The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, August 22, 1963, Image 7

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Bll lil Bolle lloilo foils i on Bn BoB i bo Dl
PP ic
es acs ho NT
' Perrin, Debbie Bullock, Bobby Dy-
% Hadsel, Hope Ide, Roswell Frede-
rice, Claire Mckenna and Bess
The Serving and Waiting class
a new home.
a Present were: Mesdames Corey
Mr. and .Mrs. Ben Jenkins and
family are on an extended vacation
in Florida.
Mrs. Bruce Long, Harris Hill Road,
remains a patient in Nesbitt Hos-
pital where she is undergoing tests
and x-rays.
Rev. Robert Germond and family
are expected home this week after
spending two weeks at the shore.
Community and church extend !
sincere sympathy to Mrs. Ray Beck
and family on the death of her hus-
band this past week.
Mrs. Rose Post has returned home
after two weeks with her brother
Gordon Boote and family at Lake
Thomas Hughes, former resident
of Harris Hill Road, Trucksville, is
a patient in Nesbitt Hospital. He was
injured some time ago in a truck
accident. He is employed by ‘the Gor-
don 'F. Mathers construction com-
Mrs. Eunice Norris has sori :
home after spending the week with
her daughter amnd~ son-in-law Dr.
and Mrs, Joseph Warkomski, Har-
vey Lake.
Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Anderson,
Holly Street, left this week for. a
vacation at their cottage at Nor-
wich, New York.
Mr. and Mrs. James Gross, for-
merly of Trucksville Gardens, are
in Winston-Salem, North Carolina,
not Jacksonville, Florida as stated
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Bligh and son
have been spending some time with
Mrs. Bligh’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Sheldon Bennett, Orchard Street.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Swatt, Falls
Church, Virginia, have been visiting
her parents Mr. and Mrs. Donald A.
Miller, Orchard Street, They have
two children, a daughter and a son.
The Swatts are now residing in Falls
Church where they have purchased
Mrs. Kenneth Evans and family
Emmaus, were callers this week at
the homes of Mr .and Mrs. Chester
Hons, and Arline Bessmer.
Birthday greetings ‘this week to:
Gladys S. Post, Emily Kerpovich,
Mrs. Sandra Pealer, Donald Charm-
berlain, Jr., William E. Hess, Betsy
Williams, Deborah Kleiner, Beatrice
L. Williams, Beverly Ann Chipola,
Lori Jean Gaylord, Samuel B. Dil-
cer, ‘Jr.
Phyllis Trowbridge, Jeanne Hun-
ter, James V. HutcHisom, Mrs. Beat-
rice Perrin, Kenneth Chamberlain,
Michael Joseph Mathers, Thomas R.
Williams, Betty Richards, Wallace
mond, Marion Shovlin, Elsa Orchard,
George Peirce, Phoebe Weigel, Rich-
ard VanEtten.
W.S.C.S. met in the churchhouse
on Wednesday night. - Mrs. Hope
Ide led devotions and Mrs. George
May presided, Mrs. Elisa Gillman
gave the missionary lesson.
Hostesses were Mrs. Claire Mec-
Kenma, Mrs. Raswell Frederice and
Marie Wright.
Meade, Mary Rogers, Bruce Wil-
liams, Elisa Gillman, Emory Hadsel,
George May, Ralph Welsh, Alfred
met Thursday night. Hostesses
were Mrs. Lila Felt and Mrs. Carey
Meade, Mrs. Felt led the devotions
while Mrs, Meade presided Mes-
dames Emory Hadsel, Hattie Hil-
bert, Raymond Spencer, Elisa Gill-
man, Hazel Gordon, Marie Spencer,
Ethel Shaver, Ernest Fritz, Jesse
Boice and Barbara Williams.
Charles Hopple, Buffalo, N. Y.;
Mr. . and © Mrs. Russell. Achuff,
Shavertown, Dr. and Mrs. Irving
Verger and children Alisa, Judy, Jay
Verger, and Marsha Hamn, Dallas;
Mildred Spencer, New York and
Marie Spencer were callers at the
home of Mrs. Hattie Hilbert and
Mrs. Lila Felt last week.
Those who spent Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Welsh
were Mr. and Mrs. Gomer Thomas,
Mr. amd Mrs. Ralph Neely, all of
Wilkes Barre and Rev. Lynn Brown,
New York.
