SP RAR a SECTION B— PAGE 8 IDETOWN, Bess Cooke JACKSON TWP. William Hughes LEHMAN, Mrs. Morton Connelly EE Lehman Mrs. Evelyn K. Squier, Kingston, New York is spending the week with her sister Mrs. Charles Ely and family. Don’t forget the firemen need all the help they can get, between now and July 4th for the Horse Show. There is plenty of work needed to make this affair a suc- cess, They are on the grounds working Mondays and Thursday nights and Saturday afternoons. Rev. and Mrs. John Stahl d an TS an > on | Dallas, now living in Florida, ‘al- ‘ways ask why there is no East Dal- daughter Christy are home for two weeks vacation with Mrs. Alice Els- ton, (Mrs. Stahl’'s mother). Mrs. H. A. Brown attended Medi- cal Auxiliary luncheon Tuesday May 28th at Irem Temple Country Club. Cub Pack 241, Lehman, recently visited the Pennsylvania Game Commission, and saw ‘a movie on fur-bearing animals and pelt identi- fication of animals in our area. At their recent pack meeting Don Aynes, Tunkhannock, gave an archery demonstration and later the boys tried: their skill with bow and arrow. Mr. and Mrs. John iSidler are entertaining «their , family Mrs. James Tethers and daughter Leigh Ann, Roslyn, Pa. Also daughter Helen, going to college in Blooms- burg, is home for ten days. They expect their son William home from Pennsylvania Military College for fifteen days. Mrs. Joseph Ellsworth was among many proud ;parents who went to hear our Lehman Band at Sher- burne, N. Y. ‘ Lehman girl scout troup 156 spent the weekend at Camp Lycogis near Williamsport, sleeping in three sided cabins and cooking on camp fires. Present: Tera Milbrodt, Georgeann Adams, Bonny Cooper, Marie O’Brien, Rose Mary Williams, Patricia Major, Mary Sue Cease, Letha Bennett, Gail Cooper, Betty Weaver, Elenor Belcher, Fay Brown, and Ericka Roskoski. Leaders are Mrs. Floyd Milbrodt, Mrs. Ray Harvey, Mrs. Harry Ross- man and Mrs. Cease. Scouts had supper one night on High Knob overlooking seven mountains. They saw deer all over the place and even had a funeral for a squirel they found. : Mr. and Mrs. Ben Shipman, and family Jennie Lynn and Ben Stuart, ~ Spencerport, New York are spend- ig their week’s vacation with Mrs. Shipman’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Marks. John Marks is able to be home often as he is working in Shickshinny this week. Mrs. Glendoris Shilanski is going to Ocean Grove to work the sum- mer at the Hotel Lapierre as head Chief. She expect to leave as soon as school is out, presently working at Lehman grade school cafeteria. ~ Mr. and Mrs, Charles Nuss are on a camping trip in their Volkswagen, touring the West and the parks. They took their canoe on top of the car. Faye Brown went on a camping trip to Williamsport with the Girl NE 9-2544 674-4109 67 4-5460 NE 9-5137 696-1005 674-2488 u——— The Post welcomes to its staff of columnists Mrs. Irene Moore, who will cover the East Dallas area and adjacent sections of Orange and Franklin Township. Her number is 674-2392. Hello to my East Dallas friends. I hope this will be the start of a| long friendly get-together each week. Two of my friends, Mary and Paul Valentine, formerly of East las column. The Post is precious to them but they always hope to find East Dallas items. Paul has had several articles published in the Post. This is really a growing area. There are three new homes near- ing completion on Ransom Road, just a short distance apart: Ben Kasmark, Jr. has a lovely home almost ready to be occupied, next to Myra Carlin’s home. An- other, a pretty pink summer home, built by Floyd and Elizabeth (Moore) Harvey, of Johnson City, is on the old Jacob Moore estate. Then comes a large home, belong- ing to Dick Strazdus. It is not ex- pected to, be finished in the fall, in time for him to carry his bride across the threshold, but it promises to be a beauty (the house as well as the bride). ! ] Received a nice letter from our former pastor and his wife, Nadine and Bob Mordt, who want to be remembered to all their East Dallas friends. They may vacation here in August. Nadine’s father passed away last week. In case friends would care to extend sympathy, their address is 8 East 4th Street, Wentzville, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Tony De Costa and children, from Massachusetts, visited Beatrice Moore during Me- morial weekend. Mrs. De Costa is the former Janet