cu ——" THE DALLAS POST, WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1963 : SECTION B — PAGE 3 MARKETS || LOOK! YOUR PHOTO WITH YANKEES’ STAR PITCHER | WHITEY FORD! JUST SEND YOUR SNAPSHOT WITH A LABEL FROM ANY SUPREME BREAD AND $1 ¥< GENUINE 8” x 10” GLOSSY PHOTO 9 CHOOSE FROM OVER 200 STARS | ; SUPREME WHITE BREAD SANDWICH BREAD WHEAT BREAD foaf 21¢ large Taf 29¢ loaf 19¢ NABISCO : PREMIUM SALTINES woh 28° | CLUB CRACKERS reo 3TF PINEAPPLE JUICE SANITARY ‘NAPKINS | CONFIDETS 2% 65 | SCHICK KRONA INJECTOR BLADES *: ; ig ie 98¢ FRENCH GARLIC J ~ l-oz size 29¢ | POWDER or SALT ii can 29¢ | pia. $121 “[ M&M CANDIES . PLAIN or PEANUT : WAFER BARS 0 hi 23 FRUIT CHEWIES PEPSODENT 3 - 53 TOOTHPASTE le STRIPE i NO OFF DEAL) ; : 14-02. TOOTHPASTE ~~ “ii 46 SALAD A TEA cou Sl maser! 7 upp em no 956 mie 60F oils 2 2974 63 SWIFT'S NUT SHELF Corned Beef z= Y 0¢ CASHEWS Chopped Ham ===! 55¢ ¢ Pork Sausage i 45¢ 44.02. can 98 SWIFT'S BABY FOODS 4 STRAINED OR JA JNIOR po. c | BABY MEATS CJR jars } A E66 YOLK fo y Ty 3 § a East Dallas Fred Hughey has returned from St. Barnabas Hospital, New York, and would like to see and hear from his friends. He will return to the hospital later for another operation. Ella Moore Class of East Dallas Methodist Church is sponsoring a covered dish supper at 6 Tuesday, July 9 at Wilson's Lake to earn tal- ent momey, If planning to attend contact Julie Wilson, Mary Hoover, or Betty Kintzer. Mr. and Mrs, Dale Wagner, Arling- ton, Va., amnounce the birth of a son, Arthur Dale, June 1. Dale is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wag- ner, Sr., Demunds Road. Mrs. Elva Wagner, Dale’s mother, spent two weeks with them, to as- sist the new parents. On her way home, she stopped at the Masonic Home, Elizabeth- town, and brought Grandma Jomes back with her to spend the summer in East Dallas. We are all anxious to see her again. Mrs. better, especially after having her sister, Elva Miller, Olney, Philadel- phia, visit her for two weeks. Mr .and Mrs. Harry Forman Jr., spent two weeks with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wag- ner, Mrs. Forman was the former Carol Louise Wagner. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Moore pur- chased and moved into a home in Mount Zion. Mrs. Moore is a teacher in Dallas Area Schools. Recent visitors at the Raymond Hoore home are Mrs. Moore's sister, Musittia Montanye, Johnson City, ‘| Mr. and Mrs. George Salsbery, Mr. and Mrs. John Bucannon and family, Long Island. They will be there two weeks. The “Mrs.”, are daughters of the Moore’s, Jean and Geraldine. Hazel Morgan spent a week with her aunt, Frances Siley Harrison, ! Stroudsburg. Jeffery Harrison, son, 9 years old, returned with Hazel to their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Siley, in order to attend daily vacation bible school in East Dallas Church. Ralph Kauffman is feeling] Infant son of Frances and Mitch Cybulski, was taken to Nesbitt Hos- pital, for X-rays, which showed he has a broken shoulder bone, occur- ing during birth. His weight was 9 pounds, fourteen ounces, so it isn't surprising. Marian Hildebrant is improving slowly, she still goes to Philadelphia every three weeks, for treatments and to Mercy Hospital every other day for therapy treatments. A successful week of Bible school ended Friday followed by a picnic supper and ‘exhibition. Beatrice Ockenhouse is primary superintendent, and Pearl Barber was director, Diane Pickett and Pam-~ ela Hunter had kindergarten: en- rolled, Paula Bubble, Keith Moore, Sharon Morris, Bonnie Culver, Bar- bara Miller and John Montigney. Mannie Miller and Mrs. Cadwal- der had Nursey: Marian Cybulski, Patty Moore, Arlene Howe, Bobby Wagner, Terry Moore, Patty Culver, Teddy Derhammer, Boyd Montigney. Inez Ryman and Mary Mokychic were in charge of juniors: Larry Kintzer and Helen Siley, helpers, Linda Barber, Connie Edwards, Rhonda Moore, Hazel Morgan, Kathy Wilson, Kathryn McKenney, Norma Shupp, Gary Barber, Thomas Nor- man, Jeffery Harrison, Willard Cad- walder, Gary Morris, Bobby Miller, Kenny Morris, John Pickett Linda Cook, Ramona Cadwalder. Lorraine Moore and Clara Shupp, Primary: John Cook, Michelle Cy- .bulski, Tommy Philips, Hazel Ocken- house, Earl Bubble, Cynthia Bubble, David Morgan, Gail Edwards, Ruth Derhammer, Phyllis Howe, Connie Miller, Billy Wagner. Ida Edwards, assisted by Joyce Gordon, formed a girl’s 4-H-Club, at her home last Wednesday. Election of officers was held Connie Edwards, President; Christine Konnick, vice- president; Reba Brody, secretary; Stephanie Lindauer, song leader; Janet Birnstock, game leader; Rhon- da Moore, social chairman; Ann Marie Miller, mews reporter. Gail ~ ANNOUNCING . NEW OWNERSHIP Wesley’ s GULF Service (Formerly