Save On Your Printing
Have It Done By THE POST
12 inch HOT DOGS
"(dF IT IS A
1955 DIME)
ART’S Pizza Palace
Near Shady Side Lake
Dallas-Tunkhannock Highway
Crispell family was held at Alpha
Dymond’s Grove at Noxen, Satur-
The meeting was opened by
President Earl Crispell, Sr., and by
the group singing “Blest Be The
Tie That Binds”. Rev. Floyd Cris-
pell led in prayer. He also spoke
for a few minutes before leaving to
return home.
Albert Crispell sent his regrets
at not being able to be present.
He lives in Florida.
The covered dish dinner was
very successful and it was decided
to carry on next year with the
same kind of dinner, same place,
on second Saturday in August.
Officers elected for next year
were: Mr. Albert J. Crispell, presi-
dent; Mrs. Amelia Anderson, vice
president; Mrs. Lela Sickler, re-
cording secretary; Mrs. Letha
Schenck, corresponding secretary;
Mr. Willard Crispell, treasurer.
The 50th Annual Reunion of the
Program prepared by Mrs. Amelia
Anderson was: Song—by Mrs. Lela
Sickler, Jill, Laurie and Elva Sick-
ler, solo. by Wesley Traver, a
reading by Mrs. Amelia Anderson,
“Call For Witnesses”’. Mrs. Ander-
son hopes to have more talent on
hand next year.
Prizes were awarded to the fol-
lowing: Largest family present,
Mrs. Thomas Rittenhouse, with
seven children; longest married
couple, ‘Mr. and Mrs. George Cris-
pell, 60 years; youngest married
couple, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Schenck,
2 years; oldest man, Mr. Elmer
Crispell, 85 years; oldest woman,
Mrs. Daisy Crispell, 79 years;
youngest baby, Brian Warfle, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Warfle, 9
weeks old.
Thomas Rittenhouse, Kevin John
Warfle, Melvin Crispell, Joel Si-
dorek, Steve Glova, Chester Keiper
died during the year.
Marriages reported: Arthur Sy-
mons Jr. to Alice Ann Miller.
Crispell Reunion Draws One Hundred And Fifty Descendants Gk
George Brandstettner to Dorothy
Ney, Andrew Oney to Claudine
Miner, Reginald Vosburg to Judith
Ann Simpson, Neil B. Stevens to
Marilyn Bogart, Edward Miner to
Audrey Race, James Mitchell to
Rosalie Martin, Angelo Concert to
Maxine Rittenhouse, Edward Cris-
pell to Marsha Williams.
Ten new births were announced:
Gail Mae Stevens, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Neil Stevens; Joyce Ann
Symons, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Symons; Nancy Lynne Con-
sidine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Eugene Considine; Jacqueline 'Chris-
tian Williams, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John Morris Williams; Jeffrey
Lee Bennett, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Bennett; Claudine Daisy
Oney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew Oney; Brian Warfle, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Warfle; Bon-
nie Vosburg, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Rex Vosburg, Sr.; Daniel John
Crispell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Al-
bert J. Crispell; and Donna Lee
Falkinburg, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Falkinburg.
Attending were: Mrs. Amelia An-
derson, Mrs, Daisy Crispell, Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Cobleigh and son
Delbert; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ter-
ranova, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Lic-
cione, and son Joseph; Mr. and
Mrs. Vane Race and son, Roger;
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Cole and son,
Thomas; Mrs. Lela Sickler and
daughters, Jill, Laurie, and Elva;
Mr. Will Race, Mrs. Robert Goble,
and daughter, Dawn; Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd Thompson, Mr. and' Mrs.
Thomas F. Crispell, and Tanya, Mr.
and Mrs. Millard Lamoreaux, Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Warfle, Eugene and
Brian; Mrs. Ray Wandel, Mr. and
Mrs. Willard Crispell, Kathryn Cris-
pell, Mrs. Mildred Mathews, Mr.
and Mrs. Albert J. Crispell, David,
Cathleen, Douglas and Daniel Cris-
Mrs. John M. Crispell, Mr. and
Mrs. Vernard Lamoreaux and Mer- |
lin, Mrs. Alma Brown, Mrs. Claude ,
Crispell, Mr. Elmer Crispell, Mrs.
Emily Smith, Cathy Newberry, Mrs.
Marjorie Talady, Mr. and Mrs.
Bruce Crispell, Mrs. Edward Si-
dorek and Leon, Mr. and . Mrs.
Corey Crispell, Mrs. Ethel Ney, Mrs.
Dorotha Brandstettner, Mr. and
Mrs. Russell Ide, Mr. and Mrs. Don-
ald Nulton, children Lois and
Timmy; Mrs. Richard Traver, Sr.,
Tina, Wesley, and Kelly Traver,
Rev. and Mrs. Floyd S. Crispell,
Mr. and Mrs. George Crispell,: Mrs.
