SL LESe Bi ) oi i i ¥ Le NE yd wo hs i | a ® “ * * DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA A News Of The Churches+ DALLAS METHODIST CHURCH Russell C. Lawry, Pastor Sunday: Divine Worship at 8:30 and 11:00 o'clock. Sunday School at 9:45. Monday: Vacation Bible School, 9:30 to 11:00. Tuesday: Vacation Bible School, 9:30 to 11:30. Wednesday: Vacation School, 9:30 to 11:00. Prayer Group meets at 7:30. Bible Thursday: Vacation Bible School, 9:20 to 11:00. Friday: Vacation Bible School; 9:30 to 11:00. Commissicin on Stewardship and Finance will meet at 8. THE TRUCKSVILLE METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Robert E. Germond, Pastor Sunday, June 23rd: 9:30 and 11 a. m., Worship Services. The Pastor will speak on “Source of Real Pow- er.” Adult Membership Sunday will be observed at the 9:30 service. and Student Recognition Sunday at. the 11:00 service. 6:30 p. m., Senior High M.Y.F. Monday: 9:30 to noon, Vacation Church School. 8:00 p. m., Men’s Planning Group. Tuesday: 9:30 to noon, Vacation Church School. ~~ 7:30 p. m., Intercessory Prayer Group. 8:00 p. m.,, W.S.CS. Wednesday: 9:30 to oon, Vaca- tion Church School. 7:30 p. m., Commission on Woor- ship. Thursday: 9:30 to noon, Vaca- tion Church School. 7:30 p. m., Senior Choir. Friday: 9:30 to moon, Vacation Church School. 7:00 p.m., Vacation Church School Closing Program. SHAVERTOWN METHODIST Rev. Robert DeWitt Yost, Pastor Sunday: 9:45, Church School with classes for all ages. 11:00, Nursery during church for pre-school children. 11:00, Morning Worship Service. 11:30, Junior Church in Chapel Room. Monday: 9:45, Vacation Church School. Tuesday: 7:30, Commission meet- ings. 8:15, Official Chapel Room. Thursday: 7:30, Senior Choir and Quartet rehearsal. Board Meeting in Officers of the Methodist oust Fellowship were installed at the ' Worship Service by the Pastor: President, Russell Williams; vice: president, William Hensche; secre- tary, Laura Jenk'ins; treasurer, Wil- liam Banks; Commission chairmen, Commission ~ on Faith, William Swartwood; Commission on Out- reach, Sandra Sherwood; Commis- sion on Wi'ness. Karen Walk; Com- mission on Citizenship, Carl Kas- chenbach; Commission on Fellow- ship, Robert Dolbear. TRIMITY UNITED PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Andrew Pillarella, Pastor Thursday: Choir rehearsal, 8:30 p- m. at the minister’s home. Sunday: Church School, 9:45 to 10:45 a. m. Morning Worship, 11:00 a. m. Nursery is available. Sermon title: “The Model Christian.” Monday: The Board of Deacons will meet at 7:30 at the minister's home. Tuesday: Presbytery of Lacka- wanna, Westminster Church, Scran- ton. Special Note: Time change—Be- girning Sunday, June 30th, Morn- ing Worship and Church School for nursery through sixth grade will be held concurrently at 10:00 a. m. for the summer. EMMANUEL ASSEMBLY OF GOD Harveys Lake Rev. and Mrs. George Clement, Sunday: 10 a. m., S. S. Schoo 11 a. m., Morning Worship. 6:30 p. m., Young People’s meet- ing; 7:45 p. m., Evangelistic Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Prayer? and Bible Study. HUNTSVILLE METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Robert L. Jones, Pastor Sunday Services: Morning Wor- ship, 10. Sunday School, 11:10. MYF, 7 p. m. DALLAS FREE METHODIST Rev. Ralph Smith Sunday services: S.3 10 a. m.; Morning worship at 11; Youth Service 7 pm.; evening evangel- istic service 7:30. Wednesday 7:30 p.m. ‘Prayer meeting. CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS (Mormon) 145 Lehigh Street Sunday 10.00 A.M. combined Sun- day school and church service. CENTER MORELAND METHODIST REV WILLIAM F. WATSON EAST DALLAS: Sunday — Morning Worship 9 AM; Sunday Church School 10:15 DYMOND HOLLOW: Sunday — Morning Worship 10:15 AM.; Sunday Church Schon! 9:00 AM. CENTER MORELAND: Sunday — Church School 10 A.