SECTION B — PAGE 2 ! Head Of Valley Crest To Address | 3-Point Men At Mt. Zion October 20 Saturday night, October 20, at Mt. Zion church the 3-point men’s fel- lowship will hold a supper. Included are men of Carverton, Orange and Mt. Zion Methodist Churches. There will be group singing with “Chuck” Johns at the piano. Dr. Alfred C. Kraft, Medical Director of Valley Crest, will speak. Dr. Kraft is a graduate of University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine; served in the U.S. Army Medical Corps 1942-1946; has had experience in chronic dis- ease hospitals for 16 years. He is Past Superintendent of Mayview County and Woodville County Hos- pitals from 1946 to 1948 in Pitts- burgh; and was Chief of Clinical . Services at the John J. Kane Hospi- tal, Pittsburgh 1958-1961. He is a member of numerous com- mittees on chronic disease, aging, and institution operation. For many years he has been a member of the overnor’s Advisory Board on Ag- ing. He was employed by Luzerne County in September 1961 to equip, organize, open and operate Valley Crest. Tickets for this annual supper are in ‘the hands of men of the three churches. Will Go Back To Utah Elder Joseph I. Bankhead will re- turn to his home in Utah early in November, after spending several months in this area as a missionary for the Morman Church. He expects to enter Brigham Young University. Since leaving Utah two years ago on his assigned duties as a missionary, he has not been home. A new man will take his place in this area, assisting Elder John J. Wirth. Part of a young man’s duties to his church involves serving as a mission- ary, often before completing his ed- | ucation. Q ne EE EE EE EE EE EE TR SN EE CRESTED ag “vaphic Arts Services INCORPORATED PHOTO-ENGRAVING Offset Negatives and Platemaking Screen Prints, Art Work Phone VA 5-2978 Rear 29 North Main Street Wilkes-Barre, Pa. E3330 CC CEO SOE OCC Tr ~ INLUZERNE PLENTY OF FREE PARKING Fa EER SET CTC SCE ITE ET TEER EO —_—_y i We watch the weather for you, make sure 4 you get fuel delivery when you need it . . automatically. And Gulf Solar Heat is the fuel oil that’s purified with hydrogen—to burn cleaner and hotter for more heat per gallon. : Be comfortable. Start saving. Call us today! heating oil CHARLES H. LONG | GR 7-211 Mrs. Mary A. Wright Released By Death Mrs. Mary Wright, New Goss Manor, died at Nesbitt Hospital Friday afternoon after several weeks of illness. She was buried Tuesday afternoon in Greenfield Cemetery at Hempstead, Long Island. Services were conducted. Monday evening by Rev. Russell Lawry, from the Bron- son Funeral Home. Mrs. Wright, mother of William ‘Wright, member of Dallas School Board, had lived in Dallas for ten years, for the past year at the home of her son. Bill was singularly de- voted to his mother. Not able to get to the hospital to see her the night he received a community award from three Dallas service clubs, he visited her the next after- noon to show her his plaque. Night- ly, Bill was at Nesbitt during the several weeks of her hospitalization. Her death came as a release. She was a member of Shavertown Branch, Nesbitt Auxiliary and of Dallas Methodist Church. She was a familiar figure at the Red Cross Bloodmobile Donation, where she served in the canteen with her daughter-in-law, Kay Wright. She was a native of West Sands Lake, N. Y., daughter of the late Arthur H. and Mary Ann Mahar Reynolds. Her husband, William C. Wright, died in 1938. She leaves in addition to her son, two grandchildren, one niece, and one nephew. Wesley P. Culver Was 3 |Past Master Of Grange Wesley P. Culver, 78, native and long-time resident of Bloomingdale, died Thursday morning