Phoebe Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Char-
les Foster, Mrs. Charles Buckingham. |
and David, Mr. and Mrs. Larry
Schenck, Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Crispell, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sy-
mons, Mrs. Charles Symons and
Mr. and Mrs.- Thomas -Steinruck,
Gary Steinruck, Mrs. Ernest Dend-
ler, Mrs. fva Hoover,”Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Hoover, Lee, Paul, Billy
and James Hoover, Mrs. Bertha
Oney, Mrs, June Vosburg and Bon-
nie Vosburg, Mrs. Ruth Harrison,
Barbara, Billy and Andy, Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Crispell, and Eileen, Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Crispell, Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Newberry, Mrs, Thelma
Rittenhouse, Tom Jr., LaVerne,
George, Lloyd, Robert and Lester;
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wallace, Jo
Marie, Earl Jr. and Tommy; Char-
les Turcan, Charles Jr., Toni, and
Mark; Mr. and Mrs. George Traver,
Mrs. Carl Turner, Mrs. Lowell
Boone and’ Sharon.
Mrs. Robert Bennett and Jeffrey,
Mrs. Clarence Shupp, Mrs. Audrey
Wright-and Joanne Cheryl, Howard
S. Martin, Mrs. Lester _Crispell,
Sandra and Ruth Ann Crispell,
Ricky Crispell, Randy Crispell, Di-
ane Crispell, Mr. and Mrs. Larry
Crispell and Vicki.
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Kitchen, Alan
Jr., Elaine Swinehart, Diane Swine-
hart and Sara Oberst were visitors.
Again Heads Clan
Bulford Descendants
Hold Annual Reunion
The thirty-fourth annual reunion
of the descendants of the late John
and Rachael Bulford met at Rum-
mage Grove, Sunday. Mrs. O. L.
Harvey presided at the business
meeting. Devotions were led by
Allan = J. Cease. Mrs. Harvey con-
ducted a Memorial Service for two
members of the family who died the
past year, Mrs. Sarah Moss, Dallas
and Mrs. Stella Reynolds, Norwich,
Secretary’s report was submitted
by Mrs. Thomas E. Cease and the
treasurer’s report by Robert Dod-
son. Mrs. Clarence Elston, his-
torian, reported the following
births, Barbara Jean Dennis, daugh-
ter of Ronald and. Framces Moss
Dennis, December 1962. Marriages,
James Shotwell and Shirley Kem-
merer, July 27, 1963. Deaths, Estel-
la Bulford Reynolds, aged 79, Octo-
ber 11, 1962; Sarah Bulford Moss,
aged 81, August 6, 1963; Nellie
Snyder Thomas, Spring, 1963.
The following officers were re-
elected for the next two years:
prsident, Mrs. O. L. Harvey; vice-
president, John Fielding; secretary,
Mrs. Thomas E. Cease; treasurer,
Robert. Dodson; historian, Mrs.
Clarence R. Elston; games chair-
man, Allan J. Cease,
Election of officers will be’ held
every two years. Next year’s re-
union will be held at Benton Park
on the third Sunday in August,
with each family bringing two
dishes to be placed on the tables,
and served as a smorgasbord. The
president appointed Roy Moss as
chairman of tables and coffee for
the group.
Gifts were presented to the fol-
lowing: Oldest member of the fami-
ly present, Olie L. Harvey, aged 81;
youngest member of the family,
Rae Ann Malak, nineteen months;
person coming greatest distance,
Mrs. Wallace Leitch, Detroit, Mich.;
longest married couple, Mr. and
Mrs. George Bulford married 57
years; mewest married couple, Mr.
and Mrs. James Shotwell, married
three weeks; couple having largest
family present, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Mrs. Harvey, yond a poem writ-
ten by Miss Christina Johnson,
daughter of Rev. Jacob Johnson,
first minister to Wyoming Valley
jand one of the ancestors of the
Bulford family. Miss Johnson later
married a Methodist minister. The
poem is contained in the book,
“Heroism and Romance”, the story
of Early Methodism in Northeast-
ern Pennsylvania,
Allan J. Cease conducted games
for children and young people and
awarded prizes.
bh 4
Present were:
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Mrs. 0. L. Harvey
Teacher Breaks Arm
Injured Previously
Miss Pearl Averett, Shaver
Avenue, Shavertown, well known
retired school ‘teacher, broke her
left arm on Thursday when she
tripped over a raised section of
sidewalk near her home.
