- x r ) * 7A DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA SHAVERTOWN BIRDS AT FEEDERS * With the advent of brisk winds, cold breezes and snowy weather, our feathered friends are flocking to the bird feeders set out by thoughtful neighbors. There is no pastime more de- signed to bring a bit of brightness into a drab day than to observe the company of our richly plumaged visitors, occasionally disturbed by the handsome but noisy jay. Mrs. William Pethick, Pioneer Avenue, who has many feeders in her lovely yard, reports that juncos, titmouse and black capped chick- ad have arrived. 9 was highly disturbed several days ago to find the body of a downy woodpecker lying at the base of one of her stations covered with red cardinal feathers. She had never heard that the two were enemies and would appreciate the knowledge of experts as ‘to the cause of an apparent battle. During the coming blustery months, Mrs. Janet Engels, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Shaver, Shaver Avenue will recall with great pleasure her recent ‘trip to the love- ly islands of Hawaii. Janet had a marvelous time touring spots of interest there, having flown by jet from the United States and return. On her way home she stopped off in San Francisco. Mrs. A. J. Moreck, Pioneer Aven- ue, left Monday for Washington, D.C. to spend a few days with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Johnson and grandsen, Russell, Jr. A thoughtful - and kind mother, Mrs. Moreck wanted to be on hand for daughter, Jane's birthday on November 13. Mr. and Murs. Algert Antainitis, Mt. Airy Road had as recent guests, ne.and Mrs. Stanley Moore of New Calle, Delaware. The Moores are well known former residents of De- munds ‘Road, Mr. Moore having operated Trucksville Feed Mill for many years. Also visiting at the Antainitis Bose recently were Mr. and Mrs. Ad Blaine and son, Brad, Jr. Mrs. ty ine, the former Peggy Antainitis, now resides in Schuylkill. Haven. Little "Carol Sheldon, 3, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sheldon, Pioneer Avenue is a patient in Gen- eral Hospital. She would appreciate cards. A Mr. and Mrs. Howard Price are occupying the apartment of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Molley, Lehigh Street while Mr. Molley is taking a year’s sabbatical leave from teach- ing at Pennsylvania State Univer- sity for his doctor's degree. Mr. and Mrs. James Alexander, Perrin Avenue, had as weekend guests the former’s brother and his family, Mr. and Mrs. Todd Alexander and children, Berkley Heights, New Jersey. Mr. an Mrs. Edward Roberts, Pioneer Avenue, e ill at their home. ; ; Mrs. Ross Bartleson and sons, Bryan and Bruce, have returned to Levittown after spending ten days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hinkle, Lincoln Drive. Mrs. John Henninger, Mrs. Wal- ter Cooke, Mrs. Ralph Dixon and Mrs. H, H. Rymer attended the Holi- day Flower Arrargement Show at the homes of Bruce Payne and Mrs. Malcolm Burnside in ‘Wilkes-Barre on Friday. They were delighted with the fascinating displays and lovely tea. Mrs. Margaret Traver, Main Street, is seriously ill in Mercy Hos- pital and would ‘appreciate cards to brighten her day. Rev. John T. Stahl, son of Mr. and Mrs: John Stahl, Pioneer Aven-|. ue, ‘spent the weekend with his family. Rev. Stahl is studying for his master’s degree at Boston Uni- versity. He is married to the for- mer Marcia Elston of Lehman. They are the parents of a daughter, Chris- tine, 3. Mrs. William Dungey, James Street, was admitted to Wyoming Valley Hospital on Saturday. Her many friends wish her a speédy