The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, April 18, 1963, Image 5

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| Personal
Imogene Slocum, Dallas R. D. 4,
is a patient at Geisinger Hospital.
"Kenneth Swan, Middlesex, N. J.,
has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Cragle of Lehman.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Perez,
‘formerly of Welles Street, Wilkes-
"Barre, have purchased a home at
Dallas R. D. 1. Mr, Perez is asso-
ciated with the Robson Meat Com-
Mrs. Rosetta Kepner, formerly of
+ Dallas, now of Brooklyn, spent sfev-
- er, % days in Dallas visiting Mr. and
“Mrs. John Girvan Lake Street,
Staff Sgt. and Mrs. Samuel J.
Fowler, recently returned from
Africa, are now living at Loring Air
Force Base in Maine.
Little Mike, Carey, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Melborne Carey, Claude
‘Street returned from Nesbitt Hos-
pital on Sunday. He was a pa-
tient for several weeks suffering
‘from a broken leg.
© Mr. and Mrs, . Marvin Moss,
Shavertown entertained at a supper
“on Easter Sunday for the follow-
ing, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Moss, and |.
children, ‘Wilkes-Barre; Mr. and
Mrs. © Roy © Moss, Demunds; Mrs.
Sarah Moss, Fernbrook; and Mrs.
Mabel Leitch, Detroit, Mich.
Lady Toby Rebekah Lodge 451 of
“Trucksville met on Wednesday eve-
ning at Trucksville Fire Hall. District
‘Deputy Anna Askew, Shickshinny
was guest. Plans were made to at-
tend a cooking demonstration at the
Little White House, next door to the
U.GI. office, Wyoming Ave. Kings-
ton on Monday, April 22 at 7:30 P.M.
T wishing to attend, contact
Mrs. George Shaver Jr. or Mrs. Mar-
garet Robbins, before Friday, April
19§)Anyone may go, You do not have
to be a lodge member.
Mr. and Mrs. John Dobinick,
Shavertown, had as Easter weekend
guests their daughter, Kathy, Arl-
“ington, Va., and Mrs. Norbert Flick
_and family, Cincinnati. Mr. Flick,
employed at Fairlawn, N. J., joined
the family here to spend the holi-
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Wagner have
_ recently moved into their new
home at Midway Manor, Shaver-
town. The Wagners and their chil-
, dren, Barbara, Nanc, Kay and
David, originally resided in St. Pet-
_ersbur, Florida. Mr. Wagner is
_ staff assistant with Pennsylvania
Gas and Water Company.’
Mr. and Mrs. George Voorhees
recently moved from Trenton, N. J.,
to Main Street, Shavertown. Mr.
Voorhees is a civilian clerk with
the U. S. Navy. Mrs. Voorhees
is organist at a church in Easton.
~~ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Perez and
daughter, Mary, have moved. into
their new home in Dallas. The
Parezes are formerly from Wilkes-
Barre. ; fad 3
“Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Hislop,
White Birch Trailer Ranche, were
surprised last week when their
_day§®ter, Mrs. Richard Rogers and
; her “three month old son visited
them unexpectedly from Spring
Lake, N. C. Mrs. Rogers also took
~ litt#¥ Ricki to meet his paternal
‘grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon
“Rogers, Fernbrook.
Mrs. Rogers’ husband, SPC4 Rich-
ard ‘Rogers, is stationed at Fort
od The id plans to return to
- Ricki is the first grandchild in
the Hislop family. Mr. and Mrs.
‘William Garnett, Loyalville, are
Mr. and Mrs. William Long, Dal-
las, had as Easter guests Mr. and
“Mrs. Thomas Schultz, Melville; Mrs.
"Moses Cartwright, Harold and John
_ Cartwright, Meshoppen.
William Weber, Riverhead, LoL;
spent the holiday weekend with
hi@parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Weber, Mooretown. 5
* Mrs. Harry Hughey, Overbrook
Avenue, returned home on Saturday
Lala having been a patient at
‘Nesbitt Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Newcomb,
Huntsville Road, recently had as
“weekend guests, Mr. and Mrs. An-
thony Barashusky,” Williamstown,
N. J. and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Farnam and family, Hallstead, also
Mr. William Florence, Binghamton,
iN Y.
