EVER SECTION B— PAGE6 || Harveys Lake {SELINGO SIGNS; Mr. and Mrs. ‘Ralph Harvey, Lyle #and Sheryl Beth, Sweet Valley, | Sunday evening. SIGNS OF ALL KIND | Mr. and Mrs. Howard Higgins and BUILT - PAINTED J and Mrs. Edward Miner spent | the weekend in Danville visiting the former's daughter and family, Mr. DALLAS 675-1176 Centermoreland FEderal 3-4500 674-8126 | eo TRUCKS | a ® WINDOWS 1 = 8 ® DISPLAYS | BE ! ® SHO-CARDS i ATION IDS { | eo papErsioNs |} >= “ERT ne ® SIGN CLOTH | ERNEST | SCOTCHLITE | ° akrwork | GAY . | Dallas | i Shopping HUNTSVILLE : Center : g| visited Mr. and Mrs. Francis Keller *51bs. - 50c 25 Ibs. $2.25 *Plus Tax FERNBROOK - Still not too late but don't wait for the snowfall or frigid Arctic blasts! to get there! heating equipment see your Heating Contractor, Plumber or Gas f-ompaay ...that’s GAS Heated, of course! Decide now that the place you call home is heated with Gas . . . the clean, carefree and dependable fuel. Ask _ your neighbor who heats his home with Gas! He hurries Ask for Your FREE Heating Survey Now! [SSSR Before you buy fuel or convert vour PENNSYLVANIA GAS and Mrs. Lee Shepperson. Miss Meredith Billings, exchange student from Australia, visited and spoke at Alderson M.Y.F. Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Garinger, Mrs. Gilbert Carpenter, Mrs. Theo- dore Heness and Mrs. Albert Armit- age attended the Missionary meet- ing at the Trucksville Educational Building Wednesday evening. Women of the Lutheran Church at Sandy Beach will serve a sauer- kraut supper Saturday in the church social room. Serving will begin at 5:30. Mrs. Calvin McHose is general chairman. | ~ Mr:and Mrs. Lloyd Garinger have returned to their home in Tampa, Florida, after spending ten days at the Garinger-Armitage home. | Jackson Twp. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pollock, | Chase Road, owe their lives to their | little mongrel dog who awakened | them about four-thirty am. on [ednesday, October 23. When they looked out of their bedroom win- WILD BIRD SEED © 10bs, - 9c 100 Ibs. $8.50 HUSTON'S FEED SERVICE 674-6191 first 6-inch fr ind and WITTER ~_TME BALLAS POST, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31,1963 East Dallas | dow to ascertain the cause of the barking, they saw. the lawn and branches of pine trees surrounding their home in flames. Scampering out, they turned on the lawn hose which they had kept connected during the forest fire threat, and with the use of an Indian water tank, managed to put out the fire before it reached their home. They were so excited and busy putting out the fire that they forgot to call the fire department. Mr. Pollock said his dog was only a mongrel, but he had earned himself a home forever, and needless to say, the dog enjoyed a dinner of beefsteak that evening. Mrs. Percy Wagner, Huntsville Road, is a surgical patient at the | Nesbitt Hospital where she under- | went a gall-stone operation on | Thureday, October 24. The ‘C & U’ Class of Huntsville | Methodist Church are giving a Hal- | loween Party to the children of the church in the parlors on Saturday evening. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Corey Major in the death of her sister, Mrs. Vanstone of Philadel phia whose death occurred during the past week. Mrs, Major was un- able to attend services ‘due to ill health. {ey Mrs. Mildred Shultz,. Swoyerville, mother of Mrs! Robert Winiecki, Chase Manor, is a patient at Nes- bitt Hospital. 2 Aver Future Farmers of America, to- gether with the. Future Home- makers ' of America, . Lake-Lehman High School, will hold ‘a dance in the gymmasium of the High School tomorrow - night, - featuring farmer and modern dancing. public is invited to attend. Two-Fold Class of Huntsville Method’st Church will meet tomor- row night at the Church. This correspondent, along with his wife and Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Sherwood, Denise and [Scott, and Florence Keefer, Wilkes-Barre, took a ride to Benton Sunday afternoon The > Company THE LARGEST PUBLIC UTILITY WITH HEADQUARTERS IN NORTHEASERN PENNSYLVANIA — IN THE BACK MOUNTAIN — Telephone ENterprise © 2-0668 TOLL