-M; Morning Worship 11:15 A.M. Monday—Junior High and Senior MYF, 7 P.M. Wednesday — Boy Scout Troop 336 meets at the church school, 7:30 P.M. _ Saturday = Cub Pack 338 den | , GATE OF HEAVEN Rev. Francis A. Kane, Pastor Assistants: Rev. Richard J. Frank Rev. Michael Rafferty Sunday Masses, 7:30, 9 and 11 Confessions: Saturday 4 to 5 ant 7 to 8:30 p.m. Instruction for children not at- tending parochial school will be given each Sunday following the nine o'clock mass. OUR LADY OF VICTORY Sunday Masses at 7:30 and 9:30. Religious instruction for children after the 9:30 mass. OUR LADY OF MOUNT Lake Silkworth Rev. S. F. Banas, Pastor Sunday Masses 7 and 9 a.m. CARMEL ST. THERESE’S Rev. John P. Walsh, Pastor Rev. Francis T. Brennan, Assistant Sunday Masses: 7:30; 8:45 and 10:45. REFORMATION LUTHERAN HARVEYS LAKE Rev. Wesley Kimm, Pastor Sunday services: The Service at 8:45 a.m. ‘Sunday School at 10 a.m. First Sundays at 3, Council meet- ing. Second Tuesdays, Ladies Society. ST. LUKE'S, NOXEN Rev. Wesley Kimm, Pastor Sunday services: Sunday School 10. a.m. The Service at 11 a.m. First Tuesdays, Sunday School meeting. Second Tuesday, Council. Second Wednesday, Ladies So- ciety. OUTLET FREE METHODIST Rev. Emery D. Stokes Saturday: Work meeting on the: Camp Ground, all day. Sunday School at 10 a. m.. Morn- ing worship at 11 a. m. FMY,, 7:15 p. m. Bible Study leader. Do- lores Kocher. Evening worship at i745 p.m. | Wednesday: Regular Prayer : Meeting at 7:45 p. m. HUNTSVILLE CHRISTIAN i Interim Pastor, Rev. Richard Metcalf Thursday evening, 7:30, Prayer Meeting. Sunday morning. 9:30, Morning Worship; 10:30, Svinday School, Friday through Friday, 9:30, Va- | cation Bible School. Saturday evening, Strawberry Social. i Thursday: 7:30 p.m. Priwyer Meet- ing. Sunday: 9:30 p.m. Church Serv- ices. 10:30 p.m. Sunday School. 6:30 to 8:30, ALDERSON METHODIST CHARGE REV. FRED EISTER ALDERSON: Sunday School—10:00 1m Morning Worship — 11:15 a.m. Youth Fellowship -~ 5:00 p.m. KUNKLE: - Sunday School — 10:00 a.m. Evening Worship — 7:30 p.n.. Youth Fellowship — Wednesday 5.30 p.m. NOXEN: Sunday “School —11:0t a.m. Morning Worchin — 10:00 a.m RUGGLES CHURCH: Sunday wor- ship service at 8:45; Sunday School at 9:45. NOXEN INDEPENDENT BIBLE CHURCH Pastor, Warren Hathaway Sunday, 10.a. m., Sunday School: 11 a. m., Morning Worship. 6:30 p. m., Young Peoples‘ Service: 7:30 p. m., Evening Service. Wednesday 7:45, Prayer and Bible TRUCKSVILLE' FREE METHODIST Rev. Grove Armstrong, Pastor Sunday services: Sunday School 9:30. ; ' Morning. Worship 10:30, Free Methodist Youth 7:00. Evening Service 7:30 Wesley Cooper Jr., will preach. Tuesday 7:30 The New Church Furnishings Committee Meeting. Wednesday 7:00 Prayer Meeting. Dedicated on Sunday, June 9, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kern, South Sunday June 16, Jay Raymond Chappell, som of Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter Chappell, Main Street, Shaver- town. SHAVERTOWN BIBLE CHURCFKF Rev. R. W. Edmondson, Pastor SM Sunday School — 10:00 ty Worship — 11:00 A.M. Evening Evangelistic Service — 7:30 P.M. Monday: Christian. Boy’s Brigade — 7:00 P.M. Tuesday: Back Mountain Evening Bible School — 7:30 P.M. Wednesday: Ladies Prayer Meet- ing — 1:30 PM. Pioneer Girl's — 7:00 P.M. Thursday: Mid-week Prayer and Praise Service — 7:30 P.M. Noxen Boy Completes 12-Week Army Course Army Pvt. Marshall L. Kasson, son -of Hugh Kasson, Noxen, com- pleted a 12-week equipment main- tenance course at The Engineer School, Fort Belvoir, Va., early in May. The 19-year-old soldier is a 196 graduate of. GLENVIEW P. M. CHURCH Rev. Andrew Derrick, Pastor Sunday Services: Morning Wor- ship, 9:55 a.m.; Sunday School. 