& Mr, and Mrs. Donald Paeglow,
‘Dallas, had as guests for the week-
‘end Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barton,
‘Endicott, N. Y.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles’ Hosler,
* Parrish Street, had as guests on the
eekend, their daughter and family,
‘Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mitchell, Ali-
gson, Sallie and Tad, Fairfax,
- Virginia,
Rev. Donald Bailey, Wainfleet,
Canada, was guest Sunday of Mr.
‘and Mrs. Robert Culp, Huntsville.
v. Bailey spoke at the 9:30 serv-
e at Huntsville Christian Church
is a candidate for the Pastorate
= ‘Mrs, George Seelandt, Mr. and
Hrs. William ‘Davis and Alfred
"Davis were Sunday dinner guests
sof Mr. and Mrs. Robert Price and
Long Island, after spending several
‘days with Mrs. William. Williams
and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bennett.
Mr. and Mrs, Dave Joseph, Nor-
5 “ton Avenue, proudly announce the
birth of their second granddaugh-
ter, Julia Ann Joseph, born to
£8 /sgt. and Mrs. David Joseph, Ar-
ilington, Va. There are six grand-
three of whom are Julia's
sbrothers, David, Paul and Stephen.
Via Mrd ‘Ethel Shaver, Mrs, Jennie |
F SRummage, | Mildred Li and Rit
week, their daughter and
“law; - Mr.
Neigh borhood News .
nd Notes Of Personal Interest
Mrs. Joseph Schneider
Entertains At Shower
Mrs. Joseph Schneider, Daven-
port Street, entertained Saturday
evening, April 6th, at her home,
at, a variety shower, in honor of
Barbara Borsik, who is to be mar-
ried April 20th, to Mrs. Schneider’s
brother, Edwin Lee Thoma, Forty
Miss Borsik is a graduate of Col-
lege Misericordia and a member of
Kappa Gamma Pi National Honor
Society. She holds a Master of Sci-
ence in Educational Degree, from
Bucknell University and is a music
teacher in the Plymouth Borough
Mr. Thoma is a graduate of
Wilkes College and holds a Master
of Science in Education Degree,
from Bucknell University. He is a
member of Kappa Phi Kappa Hon-
orary Education Fraternity and at-
tends Graduate School, of Temple
University. He is director of guid-
ance, at Twin Valley Jointure
Schools, Elverson, Pa.
Cragg J. Herdman Weds
Mrs. Eva M. Root Of Noxen
Good Friday, April 12th, Mrs.
Eva M. Root, Noxen and Cragg J.
Herdman, Beaumont were united in
marriage by Rev. Warren Hatha-
way, ~Noxen Independent Bible
Church. The ceremony was solem-
nized at 8 o'clock in the Independ-
ent Bible Church.
Attendants for the couple were
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Newell of Noxen.
Following the ceremony the party |
and Rev. Hathaway spent the eve-
ning at Steele’s Restaurant.
Bride and groom were school-
mates at Beaumont fifty years ago
and will reside at Beaumont.
Mrs. Anderson Is
Hostess To Card Party
Mrs. Emma Anderson, recently
entertained her card club. Easter
decorations were in keeping.
‘Winners were: Mrs. John Rou-
shey, Mrs. William Lohman, Mrs.
Harry D. Owens, Mrs. Ogden
Lunch was served to the follow-
ing: Mesdames Richard Mathers,
Jacob Harrison,” Harold Croom,
John Roushey, William Lohman,
There ‘were about ‘twelve in at-
Harry D. Owens, Ogden Palmer and
the hostess.
Two Dallas area boys who won
- prizes in the recent Kings College
Regional Science Fair, display their
John Ferguson, Pioneer Avenue,
Shavertown, who took a third prize
Slightly Improved
T. M. B. Hicks shows slight im- |
provement at Geisinger Medical
having passed ‘the post-
operative grisis. He remains in the
Congtant Care unit. He suffers no
pain, at times comes close to the
verge of consciousness.
Cummings, all office employees of
Commonwealth Telephone Com-
pany, have been confined to their
homes, the past several months
with severe illnesses. Mrs. Rum-
mage who has a crushed disc, may
have to re-enter the hospital and
be put in traction.
Mr. and Mrs. Nesbitt Garinger,
Red Ledge Drive, had as guests this
and Mrs. Robert Garris,
Rod and Mike. Easter dinner was
served ‘to Mr. and Mrs. Garris and
sons, Catherine Cairl, Wilson and
Denise Garinger. While in Dallas,
the Garrises called on other rela-
tives and friends. Bob is associated
with Keystone Automobile Co.