This is the same arm which Miss
Averett broke two years ago. She
is recuperating at her home.:
Family Picnic Stnday
For Daddow Isaac Post
Curtis Bynom and Leonard Dough-
erty are chairmen for the annual
Family Picnic. of Daddow Isaac Post
672, American Legion which will be
held at. Melody “ Park on Sunday,
beginning at noon.
Each family. is asked to bring their
own lunch. I
* The committee has planned a
number of: activities for both young
and old, which will include swim-
ming and games.
« Tom Reese will be in charge of
prizes and Dick Fuller, refreshment
chairman. ,
ence E. Moss and family.
Stroudsburg, Mr. and Mrs. James
Pocono Lake, Mrs. Mary Cobleigh,
Mrs. Alice Shotwell, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry C. Boltz, children Bart,
Robyn and Scotty.
Neffsville, Mrs. Anna M. Koring.
Huntsville, Mr. and Mrs. Clar-
ence R. Elston, Robert, Elston, Dale
Elston, Paul Elston, Mr. and Mrs.
George Bulford, Mr. and Mrs. John
Fielding, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
‘Rodda; ANC :
Chase, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Davis,
daughter Cindy. '
Dallas, “Mrs. Myrtle Rineman,
Sterling Rimeman, Mr. and Mrs. O.
L. Harvey, ‘Allan J. Cease, Mr. and
| Sister Joseph Mary
Gets Masters Degree
Sister Joseph Mary R.S.M. of
College Misericordia, who had been
studying at the Middlebury College
Spanish School, received a master
of arts degree from Middlebury at
commencement exercises August 13.
Britt Family Holds
Outing On Sunday
A family outing was held at the
home of Herbert Britt, his son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Har-
old Britt, Pikes Creek, Sunday, Aug-
ust 18. Attending were Mrs. Jennie
Britt, Middletown, New York; Mr.
and Mrs. John Stiller and son Jack,
Bloomingburg, New York; Mr. and
Mrs. Edwin Britt; ‘Alice’ Mae Britt;
Mr. and Mrs. Burl Updyke, Merwin,
Allan, Duane, Bryan and Janine;
Mr .and Mrs. Donald Britt, Curtis,
and Carol; Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Britt, Donna, Debbie, Doris and
Richard, Jr.; Mr. and Mrs. Barry
| Engleman and daughter, Pamela.
Elevation of central Sweet Valley
Detroit, Michigan, Mrs. Lee
Leitch. -: » ‘
Wilmington, Delaware, Mr. (and
Mrs. Leland Cooke.
Lancaster, - Mr.” and Mrs. Lawr-
|is reported 1295 feet, higher in the
| surrounding hills.
Mrs. Thomas E. Cease, Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Moss, Mrs. Edith Phillips.
Hunlock Creek, Mrs. Clara Dod-
son, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dodson,
Mrs. Corey Bulford.
Nanticoke, Mr. and Mrs. George
W. Schimmel, Mrs. Frank Price.
Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Durwood
Splitt, Sandy Splitt, Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph C. Miers, Gary Miers, Ra-
chel Miers, Roger Miers, Mrs.
Loretta Miers.
Shickshinny, Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Crockett, Donna Crockett, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Bompson, ‘Diana Samp-
Shavirdwe, Mr. and Mrs, Marvin
Moss, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ma-
lak, daughter Rae-Ann.
Trucksville, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Wilkes - Barre,
James P. Rodda,
James and Barbara,
Mr. and Mrs.
children Judy,
Pictures of previous reunions. were
A, Perry Jr.
Perry Reunion
Annual Perry Reunion was held
August 11 at John Perry's Park,
Orange. A basket luncheon was
served and games were played.
shown by Gilbert V. Perry.
New officers are President, Wen-
dle Evans; Vice President, David A.
Perry Sr.; Secretary, Doris Bed-
ford; Treasurer, Gertrude Perry.
Present were Mr. and Mrs. David
A. Perry ‘Sr., Mr. and Mrs. David
Carverton; Mr. and
Mrs.” Howard Perry, Sutton Creek;
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Perry Jr.; Mr.
and Mrs, Joseph Perry and family,
and Mrs. David Daniels and
family, Mr. and Mrs. John Perry,
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore MacHenry,
Mr... and Mrs. Louis Bedford,
Orange; Mr. and Mrs. James Me- |
Donald, and son, Jerry, James)
Perry, Trucksville; Mr. and Mrs. |
Elwood Perry and family, Mr. and :
Mrs. Robert ‘Logan, West Pittston;
Mr. and Mrs. Wendle Evans, Scran-
ton; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mac-
Henry and son, Mr. and Mrs. Ed-
ward Reynolds, Harry Sebring,
Cortland, N.. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. War-
ren Brown and family, Elmira,
N. Y; Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert V.
Perry, Mr. and Mrs. William Perry,
Wyoming; Mrs. Lena Voelkl, Ger-
The next reunion will be held the
second Sunday. of August.