Moore. We were all sorry to hear about Jessie Moore’s accident. She told me her mother, Mary Hislop, who has a broken rib and bruises, is very uncomfortable, and unable to lie down at all. Sunday visitors: Thelma Lamoreaux, Mrs. Hope Ide, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Straub from Wilkes-Barre, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Thomas and Viola Lane, Forty-Fort, Mrs. Jennie Jones, Delaware, Mr. and Mrs. Giles Wilson. Mrs. His- lop’s daughter .Jean Somers, Hard- Pearl Tubbs of Wilkes-Barre visited Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ide over Memorial Day. . Mrs. Clara Mekeel is on the sick list, resting at the home of her daughter Mrs. Russell Coolbaugh. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Stair, Los Angeles, and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Whitebread, Slocum, spent Satur- day with Mr. and Mrs. Chester Bar- rall and family. Mrs. Anna Barrall of Wilkes- Barre is spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Chester Barrall and family. Mrs. H. G. Bland of Gloucester, Virginia, visited her brother Burton Major several days last week. diy ine Ll QUALITY WATCH RAVELLE roduct of BULOVA PRINCESS Precision jeweled movement, shock resistant, unbreakable mainspring. E WINDJAMMER y ~ Precision jeweled movement, vraterproof*, shock gesistant, = luminous dial. Never before such precision. jeweled accuracy, such luxury styling, such lasting quality at this low price. See our complete selection of S superbly styled Caravelle fine iusied watches from only b £ ’ OTHER GIFTS for GRADUATION ¥ Graduation Charms Speidel I-D Braclets Pen and Pencil Sets Jewelry Music Boxes Lockets Wallets Lighters Rings Cuff Links Luggage Radios Stationery 'HENRY’S JEWELRY —~Cards and Gifts— Fostoria, Keepsake Diamonds and Lenox Memorial Hwy. Shavertown —OPEN 'TIL 9 AT NIGHT— East Dallas ‘scared awéy someone who opened THE DALLAS POST, THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1963 ing, helped take care of her all week, but left for home today. Ella Moore Memorial Class of East Dallas Methodist church will meet at church Tuesday evening, June 11 at 8 p.m. While talking | to our President Betty Kintzer of Demunds Road, she informed me | she has fourteen darling kittens to | give away, Wouldn't you like to | have one? ‘Weekend guests of Irene Moore were her sisters Ethel and Mary, | Mr. and Mrs. Robert Krick, Bobby | and ‘Sharon, Mr. and Mrs. A. Lind, | Ted and Miriam Dymond, Cindy, Sheri and Kathy, Mr. and Mrs. | Robert M. Moore, Keith, Patti, and | Holly, Priscilla and Howard Krum, Jr. Lois Ryman, recent Bloomsburg | graduate, has accepted a teaching | position - in Elementary school, | Selinsgrove, having received her | Bachelor of Science in Education degree. Weekend guests of Robert M. Moore were Mr. and Mrs. Al Gross, Edward and Nancy, Parsons. Hilda | was happy having her father, Gus Ehrgott visit her for several days. Ted Dymond, Orange is really busy planting tomatoes on Martz, Carlin’s, and Brace farm, Orange, and his own land. We pray there will be no more frost. Prowlers are still active in East Dallas. A word to the wise: Kas- mark’s dog and Myra Carlin’s dog her garage door, car door, and glove compartment. They had bet- ter wear armored pants if they tangle with those dogs. Everybody's ‘Aunt Jennie Evans, formerly from Carverton, now living in Methodist Home, Narrows- burg, N. Y., is looking forward to spending a couple of weeks with Irene Moore (me) soon. She writes that she doesn’t miss a trick and reads her Post as faithful as she reads her Bible. Hopes to see all her former friends then. Happy to hear Cornelia Fehlinger has returned home after being a patient in General Hospital. Donald Belles, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Belles, Roushey Plot, will graduate Saturday from Uni- versity of Maryland where he will receive his Bachelor of ‘Science de- gree in Fire Protection, from Col- lege of Engineering. He was an ac- tive member of a Gymkhana troupe for two years. It’s an exhibitional gymnastic troupe. He plans to start work Monday June 10th. in Philadelphia. Mr. and’ Mrs. Jay Bloomer and family were weekend guests of the Harry Martin family. They live in | Philadelphia. I would like to thank you for your patience if you have read this far and would appreciate any tid- bit items. I'm as near as your