Frank Jackson, the Bird-Man of
Harveys Lake, is at home again
after spending the winter with his
daughter, Mrs. Ruth Richards in
Vestal, N. Y.
Marcus F. Ludt has returned to
his home in Shavertown after sub-
mitting to surgery at .General Hos-
pital in Lancaster. While he was
hospitalized, Mrs. Lutz stayed with
her sister, Mrs. Harry H. Fulton,
in Lancaster.
Virginia « Drake, with the Penn
Miller Insurance Co. in Wilkes-
Barre, is making her home with
her grandparents Mr, and Mrs.
Sheldon Drake, Dallas.
Mr. and Mrs. William O’Keefe and
family, formerly of Cincinnati, Ohio,
have moved to Dallas, R. D. 4, in
the home formerly occupied by the
Laning Harveys. Mr. O'Keefe is
assistant to the president of Steg-
maier Brewing Company.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Butler and
Anp have moved from E. Northport,
L. I, to 81 Mt. Airy Road, Shaver-
town. Mr. Butler is public relations
director of the United Fund.
e Trouser Alterations
eo Skirts & Dresses Hemmed
® Coat Alterations
Cleaning & Pressing |
Clothes For Dad & Lad
Back Mt. Shopping Center
Open °Til 9 Every Night
Btidndnditdntidtiemadbdbadd data dgupudddidigmda
Two Local Boys, Honored
in the physics division, is a senior
at Dallas High School.
Jeff Townsend, upper Demunds
Road, ninth grader at Dallas Junior
High School, took second prize in
the general science category.
MYF Trip Saturday
Shavertown Methodist Church
MYF left by car Saturday morn-
ing at 9 with director William
Davis for a visit to Historic Shrines
in’ Philadelphia.
Civil Defense Attracts
Banner Registration
Dr. Robert A. Mellman, Superin-
tendent of Dallas Schools, announces
that the course for individual, family
and community protection under the
Civil Defense - Program = began
Tuesday, April 16 at 7:30 p. m. in
the High School auditorium for the
93 adults who have registered.
Instructors were Gerald J. Stin-
son and Alfred M. Camp, both mem-
bers of the school faculty.
Col. Leon Beisel, plans and train-
ing officer for the County Civil De-
fense Program, was present for
the first meeting.
Mrs. Ferguson To Read
At Dorcas Society Tea
Mrs. John D. Ferguson will read
“Four To Grow On” at the Musical
Tea to be presented by the Dorcas
Class of St. Paul's Lutheran Church
on Friday evening, April 19 in the
church parlors.
Ann Black will give piano and
violin selections, and Maria Mohen
will be soloist. Both girls are stu-
dents at College Misericordia.
Mrs. Harold Zimmerman is gen-
eral chairman. Mrs. Herbert Hill
and Ted Woolbert in charge of dec-
orations; Mrs. Robert Bayer, tickets;
Mrs. Nelson McDonald, refresh-
Tickets may be purchased from
any member or at the door,
Mrs. William Rozelle
Holds Hobby Class
Mrs. William Rozelle, Orange, who
conducts a Hobby Class for young
folks in her ‘area, held a recent
cooking instruction hour.
Present were: Kathy Dymond, Su-
'san Fuller, Christy Bedford, Mildred
Gordon, Shirley Gordon, Connie
Rozelle, Becky Rozelle, Bonnie
James and Debbie Dixon.
Mrs. Rozelle, whose children -are
grown delights in working with the
young people and instructs them in
all manner of arts. She says;ib
helps to fill her spare time and give
her the company of the children she
loves. ig
Michael Jones Heads
Dallas Key Club
* Dallas Kiwanis Key Club elected
Michael Jones, president; Thomas
Peirce, vice president; Joseph Uli-
nowski, secretary; John Brominski,
treasurer; David Kopetchney, chap-
lain; Ronald Sinicrope and John
Farley, sergeants at arms, at a re-
cent meeting.
Unanimously elected to attend the
convention at Harrisburg was John
Kaleta, for his outstanding work
during the year.
Tickets for Dallas Kiwanis Pan-
cake Supper were distributed.
Prizes will be awarded to members
having highest sales.
Irem Women Golfers
Plan Coming Season
Two new members, Mrs. Jack M.
Simpson and Mrs. Herman D. Balti-
more, were introduced by Mrs. Wil-
liam ‘A. Wicks Friday at the annual
meeting of Irem Women Golfers at
the Country Club.