at the home of his son Otis in Lee Park. He had lived in Lee Park for twenty years, and was a former custodian of the Lee Park school. Later, he was employed by Glen Alden Coal Company as a carpen- ter. Then he went to New York, and became assistant superintendent of an apartment building. A year and a half ago he retired. During his residence in Blooming- dale, he was a member and secre- tary of Ross Township school board. He was active in Grange work, past-master of Bloomingdale Grange, and a member of Pomona and State granges. He belonged to Bloomingdale Methodist church. His wife Vida died in 1941. His parents were the late George and Dora Moss Culver. In addition to his son, he leaves a daughter, Mrs. George West, Grandville, Mass.; seven grandchil- dren and four greatgrandchildren. Cemetery Monday afternoon, fol- lowing services conducted by Rev. Fred Moore from the Bronson Funeral Home. Ennouncement Material for the church page, in- cluding church announcements from ministers, MUST be in the hands of the editor by noon on Monday. There is no guarantee that any item will be printed, but items received early have priority. Material will be edited down to save space. There are over sixty churches in the Back Mountain. EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED CONT ACT LENSES BR. I. BERGER OPTOMETRIST 2% Machell Ave., Dallas Phone 674-4921 Shopping Center DALLAS 675-1176 Centermoreland FEderal 38-4500 UP TO 36 MONTHS $100 to *350 10 PAY! LIFE INSURANCE INCLUDED IN PAYMENTS! N EY vost | PURPOSE AT LOW BANK RATES CONSUMER LOAN DEPT. Til, $2019) _ I —_ WYOMING NATIONAL BANK WILKES-BARRE BRANCH OFFICES IN PLYMOUTH « SHAVERTOWN EDWARDSVILLE » EXETER The He was buried in Bloomingdale | fi THE DALLAS POST, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1962 First stone for the new church edifice was laid on Sunday, October 7, when a check for $1,000 was handed to building fund treasurer Mrs. Ruth Zeek by Rev. Grove Arm- strong, pastor of Trucksville Free Methodist Church. The gift is from a member of the congregation. Chairman of the new church finance committee and chairman of the board of trustees Wesley Cooper, Jr., looks on as the check is passed. Presence of three children, Theresa Kern, Dorothy Cooper, and Mark Bynon, signifies that the church is building for the future, preparing ‘to minister to a growing community. Since the picture was taken, an- other $1,000 check has been re- ceived. In the church bulletin September First Stone In Foundation Of A New Church 27, Rev. Armstrong asked for five donors who would each give one ‘thousand dollars for the new church by April 15, date set for ground- breaking ceremonies at the new location beyond Meadowcrest on Carverton Road near the Bunker Hill intersection. Property was recently purchased by the congregation from Mr. and Mrs. Burdett Crane. Building plans prepared by Edmund Hildebrand and approved by the society October 9, will be submitted to New York Con- ference Board of Buildings and Loca- tions November 1 for approval or suggestions. The decision to build a new church was made two years ago. It has now achieved nearly unanimous sup- port of the congregation. Extends Sympathy The community extends sympathy, to Mrs. Lovella Coolbaugh, Dallas, whose father, Ralph Schobert, 77, died Thursday afternoon at his home in Hancock, N. Y. Burial was in Hanover Green Saturday afternoon. Stephen M. GLOVA FUNERAL SERVICE Harveys Lake NE 9-3571 Mr. Schobert was a former resident of Wilkes-Barre. Local Churches Win Honor Roll Awards Alderson, Noxen and Trucksville WSCS organizations won Honor Roll certificates October 9 at Wilkes- Barre District WSCS fall