FREE for information and service i both | Halloween Parties have priority all over it seems; I mever heard of so many. East Dallas Church party was well attended. . In the chil dren's division prizes were awarded to Jeannie Dickinson, most origin- al; Rhonda Moore, prettiest, in a pure silk Japanese outfit her daddy had sent home when he was in service; Connie Miller, funniest. ‘Adult division: Emily Weaver captured most original. Dianna Pickett, funniest; Linda Barber, prettiest. * | The boys club of Orange were treated to a Halloween party by their leader and counselor, Dick Hislop. Friday night. The boys are sell- ing Christmas cards to earn enough to buy uniforms and sweat shirts. BROKEN ARMS I heard Robert Redmond, Orange, had the bad luck to break an arm | playing football at school; also Mel- vin Morris, Demunds Road, an 8th grader, sustained a broken arm while playing the 9th graders in Dallas School. Pete and Hazel Wilson, New Mil- ford, were weekend guests of the Ted Wilsons. ~~ : | Mrs, Anna May Capwell, Duryea, was a guest last week of her daugh- "ter," Mrs. James Major. : ‘Mrs. Alice Capwell Rusokoff, for- merly of Carverton, a sister of Mrs. Major, will leave with her family for Puerto Rico where her husband will serve a four year hitch in the Air Force. Charlotte Redmond, Maude Schul- theis.. Peggy Risch, Shirley «Wall and Gloria Hadsell traveled by bus last week to paint the town red in Lan enjoyed seeing ‘stuffed scarecrows of Halloween characters along the way, one of which was in Albert Balita’s yard on Huntsville Road. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Allan Lamoreaux on the birth of a the many pital Friday, October 25. Wayne Mrs. Lamoreaux is the Norma Dymond, Harding, and is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ern- est Dymond. Allan is the son of Chase Road. Wayne Allan is the Wayne Allan is also the first grand- son for the Dymonds, although they have several granddaughters. Allan, the proud father, is handing out cigars manufactured by his em- ployer, General Cigar Company. GI.ASSES FITTED CONTACT LENSES SC DR. I. BERGER OPTOMETRIST 27 Machell Ave. Dallas son, Wayne Allan, at Nesbitt Hos- | Allan weighed in at 6 pounds 11 oz. | former Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Lamoreaux, | first grandchild of the Lamoreauxs. | "FYES EXAMINED | ¥ New York. “They are such a happy- have been with them. + Mrs. Musittia Montanye, son Ell- wood Johnson City, were recent guests of Mr and Mrs. Raymond Moore, East Dallas. Correction from last week — Harold Moore (not Howard) js still 2 patient in Wilson Memorial Hos- nital, Johnson City. ) Mrs. Anna Strazdus, East Dallas, is a patient in Geisinger Medical Center 314 Private Pavillion, Dan- ville. : GETS ARMY PROMOTION David J. Emmanuel, 23, son of Mrs. Mary S. Emmanuel. Orange, was promoted to Specialist 4, in September, in Germany. Specialist Emmanuel. . a radar repairman, entered the army October, 1961, and completed basic training at Fort Dix, N. J. David was a 1957 graduate of Dallas High School and oraduated from Lvcoming College, Williamsport in 1961. Mrs. Mary Emmanuel, and daugh- ter Mary Anu Sigworth, and grand- dauchter Denise visited another danchter, Anita and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Kitch and son in Lancaster last weekend. y Fidelis class of Orange Methodist Church met for a Halloween party Wednesday evening. 3 Rod and Gun club of Orange met recently in Malcolm Baird's home. Franklin Township auxiliary held a meeting Monday evening in the home of Eudora Baird. Mabel Gay wee her assistant hostess. Miss Enola Gay entertained. Miss Gwyneth Jenkins last Saturday in her home in Orange. Stanley parties are getting in full swing again in time for fall house cleaning. Althea Dymond held one last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gay enter- tained Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gay and Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Baird and family at a dinner party Sun- day. . Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Moore. Demunds Road, entertained Sumn- day. Oct. 27, at a party in honor of their daughter Rhonda’s tenth birthday, Oct, 30. 