Mrs. Wicks gave a resume of com-
ing events for the season, highlight-
ing the four Member-Member Tour-
naments, three Better Ball of Part-
ner tournaments, and the 36-hole
championship matches.
Richard Santee showed moving
pictures of “Woman's World of Golf”
starring Patty Berg.
The Louise Suggs Tournament
sponsored by the Boston Store will
be staged June 7; Anthracite Wom-
en's Tournament July 26. Mrs. Ge-
orge Montgomery is chairman of
Invitations have been issued for
April 19 at 12:30. Mrs. John R. Viv-
ian ig chairman, Mrs. Henry Davis
Refreshments were served by Mrs.
Richard Santee, association hostess.
Mrs. George D. Dean gave the sec-
retary-treasurer’s report and reports
of standing committee chairmen
were given: Handicap, Mrs. George
B. Common; rules, Mrs. Lloyd Kear;
advisory board, Mrs. Warren Unger
and Mrs. Charles E. Phillips; pub-
licity, Mrs. F. E. Hopkina. Mrs. Wicks
gave the report of the prize com-
mittee in the absence of Mrs. Harold:
C. Snowdon, Sr., chairman.
Thirteenth ] Birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moore, en-
tertained at a birthday party re-
cently, honoring their son, Mark,
‘thirteen on March 30. Mark attends:
Ross Elementary School. Attending
the party were Henry Post, Judy
Naugle, Cindy Barber, Tim Nevel;
Mesdames Juanita Barber, Shirley
Dodson, Tessie Naugle, and the
honoree’s grandmother, Mrs. Chris-
tine Metcalf.
Chicken Supper
Volunteer firemen of Hunlock
are having a chicken supper at the
Fire Hall on Saturday, April 27,
starting at 4 p. m.
Serving will
be home style.
Choice Western
Ib. 79¢
Ib. 69¢
Ib. 85¢
Center Cut
Ib. 69¢
Fresh Lean
Ground Beef
21h. 99¢
Frankfurters ....... ..... 1b. 59c¢
. Large Bologna ........ Ib. 59¢
Ring Bologna ___...... 1b. 49¢
Beef Bologna ............ 1b. 68¢
Daring’s Sausage Specialties
Corn Beef .............. 1, 1b. 9c
Roast Beef ....... 14 Ib. 50c
Pork Sausage, Yours, 85¢ cas. 89¢
Kielbassi, smoked "5c, fresh 69¢
Second Lt. Leonora Swan 22,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Swan, 140 Runyon Avenue, Middle-
sex, recently was graduated from
the combined officer basic and offi-
cer candidate courses at the Wo-
men’s Army Corps Center, Fort Mc.
Clellan, Alabama.
During the eighteen week train-
ing program, Lieutenant Swan was
instructed in Army operational and
administrative procedures, qualify-
ing her to assume responsible staff
«She is a 1958 graduate of Leh-
man-Jackson-Ross High School and
a 1962 graduate of Misericordia
Company D.
Two Local Boys
Will Go To Germany
Army Specialist Four Robert D.
Rogers and wife Sharon left on
: March 21 to visit his twin brother,
Dick and his wife in Spring Lake,
N. C. They arrived at their des-
tination, Barstow, Calif., on April
6th. Bob reports for duty on April
18. He and S.P. 4 Peter Fritsky,
Jr., recently participated with other
members of the 505th Signal Group
in a large scale field training exer-
cise, Crossed Flags II in Germany.
The two boys were assigned as
pole linemen in Company B of the
group’s 25th Signal Battalion in
Germany: They are both graduates
of Dallas High School, Class of 1960
and entered the service in Septem-
ber, 1960. They arrived overseas
‘in February “1961. 8
Bob is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
E. H. Rogers, Maple Street, Fern-
brook. Peter, is the son of Peter
Fritsky, Demunds Road, R.D. 3.
| Legion Auxiliary
the opening luncheon at the club’
Ladies Auxiliary, Dallas Ameri-
can Legion Post, will meet tonight
at 8 in the American Legion Home.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Woessner,
Northtown, spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Nelson, Goss
Manor. © Mrs. Woessner and Mrs.
Nelson are sisters.
| ment in 1840 in Godey’s Lady Book;
Lt. Swan is now stationed at Fort
McClellan and is platoon officer of |
| mother last week,
{nie Bitler, wife of Oscar Bitler,
Miss Dorrance Brings To Life
The Editor of Godey's Lady Book
Under Miss Frances Dorrance’s
skillful fingers, the editor of Godey's
Lady Book emerged as a woman far
in advance of her times Monday
afternoon at the April meeting of |
the Book Club.
