ECTION A — PAGE 4 Little Charles Harris, 6, son of r. and Mrs. Joseph Harris, Yeager venue has been removed to his will show slides of a nesting hawk, also slides taken by Alex Nagey, assistant curator of Hawk Mountain Bird Club Tonight Bird Club tonight at the Library ome after being a patient in Nes-! Annex, starting immediately after PTA Plans Candy Sale To Help Finance Trip Dallas Borough Elementary School PTA executive board, meeting with | Mrs. Louise Colwell Monday night. | voted to recommend a candy sale | to help finance the Sixth Grade trip ‘to Philadelphia next spring. Costs, | explained Mrs. Irvin Jacobs, pre- sident, would be somewhat higher this year, due to increased enroll- ment and rising costs of facilities. Children will take orders for candy. i Present were Mesdames: George Budd, H. R. McCartney, Harold Saf- | fian, C. A. Taylor Jr., John Blase, [Albert Torr, Paul J. Selingo, Harry L. Edwards, Robert Ide, Louise Col- well, Irvin Jacobs. Sanctuary, showing haws and owls. itt Hospital for some weeks fol- | the Children’s Wing closes at 8.|Season for migration of hawks is in v ing auto injuries. | George Santerwen, Wilkes-Barre, full swing. GRAND OPENING TO-DAY OCT. 10 Burton Luster HAIR FASHIONS Use This Advertisement for Drawing of $150 WIG. '- -/ - “Deposit in Salon -: - .- after your appointment. DALLAS SHOPPING CENTER MAIN HIGHWAY DALL > Ve al Firs} Son Is Born A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Butler, West Mount Airy Road, Shavertown, September 20 at Mercy Hospital. There is also a daughter, Ann Catherine, Mrs. But ler is the former Mary Jane McDade. Scranton. Mr. Butler is employed at '3.00 to ‘8.00 On Every 'Sq.. Yard Of" Carpet! Save I Available Widths And Sizes! : Oli. ZR ND Ha a 285 Different Textures—Qualities and Colors To Choose From, in Every Price Range + WOOL +ACRILAN + NYLON Get Our Estimates Without Obligation ALEXANDER SMITH GULLISTAN ARCHIBALD- HOLMES 5 Floors Of Fine Furniture. On Display eons FURNITURE GALLERIES 253-57 S. MAIN ST. DECORATING SERVICE AT NO "EXTRA CHARGE - Let us plan your room Or Trooms— it’s so helpful! WILKES-BARRE a Oriental Rugs HARDWICK- MAGEE THE DALLAS POST, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1963 public relations director ‘ for the Greater Wyoming Valley United Fund. Women To Display Hats Dallas Women of Rotary will hold its monthly dinner meeting, Thurs- day evening, October 17, at Irem Temple Country Club. Mrs. H. R. McCartney 1s pros gram chairman, Since the Rotary Anns are an auxiliary group to the Rotary Club, the theme of the meeting will be centered around the men’s business or professional classification. Each Rotary Ann is expected to make a hat depicting the occupation of her husband. Membership in each Rotary Club is comprised of a cer- tain number of men representing each business and professional in their respective communities de- pending on the population of the, area. PAPER NAPKINS Many Designs At The Dallas Post nd Made i At a very pretty fall wedding, solemnized in Our Lady of Mt. Car- ,mel Church, Lake Silkworth, on /! September 28 at 9 A. M. Miss "Dorothy Lonie, Sweet Valley, be- | came the bride of John Pall, Jr, Humnlock Creek. Rev. J. Barlik performed the dou- ble ring ceremony and celebrated the Nuptial Mass. Soloist was Miss Kathleen Farber. Given in marriage by her grand- father, the bride was attired in a white floor length gown of silk organza and chantilly lace. It was designed with a semi-Sabrina neck- line, wedding ring bodice, and long tapered sleeves to the wrist. The silhouette skirt of silk organza fea- | tured a lace flounce which was caught by dainty bows and the aisle width train was chapel length. She wore a matching Queen’s crown of pearls and crystals which was ar- ranged in a bouffant veil of French imported illusion. The bride carried a cascade bouquet of white pom- pons centered with an orchid. She also wore a gold cross, a gift of the bridegroom. | ‘The maid of honor, Donna Pall, "sister of the bridegroom, wore a Dorothy Lonie and John Pall, Jr. ‘Wed In Lovely Fal Eoremony cocktail length dress of yellow ny- lon over taffeta with a fitted bro- cade bodice. Her headpiece was a crystal crown with a bouffant face veil. She carried a colonial bou- quet of bronze pompons. James Casserella, Drums, as best man. The bridegroom’s mother chose a gold suit with a matching hat and black accessories and a corsage of bronze pompons. The bride’s grandmother select- ed a blue dress with a cranberry hat and a corsage of white pom- pons. A breakfast was held at the home of the bridegroom’s parents, after which the couple left on a trip south, For going away, the