11:00; Evening Service, and Chris- tian Endeavor, 7:00 p.m. . Wednesday evening, 7:30, Prayes meeting. LEHMAN-IDETOWN CHARGE Rev. Norman Tiffany, Pastor SUNDAY SERVICES: JACKSON — Worship Service 8:45 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. IDETOWN — Worship Service 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Idetown Confidence Class 8 p.m. Tuesday. LEHMAN — Worship Service 11:15 a.m. Sunday ‘School 10 a.m. M.Y.F. 6 p.m. Thursday, Lehman, Sr. p- m. Choir, 7 Idetown, Serving Class, 8 p. m. Vacation Church School, 9 a. m. Jackson, Vacation Church School, 9:30". a.m. Friday: Lehman, Vacation Church School, 9a. m. Idetown, Vacation Church School, 9 a.m. Jackson, Vacation Church School,’ 9:30 a. m. : Saturday, Idetown, Auction, a. m. Across from fire house. Jackson, Vacation Church School, 9:30 a." m, Fellowship Supper, 5:30 p. m. and Waiting 11 7:30 p. m. Lehmen, Vacation Church School, 9 a.m Idetown, Vacation Shurch School, Sia. ‘m. Tuesday: Lehuten; W.S.C.S., 7:30 p. m. Vacation Church School, 9 a. m. Fetown, Vacation Church School, 98. m. Wednesday: Lehman, Closing Program Vacation Church School, 9 a. m. Idetown, Closing Program Vaca- tion Church School, 9 a. m. MONROE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. L. E. Peterson, Pastor Thursday: 7:30, prayer and Bible tudy. : Sunday services: 8.8. 10 am.; ToT services 11 a.m. and 7:30 SR onday at 6:45, Young People. 7:30, choir practice. A study in Revelations Sunday nights will last for ten weeks, Daily Vacation Bible School be- ginning June 17 will run for two weeks, ' Monday - - through Friday, starting at 9 a. m. VIOORETOWN ASSEMBLY OF GOV Rev. Louis Trotta, Pastor Sunday services: Sunday School at 10. worship at 11, Children’s Church at 11. Evening worship, 7:30. 3 Tuesday night at 7:30, Family Night. June 18 to 25, Bible School for all ages will be held each morning | 8 to twelve noon. Instructors will be Rev. William Schell and Jack Schell. PRINCE OF PEACE EPISCOPAL Tev. John S. Prater Sunday, 8 a. m., Holy Commuyn- ion. 10 a. m., Morning Prayer Sermon. and ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN Rev. Frederic H. Eidam. Pastor Sunday: 8:15 a. m., The Service with sermon. 9:30 a. m., Sunday School. . 11:00 a. m., ‘The Service with sermon. 5 ; _ NOXEN GOSPEL TABERNACLE * Pastor Theodore Brennan Sunday services: Sunday School, ! 10:00 a. m.; Morning Worship, 300 X a. m. Youth Service, 6 30pm. Evangelistic Evening Service, 7;30. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Beaumont Elder Roger H. Clausen Saturday services: Sabbath School, 9:30; church services at 11 a. m. Camp meeting open at Westoville June 28 for a ten-day period. Yvonne Jeanette Kern, daughter of | Gettysburg Pioneer Ave., Trucksville; Baptized | Centennial Pennsylvania State Police and | Pennsylvania’s Gettysburg Centen- nial Commission announce ample free public parking for motorists during the 100th Anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg this July, in parking areas which will accomo- date a total of 80,000 cars. There will be parking for 50,000 vehicles in the area of the Etemal Light Peace Memorial where the major events of July 1 will take place. Near the Highwater Mark, where Pickett’s Charge will be staged July 3, the parking area will accomodate 30,000 vehicles. In addition, Gettysburg College and the Adams County Commission- ers have designated parcels of the land which will be used if crowds exceed estimates. Enlistments for the Confederate and Union units clésed January 1. Those taking part are assuming all expenses for travel to Gettysburg. The Pennsylvania Commission, how- ever, is providing tenting, utilities and rations for the men as well as Vacation Church School, 9 a. m. | Monday morning, following a Mass ' of Requiem at St. Ann’s Monastery Monday: Jackson, Official Board, | At Bible School ‘| Rev. Charles Gilbert will show films -| of Africa, and Mrs. Davies will show _gouvenirs from