The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, November 07, 1963, Image 20

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Westinghouse Has Most Complete
Appliance Line In Its History
COLUMBUS, O.— Westinghouse Electric Corporation has unveiled
a new line of laundry, kitchen and room air conditioning equipment
that is the most comprehensive appliance infroduction in the company’s
77-year history.
Paced by a line of “new from the floor up” washers and dryers, the
appliances include seven refrigerators, six freezers, 14 free standing
ranges, a front-loading dishwasher that rounds out that product line
and 12 room air conditioners, including a new super high capacity
series for greater performance.
“Of particular significance to our
full line this year is the addition of
laundry equipment that has a three
year design and development pro-
gram behind it and an investment
of $4,000,000,” R. P. Brook,
Marketing Manager for the major
appliance division, said in review-
ing the new appliances. The heavy
duty washers and matching dryers
have a new shape and size,
increased capacity in less space
and better washability than the
traditional Westinghouse Laun-
dromat, he noted, adding:
“The keynote to this three-year
program has been versatility of in-
stallation, for we knew that the
modern homemaker does not want
to do laundry work in the basement.
With that as our goal, we have de-
signed heavy duty washers and
dryers that are only 25 inches deep,
27 inches wide and countertop-
high. These can be installed in any
dual function room in the house as
built-in undercounter equipment,
stacked one on top of the other ina
bedroom or bathroom alcove or
arranged as free standing units.”
An appliance industry ‘first’ this
year is the retailing by Westing-
house of a complete home laundry
center as a singlepackage. Thecen-
ter includes a deluxe washer and
matching dryer, a storage cabinet
for laundry aids, a sink for pre-
treating clothing and a roll-out
ironing unit that conceals a full
size ironing board. Covering the
top of the appliances and cabinets
is an 88-inch Micarta counter.
Hot Water
With Electric Heater
If you are now using an AUTO-
WATER HEATING, here are a few
facts to think about. Oil consump-
tion for just water heating may be
as much as 40 gallons a month,
and during the summer months the
unit continues to operate, but only
for the purpose of heating water.
This continued operation is inef-
ficient and, of course, consumes
electricity for the ignition system.
Furthermore, where this system is
used, a larger furnace is necessary,
initially, and maintenance may be
frequent and costly. HOW THIS
SYSTEM WORKS: The automatic
oil furnace uses a heat exchanger
installed in the hot-water boiler. It
takes up quite a bit of space and is
bulky. With this unit, too, many
people mistakenly believe it de-
livers free water.
HEATER you have acompact unit
that takes little space, has no mov-
ing parts to wear out, is silent,
odorless and fully automatic.
Practically all the heat goes into the
water — not up the chimney.
HEATER there is no need staying
awake nights worrying about it.
Since it is completely automatic it
looks after itself. Even if thecurrent
should go off and on again, you
live safe and worry-free because
there are no fuels to store, no fumes
or combustible materials to escape
or create a hazard. The fully in-
sulated tank can keep water hotfor
ONLY ONE OF ITS KIND — This laundry center, being retailed by
Westinghouse dealers as a package unit, combines all laundering func-
tions into a single attractive location and is the appliance industry’s
first complete home laundry available from one manufacturer. Topped
by an 88-inch Micarta counter and sink, the units (from left) include
a storage cabinet for laundry aids, the heavy duty Laundromat washer
and dryer and a roll-out ironing unit that houses a hide-away ironing
board. The ironing unit also has a telescoping clothes rack for hanging
finished garments, a cord minder and storage compartments for the
hot iron and laundry materials.
DUAL PURPOSE VANITY — Recognizing that most soiled clothing
accumulates around the bedroom and bath areas, Westinghouselaundry
equipment designers have developed a washer and dryer that can be
installed in those areas of the home. Built-in and taking a minimum
amount of space, the Laundromat and matching dryer have capacities
of over 12 pounds each and have automatic program cycles to handle
any type of fabric.
Total Electric Laundry
Will Cut Cost of Clothing and Linen
Clean garments and linens may
be replenished frequently when you
own an automatic, electric washer
and dryer duet, according to the
Live Better Electrically Program of
the Edison Electric Institute. Gone
are the days when that dress
couldn’t be worn because it was
soiled or father’s shirt was in the
laundry and unavailable for that
special occasion. Flameless electric
laundry equipment can have them
clean and ready to wear in a very
short time.