bride chose a three piece charcoal knit suit with matching accessories. Her cor- sage was of orchids. Mr .and Mrs. Pall are graduates of Lake-Lehman High School. The groom is employed by Eckrodt Body Works, Conyngham, where the cou- ple have purchased a home. The bride was feted at a shower given by her maid of honor, Miss Donna Pall. served Mrs. Turner To Sing At 'Home-IMakers Holiday Mrs. George Ww. Carey, Jr., chair- rman of Back Mountain Homemak- er’s Holiday, announces for the §' 12:30 program on Tuesday, musical ! selections by Mrs. Albert E. Turner. Members are invited to bring their sandwiches and join in noon lunch- eon, Mrs. Gwillym Evans will be in charge of registration. i Mrs. Henry Ward, YWCA Stalf, announces that shoe covering pat- terns and instructions are now a- vailable at the Back Mountain YWCA. All activities are held in the social rooms of the Shaver- town Methodist Church. | Early coffee will be served at 12:50, Mrs. Michael Bucan in charge. Westmoreland PTA ‘Plans Candy Sale | Westmoreland P T A held a Back-to-School night at their cent meeting. Mrs. Curtis Edwards | presided, and principal John J. Mulhem spoke briefly. More than 50 members were present. A. Christmas candy sale to fin- “ance the sixth grade trip to Phila- ; delphia in the spring met with good First grade response. mothers ' served. Community Concerts Start Tuesday Night Wilkes-Barre Community Con- cert series opens Tuesday night with the famous ‘Schola Cantorum of New York under direction of Hugh Ross, at JIrem Temple. The group of twenty-seven, including mixed voices and instrumentalists, was seen over T-V at the gala opening of the new Philharmonic Hall at Lincoln Center, directed by Leonard Bernstein. Admission is limited to members of the Community Concert Associa- | tion. Billy Smith Biding Orange Boys Club | Billy Smith, Orange observed his 14th birthday. Bill who is an outgrown member of the Orange’ | . . . | Boys Club,is now serving as advisor i leader Dick Hislop and doing an | outstanding job. Entertains At Cards i Mrs. Kenneth Raphael, Drive, Shavertown, entertained her card club recently. | Attending were Mesdams Eugene [ Lavelle, Myron Williams, Harold ' Lamoreaux, « Clint. Cobleigh, Newcomb, Larry Newhart, Jr., Wil- liam Eicke and the hostess. Prizes were won by Mrs. New- hart and Mrs. Lavelle. ©090720006000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000040° a MISS DEB « « . @nswWers questions about Junior Miss etiquette, 9E00000000000000000000000000 0 Q. A friend of mine has tale- / phone-itis. She keeps me on the phone for hours at a time and my family is wild. How can I cut it short without cui- ting off her friendship? A. A telephone is definitely a family affair. Hour-long chats rate zero in the family popu- larity poll. If your pal is wound up for a long session, plunge in at the first comma, make a date to see her soon (like tomorrow after school) and tell her you really want to talk about it then. Q. Does baby sitting include K. P.? One of my “clients” al- ways leaves a sink full of dirty dishes — even tells me to mop up the floor. Since there are three active children I think I have enough to do just “sit- ting.” Do I have the right to say no? A. Yes. Settle the chore question before you accept the next as- signment. Your client should tell you what chores she ex- pects you to do aside from don't mind — and many girls don't — fine. If you do — or 70000000000000000000000000000000 and interests. caring for the children. If you » 000000000000000000 033006003000 groomin~ if you feel it interferes with your primary responsibility of supervising the children parents will appreciate your being frank about it. Of course, as an employee you ‘always have the right to ac- cept or refuse a baby sitting assignment. Q. My mirror tells me my figure isn’t too bad, but I do have a tendency to slump. I try to remember to square my ‘shoulders, but as soon as I stop thinking about it, my shoulders begin to droop. A. What you need is a sticky reminder. While you assume your very best prom-queen posture, have your mother put a strip of adhesive tape across your back from shoulder to shoulder. Every time you start to droop, a gentle tug from the tape will. remind you to keep ’em square. (For ii to other questions on grooming, beauty and baby sitting write for your two-in-one guidebook “Sitting Beauty.” Send 25 cents, plus 10 cents for handling to: “Sitting Beauty,” Box 551-P Kimberly-Clark Corporation, Neenah, Wisconsin.) 