Known best for her fashion de- |
signs, Sarah Joseph Buell Hale was
far in the forefront of the growing
movement’ to recognize women as |
partners in the world of affairs,
not mere appendages to their hus.
bands. Offered editorship of a
Philadelphia magazine, Mrs. Hale
edited it from Boston, not wishing
to leave her home while her son
was still at Harvard. She endorsed
the “Own Your Own Home’ move-
used its pages to promote Elizabath
Blackwell as a woman doctor in an
age when women were not accepted
in ‘the medical profession; and
struck a strong blow for health |
when she designed fashions which |
discredited the wasp waist.
Miss Dorrance showed
framed prints lent her for the oc-
casion by Modesta Ximena, and
brought many of her own bound
volumes of the priceless publica-
tion, as well as books loaned by
Mrs. Bruce Pavne.
At a table decorated with pink
geraniums and tall white tapers,
Mrs. Arch Rutherford and Mrs. J.
P. DeWitt poured for Mesdames
Carl Henderson, J. F. Sallada, Clyde
Davis, Thomas M. Lewis, Stanley B.
Davies, John C. Phillips, Ray Flick,
Peter D. Clark, Charles L. Hosler,
Mitchell Jenkins, Norwood Brader,
Walter Mokychic, Fred Howell,
Dana Crump, J. H. D. Ferguson,
A. D. Hutchison, Mae Townend,
Stewart Ferguson, Laning Harvey
Jr., Margaret Stevio, Charles Frantz,
Paul Gross, Willard Seaman; Fran.
ces Dorance and Elizabeth Ryder.
Thomas Ira Carle
A seven pound one ounce Son,
Thomas Ira, was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Dale Carle, Dallas RD 1, April
6th at Nesbitt Hospital. There are
three other boys, Bobby, eight, Bud,
seven and Ricky, five. Mrs. Carle
is the former Joan Waters, Kings.
ton. Mr. Carle is employed with
Paddock Glass Company, Kingston.
Mrs. Russell Lawry
Loses Stepmother
Mrs. Russell Lawry lost her step-
when Mrs. Min-
lat her home in Old Forge following |
|a heroic battle against fatal illness. |
| Also surviving in this area is a bro-
| Manor.
| daughter, Patricia Ann, born April
ther, Jacob Taylor, New Goss
Services will be conducted Satur-
day at 2 by Rev. Kenneth Gom-
bert, with burial at Old Forge.
Many members of Dallas Meth-
odist Church have followed with
concern the progress of Mrs. Bit-
ler’s illness, and sympathized with
Rev. and Mrs. Russell Lawry.
Patricia Ann Kocher
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kocher,
Loyalville, announce the birth of
a seven pound fourteen ounce
7th at Nesbitt Hospital. There is
another child, Kenneth Michael Jr.
Mrs. Kocher is the former Nancy
Croman, Shavertown. Mr. Kocher is
employed as a maintenance man for
Sordoni Company.
Easter Egg Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. John Novitski, Sut-
ton Road, Trucksville, entertained
last Saturday morning at an Easter
Egg hunt in, their yard. Prizes of
candy were awarded the four little
Novitskis, Janice, Jill, Jeff and!
Jack; Adrian, Mary Ann, John,"
Helen, Paul, Gerard, Clare and
Joseph DeMarco, Larry, Chuck and
Joanne Cummings. Mrs. Adrain De.
Marco assisted Mrs. Novitski. !
[= eh
Women’s and Children’s
In Addition to Regular Stamps
On Cash Purchases of $5.50 or more.
This Coupon Good Through Wed. April 24
Throughout Store
a 7 NERS
Lewrence Sherman Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence S. Jones,
Jr., Colfax Avenue, Binghamton,
N. Y., announce the birth of their
first child, Lawrence Sherman III,
on March 28 in ‘Lourdes Hospital,
Mrs. Jones is the formér Char-
lotte Shonk, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Denton Updyke, Shavertown.
Mr. Jones is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence Jones, Sr., Trucks-
This is the first grandchild for
Mr. and Mrs. Jones.
Ennounce Birth
born April 5th 4t Nesbitt Hospital.
There is one other daughter, Cheryl
Lynn, two. Mrs. Chamberlain is
the former Lorraine Harrison, Car-
vertin Road. Mr.
employed as a truck driver.