Japan. BE Tavern Owner Is Found Dead Frank Kearney, 70 Has Heart Attack Dying of a heart attack Thursday night, Frank Kearney, 70, was dis- covered at 12:40 lying behind the bar in his own tavern at Harveys Lake. register was standing open with nobody in attendance, gave the alarm. William Walton shouted, walked through the ground floor, | and alerted a! discover nothing, neighbor. Mrs. Josephine Gossart, Sunset, called Harveys Lake police. Chief Edgar Hughes and Assistant Chief Walbridge Leinthal discover- éd the body, and informed Dr. Henry Gallagher, who in turn sum- moned deputy coroner Richard Disque. Mr. Kearney, a Scranton man who conducted a summer business at Sunset, had a history of heart at- tacks. Native of Olyphant, Mr. Kearney was bus driver for Scranton Transit Co, for forty years before retiring in 1953. . His wife Genevieve died fourteen years ago. Surviving is a sister, Mrs. Gertrude Hoban, Blakeslee, and several nieces and nephews. Burial was at Mt. Greenwood in ‘Scranton. In Memoriam In memory of Roy E. Evans who passed away a year ago, June 14, 1962. God saw that you were suffering, The hills were hard to climb, So He closed your weary eyelids, ‘And whispered ‘Peace Be Thine’. In our hearts your memory lingers But we know ’tis va‘ to weep, Tears of love can never wake you From your calm and peaceful sleep. Your loving daughter, Esther Presbyterian News Mrs. Andrew Pillarella will at- A late customer, noting that | lights were burning, but the cash | THE DALLAS POST, THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1963 Lutherans Hear Dynamic Speakers On Tremendous Scope Of Missions Church in America was vividly pre- sented at St. Paul's Lutheran Church Sunday afternoon. Miss Eva Nixon, Liberia, studying for her Master's Degree at Millers- ville State College, spoke to mem- bers of the Lutheran Eastern Penn- sylvania Synod, of the medical, ed- | ucational and spiritual programs carried out in her country. Dr. Richard L. Peterson, secre- tary of interpretation for the Luth- the Far East. Pastor Frederick Eidam presided. Presentation of missionary volun- Services Today For Mrs. Lydia Dickerson Mrs. Lydia Dickerson, a former resident of Noxen, will be buried today on what would have been her ninétieth birthday. She died Mon- day afternoon at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Benjamin Tangborn, Keyport, N. J. Services are scheduled for 2 p.m. from the Bronson Funeral Home, Rev. Andrew Derrick, pastor of Glenwood Primitive Methodist Church, officiating. Burial will be at Evergreen Cemetery. A native of Noxen, the former Lydia Hubbell was daughter of the late Jasper and Erminia Lutes Hub- bell. She attended Bible Tabernacle Church. Her husband David died some years ago. For a time after marriage the couple lived in Noxen, eventually moving to Shavertown. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Tangborn ‘and Mrs. Chester Slot- man, Buffalo, N. Y.; a son Floyd, Florida; six grandchildren and four greatgrandchildren. Lose Premature Sons Mr. and Mrs. Jerome H. Brown, Demunds Road, lost twin sons, their Friday at Nesbitt Hospital. Kenneth lived only eight hours, dy- ing Saturday morning. Jerome How- ard Brown Jr., lived thirty hours, tend the Senior High Westminster Youth Fellowship Conference at! Keystone College, June 24th to | 30th, as a councellor. The pro- gram includes study, recreation, and worship. Beth Pillarella will attend a three week experimental project entitled, | “Creative = Communications Cara- | van”, June 23 to July 10, at Camp | Michaux, near Gettysburg. This is a pilot experiment con- ducted by the Synod of Pennsyl- vania to determne how Audio- Visual Aids can be used to supple- | ment the teaching program in the | local church. Rev, Edward George. member of the national staff of the Board of Christian