We're Open 24 HRS.
DRIVE-IN Theatre.
‘At The “Y”
BUY $2 IN GAS or Merchandise and you will receive a FREE DRIVER'S
Must Be Used MONDAY
Through THURSDAY. Driver must be accompanied by
‘We Give S & H Green Stamps!
No. 309 and No. 118
Gosart Announces
Football Contest
Charles Gosart,® well-known pro-
prietor of Gosart’s Appliance Center
on Memorial Highway, Dallas has
announced that he will sponsor a
football contest starting with the
first game of the season scheduled
between Lake-Lehman and Nesco-
peck, September 14.
High school students only are
eligible to enter the contest and
guess the final scores of the games
between the two local teams, Dallas
and. Lake-Lehman, and their op-
Each week, Mr.
Gosart will pre-
sent the winner with a transistor
Finishes Course
Jim Hopple, Davenport Street,
has received a diploma from the
North American School of Conser-
vation for completing their General
Course, passing the final examina-
tion covering game and fish man-
agement and management of forests
and national parks.
radio. If more than one entry | dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Russell
carries the correct scores, a drawing Scott, Sr., recently. Sis aad
will determine the winner. 2 a
See page nine of the Back to| Why Sunset? 5
School Tabloid included in this is-
sue and go to Gosart’s Appliance
Center immediately for your entry |
blank to compete in this exciting
John A. Bebey, USN,
In Mediterranean
John A. Bebey, seaman,
destroyer UBS CONE, currently
operating with the Sixth Fleet in
the Mediterranean.
CONE departed Charleston, S. Ci
| Aug. 6 for a four-month tour with
the Sixth Fleet, slated to return in
Enroute to the Mediterranean she
joined other Sixth Fleet units to
take part in a major NATO exer-
| cise designed to provide operation-
al training for the umits involved.
| emphasize antisubmarine: defense
| of the Sixth Fleet carriers. This
| mission is in accordance with
| CONE’s new role as an amtisub-
| marine
pleted Fleet
She recently com-
Rehabilitation and
| Modernization (FRAM) overhaul in
| preparation for amtisubmarine du-
Mrs. Meda Fetterman, Catawissa,
spent several days with her brother
and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Rus-
sell E. Scott, Sr.
Mrs, Emily Scott, Dallas and Mrs.
Minnie LaBar, Indiana, spent the
day with their brother, brother-in-
law, and sister. Other callers at
the Scott home were Hazel and
Theresa, daughter of the late Fer-
ris Bellas.
Mrs. Tessie Naugle called on the
Scotts, recently, first time the
ladies met in thirty years.
Misses Mabel, Lizzie and Pauline
Bellas attended the Scott Reunion
recently, th first they had met the
Scotts in 36 years. !
The Scotts were recently sur-
prised by a visit from the former's
niece, Mrs. Julia Bellas Ross, Port
Amgeles, Washington. Mrs. Ross
was the daughter of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Bellas, Meeker. She
went west with her father and bro-
ther, Ray, thirty four years ago.
Both her father and. brother died
some time ago.
interred at Lehman Cemetery be-
side their wife and mother.
Mrs. Ross’ husband, Alfred died
a year ago of a heart attack. There
are two sons and a daughter-in-law
has been added ‘to the family. Mrs.
Ross made the trip by plane to
Old Bridge, N. J., where she visited
her nieces Hazel and Theresa Bel-
las. The girls drove her up to the
| Scott Runion and later to the Scott
home. She flew back on July 15.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Scott had
The name “Sunset” was given to
the inlet of Harveys Lake by the
Sunset Dance Pavilion, which
on the ashes of the old Hotel One
onta in 1919. G
Harold C. Snowdon, Jr.
Serving the entire
Back Mountain Area
The SERVICES which we provide and the
facilities and equipment which we make
available are all offered with a single goal
in mind
every family we have the privilege of serving.
Harold C. Snowdon
. the complete satisfaction of
son of Mr. and Mrs. John V. bpd!
R.D. 4 ,Dallas, is serving aboard the ©
operating schedule will
Their ashes were
oh ——
A —— AAA