3 Guents (5th grade classmates) : were Barbara Reese, Debbie Hettes, Emma Fehlinger, Patricia Mec- Michael, Janet Buchman, Stephanie Lindaver. Diane Earl, Jennifer Ire- land, Reba Brody, Lauren Kintzer; also Grandma (Beatrice Moore), aunt and uncle Phyllis and Phillip Culver, and cousins Pattie and Bon- nie Culver. aunt Louise and uncle ‘Ted Casterline and children, Broad- way. . Jchn Hildebrant, Marian, Beat- rice Ockenhouse, Jean Philips, Myr- tle Miller and George Snyder at- tended the wedding (Saturday, October 26, of Miss Marie Hilde- brant and Mr. David Short in End- well, N. Y. Marie is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Friend Hildebrant i of Apalachin, N.Y. Debby Sue Newberry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Newberry, Ran- Phone 674-4921 som Road, was a patient in Gen- eral Hospital. A Growing Community Needs The Best Schools We Can Afford Voters for Farrar Dr. L. E. JORDAN, CHM. ; | | Welton Farrar PULL LEVER 16C VOTE FOR go-lucky crowd, I would like to’ and granddaughter, Nancy, Miss Anna Derby, sister of Lucy Morgan, was recently admitted to Valley Crest Home. Mr. and Mrs, Russell Siley, Mr and Mrs. Frank Siley, and Mr. anc Mrs. George Space spent Saturda; at Siley’s hunting cabin. HEART ATTACK PATIENT Arthur Scott, brother of Heler Siley, is a heart attack patient ir Nesbitt Hospital. Birthday greetings to Patricis Hall, Mrs. Fred Lamoreaux, Buddy Moore, Jr., Rhonda Moore, Jean Marie Dickinson, August Strazdus Harry Martin, Jr., Priscilla Moore Krum, Jerry Lamoreaux, Deborah ‘and Sandra Moore, Mrs. Leslie Spencer, and’ Lawerence E. New- hart, Jr. ‘Wedding Anniversary congratula- tions to Mr. and Mrs. George Russ 1 ,was pleasantly surprised last week, to have Charles Lewis and son Carl from Sarasota visit me. He is the son of John and Marjorie Lewis, who formerly owned the home where Reverend Derrick lives Charles’ wife and other son Pau’ were visiting her sister in Blooms- burg. Mr. and Mrs. George Ryman. Johnson City, were weekend visi- tors of Wilson Ryman. Lehman Mr, and Mrs, Richard Sutton have a new baby boy born October 25th at General Hospital, This is their second child. They have a little daughter too. Mother and son are doing fine, The babys name is | Donald Richard. : | Willard Gensel is still at, General. coming along slowly. He would ap- | precinte hearing from any of his friends. Why don’t you send him "a card or better still, go in to see him. Time goes very slowly when you are in a hospital. W.C.T.U. ENTERTAINED The Dallas Unien of the W.L.T.U | was entertained at the home of Mrs. Danny Brown, with 27 mem- bers present. The Outlet groun furnished refreshments. The Armed Service committee are taking on a | project to make bibs for the veterans at the Veterans Hospital. Honing to have quite a few by the time Dec. 5th. If anv one cares to make some. please call Mrs. Mor- ton. Connelly. ; The next meeting will be at the home of Goldie Kitchen at the Lake. -~ W. S. C. S. HAD MEETING 1. The W.S.C.S. met in the Sunday School rooms of the Methodist { Church Tuesday” evening. Mrs. Howard Ehret residing. Mrs. Alice . El=ton gave. a book report on India. Alice revorted on the Dallas Insti- tute which had as speaker a mis- sionary from India. Mrs, Charles Ellv reported on the DALLAS. PENNSYLVANIA Myron Baker, James Simpson, Joseph Stolarick, Eugene Lamore- aux, James Davenport, A. M. Major, and Cory Major. BIRTHDAY PARTY Mary Anne Jeffery wap guest of wonor at a birthday party last Saturday held in the Lehman Fire Hall, given by her parents, Mr. and Irs, Edward Jeffery of Chase. Guests were Jeannie and Doro- hy Jeffery, Marilou Hunt, Sandra Agnew, Esther Avila, a foreign: ex- ~hange student from Argentina; Beverly and John Bonney, Susan melding, Margurete Hackling, Mary and Joseph Pauletti, Richard Sar- snonis, Barbara {Sebolke, Roy Squier and Richard Maye. & Refreshments included hoagiess sotato chips, olives, pickles, soda, mints, peanuts and cake. Mary Anne received a suitcase from her parents and these gifts from her guests: Blouses, bracelet, ~ologne, earrings, dusting