Easily installed electric laundry
equipment ‘pays for itself”’ by sav-
ing on the number of clothes and
linens needed for household use.
Savings are greater with growing
Location of
Home Laundry
Where do you want your home
At one time there was little choice.
The drudgery, dampness and dis-
orderliness of this once irksome
chore banished it to the least habit-
able part of the house, the base
The compact, beautiful washers
and dryers of today have released
the laundry from its basement
bondage to the point where statis-
tics show that 58.3 per cent of the
appliances are on the first floor
Here’s a brief rundown on laun-
dry locations for you to consider:
Laundry area near the kitchen
is popular. In older houses, those
pointless butler pantries are ideal
The kitchen is a location that
ranks high in convenience. Wash-
ers and dryers blend perfectly with
kitchen appliances and can offer
added counter space.
The bathroom is another con-
venient location. Availability of
plumbing connections keeps instal-
lation costs to a minimum.
Room adjacent to the bathroom
is a good location particularly if it
affords space for ironing.
Location of electric laundry
equipment near the bathroom is a
new trend in modern homes. Ac-
cording to the Live Better Electri-
cally Program of Edison Electric
Institute, homemakers like being
able to assemble, wash and dry
clothing and linens close to the
point of greatest use.
And from this convenient laundry
location, it takes only a few steps
to return freshly laundered clothing
and linens to nearby closets.
The garage, or in mild climates
the carport, is another location to
The basement remains the best
location in many homes. Dryers
have made basements much more
acceptable for two reasons: carry-
ing heavy baskets of wet clothes to
outdoor lines is eliminated as is the
messy indoor hanging of clothes in
stormy weather.
new Westinghouse heavy duty laundry equipment, this sewing center
can accommodate all the homemaker’s needs in laundering, ironing,
altering or making new clothing for the family. A roll-out ironing unit
conceals a full-size ironing board in the cabinet at left. The washer and
dryer have greater capacity and better washing action than the tradi-
tional Laundromat line and are designed for heavy duty use.
STACKED LAUNDRY — Only 27 inches wide, this Wash ’N Dry
stacked pair of laundry units just introduced by the Westinghouse
major appliance division can wash over 12 pounds of clothing in the
washer (bottom) while more than 12 pounds of clothes is being dried
above. The stacked units fit flush against the back wall and can be
built into a family room, alcove or other similar location. Westing-
house designers and engineers worked for three years in developing
the versatile equipment.
Wise Shoppers Will
Choose Electric Dryers
Are you a sophisticated shopper?
Do you plan ahead before investing
in a major appliance? Do you com-
pare quality as well as price when
you shop? Do you read labels on
appliances and make use of their
information, not only in deciding
on a purchase but also in using the
product? According to the Live Bet-
ter Electrically Program of the Edi-
son Electric Institute, consumers
who buy an electric clothes dryer
are wise and sophisticated shop-
Once she has decided she needs a
clothes dryer, the shopper who
thinks ahead, compares quality
and reads labels, knows that an
electric clothes dryer offers its owner
the best in modern, flexibleconven-
ient and quality equipment.
When buying an electricdryer the
old advertising slogan ‘‘shop and
compare’ is a wise one. All clothes
dryers are not the same. And Live
Better Electrically feels thattheelec-
trical advantages of the total elec-
tric dryer can only be fully appre-
ciated by comparison shopping.
Electric dryers have a number of
major benefits, according to LBE.
Household linens and clothing dry
odor-free and spotless. There are
fewer installation problems with
total electric equipment— only an
electrical outlet is required so your
laundry room plan can be easily
stream-lined. Electricclothes dryers
come in all shapes and models with
a variety of special features to meet
your own particular family or per-
sonal needs.
In special research studies Live
Better Electrically has found that
the American consumer feels that
electric living is the most modern
and convenient. When the con-
sumer buys an individual appli-
ance, it is the beneficial character-
istics, flexibility and automatic fea-
tures of the total electric concept that
offer the strongest sales appeal.
Waltzing through washday the
automatic way is one of the joys
of total electric living. For home
laundry or any other job, electricity
is truly the “do everything’ source
of energy.