DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA They Came Themselves Rev. Russell Lawry, in the church bulletin, quotes from a Free Meth- odist Magazine: The Three Kings came, bearing gifts. They are re- membered, because of the long journey they took. They came themselves, to make their offer- ings, and for an important reason: “We have seen His star in the East, ‘and are come to worship Him.” It is this, the quality of personal com- mitment, that seems to be more and more missing now. The Wise Men did not send somebody to represent Sew, They came them- 2 Selves. ay, | Ce Ba , ohalvee GR Sr 8 i ‘Of Thanks family of the late Mrs. Emma , formerly of Pinecrest Ave- ‘more recently of Millville, s to “thank the friends and slatives who expressed sympathy the bereavement, who sent Ca TRUCKSVILLE Mrs. Thomas Williams and son, Gerald, Harris Hill Road, spent several days with Mrs. Williams’ son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Trowbridge and family in Wallingford, Conn. En route home they visited Mrs. Robert Was- sil in Peekskill. Mr. and Mrs. George Peirce, Rice Plea For Blankets For Rlgerians Pennsylvania Council of Churches is asking for blankets for emer- gency relief for Algerians, made destitute by war conditions in Con- stantine and Batna. Members of the 10,000 churches participating in the Council are asked to bring good used blankets to their churches De- cember 30 or January 6, with 25 cents ‘to cover processing costs. Church World Service will ship them immediately. To everyone we wish a New Year filled with happiness and good health. DISQUE FUNERAL HOME Main Highway — Dallas JUST Of STARTS AUTO! DELIVERY We watch the weather for you, make sure you get fuel delivery when you need it . . . automatically. ’ Be comforiabie. Start saving. Call us today! E CALL And Gulf Solar Heat is the fuel oil that’s purified with hydrogen—to burn cleaner and hotter for more heat per gallon. ATIC Street, entertained at dinner on Christmas Mr. and Mrs. James Yates and Mrs. Margaret Yates of Pittston; Mrs. James Reynolds and son, James of Cherry Hill, N. J; and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Jones of Trucksville. Mrs. Stella Schuler, Harveys Lake, is spending some time with Mr, and Mrs. Robert Anderson and family on Clearview Avenue. Palmer Elected President Ogden Palmer, Grove Street, was recently elected president of the Amalgamated Association of Street Electric Railway Motor Coach Em- ployes of America. Charles Ford is a surgical pa- tient in Waynesboro General Hos- pital, Waynesboro, Var Mr. Ford is the husband of the former Jean { Clewell. Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Bennett, Orchard = Street, spent a recent weekend with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Blight in New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Clewell, Buffalo, spent last weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Clewell. Enlists In Coast Guard 4 George Wayne Williams has en- listed in the Coast Guard Reserve and will leave after the holidays for six months’ active duty at the Coast Guard Recruit Receiving Sta- tion at Camp May, N. J. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Cedric Williams of Harris Hill Road. Mr. and Mrs. George Allen, Car- verton Road, spent Christmas Day with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James Allen and family in Philadelphia. Service Club Meets Trucksville Service Mothers and Wives met at the fire hall Monday night. A Christmas party was held following the meeting. Carols were sung and gifts were exchanged by the members. Attending were: Mesdames Jacob Beline, Leon Beisel, Clyde Birth, Mame Dymond, C. A. Perkins, Eugene Piatt, Samuel Law- son, R. D. Shepherd, William Rhodes, and Albert Wililams. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harrison and son, Robert, Philadelphia, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Hemenway, Post Road. Mr. and Mrs. Dale D. Hogoboom, Fargo, N.D., are spending a month with their son and daughter-in- law, "Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hogo- boom ‘on Sutton Road. ‘Col. and Mrs, Dale D.. Hogoboom, Jr. and sons, Lawrence and Stephen of Arlington, ' Va., joined them for Christmas Day. Mrs. "Vought Long,’ Carverton Road, entertained her card club at Stephen M. GLOVA FUNERAL SERVICE Harveys Lake NE 9-3571 EYES EXAMINED - GLASSES FITTED CONTACT LENSES DR. I. BERGER OPTOMETRIST 2% Machell Ave., Dallas Phone 674-4921 HT FT heating oil CHARLES H. LONG SWEET VALLEY GR 71-2211 ERNEST GAY New Dallag Shopping Center DALLAS 675-1176 Centermoreland FEderal 38-4500 $100 fo $3500 LIFE INSURANCE INCLUDED IN PAYMENTS! MONEY rif AT: Low BANK RATES O 36 MONTHS TO PAY! UP T \ FOR ANY WYOMING NATIONAL BANK WILKES-BARRE BRANCH OFFICES IN PLYMOUTH SHAVERTOWN EDWARDSVILLE * EXETER The , mer, ACI HEHE LTC A IA TET ACL EO THE DALLAS POST, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1962 Remember Liz? Liz used to let the Dallas Post publish some of her Wabash, Indiana, courtesy of Mrs. Dana Crump, who keeps in touch with her ex-neighbor, Mrs. Paul Jacob, sporadically but effectively. Liz says: One day the sun:was shining, the temperature a brutal below-zero, and caught in the sun- shine right before my frozen eye- lashes there appeared hundreds of tiny flashing: specks. I've never seen thig effect before, but when poems, and here she is again, from we heard John Glenn speak of his - INDIANA Swiftly wolf winter takes us Sharp particles of frost defy While stabbing needle teeth a Christmas party Wednesday night. Prizes were won by Mrs. Grant Croman, Mrs. William Fred- erick, Mrs. James Sands, and Mrs. Howard Edwards. Others attend- ing were: Mesdames Harry D. Owens, Claude Johnson, Ogden Pal- and Donald Piatt, Christmas Party Friendship Class of Trucksville Methodist Church met in the ed- ucational building Tuesday night. Following the business meeting the annual Christmas party was held. Program was in charge of Mrs. Florence Sherwood, Donald Ander- son, John Wardell, and Paul Jenkins favored with trumpet solos. A Christmas reading was given by Mrs. John H. D. Ferguson. Betty Jean Davis sang several numbers. Forty members attended, Mrs. Julia Casselberry hag ar- rived from Mt. Tabor, N. J. to spend the New Year's holiday with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Prentice, Mt. Green- wood. Mrs. Prentice and children will return with her to spend some time. Mr. ‘and Mrs. Forest Hills, N. Y,, Asher Phillips, are spending PLENTY OF FREE PARKING SLU] { ~ GIFTS AAI OO0CHOOD 00000 Remember Liz? Back Mountain Isn't The Same Without Her Enthusiasm mysterious little objects, I was con- vinced that what he had seen was a similar effect produced by in- tense cold. Shortly after that, Paul and 'I went to an auction over at Silver Lake, where, among lots of old junk, a timber-wolf skin was draped over three old chairs . . . and I put my finger on the point of one of the teeth. He was a wick- ed looking animal. Last winter, two timber-wolves were shot at the little town of La Fontaine. In short, that is where this came from, and here it is: WINTER by surprise, the sun, Mocking its weakness under cloudless skies. In silence winter scours these open plaing With scorching winter breath pursuing everyone seek out our veins. Only by fire the wolf is held at bay. Gripping both time and man within a vise Unbearably, winter constricts the day. Fine streams of diamond filings lightly spun Mimic the light in icy artifice, Weightless and glittering imitate the sun. Centrifugal summer, compressed within this spinning, Reels crystal cold in shock at winter's winning. Shavertown Many more homes were decorated over the weekend, far too numer- ous to mention, but we were pleased to see a lighted cross burning brightly from the top of Herbert Berger's house, along side of Ever=- green Cemetery. Herb is its care- taker. Dr. Carl Hontz and Mrs. Hontz, W. Center Street have placed a lovely shining angel in front of the doctor's office. the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Gorden Meirs, Brown Manor. Harry Trebilcox, Teaneck, N. J. will return to his home after spend- ing the holidays here with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, James Trebilcox. Harry is associated with Prentice Hall Publishing Company. Samuel Perkins, Rahway, N. J. is spending the holidays with his mother, Mrs. C. A. Perkins. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGuire, Trenton, N, J., spent the past week- end with thelr parents, Mr. .and Mrs. Nelson Reese, S. Pioneer Ave- nue and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Was- serman, Mt. Greenwood, GREENWALD'S IN LUZERNE CC 30 EE 2 RE ECHR ET Graphic Arts Services INCORPORATED PHOTO-ENGRAVING Offset Negatives and Platemaking Screen Prints, Art Work Phone VA 5-2978 Rear. 29 North Main Street AUEIMNIE IIL 11 I eT A 4 Dr. and Mrs. Fowier, Dick BEST WISHES For HAPPY and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR ‘Aaron Lisses and Family i cicbiatblatbiatblitodiiaaioalaclaitaetautelatle ada taibualodicobdasbictbiiabiia Fn a. arr EEN Boston Ste. THE BOSTON STORE Harveys Lake and Sweet Valley The Boston Store Wilkes-Barre, ‘Pa. ARI EIA JUST A SPIN OF THE DIAL and you reach In Wilkes-Barre DIAL 674-1181 NO TOLL CHARGE Cssise ‘Moreland, Dallas ond Walker a A News Of The Churches . DALLAS METHODIST CHURCH Russell C. Lawry, Pastor Week of December 30th. Sunday: Divine Worship at 8:30 and 11:00. Sunday School at 9:45. Intermediate M.Y.F. at 6:30. Senior M.Y.F. at 6:30 Wednesday: Chancel hearsal at 6:30. Senior Choir rehearsal at 8:00. Board of Trustees meets at 7:00. Official Board meets at 8:00. Choir re- SHAVERTOWN METHODIST Rev. Robert DeWitt Yost, Pastor Sunday: 9:45 Church School with Classes for all ages. 11: Nursery during Church for pre-school children. 11:30 Junior Church in Chapel Room. 11:00 Morning Worship Service — Student Recognition Sunday. Thursday: 4: Junior Choir Re- hearsal. 6:30 Youth Choir Rehearsal. 7:30 Senior Choir and Quartet Rehearsal. Saturday: 6:45 Couple’s Club Buf- fet Supper in Social Rooms. Speak- er: Mr. Edgar Hughes, Teacher in the High School on the theme Sun- day of “Communism.” Airman 3rd Class Stuart Stahl, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Stahl, Pioneer Avenue arrived home on Saturday to spend a few days with his family. Stuart is studying Radar Maintenance at the U.S. Air Force, Technical School at Keesler Air Base, Biloxi, Mississippi. A most unusual holiday center- piece adorns the table of Mrs. Jesse | Yokum, Main Highway. Made in | the shape of a tree, its branches are laden with many variety of nuts, fruits and festive green sprays. The most attractive ar- rangement. was the gift of her daughter-in-law, Mrs, Allen Yokum, GATE OF HEAVEN Rev. Francis A. Kane, Pastor Assistants: Rev. Richard J. Frank, Rev. Michael Rafferty Sunday Masses, 7:30, 9 and 11 Confessions: Saturday 4 to 5 and 7 to 8:30 p.m. Instruction for children not at- tending parochial school will be given each Sunday following the nine o'clock mass. ST. THERESE'S Rev. John P. Walsh, Pastor Rev. Francis T. Brennan, Assistant Sunday Masses: 7:30; 8:45 and 10:45. OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL Lake Silkworth Rev. S. F. Banas, Pastor Sunday Masses 7 and 9 a.m. OUR LADY OF VICTORY Sunday Masses at 7:30 and 9:30. Religious instruction for children after the 9:30 mass. CENTER MORELAND METHODIST REV WILLIAM F. WATSON PASTOR EAST DALLAS: Sunday — Morning Worship 9 A.M.; Sunday Church School 10:15 DYMOND HOLLOW: 3 Sunday — Morning Worship 10:15 A.M.; Sunday Church School 9:00 AM. { CENTER MORELAND: Sunday — Church School 10 A-M; Morning Worship 11:15 A.M. Monday—Junior High and Senior MYF, 7 P.M. Wednesday — Boy Scout Troop 336 meets at the church school, 7:30 P.M. Saturday — Cub Pack 336 den meetings at the church school, 1:30 P.M. TRINITY UNITED PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Andrew Pillarella, Pastor Lafayette Hill, Philadelphia. Mrs. Herman LaBar, W. Airy Road, will leave Friday to spend the winter with her daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Christ | and children, Melbourne, Florida. Thomas