re-, covery. Congratulations are in order for Mrs. Joan Brobst and Mrs. Chester Nesbitt on winning’ awards at. the Wyoming Valley Garden Club Holi- day Show. CROMPTONS WELCOME DAUGHTER \ His many friends and patients in this locality were pleased to tear that a baby daughter, Jill, was born to Dr. and Mrs. Richard Crompton on November 7 in Nesbitt Memorial Hospital. There are two older bro- thers, Gary and Richard. May the new member of the family bring much joy to the hearts of a busy man and his family. Mr. and .Mrs. George Rice, Main Street, were among the large crowd enjoying the turkey dinner served Saturday evening by Mt. Grange at Carverton. It is certainly a happy sight to see John Henninger, Sr., Druid Hills, - DRAWING EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT 2 EACH WEEK UNTIL CHRISTMAS Tickets Given With Every $1.00 Purchase Made ALSO S&H GREEN STAMPS DRAWING EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT ’ 24-HR. AAA SERVICE i ‘BIRTH’ S SERVICENTER Junction Rts 118 and 309 . MAIN HIGHWAY, DALLAS us SSO Clyde W. Birth 674-4571 Toddie and Sandra, | | Dallas amazed at her ability in turning out Lk out again after major surgery some weeks ago. Civic-minded, John, is active in many fields of endeavor. Both ‘the senior and. junior Hen- ningers are looking after affairs at the Shavertown YMCA during the illness of “Cliff” King. Mrs. Russell Monte, W. Center Street is caring for the long time custodian. SYMPATHY TO NEIGHBORS Sincere sympathy is extended to Mrs. Austin Line in the loss of her mother, Mrs, Carrie Yetter, Wilkes- Barre; to Mrs. Louis Cottle, whose sister, Mrs. John Lawther, wife of Professor <= Lawther, Pennsylvania State University passed away dur- ing the past week and to Walter Karl, whose mother departed this life on November 5. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wagner, Ferguson Avenue and Mrs. Clara Troxell, Main Street began another trip to Florida on Monday with hopes of spending the winter at Miami. 3 : George Casterline, Harveys Lake, who has been making a most satis- factory recovery at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Raymond Malkemes, Franklin Street, following serious illness and surgery will leave this weekend to ‘spend the winter with another daughter, Mrs. Claude Lapp, Bethesda, Maryland. Gay Williams young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Willams, Le- high Street, returned to her home on Sunday following surgery at Wyoming Valley Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hall, Main Highway left Friday. to spend a few days with: Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hall and children, Christopher; Carol an Cynthia, in Pittsfield, Massachu- setts. The: Halls’ are among the most devoted grandparents in . this community. A talented mew writer is in the making in the person of Mrs. Eliza- beth Ross, E. Center Street. Her classmates. ‘at the evening sessions of the Creative Writing course at Senior High School are excellently composed and interest- ing short: stories. She has resided with her small son in ‘Shavertown for the past several years. ! Mr. and. Mrs. Edward Gilroy, Sun- set Avenue, had ‘as recent guests, Mr. and Mrs. David Spry of Me- chanicsburg, Pa. The Sprys for- THE DALLAS POST, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1962 JACKSON TOWNSHIP The, theft of two new garbage cans and a newly painted chicken supper sign from Huntsville Metho- dist Church has been reported. The garbage cans were stolen from the rear of the church and the sign from along the roadside. principles must have fallen low to steal