90000000000000C00900000000000000008 CoRR same ¥ | = HOT POINT AGITATOR NEW! extractor WASHERS 10 Ibs. 20c DOUBLE LOAD 161bs. 10c 7 DAYS Back Mt. Sh LAUNDERCENTER OPEN 24 HRS. A DAY SHAVERTOWN I A WEEK opping Center 2 Cease ' I Ted I Mrs. Kitchen Hostess To Lake Woman's Board Mrs. Harvey Kitchen entertained the executive board of Harvey's Lake Women’s Club recently. Mrs. George Searfoss and Mrs. Clarence Montross assisted. Plans for| coming projects were discussed: Next meeting will be held at home of Mrs. Clarence Moledor with Mrs. Carl Swanson and Mrs. Howard Piatt as co-hostesses. Present were Mesdames:; Carl Swanson, Howard Piatt, Elwood Davis, Joseph Rauch, Clarence Mole- dor, Charles Williams, George Sear- foss, Allen Sorchick, Howard Jones, Malcohm Nelson, Richard Williams, Jhn Zozzi, Raymond Garinger, Earl Crispell, Lee Bicking and Clarence Montross and the hostess. Have First Child Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Holmgren, RD 1, Noxan, announce the birth of a seven pound, nine ounce daughter, Cheryl Lynn, September 21 at General Hospital. This is the { first child. Mrs Holmgren is the former Margaret Gunton, Noxen, Mr.. Holmgren is employed as a draftsman for General Cigar. Mrs. Gary Shaw Guest At Stork Shower Misses Diane and Joyce Swire, Noxen, entertained at a Stork Shower Saturday, September 21 in honor of their sister, Mrs. Gary Shaw. Many lovely gifts were received by the guest of honor. Attending were Mesdames Maggie Newell; Marguerite Sutliif, Doris Newell, Jean Winters, Lucy Bren- ' nan, Louise Shaw, Andrew Adams, Mary Lamoreaux, Arline Swire, Phyllis Swire, Anna Kyttle, Louise Wilce, Miss Judy Shaw, Peggy Swire, Billy Swire, Wendy and | Tammy Wilce the honored guest and trie hostesses. More People Needed Yor Harvest Revue Members of both Dallas Senior and Lamon Womens Ciubs are urged to | participate in. the Harvest Revue, {to be presented by the organiza- | tions early in November. More assistance and talent is needed in every category and es- | pecially in the chorus with the em- phasis on more male voices. Practice will be held Sunday af- . ternoon at 3:15 at Dallas Methodist Church. | Project is a fund raising effort of | the clubs to continue their exten- | sive civic projects. Silver Leal Club. Kunkle Silver Leaf Club met re- cently at the home of Mrs. Adirene Nulton. Mrs. Forrest Kunkle, vice president, was in charge. Present Mesdames: Ralph Hess, Walter Els- ton, William Franklin, James Traver, Owen Ide, Stanley Harrison, Ralph Ashburner, Florence Klimeck, Rus- | sell Miers, Ann Weaver, Elizabeth Hess, William Brace, and Jane Kocher. Next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. James Traver. Dallas Boy Enrolled At Roberts Wesleyan Melvin Oliver, Dallas, son of Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Olver was among the 520 students who registered this fall at Roberts Wesleyan Col- lege in North ‘Chili, New York, just outside Rochester. Roberts Wesleyan College is affil- iated with the Free Methodist Church, but has a total of 40 de- nominations and faiths enrolled this year. Stroud Grandson Mans Family Produce Stand Pretty nice to see a Stroud grand- son manning ‘the produce stand at the crest of the long Stroud hill on Route 118 this weekend. Efficiently measuring out potatoes and’ apples, and counting out ears of corn, he stopped to say, ‘I'm one of Dick's boys,” before hurrying to the next carload of customers, Dymond Hollow Church To Serve Roast Beef A Roast Beef Supper will be held at Dymond Hollow Church, Satur- | day, October 12, beginning at 5 p.m. There will also be a Country Store Booth featuring fresh vegetables, baked goods and gift items, spon- sored by the WSCS. No tickets. are needed. NEW! kopnak INSTAMATIC 100 Outfit low-cost, easiesi-loading camera ever...only $17.85 EVANS Drug Store Sha vertown Sas DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA : Misses 1 vertow from a where of a «¢ tally s Mr. Linden 75 Hu Migs State end® y Miss § enue, Mr. Highla: new hx Mrs. ston, v "Piatt, when | Grange Mr. Tunkh: ton vis on Sum Mr. Hatbor land T Lake, hip, is ter Mi Ocean She is Mr. dentow don, K Mr. caster, Eckart Me el cupanc nohl home They Linda engines Mr. and M and Mi ston v and M Todd, visited Forty 1 Miss cently Chamb ton, M During employ . North Mr. Wellsb in Dal Scaife, with t visiting Mr. daught visited the wre dore 1 and M stredy Rece Mr. ar mong, C. 2 C. Ant and A: Va., a Rohwa Harr spent ther, | town. Mrs. home : bitt H And: about hospite return Mr. New weeler ve { Lake just ri tougy of Mr, : las, ar bitt He Has InC Mrs. the S of Ca Ohio, cash drawin Award Mrs. Shaves her ht execut tered Show | blood with 1 was ju directc r the ac does more the M former chairn i Mrs the TF demon brary ‘Baby Mrs. Street, shower ber 2 Zalit, " Pres ~ Francis Charle