Kreidler, Division Street returned home on Thursday from | Nesbitt Hospital where he was a pa- > tient following an automobile =] cident, Children of Mrs. Elwood Swingle’s Sunday School Class delivered six sunshine baskets to shut in mem- bers of Shavertown Methodist Church last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Butler, Sum- mit- Street, are rejoicing over the | birth of = their first grandchild .in Germany last week. The little girl was 'born to their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Peter Lukasavage. A Mr. and Mrs. Byron Kitchen, Franklin Street, had as Christmas guests, their son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kitchen and children, Jackie, Karen and Ricky, Shavertown; Mr. and Mrs, Jack Kennan, Trucksville, James Campbell, E. Center Street is the new Old River Road Bakery distributor in the Back Mountain area, taking over for Jerry Rich- ards, who moved to Florida. Pastor and Mrs. Frederick Eidam, Main Street, had as holiday guests, their son, Robert Eidam, Highpoint, N. 'C, and Mrs. Eidam’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sterner, Allen- town, Bob, driving up from the south, picked up his grandparents on the way home. Mrs. Thomas Hontz, Perrin Aven- ue, is a patient in General Hospital, where she was admitted on Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. Harold McDermott and daughter, Marlene, of Yardley, spent Christmas with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Inman, Summit Street. The new year is just around the corner. May it prove a better one than any of the preceding ones and may the good Lord grant us wis- dom, stability and more courage to face it. Ira Cease, has returned to his home on Franklin Street, after undergoing observation at Geising- er Hospital, Danville, Atend services ( this week! at Il own e 0 wilh y= A FRANCES IVES BU 17-4467 WELCOME WAGON be i 5a) : | “The Dawn of Christmas,’ Sunday School 9:45 to 10:45 a.m. Morning worship, 11:00 a.m. Nursery is available. Adult choir rehearsal Thursday at 2:20 p.m., at the home of Rev. Pil- larells. Children’s Choir Friday at 4:15 p.m., at the home of Rev. Pillarella. At the morning Worship Service on Sunday, December 23, special Christmas music will be presented 'by the choirs. A Cantata entitled will be sung by the Adult Choir, accom- ‘panied by the new organ. Westminister Youth Fellowship ' will meet at 4:00 p. m. Christmas Eve Candlelight Service ‘at 7:30 p. m., at Dallas Junior High. Both choirs will sing. HUNTSVILLE CHRISTIAN CHURCH Rev. C. H. Frick, Pastor Sunday: 9:30 Worship. 10:30 Church School. Monday night Choir Rehearsal, Thursday night midweek service. Saturday 2:00 pm. Adult and Chancel Choir rehearsal. The annual meeting of the church will be held on Thursday night of | this week. All reports will be dis- tributed in mimeographed form. Supper will be served at 6:30 and the old year's achievements and New Year's plans will be discussed. TRUCKSVILLE METHODIST (The White Church on the Hill) Rev. Robert E. Germond, Pastor Sunday, December 30 9:30 and 11 a.m. Worship Services. Stu- dent Recognition Sunday will be observed. The Pastor will speak on “He is Master of Time.” 9:30 a.m.—Church School 6:00 p.m.—Junior High Fellow- ship. 6:30 p.m.—Senior High M.Y.F. Monday — 11:00 p.m. — New Year's Eve ‘Communion Service. Wednesday — 7:30 p.m. — Study Group. 8:00 p.m. — Trustees Meeting. 4:15 p.m. — Junior Boys’ Choir Rehearsal. 5:00 p.m. hearsal. Thursday — 4:15 p.m. — Junior — Cherub Choir Re- Girls’ Choir Rehearsal. 6:00 p.m. — Youth Choir Re- hearsal. ; 7:30 p.m. — Senior Choir Re- hearsal. 