meeting, held at First Methodist Church, Pittston. New curriculum material for chil- dren of Methodist Sunday Schools was explained by Mrs. Thurston { | Shumway, field worker for Wyoming Conference Board of Education. Rev. Leon Bouton, District Superintend- ent, spoke of the Methodist chal- lenge “Put Christ First,” a program for the Philadelphia area from mid: October to mid-November. Mrs. B. Everett Lord presided; Mrs. William Reid, Jr., wife of Rev. Reid of Car- verton Charge, led devotions LIKE MAGIC . . SPOTS or STAINS VANISH.... . Without Removing Finish of Your Furniture Call STEFAN HELLERSPERK EVENINGS OR 4-0744 © MASTER FURNITURE REPAIR ® ANTIQUE REFINISHING ® CABINET MAKER [ We— Se— CC SSOSSS— Se— Br. Aaron 38 Main Street, Dallas 674-4506 DALLAS HOURS: Tues. — Wed. 2 to 8 p.m, Friday 2 to 5 p.m. Other days in Shopping Center Optometrist S. Lisses Professional Suite Gateway Shopping Center Edwardsville BU 7-9735 GATEWAY CENTER HOURS: Daily 9:30 to 5:30 p.m. Evenings: Thurs, & Fri. to 8 p.m, \ Fowler, Dick pT i A SA A: A i fo J 2. THE BOSTON STORE Harveys Lake and Sweet Valley The Boston Store > 3 “Ea JUST A SPIN OF THE DIAL and you reach In Wilkes-Barre DIAL 674-1181 NO TOLL CHARGE Center Moreland, Dallas and Walker a Ea i eR, M.S ._r DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA A News Of The Churches+ TRUCKSVILLE METHODIST (The White Church on the Hill) Rev. Robert E. Germond, Pastor Sunday, October 21 — 9:30 and 11 AM. Layman’s Sunday. Laymen of the Church will have charge of both Worship Services. 9:30 A. M. Church School; 6:00 PM. Junior High Fellowship; 6:30 P.M. Senior High M.Y.F. 6:45 P.M. School of Missions. Tuesday: 9:00 A.M. Quilters, 7:00 P.M. Girl Scouts. 7:30 P.M. Intercessory Prayer Group. 8:00 P.M. W.S.CS. ‘Wednesday: 4:15 P.M. Junior Boys Choir Rehearsal; 5:00 P.M. Cherub Choir. Thursday: 4:15 P.M. Junior Girls | Choir; 5:00 P.M. Youth Choir; 7:30 P.M. Senior Choir. Friday: 1:30 to 2:50 P.M. Quiet Day Service. Saturday: 5:30 PM. Senior M.Y.F. Spaghetti Supper. SHAVERTOWN METHODIST Rev. Robert DeWitt Yost, Pastor Sunday: 9:45 Church School with Classes for all ages. 11:00 Nursery during Church for pre-school children. 11:00 Morning Worship Service— Laymen’s Sunday. 11:30 Junior Church, 600 M.Y.F. Pot Luck Supper and Movies in Social Rooms. Monday: 4:00 Girl Scouts, Troop 115; 4:00 Brownies, Troop 153. Tuesday: 4:00 Girl Scouts, Troop 66; 4:00 Brownies, Troop 105; 7:30 Boy Scouts, Troop 231. 7:30 Commission Meetings. 8:15 Official Board Meeting in Chapel Room. Wednesday: 3:30 Girl “Scouts, Troop 75. Thursday: 4:00 Junior Choir Re- hearsal; 6:30 Youth Choir; 7:30 Senior Choir and Quartet. Friday: 7:30 W.S.CS. Study Course—‘‘On Asia's Rim'’—Chapel Room. DALLAS METHODIST CHURCH Russell C. Lawry, Pastor Sunday: Divine Worship at 8:30 and 11 o'clock. The observance of Layman’s Sunday will be held with several laymen and laywomen par- ticipating in the service. Sunday School meets at 9:45 with classes for all ages. Senior and Intermediate M.Y.F. will collect for the annual Harvest Festival. Sunday evening will be the start of a two week visitation evangelis- tic endeavor. Tuesday — Brownie Troop 108 will meet at 4 o'clock. Wednesday — Girl Scout Troop 183 will meet at 4:15. Chancel Choir will rehearse at 6:30. Senior Gir] Scout Troop 9 meets at 7; Cub Scouts meet at 7:30. * Senior Choir rehearsal at 8. Thursday—Boy Scout Troop 281 meets at 7. LEHMAN-IDETOWN CHARGE Rev. Norman Tiffany, Pastor SUNDAY SERVICES: JACKSON — Worship Service 8:45 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. IDETOWN — Worship Service 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 am. LEHMAN — Worship