Educaticn, will train six young people and three adults for | five and half days at Camp Michaux. The team will then spend time in churches in eastern Pennsylvania, working with (Christian Education departments. If successful the project will be followed by further work in this field by the United Presbyterian Church throughout the nation. Meet Your Neighbor Bible School ovened Monday, in the Dallas Methodist Church, with six age groups attending. Projects on ‘Meet Your Neighbor” is the theme. = Among other activities, Mrs. Rivera will talk on Mexico; The final day, Friday, June 28, i will be Parents Visiting Day. i Stocker, and William Watson. | dying Sunday morning. The two in- i fants were buried together Tues- day morning in Chapel Lawn, fol- lowing private funeral services ccn- ducted by Rev. Norman Tiffany from the Disque Funeral Home. Maternal grandparents, Mr. end survive in additicn to the parents. Rummage Sale June 29 Dymond Hollow WSC3 plans a rummage sale Saturday Juve 29, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. at Center More- | land Grange Hall. Mrs. Dan Dy- food chairman, will be assisted by Mesdames Arthur Coolbaugh, John Do- nations of used furniture, nacks, household goods and clothing are be‘ng solicited. Blood Relayed Siren heard screaming through Dallas around 9:30 Saturday morn- ing was on a state police car out of Wyoming Barracks, carrying blood in an emergency relay from the Wilkes-Barre Red Cross to Wil- liamsport Hospital. The patrol car was also seen passing rapidly through Lehman. Reunion Scheduled For Naugle Meeker Families The third reunion of the Naugle- Meeker families will be held June 23 at Rummage’s Grove, Hunlock Creek. A basket lunch is planned for 1 p.m., after which a meeting will be held. EC EE SECS CE, i raphic Arts Services INCORPORATED PHOTO-ENGRAVING Offset Negatives Screen Prints, Art Work Phone VA 5-2978 Rear 29 North Main Street Ir and Platemaking Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Fane CI EIR RCE TED OE AE AC COM A NCTE : Dr. Aaron S. Lisses Optometrist 38 Main Street, Dallas 674-4506 DALLAS HOURS: Tues, - - 2 to 8 pm. Wed. - - 2 to 8 pm. Friday - - 2 to 5 p.m. Professional Suite Gateway Shopping Center Edwardsville 287-9735 GATEWAY CENTER HOURS: Daily 9:30 to 5:30 p.m. Evenings: Thurs. & Fri. to 8 p.m, GREENWALD'S IN LUZERNE PLENTY OF REE PARKING AL Eel ONE-STOP! : (elle CENTER _HOUSEWARE eran World Mission Board, gave | la dynamic talk on progress in Africa, South America, India and first children, born prematurely on! John | knick- | The tremendous scope of world |teer fields was given by Pastor | mission work done by the Lutheran | Wesley Kimm, Noxen; Brenda | Clause, Shavertown: Rev. Walter | ees Mr. and Mrs. H. Cal- | deroni, Scranton, and Mr. and Mrs. | Scranton-Wilkes-Barre the Synod. the Lutheran Church Women gader supervision of Walter Gosart. Frederick Anderson, Shavertown. Mrs. Harold Deisher spoke on the | “Women’s Viewpoint on World Mis- | sions” tor of St. Paul's, Wilkes-Barre, pre- | sented “The Dedication of the Min- isterium to Missions.” and Rev. John Derrick, pas- | Dean Calvin Humbert also was a guest speaker, Program was sponsored by the | District of | Supper was served by | Mrs. | | Newton Ness was organist. Warren Edmondson | Honored At Party Bible party in honor of Warren Edmond- son, Tuesday evening, at the home of his Sunday School teacher, Mrs. | Donald Easton, Idetown. Auto Mechanic Tools was presented ! to him by the Young People. Mocretown Assembly Honors Graduates | Honored at Mooretown Assembly | of God on Sunday were James Kit- tle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kittle, | Sr. and Thomas Mahoney, son of Mr. and: Mrs. Wilson Mahoney, | Mooretown, as 1963 high school graduates attending ‘this church. A dinner was house with the follow'ng