Navy Mothers To
Sponsor Party
Wyoming Valley Navy Mother's
Club will hold a Card and Bingo
Party at the Naval Reserve Center,
Forty-Fort, on: Friday evening, April
26, at 8 p.m.
Card And Game Party
Navy Mothers Club 899 will spon-
sor a card and game party on Friday,
April 26, in ‘the Naval Training Cen-
‘| ter, Kingston. Interested mothers of
Navy, Coast Guard or Seabees can
contact Commander Myrtle Bolton,
Main Road, Dallas, if they would like
to join the group.
! Patty Patton;
! Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chamber-
lain, ghland Drive, Trucksville,
| announce the birth of a six pound |
four ounce, daughter, Susan Lea,
| projects:
Busy Beavers Elect
New Bnnua] Officers
Beaumont “Busy Beavers”, the
local Girls’ 4 H Club, met Wednes-
day, April 3, at the home of Mrs.
Nile Clark to elect the following:
President, Nancy Kliamovich; Vice-
President, Sandra Denmon; Secre-
Linda Kriedler; Treasurer,
Song Leader, Beth
Anne Clark; Game Leaders, Susan
Downs and Mary Ann Patton; and
| News Reporter, Sandra Goodwin.
The group voted to have two
“Children Can Be Fun”
and “Start with the Small Change”
| with Mrs. Nile Clark and Mrs. Ruth
as senior leaders and
Marilyn Jackson and Wilma Rifen-
bery as junior leaders.
These projects will get under
way at the next meeting, May 1,
2:30 at the home of Mrs. Clark.
Revolution In Suits
Spring suits are in the center of
a fashion revolution. Everything's
changing. - Suits look like dresses,
like shirts, like sweaters, like
The “Open-Air” suit is jaunty,
casual . .. ready to move freely
into the new season. Jackets are
barely shaped, necklines are open,
often filled in with coordinated
overblouses. Sleeves are narrowed
to above wrist and then widened
and cuff-linked. Skirts are eased
with inverted front pleat or gather-
ed waistband.
The tunic suit has’ longer,
shapely line, dramatized with a
minimum of detail, nude necklines,
skinny sleeves, balanced with the
narrowest skirt.
,- The shirt suit is as easy, and non-
| chalant as a blouse and skirt, Wo-
men’s Wear Daily notes. Tops often
slip over the head, waistlines are
belted in overblouse fashion, sleeves
blouse on shirt cuffs. Skirts are
| skinny.
The ‘sweater’ suit directs the
| non-traditional suit look, often re-
sembling a two-piece dress. Jacket
closings move to the back; neck-
lines copy the sweater with cowl
Chamberlain is |
and stove-pipe emphasis. Shirt-
cuffs here, too . .. all kinds of
| skirt ease.
Peter Brussocks, Wed
Forty Three Years
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Brussock,
‘Wardan Place, Harveys Lake, will
celebrate their forty-third wedding
anniversary today with a family
Mrs. Brussock is the former Bar-
bara McCloskey, daughter of the
late Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Mec-
Closky of Edwardsville. The couple
was married April 18, 1920. They
were in the restaurant and catering
business for over forty years.
Children are Florence Guogaf,
Yardville, N. J.; Peter and Leonard
of Edwardsville; Robert, Metuchin,
N. J.; Marguerite Mancia, at home;
Donald, Philadelphia; also eleven
(Including Fed. Tax)
What can be more e lovely for her birthday,
anniversary, Mother’s Day—or “just because”
than the highly cherished
Here is a lasting gift that Mother will cherish always and
wear with pride, for the “Mother's Ring,” radiant with the
memories that only a mother can have, tells the story of her
life. And so beautifully . . . Two bands of 14K gold, repre-
senting mother and father are joined together by the stone
of the month for each child in the family (one stone for each
child—and more ¢an be added for newcomers). ¥
Made ONLY in 14K White
or Yellow Gold, Bands Joined
\ Precious . HE
ONLY by Children’s Birthe yuo bands,
resus representing ik
_ stones + o « See It Today at [ier an
: father
RING with Absolutely
One Stone - - $27.50 py 5
Two Stone - - $33.00 U.S. Patent Office
Three Stones - : $38.50 2 eres by tag
patent wumber-
63 South Main St.
Gem-cut, lifetime, synthetic birthstones
~ one for each child:
FREE PARKING for our customers
STORE HOURS - 10:00 to 5:25 - THURS. ONLY 10-8:45