ION B — PAGE 4 A&P caps off a great month of celebrations with cnother thrift event you'll long remember. Our. Mid-Fall Stock-Up Sale continues BIG SAV- INGS of the past few weeks with a long line-up of your favorite foods SALE-PRICED TO SAVE YOU MORE AND MORE CASH! (Be sure to see this week's selection of quality-famous A&P Exclusives: Jane Parker Baked Foods, Ann Page . Fine Foods, and freshly-ground A&P Coffee!) This extra special savings week is your opportu- ‘nity to cash in on A&P’s ahility to satisfy your pantry’s needs at prices that will ease the burden on your budget. It’s another event that will put ‘A&P’s pledge of service in action. You'll know. what we mean when you see the fresh, new look of the store... the fully-stocked shelves... the friendly people anxious to serve you. And, of course, you'll like what A&P has selected for you ‘to save on: A STOREWIDE SELECTION OF YOURFAVORITEFOODSAT SALEPRICES! Te; FREE RECIPE for this de-luscious pie at AP! ~ White House makes it smooth. No better evap- * orated milk at any price! 13 FL. 0Z. CAN 6 for 79° — A&P’s DAIRY VALUES! — fyuiorp pur sefeq Wl S)IBULIANS JBV [IE UI G 1aquIdAON ‘fepimjeg yInoay} PANIAYD PY SIYy ul SU SUNNYBROOK . .. MEDIUM, GRADE ‘A’ FRESH EGGS 2.-79° SILVERBROOK SOLIDS QUARTERS BUTTER = 69° w 70° NEW YORK STATE SHARP 5 WHITE CHEESE.. .. 65° A&P SLICED SWISS CHEESE.. == 39° JANE PARKER POTATO CHIPS REGULAR 5 0 GC OR a 5 Box RIPPLED ANN PAGE PEACH OR PLUM PRESERVES GRAPE JAM, APPLE JELLY (IN DECORATED TUMBLER) YOUR 141-0: CHOICE! Gloss SULTANA 4-LB. JAR PEANUT BUTTER $1.37 ) AANANY LAA PROVES Fine foods. i Aaa « Good Housekeeping ne Ge Ha Seeping we = men op peruno 10 WF tt OR PERFORMANCE Ww “ty, I-LB. PKG. SPECIAL . Tomato Soup YOUR CHOICE ANN PAGE ANN PAGE 20-0Z. CAN a Snaghettini Sage 3/49° ANN PAGE ANN PAGE 1B. JAR 3 PANS With Tomato Sauce source #, ANN PAGE Sparkle sEamy 4/31 Cider Vinegar =: 25 Cc ANN PAGE ad Dressing... 48 QUART JAR e SPECIAL { Ketchup ne 45° MILD AND MEILOW | EIGHT O'CLOCK i-LB. BAG EIGHT | 0CLoEX. C.. COFFEE ; 2 or ea RICH AND FULL-BODIED | VIGOROUS AND WINEY BOKAR I-LB. BAG oF 315.8 $1.71 | 3.1b. bug 177 ie. I-LB. BAG % Fall is real coffee weather... and this is the coffee with real flavor! Good-old-days COFFEE MILL FLAVOR . . . fresh-ground flavor you cannot get in a can! (Once coffee is ground, flavor fades faster, even in a can!) You see A&P whole-bean Coffee ground for your coffeemaker right in the store. That's the only way to give you big, fresh, wonderful COFFEE MILL FLAVOR. Enjoy it! JANE PARKER Enriched White Bread Made With Buttermilk SAVE i 1.LB. 6-0Z. C Te g LoavEs Leewa eens JANE PARKER I-1B., 8 OZ. eo SPECIAL / Pumpkin Pie JANE PARKER GOLD or MaRaLE Crescent Peanut Butter = 39: Salad Mustard 14° SAVE 10c¢ © SPECIAL I-18., 8-OZ. 50¢ SAVE 6c @ SPECIAL % WHOLE -LB. Bread “ues x 19° JANE PARKER SAVE 4c e SPECIAL Cheese Horn = 35° JANE PARKER — OLD FASHIONED ® SPECIAL 18., 4-0Z. = on FUDGE, OATMEAL, Ei 07 39: 00 [8S “suoir mon” pack | . . oo Pound Cake JANE PARKER \ JANE PARKER | i Mince Pie =) Donuts “same [25° exiciiep White Bread “28 CHEDDAR CHEESE BREAD _______".F 25¢ APPLE-GRAPE, APPLE-STRAWBERRY, APPLE-RASPBERRY : BIG VALUE! y io . ; IN 18-Oz. a mR -Oz. SULTANA JELLIES ix t= 35° A&P Iw DRINK 2% 59° | TUMBLER GRAPEFRUIT Le MADE FROM 1-Lb. ¢ | 3 ' CORN OIL ' Pkg. 2 5 MAR ARI SOLIDS 5 Lbs. 73 A&P BRAND CANNED ; ASSORTED FLAVORS YUKON B op / { ty TR ' INSTANT COFFEE + "1.09 EVERAGES 6° 49" v “3 ¢ | $ # | | : 1 i » «© § a 9 . LA + |