church property. Mrs. Albert J. Cadwalder also re- ported the theft 'of an old brown jug which she used to advertise the sale of cider. It stood on the stone wall in front of her house. Friday night when about to retire, Mrs. Cadwalader heard the screeching of car brakes, heard the car back up, and saw a man leave it to walk to the wall, take the jug and then re- turn and speed off. She identified the car as a black sedan. Denise Sherwood was confined to her home with an attack of the Flu. W.S.C.S. of Huntsville Methodist Church will hold a ‘Harvest Tea’ Thursday evening, November 29, to which all ladies of the church and community are invited. The Pro- gram Committee are planning the evening entertainment after which refreshments will be served. Mr. and Mrs. William L. Conyng- One’s | Mrs ham are facing a busy schedule for this weekend, as Mr. Conyngham is General Chairman of the Annual Holstein Cattlémens’ Assoc. Conven- tion which is being held at the Hotel Sterling beginning today, and ‘Conyngham is Chairman of activities for the visiting ladies. Ricky Frantz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frantz, a student at Hotch- kiss School, will spend the Thanks- giving Holiday with his parents. Congratulations to Mrs. Kenneth Cooper who will celebrate her birth- day, November 20. Mr. and Mrs. Cramer Cooper, Plymouth were Sunday guests ‘of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cooper. Jesse Conyngham, student at Ma- deira School, and William Conyng- ham, student at Hotchkiss, will spend the Thanksgiving with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. William L. Conyngham. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith, new- ly-weds, visited at their respective homes this past weekend. Chief of Police Robert Cooper as- sisted by Assistant Chief, Roland Gensal and Jim Gordon, a member of Kingston Township Police De- partment, the heavy traffic on Chase Road, for the Turkey Supper served by Dallas Rotary Club at the Fire Hall. The parking lot, owned by Harold Bertram, was too wet to use, with the result ‘that cars were parked from Chase Manor and to below Chase Corners. 1000 persons at- tended. ” Congratulations to Jimmie Bar- rall, son of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Barrall, who celebrates his third birthday today. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Voitek and daughters, Marguerite, Eileen and Barbara of Cressona, were weekend guests of Mrs. Margaret Billow. Mrs. Voitek is a daughter of Mrs. Billow. B.A. Class of the Huntsville Methodist Church will meet at the Church, Saturday evening at 8. George W. Ide, former resident of Huntsville, now a resident of Ro- chester, is a patient at the Veterans Hospital, Batavia, N. Y. He would like to hear from his former friends in this locality. Drop him a line. Prof. D. P. Detwiler, Wilkes Col- lege accompanied by a group of stu- dents visited Western Electric Com- pany, Laboratory at Allentown Fri- | day. did a fine job handling home after a two-week visit with Mrs. Fred Gabel has returned MONEY rx AT LOW BANK RATES CONSUMER LOAN $100 fo $3500 LIFE INSURANCE INCLUDED IN PAYMENTS! UP 10 6 MONTHS TO PAY! FOR ANY 2nd FLOOR TEL. 823-0131 DEPT. The WYOMING NATIONAL BANK WILKES. BARRE BRANCH OFFICES IN PLYMOUTH « SHAVERTOWN EDWARDSVILLE « EXETER AT merly' lived on Mt. Airy Road. | SPECIALS 2SUITS J 2.30 , Plus one cleaned FREE ! (MEN OR LADIES) 2 OVERCOATS 3.00 Plus 1 eleaned FREE | DON'T MISS THIS SALE! NOVEMBER 19-20-21 THREE DAY BIRTHDAY “3 Garments Cleaned for Price of 2” 2 TOPCOATS 2.00 Plus one cleaned FREE. 2 DRESSES (PLAIN) 2.30 