THE DALLAS POST— THURSDAY, AUGUST22, 1563 A TY TT A Bt SR 3 Lm SAT ETT . eliminates fuel storage problems— electricity is always at your fingertips. . . . gives quick gentle warmth automat- ically. investigate electric heat Electric heat is new — as modern as tomorrow — yet it has already proved its efficiency, economy and comfort- giving qualities in thousands of homes. And more and more homes, both old and new, are being heated electrically It will pay you to as more and more people discover the advantages. Our specialists will be glad to give you detailed information on electric heat . without obligation. It’s your first step toward living better with electric heat, Let us show you how to SAVE MONEY and LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY ... With Electric Heat See Your Electrical Contractor or Phone BU 7-3131 For Further Information - DIVISION PAGE 5-T Let Reddy Kil et Reddy Kilowatt tell you @ how to live hetter fis 24 2 4 20, Tuo Kl hue Ku . . . is as clean as electriclight — odorless, dustless, noiseless! . eliminates drafts, cold floors, unevenly heated rooms. . . . provides a temperature control in every room. tis Waiting