7:30 p.m. — Rainbow Girls Saturday — 8:00 p.m. — Couples Club. GLENVIEW P. M. CHURCH Rev. Andrew Derrick, Pastor Sunday: Morning Worship, 9:55 a. m.; Suaday School, 11:00 a. m. Evening Service, T:00 p. m.; Young People, 7:00 p. m. Wedsesday: Choir Practice 6:30 pm. Wednesday evening, 7:30, Prayer meeting. Sunday Services: Morning Wor- ship, 9:55 a.m.; Sunday School, 11:00; Evening Service, and Chris- tian Endeavor, 7:00 p.m. Monday: Watch Night Service, 9- 12; with Rev. Jerome Travis, Sny- der Hill Baptist Church, Ithaca, N.Y.; Speaker. Wednesday: Choir practice, 6:30 p.m.; Prayer meeting 7:30 p.m. In the absence of the Pastor dur- ing the week of Christmas, the fol- lowing lay members will be in charge of the Services: Samuel V. Higgins, John Fluck, and Louis Achuff. The © “voted with their feet” is the term used in Vietnam for fam- ilies who have fled from mountain villages ‘encircled by communist | bands. American help reaches thousands of these refugees through | contributions to the CARE Food LEHMAN-IDETOWN CHARGE Rev. Norman Tiffany, Pastor SUNDAY SERVICES: a.m. Sunday School 9:45 am. IDETOWN — Worship Serviee 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 am.” LEHMAN — Worship Service 11:15 am. Sunday School 10 am. MY.F. 6 pm. { New Year's Eve Communion Ser- vice Monday, Dec. 31, at 8 p. m. EMANUEL ASSEMBLY OF GOD Harveys Lake Rev. and Mrs. George Clement, Sunday: 10 a. m., S. S. School; 11 a. m., Morning Worship. 6:30 p. m., Young People’s. meet- ing; 7:45 p. m., Evangelistic ‘Wednesday, 7:30 p. m.. Prayet and Bible Study. MOORETOWN ASSEMBLY OF GOD Rev. Louis Trotta, Pastor Sunday [Scool, 10 a. m.; morning worship at 11; evening worship at 7:30. Tuesday at 7:30 Family Night at the Church, all ages. SHAVERTOWN BIBLE CHURCE Rev. R. W. Edmondson, Pastor Sunday: Sunday School, 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship, 11:00 a.m. Evening Evangelistic Service, 7:30 p.m, Wednesday: Ladies Prayer Meet- ing — 1:30 P.M. Thursday: Mid-week Prayer and Praise Service, 7:30 p.m. MONROE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. L. E. Peterson, Pastor Friday at 7, prayer meeting at Charney’s. Sunday: Sunday School at 10. PRINCE OF PEACE EPISCOPAL Zev. John S. Prater Sunday, December 30, 8 a. m,, Holy Communion. 9:30, Family Serwice and Church School. 11 a. m., Morning Prayer and Ser- man. 6 p. m., Episcopal Young Church- men. CARVERTON METHODIST CHARGE Rev. William Reid, Pastor CARVERTON: 3 9:00 — Worship; Student Recog- nition Sunday will be observed. 10:00 — Sunday School. ORANGE: 10:00 — Worship. 11:00 — Sunday School. MT. ZION 11:00-— Worship 1. 4 10:00 — Sunday School. Thursday: (Today) 8:00 — Choir rehearsal for people of all churches who would like to sing in the Watchnight Services. December 81: 11:15 — Watch- night Service for the charge. NOXEN INDEPENDENT BIBLE CHURCH Pastor, Warren Hathaway Sunday, 10 a. m., Sunday School; 11 a. m., Morning Worship. 6:30 p. m., Young Peoples‘ Service; 7:30 p. m., Evening Service, Wednesday 7:45, Prayer and Bible Study. ALDERSON METHODIST CHARGE REV. FRED EISTER ALDERSON: Sunday School—10:00 a.m, Morning Worship — 11:15 a.m. Youth Fellowship — 5:00 p.m. KUNKLE: Sunday School — 10:00 a.m, Evening Worship — 7:30 p.m. Youth Fellowship — Monday, 6.30 p.m. NOXEN: ‘Sunday School — 11:00 a.m, Morning Worship — 10:00 a.m. RUGGLES: Sunday School — 9:45 a.m, OUTLET FREE METHODIST Rev. Emery D. Stokes Sunday School at 10 a.m.—Wor- ship at 11 am. FMY. at 7:15 pm. Worship at 7:45 p.m. — Evening CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS (Mormon) 145 Lehigh Street Sunday 10.00 A.M. combined Sun= day school and church service. DALLAS FREE METHODIST Rev. Ralph Smith Sunday services: 8.8. 10 a. m.; Morning worship at 11; Youth Service 7 p.m.; evening evangel- istic service 7:30. TRUCKSVILLE FREE METHODIST Rev. Grove Armstrong, Pastor Sunday: Sunday School 9:30. Morning Worship 10:30. Free Methodist Youth 7:00. " Evangelistic Service 7:30. Nursery for Sunday School and Morning Worship Services. Church. Tuesday: 7:00 Visitation, Wednesday: 7:00 Service Training Class. 8:00 Prayer Meeting. NOXEN GOSPEL TABERNACLE Pastor Theodore Brennan Sunday School 10:00 A.M.; Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. Youth Service 6:30 P.M. 3 Evangelistic Evening Service 7:30 HUNTSVILLE MF™IIODIST CHUR™" 1 17 Rev. Earle Cowden : ~ Sunday services: Sure service at 3 sm, Crugade. Now York 8. N_ 1) I - ir 1.10) : JACKSON — Worship Service 845 BA soon A ne py Sriday: 7:30 FMY Bible Study at 3 FN ® a