regres : SECTION B — PAGE 8 NEWS FROM POST CORRESPONDENTS A BEAUMONT, Mrs. William Austin FERNBROOK, -Mrs. George Shaver HARVEYS LAKE, Mrs. Albert Armitage IDETOWN, Bess Cooke JACKSON TWP. William Hughes THE DALLAS POST, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1962 Mrs. Cora Dougal, Mrs. Martha | Steinruck, Mrs. Virgie Wolfe, Mus. nue, LEHMAN, Barbara Simms SHAVERTOWN ; Maryann Swire, Mrs. Waneta NE 9-2544 ® MEEKER, Mrs. Fred Winter . GR 7-2734 Hoppes, Mrs. Diana Wegner, Lois 67 4-5460 ® MT. ZION, Rev. Charles Gilbert Harding 388-2270 DelKanic, Rita Ide, Mr. and Mrs. NE 9-9531 ® NOXEN, Mrs. Ira Beahm NE 9-8522 Gilbert Ide and Mr. and Mrs. David NE 9-5137 @ SWEET VALLEY, Mrs. Albert Ray GR 7-3271 Ide. : 696-1005 » TRUCKSVILLE, Nelson Woolbert 696-1689 Ve ov Mm Rurmke an 674-3391 ° SHAVERTOWN, Mrs. F. W. Anderson ~~ 674-6351 the weekend mn New Yor ® Mrs. Diana Wegner and son, : mmm | Ricky, spent Thursday visiting Mrs. are, Mrs. Dean Shaver, chairman;| George May, Alfred Hadsel, Robert Louise Hilbert of Beaumont. Mrs. Merrel Burnett, Mrs. Lewis | Bonning, Mary Rogers, Elmer Har- Mrs. S. Singer, Winnipeg, Mani- toba, Canada, is spending some time with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Slater and family, Pioneer Avenue. Her grand- children, Debbie, Jonathan and Jeremy are just thrilled to have their “Grandma” with them for a visit. . Mr. and Mrs. Ted Poad, Main Street, will entertain Mr. and Mus. Bud Clarke, son, Kevin and daugh- ter, Linda, of Forty-Fort on Thanks- giving. Morton Hewitt, Spottswood, N. J., spent the weekend with his sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. George Jacobs, Pioneer Avenue. Mary Ruth Andrew, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Andrew, Per- rin Avenue, will arrive home tomor- row to spend the Thanksgiving weekend with her parents. Mary Ruth is a junior at Moore Institute of Art, Philadelphia. She possesses great artistic talent, has sold a number of her paintings and has done quite a few portraits of satis- fied customers. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Johnson, Ferguson Avenue, will be the guests of Mrs. Fred Van Campen and daughter, Mary, Wyoming, on Thursday. Other guests will include Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Herbert and son, Donald, of Kingston and Miss Kath- ryn Krouse, Wilkes-Barre. Mrs. Edward Hall, Main Highway, entertained her card club at her home last week. We are happy to hear that Addi- son Woolbert, former Shavertown resident, has returned to his home in Cranford, N. J., after recent hos- pitalization. Mrs. Ruth Houser, Spring Street, will have as Thanksgiving guests her two daughters and their fami- lies, Mr. and Mrs. W. Dean Johnson and children, Russell, Dean, Jr., Sandra and Barbara, Trucksville, and Mr. and Mrs. Elton Brace, Dal- las, and family, Ruth and Bert. Mrs, Emma Stahl, Pioneer Ave- was admitted to Wyoming Valley Hospital, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Morgan, N. Main Street, will entertain their entire family on Thanksgiving Day. Present will be their three daugh- ters and their husbands and chil- dren: Mr. and Mrs. William Coates with Kathy, Chris, and Beth Ann of Vernon, Connecticut; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Corcoran and youngsters, Edward and William; Mr. and Mrs. William Davis and daughters, Susan and Margery, all of Shavertown and Ross Walker of Australia. Mrs. Harry Alberts, Pioneer Ave- nue, is ill at her home. ‘James Borthwick, senior at Penn- gylvania State University, will ar- rive Wednesday to spend the Thanksgiving weekend with his par- ents, Dr. and Mrs. Malcolm Borth- wick, Pioneer Avenue. Accompany- ing him will be his roommate, John Wessner, Reading. Jim, who will go into the field of veterinary medicine upon gradu- ation from the university, is presi- dent of his fraternity, Alpha Tau Omega. Shaver Avenue, will be hosts to the following members of their family Thanksgiving: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Porter and children, Johnnie, Pam- ela and Sally; Mrs. Mildred Ralston, John Miles, all of Shavertown and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Morris, Kings- ton. Dorothy Gunderson, member of the staff of Lutheran Bible Institute, Teaneck, N. J., will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Anderson, Pioneer Avenue, over the. holiday weekend. Mrs. Wilbur Lawry, Flushing, Long Island, is a patient in General Hospital. The Lawrys were resi- dents of this community for many years. Mrs. William Eberhardt, Pioneer Avenue, joins the staff of Dallas Area Junior High School as a teacher of Developmental Reading. Her husband is a sanitation engineer with the State Department. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Waldow, Mt. Airy Road, will entertain the latter's mother, Mrs. Jacob Laux and their daughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stachnik, Trucksville, for Thanksgiving. ldetown W.S. C'S. W. S. C. S. met in the church house Wednesday. It was announced that the next meeting will be a Christmas party; gifts of $1.00 to be exchanged. All ladies of the church are invited. Present were Mrs. Hope Ide, Mrs. Pearl Connor, Mrs. Frank Lengyel, Mrs. Leslie Sabo, Mrs. Roswell Frederici, Mrs. George May, Mrs. Loren Keller, Mrs. Raymond Walters, Mrs. Ralph Welsh, Mrs. Bruce Williams, Mrs. Alfred Hadsel, Mrs. Emory Hadsel, Miss Marie Spencer, Rev. and Mrs. Norman Tiffany, Mrs. Mary Rogers, Mrs. Corey Meade, Mrs. Kenneth Calkins, Mrs. Elisa Gillman, Mrs. Anne Mathers and Bess Cooke. SERVING AND WAITING Ruth Worthington led ‘the devo- tions and presided at the business of the Serving and Waiting Class held in the church house on Thurs- day night. Next meeting will be a Christmas party, Thursday night, December 13. Committee is Mrs. Jesse Boice, Mrs. Virgie Montross, Mrs. Corey Meade. It was decided not to have any meeting during the months of January, February, March. Present were Rev. and Mrs. Norman Tiffany, Mrs. Pearl Connor, Mrs. Jesse Boice, Mrs. Emory Had- sel, Mrs. Ernest Fritz, Ruth Worth- ington, Mrs. Corey Meade, Barbara Williams and Bess Cooke. CONFIDENCE CLASS Mrs. Dean Shaver presided at the meeting of Confidence Class held in the church house on Tuesday night, when it was decided ‘to make pas- ties on Thursday, November 29. It was voted to give $100.00 to the Official Board for current expenses. The Christmas party will be held on Tuesday, December 4. Mrs. Merrel Burnett is chairman for that affair. It was also decided to make up Thanksgiving tray for the shut-ins. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Porter, Election of officers for the next year CHRISTMI Ss; BIS 1963 CHRISTMAS CLUBS NOW OPEN AT THE FRIENDLY “Miners in Dallas’ Open 8 a.m. fo 2 p.m. 7 Friday Evenings 5 to 8 p.m. MINERS NATIONAL BANK ‘Main: Street, Dallas, Pa. Burnett, Mrs. Herbert Ward, presi- dents; secretary, Mrs. Mary Rogers; assistant secretary, Mrs. Vivan Rink en; treasurer, Mrs. Roswell Frederici; teacher, Mrs. George May. Present were Mesdames Lewis Anesi, Merrel Burnett, Dean Shaver, Hope Ide, Kenneth Calkins, Bess Cooke, Claire McKenna, Roswell Frederici, ris, Vivan Rinken, Barbara Williams. Mrs. Wesley Hilbert, with Mrs. Lila Felt, left on Saturday for their home in Washington, D. C., for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ward, chil- dren, Lee Ann and Louise, of Pen Argyl, Pa., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ward. SWEET VALLEY AE TPP re EER ee Mrs. Margaret Turner, who re- sides with her mother-in-law, Mrs. Willis C. Turner Main Road, is va- cationing in Dothan, Alabama, the guest of her parents. Margaret's husband, Don Turner, is still sta- tioned overseas with the Army. John Swire, who is doing con- struction work ‘near Pittsburgh, spent last weekend at home. Mrs. Robert Cooper, Chase and Mrs. Albert Smith, Sweet Valley, motored to Ewing, N. J. last Wednesday to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith. Mrs. Smith is former Jane Ann Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith spent the week- end in this area and were dinner guests of the former's parents Saturday evening. Wendy Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Smith, Nevel Road, spent a couple days last week with her grandpar- ents, the Albert Smiths. Mr. Smith, who is self-employed hauling for ‘the Great Lakes Forwarding Co. out of Newark, N. J., was able to spend a few days at his home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lamoreaux will entertain at a family Thanks- giving dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Brace and daughter, Brenda, Alex- andria, Virginia; Mr. and Mrs. Swelgin, Tdetown, their daughter, Linda a student at Lock Haven State Teachers College; Corey Smith, Florida and Sweet Valley, Mr. and Mrs. William I. Lamoreaux, 'and son Billy; Susan Lamoreaux, Sweet Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Raspen have purchased a new mobil home and are residing on the Albert Ras- pen property. Mrs. Raspen is the former Lois Wesley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Wesley, Sr. Mr. Raspen is currently attending an army school in Philadelphia, specializing in electronics. Mrs. Elsie Wesley, who fractured her leg August 15, is spending the winter with her son and family, the George Wesleys, Sr. Recently Mr. and Mrs. Orvil Wesley, Vestal, N. Y., Mr. and Mrs. Al Burlingame, Berwick and Mr. and Mrs. Rex Cope, Allentown, were guests of the Wesleys. Mrs. Wesley, who will be ninety-three in February con- tinues to improve and is able to be about. with the assistance of a walker. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ruff and daughter, Kathy, Baltimore, Md., are spending the holiday as the guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Culp, her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Boston. Don Anesi, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis A. Anesi, Oak Hill, is spend- ing the Thanksgiving holiday with his parents. Don attends Williams- port Technical School. Loyalville South District Democrat Women’s Club was held at home of Mrs. Josie Hummel on November 12. Next meeting will be held at Lehman Fire Hall, December 8, with a Christmas Party to follow. Present, Mesdames: Anna Kyttle, Delores Sorber, Cora Hoover, Mary Mihalish- in, Elsie Paniczko, Mary Nienius, Martha Hoover, Leona McHugh, | Florence Wesley, Veronica Michna- vich, Betty Weaver, Diana Wegner and Josie Hummel. Loyalville Methodist Official Board met at home of Mr. and Mrs. David Ide, Idetown, November 13. Orange Joseph Perry who fell! and broke his hip recently, has returned home from the hospital. With a pin in his hip he has more freedom but cannot step his weight on his foot yet. Also it is reported that Mrs. Harry Sickler has come home from the hospital. AMBULANCE CARDS Stanley Jones reports that the Franklin and Northmoreland Towmn- ship Ambulance Association will be- gin on the 28th to collect the coin cards that have been out. He also says that statements concerning ac- tivities of the Association will be available to all residents in the two townships covered by the Ambu- lance Association. We had a nice letter from some former Orange-ites, Bob and Madge Snyder. Of course it was Madge who did the writing! They are kinda special folks because I came back from Conference one day to marry them. And I guess I had something to do with their court- ship. Among other things Madge writes: (I forgot to say they now live in Toms River, N.J.) active in church work and has been a steward and now he is a trustee. He was on the building committee for our hew educational building. All the Siglins and Snyders belong to the same Methodist Church. “The Snyders are bird watchers also. The birds are most delight- ful and rather expensive some- times. One girl told me T spent too much money on bird seed, feed- ers etc. She said no more! quite well this fall. most of July, August, September and October at hér home in Orange. school this coming June. She is a member of thé editorial staff on school year book, teaches a Sunday School class, baby sits at our par- sonage and works Saturday in a gift shop. drive. She wants to get her B.S. degree in nursing and is presently “Bob is I told her rather bluntly | ‘you spend far more for cigarettes’. | Mother seems | She returned | here two weeks ago after spending | “Marie will graduate from high | She is also learning to | Present were: Rev. James Garrahan, | getting her application ready. We | follow Dottie’s activities and brag a bit about her to our W.S.C.S. members.” : Then in a P. S. Madge writes about the death of Helen Wirt: “Helen Wirt died last Monday at our Community Hospital. She was your librarian at the Back Mountain Library. She . was courageous up to the end, go- ing about her chores and visit= ing in town in a padded wheel chair. Her funeral was held today from the new (Christ Episcopal Church. Helen will be sadly missed in Toms River. Our Marie is a Candy Striper at the hospital and was on duty Monday night.” We don't get letters too often from Madge, but when she writes we can almost hear her voice and hear her chuckle. WORD FROM DOTTIE We got a card last Tuesday from Dottie written at 3 a.m. at Dakar, her first stop in Africa. Speeding toward the sunrise she wrote: “Very short night! Dinner at 8:30 p.m., breakfast at 1:30 a.m.” Then her letter received the same day says: “Arrived in Leopoldville right on time — 7 p.m. here, 1 p.m. your time. Had two breakfasts and two lunches plus snacks.” For Letter Press. Or Offset Try The Dallas Post __DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA Include Upkeep In Total Clothing Cost Original purchase price is only the beginning of clothing costs. 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