Service 11:15 am. Sunday School 10 am. M.Y.F. 6 pm. Thursday: Lehman — Sr. Choir 7 p.m. Idetown — Serving and Waiting Class at the home of Marie Spencer 8 pm. | Saturday: Idetown — Choirs — br. 11 a.m., Sr. 7 p.m. Couples Club 7 p.m. Spaghetti Supper. Sunday: Idetown — M.Y.F. 6:30 p.m. Tuesday: Lehman—W.S.C.S. 7: 30 p.m. Wednesday: Lehman — Charge Bible Study 7:30 p.m. Sell Quickly Through The Trading Post Attend ) Services J | (this week! worship GATE OF HEAVEN Rev. Francis A. Kane, Pastor Assistants: Rev. Richard J. Frank, Rev. Michael Rafferty Sunday masses, 7:30, 9 and 11 Confessions: Saturday 4 to 5 and 7 to 8:30 p.m. Instruction for children not at- tending parochial school will be given each Sunday following the nine o'clock mass. OUR LADY OF VICTORY Sunday masses at 7:30 and 9:30. Religious instruction for children after the 9:30 mass. ST. THERESE'S Rev. John P. Walsh, Pastor Rev. Francis T. Brennan, Assistant Sunday masces: 7:30, 8:45 and 10:45. OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL Lake Silkworth Rev. S. F. Banas, Pastor Sunday masses 7 and 9 a.m. CENTER MORELAND ' METHODIST REV WILLIAM F. WATSON PASTOR EAST DALLAS: Sunday — Morning Worship 9 AM.; Sunday Church School 10:15 AM. DYMOND HOLLOW: Sunday — Morning Worship 10:15 AM.; Sunday Church School 9:00 AM, CENTER MORELAND: Sunday — Church School 10 A.M.; Morning Worship 11:15 A.M. Monday—Junior High and Senior MYF, 7 P.M. Wednesday — Boy" Scout Troop 336 meets at the church school, 7:30 P.M. Saturday — Cub Pack 336 den meetings at the church school, 1:30 P.M. CARVERTON METHODIST CHARGE Rev. William Reid, Pastor ORANGE: 9:00 — Worship Service. “The Despt of Commitment.” 10:00 — Sunday School. MT. ZION: 10:00 — Worship Services; 11:00 —Sunday School. Saturday: 6:00 — Annual dinner for men of the charge, CARVERTON: 11:00 — Worship Servlet: 10:00 —Sunday School. Saturday: Youth Training ses- sions. 9:45 Pre - membership membership classes. | 11:00 — Post membership class. Topic: and HUNTSVILLE METHODIST : CHURCH Rev. Earle Cowden Sunday services: Church service at 10 a.m. Sunday School at 11:10. PRINCE OF PEACE EPISCOPAL Rev. John S. Prater Sunday, 8 a.m. — Men’s Corpor- ate Communion and Breakfast. Speaker, Corporal John y Loftus, State Police. Church School. 11 a.m. — Morning Prayer and Sermon. 12 noon — Vestry Meeting, 6 p.m.—Episcopal Young Church- men. ' Wednesday, 6:30 p.m. — Junior Choir Rehearsal; 7:30 p.m.—Senior Choir Rehearsal, TRINITY UNITED PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Andrew Pillarella, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 to 10:45 a.m. Morning worship, 11:00 a.m. Nursery is available. Adult Choir rehearsal, Thursday, 8:30 p.m., Mrs. Virginia Swanson, choir director. Fall District Meeting of Presby- terial Society, (United West Pitts- ton Presbyterian Church, Speaker will be Miss Elsie Penfield, chair- man of Women’s Division of the Board of National Missions, United Presbyterian Church, U.S.A. Layman’s Sunday will be ob- served Sunday at 11 a.m, when members of the congregation will participate. Westminster Youth Fellowship will meet Sunday at 2:30 p.m. at the home of Rev. Pillarella, before getting out on a hike, which will be followed by a picnic supper and vesper service. United Presbyterian Men will hold their annual Fall meeting, October 21, at Carbondale Presby- terian Church at 4:00 p.m. Speaker will be Rev. Elmer G. Homringhau- sen, Dean of Princeton Theological Seminary and James C. Stewart, President of the National Council of Presbyterian Men. DALLAS FREE METHODIST Rev. Ralph Smith Sunday services: S.8. 