phone. Sell Quickly Through The Trading Post MEEKER, Mrs. Fred Winter MT. ZION, Rev. Charles Gilbert Harding 388-2270 NOXEN, Mrs. Ira Beahm SHAVERTOWN, Mrs. F. SWEET VALLEY, Mrs. Albert Ray TRUCKSVILLE, Mrs. Arline Bessmer . NEWS FROM POST CORRESPONDENTS BEAUMONT, Mrs. William Austin DALLAS, Carol Ann Williams FERNBROOK: Mrs. George Shaver HARVEYS LAKE, Mrs. Albert Armitage NE 9-9531 GR 7-2734 NE 9-8522 674-6351 GR 7-3271 696-1531 W. Anderson TR Harveys Lake Mrs. Robert Krown, who recently had surgery at Nesbitt Hospital, is home and recovering nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Garinger and Lina Garinger motored to Waterbury, Connecticut last week to spend several days. Lina will re- main for an indefinite time with Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Rosengrant and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Lewis and family, Forty Fort, have opened their summer home at Harveys Lake. * W.S.C.S. of the Alderson Metho- dist church will meet at the home of Mrs. Peter Delaney Thursday evening June 13 at 8. The nominat- ing committee with Mrs. Helen Hartman as chairman will read the list of new officers for the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Keller, Sterling Farms, ~ entertained last weekend for their son Edward, who celebrated his 19th birthday. Eddie attends Trade School at Media. Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schmaltz and Harold Jr., Mrs. Rinehimer, Sweet Valley, Miss ‘Charlotte Keller and = friends, Wilkes-Barre. My husband and I ‘celebrated our 29th wedding anniversary Tuesday of this week. We have one daugh- ter, Jessie E. Beckerman, R. N., of Kingston, and a granddaughter Brenda. I would like to congratu- late Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Poynton of Shavertown, married on the same day, June 4, 29 years ago. We are happy to have the Poyntons as our friends. Beaumont “School is out this week. Now we can practice’ Little League more,” claims one of the “regulars” who notes his team will play Harveys Lake here this Friday and Mehoopany here Tuesday, June 11. Mrs. Marian Hadsall Parrish at- tended her ??? class reunion at Bloomsburg State College recently. Rev. and Mrs. Charles Hess of Syracuse, N. Y. visited relatives and friends here after attending his fiftieth class reunion at Bloomsburg State College.” Mrs. William Jones is recuperat- ing at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Jackson, after sur- gery at General Hospital. It’s good to see John Montross, Mrs. Harry Clark’s father, able to drive again. Keep up: the good work! Thomas Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Davis, received his Master's Degree at the University of [Scranton’s commencement last Sunday. ‘Loan Fund Available Applications for Dallas Senior Woman’s Club Scholarship Loan Fund are available to any Dallas Senior interested in furthering edu- cation. Applications are available at office of Dallas High School. This little fellow may have the wrong size, but he sure has the right idea. He already knows there’s nothing like U.S. Keds. Hig Dad knows, too. And his Mom and teenage sister. How about you and your family? Do you get the longest wear, the finest fit and the greatest comfort that have ever been built into a washable shoe? Better come in today and ask for HUMPHREY U.S. Keds® for all the family, ag 9 CHILDREN’S BOOTERY Back Mt. Shopping Center Open Every Night 'Til 9 P.M. : Complete stock of KEDS : for the whole Family ‘Griffiths, ‘Calvin Gensel, T Lyle Carle, Harris Hill Road, has been a patient in Nesbitt Hospital. Mrs. David Lohman is a patient in Nesbitt Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Dorsch, Allentown were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Greenwood, Trucksville ‘Gardens. Mr. and Mrs. James D. Hutchison, Doran Drive, have returned from a tour of Europe where they visited all the main cities. They reported a delightful and interesting tour. Sterling William McMichael has returned from = Nesbitt Hospital where he underwent nasal surgery the past week. Mrs. Joseph Lohn of Germany arrived in New York this week- end where she was met by her daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mathers, ITI. She plans to visit with them and her grand sons for several months. Greetings this week on your birthdays to:—Mary Jane Bennett, Fred L. Williams, Jr., Jane Rolk Ash, Harry Long, Mildred Baker, James Thomas Lee Case, David Arthur Griffith, Robert Ash, ; Lucy A. Courtright, Robert W. Trucksville Carl and Donn Goodwin, sons of Mr. and Mrs. James Goodwin, will be spending the summer with their parents. Carl is a teacher in Wil- liamsport, Donn, a student at Ap- palachian State Teachers . College, Boone, North Carolina. : Miss Louise Hazletine, Cornell Medical Center, New York City, spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hazeltine, Harris Hill Road. Misses Ruth and Esther Boston, visited their cousins Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Havens, Athens, Penna., re- cently. Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Bennett, Orchard Street, ‘entertained over the holiday their daughter and son- in-law Mr. and Mrs. Gary Bligh and son, Long Island, N. Y., also their daughter Mary, who is home on vacation. Dr. David Kunkle, Carverton Road, expects to open his dental office in a few weeks. * Dorothy Mathers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mathers, Hickory Street, is spending the summer vacation with her parents. She is a student of Stroudsburg Gardner, III, Margaret Case, Rich- ard F. Billings, Wilford Anderson, | Sr., Nancy Dymond Crane, William R. Long, II, Julia A. Knorr, Kathy Kreidler, Hayden Evans, Sterling Rineman, Elaine Cleasby, Louise Rhodes. = Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Gallagher, Westmont, New: Jersey, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gal- lagher, Harris Hill Road. Also guest of the Gallaghers was Mrs. Thomas Moore, Park: Avenue, Wilkes-Barre. Mr. and "Mts. ‘Peter Gallagher recently celebrated their thirtieth wedding ~ ‘anniversary. Mrs. Gal- lagher is the farmer Florence An- stett. x aoe atl ¥ Mr.. and Mrs. ‘Marvin Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Love and children, Nadine, Layton, ‘and Miss Georgiena Weidner were recent dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert DeWitt, South Pioneer Avenue. Nice to know James Goodwin has recovered from his recent ill- ness and able to’ take up his duties as principal of Shavertown Grade School. He was ill several weeks at his ‘home op Harris Hill Road. | | SELINGO SIGNS SIGNS OF ALL KIND BUILT - PAINTED i | e TRUCKS WINDOWS DISPLAYS | SHO-CARDS | PAPER SIGNS SIGN CLOTH SCOTCHLITE | ART WORK ! HUNTSVILLE 674-8126 State Teachers College. Walter Mathers of Harrisburg, son of Mr, and Mrs. Frank Mathers, Carverton Road, is a patient in Veterans Hospital, Lebanon, suf- fering from a broken hip. He is formerly from Trucksville, and would appreciate cards and hearing from old friends. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mathers and three daughters spent Memorial Day with Mrs. Mathers’ sister and family, Mr. and' Mrs. Alfred Ken- jorski, Patterson Grove. Cadet Corporal William Greenley DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA has arrived home from Pennsyl- vania. Military College to spend the summer recess with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Greenley, Harris Hill Road. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Croom, Linda Croom, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Thomas, son Jerry, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Walton and Mrs. Bessie Roushey spent the holiday at Eas- teremorwalt Lake, fishing. Richard Moss, injured in a fall several weeks ago, is back on his route as carrier for the evening paper. t BEAUTIFUL NEW . ... REST HOME OPENS with...REST HAVEN Grounds — 24 Hour Nursing Care — OVERLOOKS HARVEYS LAKE POINT BREEZE For Appointment Call: NE 9-3361 POLE 252 HARVEYS LAKE > . A EEE ME = & TES IT to DEPENDABLE CLEAN, CAREFREE, in about 4 Hours with a GAS Conversion Burner Now only $269.50 As low as $8.83 per month Get Your FREE Heating Survey Now! \ Convert to Gas Heat easily, conveniently and quickly... just about 4 hours! Yes, if your present heating system is in good cone dition and adequate size, you can install a Gas Conversion Burner with no trouble at all. Then YOU, too, begin to enjoy all the " advantages of Gas for House Heating. Before you buy fuel or convert your heating equipment, be sure to he phone your Heating Contractor, Dealer, Plumber or Gas Company I PENNSYLVANIA GAS and WATER Company Le — IN THE BACK MOUNTAIN — Telephone ENterprise 2-0668 TOLL FREE for information and service