attending, | Rev. Louis Trotta, Betty Lou and | Michael Mrs. Stella Kittle and Mr. Wilson Mahoney. held at the Kingston | Trotta; Janice Palmoski; | and Mrs. | | | £ Young ‘People of Church held a Shavertown | graduation | A gift of Present were Warren and David and Jimmy Keast, Frantz, Mrs. Samuel Keast, Mrs. | | Russell Edmondson, Mrs. Donald | Easton, Erma Garnett, and Donald beth Hess, | Klimek, Ralph Ashburner, Ralph. | Hess, Owen Ide. | I Kunkle Silverleaf Club met re- | cently at the home of Mrs. Forrest Mrs. Kenneth Calkins of Idetown, | Kunkle. Mrs. William Weaver presided. | | Group decided to hold a white éle-! phant sale at the next meeting. Every member was asked to bring at least a twenty-five cent gift. Present. were: Mesdames Eliza- | Russell Miers, Florence | es im | SUBSCRIBE TO THE © POST : i EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED CONTACT LENSES DR. I BERGER OPTOMETRIST 27 Machell Ave., Dallas Phone 674-4921 MONK Plbg. & Hig, N. Lehigh St. § Shavertown, Pa. : | will speak at Dallas Free Methodist be Saturday at 2:30 from the Bron- {Oscar Fish Friday evening. ' Butlers Express Thanks Edmondson, Gloria Welch, Dayton, | Florence, and Elaine Garnett, Mary- | beth, Freddy, Joyce Ann and Billy Belles, Steve , friends for the kind gift received and Stanley Easton, Mary and Lois Police Auxiliary Plans Easton. | Silver Leaf Club Meets Bt Kunkle SECTION B — PAG | Mrs. Hillman Dress | Is In Body Cast Mrs. secretary Gospel Speaker Hilman Dress, Beaur for Gate of Church, is nearly ready to be | charged from Nesbitt Ho | wearing a cumbersome body which is guaranteed to kee | warm all summer. | Frances was knocked dow | . . | the swinging door of her ow: | in her own driveway Sunday | 9, and admitted to Nesbitt w compression fracture of the | of a vertebra. “How lucky | you get?” she inquires bli | “The woman in the next bed double amputee. I can wa of here on two legs.” | CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. ter Coolbaugh wishes to. 1 ; friends and neighbors who cards or flowers, lent cars, o REV. BARRY ARNOLD Rev. Barry Arnold of Cocolamus, Church on Sunday, at 11:00 a.m. f Kindly act [2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. ormed kindly acts of personal e during the ti h He is a young and forcetil | © g the time of thesbe ment. speaker, a great soul winner. ey i 7 If you like old fashioned Gospel | ' messages, come, this will be aj spiritual feast. Don’t miss it. All | are welcome to ‘each service on | special invitation from the Pastor Rev. Ralph Smith. Singing by Bowmans Creek Quar- | tette. { ERNEST GAY New Dallas Shopping 27 HATIONWID MUTUAL INSURANCE COMP, MOME OFFICE © COLUMBUS. OMIO formerly Form Bureou lasuonce Soy pect” Sympathy The community extends sympathy to Mrs, Edgar Cragle, Sweet Valley, whose mother, Mrs. L. Gertrude Center Killian, 73, died Monday evening | at Berwick Hospital. Burial will DALLAS 675-1176 son. Fufieral Home. Centermoreland FEderal 3-4 CLASSMATES TO MEET Classmates Class of Noxen Meth- odist Church will meet with Mrs. | ) Scoutmaster and Mrs. John Butler | |b wish to express their very sincere | ed gl appreciation to scouts, parents an EXPERT TAIL ORING last week in anticipation of their | } coming European trip. ® Trouser Alterations e® Skirts & Dresses Hemm ® Coat Alterations | Cleaning & Pressing | ADAM’S CLOTHES Clothes For Dad & La Back Mt. Shopping Shavertown Open 'Til 9 Every Night 674-8936 Police auxiliary plans a covered | dish supper June 28 at the Lehman | fire hall at 6:30 p.m. Policemen and | } their wives will attend. Each mem- 1 ber is requested to create an un- It usual hat for this occasion. Any wife, | whether or not she is already a! { member of the ‘auxiliary, is invited | | to attend this affair with her se } band. Mrs. John Lukavitch is supper |} chairman. | << AE