Plus 1 cleaned FREE 2 Ladies SKIRTS (Plain 2 Plain SW EATERS (Pleats Extra) -$1.30 plus 1 Cleaned Free $1.30 plus 1 Cleaned Free 4 Dallas Shopping Center BRING THE KIDDIES y: ’ FREE BALLOONS a * * FREE LOLLIPOPS 3 BIG DAYS - Nov. 19-20-21 The NEW DALLAS CLEANERS Located at the “Y” her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Verne Stueber of West- field, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gibbons, had as recent guests their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Nehr of San Francisco. Both were recently honorably discharged from the Army in Okinawa. While here the Nehrs’ had as their guest, Chap- lain Thomas Lightcap from the Chaplain School, Fort Hamilton, N. Y. He was on Okinawa while the Nehrs’ were stationed there. Mrs. Gibbons’ sister and brother- in-law, Mr. and Mrs, D. R. Partillo, Hyattsville, Maryland also visited with the Gibbons while the Nehrs’ were here. Luzerne County Road and Bridge Department truck was kept busy Sunday clearing the county roads of tree branches, which fell during the heavy windstorm Saturday night. Congratulations = to. John Head- man, Jr. who will celebrate his birthday tomorrow. LaBar Painting House Caddie LaBar is painting his house on Martz Road a stunning turquoise. SECTION B — PAGE 2 37 Pints Blood Sixty-six donors presented them- selves for the American Red Cross | Blood Bank collection at Linear Inc. on Friday afternoon, Fifty-seven pints’ were obtained. Mrs. Edward Gilroy, Back Moun- tain coordinator for Wyoming Valley Chapter, A.R.C., was in charge. Drs. Irvin Jacobs, R. E. Crompton and Charles Perkins examined do- nors in turn. = Registered nurses as- sisting were Mrs. John Blase, Mrs. Frank Wadas, Mrs. Carlton Davies, Mrs. Milton Evans, Mrs. Nelson Nel- son, Mrs. Fredric Anderson, Mrsi © Irven Schobert. Mrs. Clinton Miers, Mrs. Dykman, Mrs. Percy Love, Margaret Ted Raub, Mrs. William. Wright, Mrs. Edward Wroblewski, Mrs. Chester Nesbitt zand Mri: tion tasks. Read The Post Classifieds SPOTS or STAINS VANISH.... LIKE MAGIC . . Without Removing Finish of Your Furniture © CABINET MAKER © MASTER FURNITURE REPAIR '® ANTIQUE REFINISHING Cail STEFAN HELLERSPERK EVENINGS OR 4-0744 Health & Beauty Aids Sale! SAVE 24c SAVE 26c Colgate Toothpaste su. nee 596 Lavoris Mouthwash 17x bore §3¢ (REG. 83c) (REG. 89¢c) (REG. 59) bottle 30 4 J¢ DESSERT TOPPING LUCKY WHIP 25-LB. BAG, 2.85 KASCO DOG MEAL GREEN LABEL Cee CHICKEN -- SEATUNA JACK HORNER MINCE MEAT SWIFT CHICKEN STEW HERB-OX BOUILLON CUBES BEECHNUT COFFEE NOXCN POLISH TWINKLE COPPER CLEANER REG. or DRIP LUDEN’S COUGH DROPS 9l/5-0z. size 49¢ 51b.bag [§F (3c OFF DEAL) 6l/5-0z. 63¢ 59¢ 59¢ 21¢ 64¢ 25¢ 371¢ 49¢ 28-02. jar 24-01. can pkg. 12 5c I-1b. Off can pkg. 3 boxes 14-02. can 4%-or1. can Wild Cherry or Menthol HEINZ PRODUCTS TOMATO KETCHUP 14-02, bots. 49 KOSHER DILL PICKLES »- i= 39" HEINZ BABY FOOD | gE STRAINED 6 i 65¢ JUNIOR 6 = 93¢ BIG VARIETY OF DIET DELIGHT FOODS AT YOUR ACME! IMPERIAL PEPTO BISMOL ANTIACID bor 99¢ 0 98¢ UNGENTINE FIRST AID SPRAY or. Qe BOSCUL INSTANT. | RE DEAL) hi 84¢ COPES MARGARINE wb SUGAR y “lb. 40 CORN be 2: 438 Exclusive! BIRDS EYE- BIRDS EYE RCA VICTOR RECORD OFFER See details at Frozen Food Case FROZEN FOODS MIXED FRUIT a JF TINY TATERS or 33 CUT CORN 3 Rr 4 4 VEGETABLES ~~ 2 “c* 45¢ COOKED SQUASH 2 c= 35¢ ONON RGS Ji: 3 Be. iiriiivei oa dnd & “ of George Still performed transportasi,, Linear Donates .. a Red Cross volunteers serving were © Mr&AS Walter Davis, Mrs. Margaret Shoes; i maker, Mrs. George Seelandt, Mrs. oY sv Dt ud on { 1 0 TEeTReTPERIEb IDS ¥ d ANTES Ir Pstr isi in Re ERT TE dR ET r