10 a. m,; Morning worship * at 11; Youth Service 7 p.m.; evening evangel- istic service 7:30. Wednesday: Midweek prayer | meeting at 7:30. GLENVIEW P. M. CHURCH Rev. Andrew Derrick, Pastor Sunday: Morning Worship, 9:55 a. m.; Sunday School, 11:00 a. m. Evening Service, 7:00 bp. Young People, 7:00 p. m. Wedsesday: Choir Practice 6:30 pms: Wednesday evening, 7:30, Prayer Reng, 4 m.; 9:30 a.m. — Family Servine and |. ALDERSON METHODIST CHARGE REV. FRED EISTER ALDERSON: Sunday School—10:00 a.m. Morning Worship — 11: 15; a.m. Youth Fellowship — 5:00 p.m. KUNKLE: Sunday School — 10:00 a.m. Evening Worship — 7:30 p.m. Youth Fellowship — Monday, 6.50 p.m. NOXEN: Sunday School — 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship — 10:00 a.m. RUGGLES: Sunday School — 9:45 a.m, NOXEN GOSPEL TABERNACLE Pastor Theodore Brennan Sunday School 10:00 A.M.; i 1 Worship 11:00 A.M. . Youth Service 6:30 P.M. Evangelistic Evening Service 7:30 AM. © Sunday, October 14, nightly through October 21, Evangelistic Meetings at 7:30 with radio Evangel- ist Keith Kroenke. CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS (Mormon) Shavertown YMCA Sunday 10.00 A.M. combined Sun= day school and church service. Kenneth L. Stacy, group leader. HUNTSVILLE CHRISTIAN CHURCH Rev. C. H. Frick, Pastor Sunday: 9:30 Worship. 10:30 Church School. Monday night Choir.’ Thursday night Midweek Service. Tuesday the monthly meetings of the Christian Womens Fellowship and the Christian Mens Fellowship. Thursday night midweek service. Rev. E. L. Thompson, state secre- tary, will speak each evening the remainder of this week. ™ EMANUEL ASSEMBLY OF GOD Harveys Lake Rev. and Mrs. George Clement, Sunday: 10 a. m., S. S. School; 11 a. m., Morning Worship. 6:30 p. m., Young People’s meet- ing; 7:45 p. m., Evangélisticc Wednesday, 7:30 p. m.. Prayer and Bible Study. MOORETOWN ASSEMBLY OF GOD Rev. Louis Trotta, Pastor [Sundoy School, 10 a. m.; morning worship at 11; evening worship at 7:30. Prayer service Tuesday at 7:30. SHAVERTOWN BIBLE CHURCH Rev. R. W. Edmondson, Pastor Sunday: Sunday School, 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship, 11:00 a.m. Evening Evangelistic ‘Service, 7:30 p.m. Monday: Christian Boy's Brigade, ) 7 pm. Tuesday: Pioneer Girl's, 7:00 p.m. Wednesday: Ladies Prayer Meet- ing — 1:30 P.M. Thursday: Mid-week Prayer and. Praise Service, 7:30 p.m. * NOXEN INDEPENDENT BIBLE Robert L. Sutton Sunday: 10:00 Bible School . 11:00 Morning Worship. 6:30 I. A. H. Club 7:30 Evangelistic Service Wednesday, prayer meeting 7:45 MONROE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. L. E. Peterson, Pastor Thursday 7:30, prayer meeting. Friday, Bible Study at the George Charney home. Sunday ‘Services: S.S. at 10 a.m. Sunday worghip service at 11 a.m. Monday, 6:30, Young People; 7: 30, choir practice. OUTLET FREE METHODIST Rev. Emery D. Stokes Sunday School at 10 a.m.—Wor- ship at 11 am. FMY. at 7:15 p.m. Leader, Doro) thy Major. Evening Worship at 7:45 p.m. Monday — Official Board Meet-. ing. > Wednesday F.M.Y. Prayer Meeting, Leader: Janet Major. TRUCKSVILLE FREE METHODIST Rev. Grove Armstrong, Pastor Friday: 4: AM. Senior High Day at Roberts Wesleyan College, North Chili, N. Y. Day of Fasting and Prayer for the New York Conference, 7:30 Free Methodist Youth Prayer Meeting at Church. Sunday: Sunday School 9:30 “For Times Like These — The Bible”. Morning Worship: 10:30 Sermon “The Great Privilege of those that are born of God.” Free Methodist Youth: 7:00 Dept. of Evangelism. Sonia Pizarro and Elnora Williams, Evangelistic Service: Wesley Cooper, Speaking, Wednesday: 7:00 Study Coure ‘Understanding the Serer 7:30 Mr. Mrs. Grace Olver, teacher. 8:00 Prayer Meeting. | FACE TRAFFIC! . sen—— 552, Stetz with 193 |