEYS SUPER-RIGHT SMOKED. .. LEAN, SHORT SHANK FULLY COOKEL SHANK PORTION 21¢ tion, are in some cases observed to be accident-prone. Faulty judgement however, is considered a more important factor in accidents than faulty body. Errors in judgement may be due to a personality defect or a mental state, of which the individual is unaware, These accident-prone persons can often be helped by others. Do You Know? First year medical students are expected to learn 13,000 new terms in anatomy, histology, physiology, biochemistry, psychiatry, and clini- cal medicine. SUBSCRIBE TO THE POST Lb. Lehman Tax Collector Demands Trailer Tax Tax collector, Bob Disque, Leh- man, injected into an otherwise uneventful Township = Supervisors’ Meeting last week. his persistent demand that some measures be tak- en to provide legal grounds to tax trailers adequately. - Disque often draws attention to the ' fact that trailers, particularly trailers on the ground rented for a short time, seem to come and go in the night, and no ome, including trailer court owners, lays claim to responsibility of counting moses. The tax-colleotor’s reference to trailer courts touches only one, To- luba’s in Idetown, ‘the lone court ‘in Lehman Township. The laws per- taining to taxing trailer owners, who often live in an area for short periods of a fiscal year, are rather outdated. Solicitor William Valen- tine said at am earlier meeting this year he suspected the only way to impose a permit on trailer sites would be by invoking a health in- spection law in the township code. There was at the meeting no old business, no new business, and police chief Joseph Ide, then re- covering in the hospital from a heart attack, was of course not available to give a police report. A resident of Cease Terrace, Lake Silkworth, requested the board re- OVER 10-LB. UPTO 18-LB. Lb. AAAI NNN, YOU NEVER PAY MORE AT A@P* move some rock fill which they had put in earlier, as it was divert- ing water onto his land. Allen Ma- jor said it had been the Board's understanding that the land con- cerned belonged to someone else, and that they had diverted the running water because it was block- ing the neighborhood association’s pumphouse. Police Lieutenant Russell Walters will investigate what may be the beginnings of an auto graveyard on the road near solicitor William Valentines. For Letter Press Or Offset Try The Dallas Post Art League Exhibit Nov. 22 Through Dec. 7 Wyoming Valley Art League's year-end exhibition of paintings will be open to the public beginn- ing Friday morning at 9 in the main lobby of the Miners National Bank Building, Wilkes-Barre. The opening day’s show will be from 9 to 9 with Saturday’s hours from 9 to 5 p. m. The exhibition will continue every day, except Sundays, through Dec. 7. This cultural endeavor will mark the 10th anniversary of the Art League which had the late Mrs. Ernest G. Smith as its first presi- Dewitt Smith, Elmcrest, is currente ly serving as president. Exhibition chairman is George May, who has announced that near ly 50 paintings will be shown. He added that because of the large membership in the Art League now totaling more than 300, it has become necessary to display paint- ings of only half the membership at this time. The remaining mem- bers will participate in another ex hibition scheduled for February, ale so at the Miners National Bank. For Beautiful Wedding Invitations Try The Post You Never Pay More at A&P* *AGP’s advertised price is a fair, low price for the fine quality offered. We guarantee that we will not offer for sale the same brand or item under a different name at a higher price at AGP. Such practices are deceptive and not in the public inteest. NAAN AAAAAAAAAAI AA, NAA AAAANAS AAS Ib. French Minute Steaks ___1+o- rs 89¢ bean SHANK HALF __« 39¢ BUTT HALF ..+49¢ LOOK WITH THE SLICES ON TOP HAMS BUTT PORTION su wa CENTER SLICES SWIFT'S PREMIUM Pkg. SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY ALL T1-INCH CUTS b SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY—7-INCH CUT RIB STEAKS...."69c BONELESS BEEF RIB Delmonico Steaks -__=$1.33 | SLICED BACON SUPER-RIGHT OR 1-Lb. SUPER- FOR THE HALF HAMS SUPER- RIGHT FRESH )RK SAUSAGE SUPER. RIGHT QUALITY 1-Lb., 8-Oz. ~ %1.50 *2.99 3.99 GRANULATED SUGA Y PUMPKIN PIE ww 49 se se ew [AGP GREEN BEANS = 15202 | YOUR CHOICE! JANE PARKER PLAIN or SEEDED ‘RYE BREAD sv « CHICKEN LIVERS 1-Lb. Roll 33¢ 5-Lb. Tin $1.89 SKINLESS FRANKS OSCAR MAYER . .. REGULAR OR ALL BEEF SKINLESS FRANKS RIGHT 49 = = = Pkg. = = = Pkg. RIB ROAST C 1-Lb. 49¢ us 49C 3-Lb. 5-Lb. SPECIAL! 1-lb. ——— we ww - Loaf FRUIT SPECIAL! 19¢ it EX Fi DANISH COOKIES APRICOT NECTAR CAKE pELICIA SUC AL TISSUE. 2"; ANUPOIA pe sefq- uy SpowUAdng dRY IP UI ‘gg JoquAoN ‘Aepinjes ySnoxy; 9ApdoJe PY SI ur Seong Boxe 4 3c ‘BUTTER KERNEL cos ....16-0z. GREEN GIANT BUTTER KERNEL PEAS... 16-0z. CREAM STYLE CORN, 17-02. CANS BOLOGNA “ac = =: 49c. A8P’s SEAFOOD BUYS! ; DUCKLINGS sveer- =r 1.49 i O° MONS cr wr 049 | FANCY SHRIMP CAPONS sveerricur quay ~~~ 1. §O¢ MEDIUM ¢ 70360 c Lh. Qc ROASTING CHICKENS _-==-= = 45¢ | 09 - 89 i ' SEMI -BONELESS HAMS - mm i 69¢ 5-Lb. Box $2.99 5-Lb. Box $4.19 « % * GIFT FRUIT BASKETS ... MADE To orDEr! % | | FRESH OYSTERS STANDARD SELECT mmr 8OF | wyge wr ga MARASCHINO CHERRIES == 29° |.""7"= En HEART'S DELIGHT a DRESSED WHITING ________» = (3c OFF) Can 36¢ DEEP FRIED FLOUNDER _ = 73c a LITTLE NECK CLAMS ___ 2° 69c WAFERS ae 3 Bc |FRESH BULLHEADS » 43c = = FRIED FISH CAKES ._____">39c White Satin 5 a 1 C | KING CRAB LEGS __________ wv. 89¢ Brand Ba FOR GIRLS AND BOYS! Deluxe Reading Toys DEBBIE'S DREAM HOUSE ___ 9.98 NANCY NURSE DOLL TIGER JOE TANK BATTLE WAGON SHIP ~~ USE OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN A $1 DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY TOY! Dd ‘12.88 SOAP JURY GULDEN'’S Spicy Brown Mustard HUNT'S TOMATO SAUCE KRETSCHMER’S WHEAT GERM McCORMICK PARSLEY FLAKES REALEMON © RECONSTITUTED LEMON JUICE be x i A 3 Reg. Bars 34¢ 5.00. : On Me ; : Quart ° a we 2 Bath Bars 3ic i Jar + 16° Size @ i, Can 13 2 Bot. 87 dent. Her daughter-in-law, Mrs, A. =