Parry’ ) Now Under Management HARRY WESLEY FIGHT DISEASE, PARASITES WITH PURINA HEALTH AIDS, world’s most complete line of cleaners, disinfectants, insecticides, wormers and treatments The Ralston Purina Company, in addition to being the world’s largest feed manufacturer, has a full line of quality Health Aids for'livestock and poultry. There are more than 90 different products you can use to control insects, parasites, and disease. Every one is carefully researched; then proved on the Purina Re- * search Farm before it earns the right to wear the Checker- board label. Purina Health Aids come in a variety of sizes. You choose the most economical one for your needs. They, may be added to drinking water, mixed with your rations at our mill, or top-fed. Others may be injected, dusted, sprayed, or used just as they come from the bag or bottle. ~ We'll be glad to answer your questions about quality Purina Health Aids. Perhaps we can help you plan a good sanitation program. Just phone, or pay us a visit at our Red and White Checkerboard store. HUSTON’ FEED SERVICE FERNBROOK CORNERS HE ER EE NR a CE a nn ! n iB . 674-6191 "ya a a a aaa u = ip Edwards was a guest, not being old enough to join. The next meeting will again be held at Ida Edward's home, 9:30 Wednesday moming. The girls will make skirts as their project. Mrs, Maurice Welsh, Orange, an- nounces that her father, Charles Dressel, Main St., Shavertown, is a patient in Jefferson Hospital, Phil- adelphia. Chief Petty Officer amd Mrs. Har- old 'Shupp, Donna and Dale, are spending 3 weeks with Mrs. Shupp’s mother, Mrs, Henry Phillips, other friends and relatives im East Dallas. They have returned after a 3 year stay in Bermuda. On July 10, they will leave for Florida where Chief Shupp is stationed. He has served 18 years and is planning on a 30 year term in the service: A family picnic was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shupp. Bobby Cyphers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cyphers, R. D. 3, Dal- las, is spending four days in At- lantic City with his Aunt Mrs. Kathryn Altemus and son Carl. Libby and Bob Cyphers, East Dallas, and Mildred and Bob Krum, Mt. Zion, spent last weekend at Niagara Falls, Birthday greetings are extended to Anna Strazdus, Gary Morris, Larry Kintzer, Dorothy Cisco, and Marian Cybulski. HONORED ON BIRTHDAY A surprise 56th birthday party was given for John Morgan, De- munds Road, by his son James and family, of Roushey Plot, on Sunday, June 23. Its really something! 8 out of 10 new homes install carefree GAS Heat! _ Nearly 30 million American Families enjoy the modern, automatic convenience ' of clean, dependable Gas Hedt...... . Building, buying or remodeling®..... _ Choose the Nations favorite..GAS! Ask for Your FREE Heating Survey! LE CE ISP) Conversion Burner... Now only $269.50 As low as $8.83 per month Present were: John Morgan; Pete and Arnold Orr; Framcis Rogers; Thomas Schmidle; and later in the day, Mrs. Doris Stritninger; Rose Wallsie; Lois Drust and their chil- dren; Jimmy Gwen; Terry, Julie and Belinda. Mrs. Sarah Schmidle, mother of Mrs. James Morgan was unable to ‘attend as she is a patient in Nesbitt | Hospital recuperating from a heart attack. The Dallas Post Has Hundreds of Modern Type Faces Summer School Will Begin Monday, July 8 Regular sessions for summer school at Dallas Senior High School will begin on July 8, 1963, at 8:30 a.m. All students planning on at- tending summer school classes will report at this time. Classes will be or ganized and students will be assign- ed to their sections for daily sessions Courses being offered are: Make- up work im English, World History, United States History, Biology, and Health. Typing classes will meet only in the morning and not in the evening; English Composition will be offered to students planning on furthering their education after high school. Students who live out of the dis- trict will be charged a fee, establish- ed according to the Department of Public Instruction. Students will be directed to their classrooms upon arrival. : For Letter Press Or Offset Try The Dallas Post Open "Til 9 P.M. Tea tener A SUTLIFF’S FURNITURE S&H Green Stamps Pleasant Route To ... B vy - | | Savings at SUTLIFF’S QUALITY FURNITURE | | HA revs) : From The : I W The Store That Gives You | 3 More For Your Dollar | ! $ We Are Now Featuring— | &= on) o SUMMER | SO = 1 PORCH - LAWN - PATIO | . | I ‘FURNITURE I (PALLAS Padded Gliders — Web Chairs : | : Vinyl Tubing — Hammocks, Etc.. | ain Before you buy fuel or convert your | heating equipment see your Heating ] Contractor, Plumber or Gas Company PENNSYLVANIA GAS and WATER Company ~— IN THE BACK MOUNTAIN — Telephone ENterprise 2-0668 TOLL FREE for information and service ke