powder, necklace, nylons, an assortment of pins, perfume, a record, a scarf, a writing portfolio, a wallet and money. Mr. and Mrs. Morton Connelly entertained friends on Sunday; Mrs. Wsther Black, Charles Long from Broadway. Rev. and Mrs. Paul J. Kolesnikoff, of Wilkes Barre, and Mrs. Wallace G. Brown of Bay Shore, L. I, N. Y. Willard Sutton was taken ill in the . Methodist Church. . He was taken to the hospital, this morning in services. HAPPY BIRTHDAY George Rogers Jr., Leonard H. ide and Evelyn R. Weaver and also a Happy Birthday to Lee Wentzel. We are having summer time again, the flowers are in bud and many folks have Easter Lilies im bloom. But who will complain @ not me as I would like to have this weather all year around. We wig think about this lovely weath# this winter when we are shoveling SNOW. ’ Many thanks to the young man who took time out after doing a day's work at Whitesell's. Coming home from a W C.T.U. meeting the other day, on 118 Route, I had a flat tire... This “young man came along ‘and offered his service. We all were so thrilled and want to thank Mike Castellain from Sweet Valley. The world is not a bad nlace to ‘live in when there are stil youne men like this one. Bert Sutton is a patient for operation in the General Hospital. Mrs. Frieda Weed, 71 Rests At Sunnyside Mrs. Frieda. Weed. 71, Main Street was buried Monday morn- Kevstone School trin. Devotion ] , : one were dod by Vrs Hy Services conducted bv Rev. Rus- A. Brown: Grace Ide read from the Bikla and Mrs. Brown spoke on the week of self denial, Praver bv Mrs. Connelly concluded the devotions. Mrs. Adamchick had a nrogram on Missions Today. She also read a verse from Matthew. Correspondent read Childrens Home in N. Y., which is asking for green “stamrs and Betty Crocker Courons. Emma Ide was asked to serve om supp’ work to send warm clothing from to Koreas and’ Hong Kong, also medical supplies. Mrz. Charles Nuss received a letter from Mabel Lorah, who is asigned to us this year again. She is our missionary from Peru, Mrs. Nuss also reported a reouest for clothing for the Indians in Okla- homa. Rev. Harry Long asked for the help. ? Serving ‘committee: = Mesdames I the Binghamton, NEW FALL PRICES COAL Delivered in 2 ton lots any place in Back Mt. Section. —100% GUARANTEED— STOVE & NUT .... $17.50 RICE 2.18.95 STOKER ....... i iad 14.50 Give us 3 days Notice On Delivery 674-5766 MILTON PERREGO 1. UNION STREET GPE GON ENS GEE EEN EE Luzerne Plumbing Supply Co. PLUMBING & HEATING SUPPLIES Telephone 287-4415 ing in Sunnysnde Cemetery, Tunk- hannock, near the site of her birth. sel] Lawry “were held from Disque Fineral Heme. Mamdrial Highway. | Bearers were Ralnh Parsons. Ziba 1®aith. Rnesel Shaver, William Kelley, Albert London, Bernard Bynen. ; Mrs, Weed died Friday mornj i: at Danville where she had been a for the n=s5t month. She had heen in failing health for. a leng period. & RArn in Tunkhannock, the daughter of the late George and Fremoag Jaclkeon London, she had resided in Wilkes-Barre prior to moving to Dallas 30 years ago. She had been an active member of Dallas Mathodist Church and Jessie Avstin Brickel Simdav School Class and other organizations. She is survived by her husband, Albert; daughter, Mrs. Clyde Brace, Hvatteville. Md.. Sisters Lewis Rear- rick, Tunkhanock; Mrs. Ethel Win- termute, Hileah. Fla.; brother, Ev- ans London, Centermoreland and one granddaughter, Virginia Brace. natient ‘ SADDLES ® BRIDLES ®@ TACK © ! Western. Wear and p Gifts Sa Indian Moccasins and Gifts CHAZEL NE 9-8504 Rt. 29—Harveys Lake to Noxen | ahaa] FY tata dagiiitass Sebati titiedigcnaegte Complete lumbing Systems ‘LUZERNE, PA. HPS OE EE EEE ERY I believe that my training and experience in business and the law qualify me to do a good job as your Courts. I believe that my journ- alistic and personal efforts since World War II indicate my deep and abiding in- terest in the people of Wyo- ming County. PROTHONOTARY VOTERS OF WYOMING COUNTY Prothonotary and Clerk of, I hope you will give me the opportunity of continuing to serve you, by going to the Polls Tuesday and Voting. g ~ CECIL KREWSON, IR. and GLERK of COURTS