SECTION C — PAGE 4 Buy Or Sell Through The Trading Pest For Clean GARBAGE & TRASH REMOVAL Prompt, Efficient, Gall BERTI &« SON 674-5731 674-8731 POPULAR FIFTH AVENUE, SNICKERS, ‘02 WAFOLO0 ‘AVAYNLVS ‘HONOYHI FALLDIIIA AV STHL NI SHON AND OTHERS CARTON OF 24 C = BARS & z ~ [42] S HARVESTMIX __________ 1-Lb. 2 CANDY MAGIC ________ 14-0Z. : CANDY CORN __________ 1-Lb. § INDIAN CORN ________ 14.0Z. 5 SPICEDROPS __.______.. 1V4-Lb. z © ORANGE SLICES ______. 1%-Lb. : KANDY KEWPIES ______ 1V4-Lb. © SPEARMINT LEAVES ___1%-Lb. 5 ASST. GUM SLICES 1V4-Lb. J PLAIN, SUGAR OR CINNAMON Donut ORANGE TWIS SAVE 4c COFFEE CAKE SAVE 10¢ SHARP CHEESE Fresh Eggs «ior 2 oor + 95 BUTTE Mammoth 674-8372 CANDY BARS HERSHEYS, BABY RUTH, MILKY WAY, CLARK BARS, FOREVER YOURS, TOOTSIE ROLLS elicious Worthmore Candies! APPLE PIE BUY SEVERAL . . . STORE THEM IN YOUR FREEZER Pkg. of § c iz 23 'GHOGC. SQUARE LAYER CAKE Te 59¢c WHOLE WHEAT BREAD *. ___=- 19¢ October Cheese Festival! THE DALLAS POST, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1962 Zio Mt. Zion Of course the big mews of today (last week Thursday) is the laying of two strips of black-top from Krum’s corner to Roy Thomas’ house. The single lane continues from there, to be joined by the By the time this issue comes off the press prob- ably the down. We are happy over this, comes home from the hospital. Marjorie Seiple has come home. Malcolm Harris is still (at this treatment and we hope to hear soon of improvement. d | other lane further on. Wesley Lewis is reported to be on ps le black-top will go clear | the mend. Last Sunday morning I missed church at Mt. Zion. The Wyoming Baptist Church minister was away and I was asked to preach. The congregation turned out to be friendly. They weren't all in a rush 60” wide COTTON KNITS only 89¢ yd. Mary’s Fabric Shop ] to get home ‘after the service, y bas : Briarcrest Rd., Idetown We Give FLOOR S&H. Green Stamps SANDERS DALLAS RENTAL SERVICE Memorial Highway 674-3121 PHONE NE 9-5359 | It is good mews when someone { writing) at the hospital receiving | q ARNE H EHH INNER HL XHRRIKI Favorites! 5¢ VARIETIES! CHEV/ING GUM BEECH-NUT PEPPERMINT, BEECH-NUT SPEARMINT, DENTYNE, WRIGLEYS DOUBLEMINT AND OTHERS CARTON OF 20 PACKS YOUR CHOICE! JANE PARKER «39° SAVE. 10c¢ GOLD OR MARBLE CRESCENT (SAVE 10c) Pound Cake ~~ 39" SLICED ENRICHED White Bread "=" Loaf Every Bit As Good As The Best . 28¢ . Yet Costs Less! CHED-O-BIT PASTEURIZED PROCESS CHEESE SPREAD 2 = 69° PIVS TO v=. 63¢ Muenster Cheese 59: SILVERBROOK SOLIDS Lb. 70¢ stayed around visiting with each better get his mouth watering for other. | anything’ the Grange puts on. It is Sunday afternoon I met a couple sure to be good. and their Myr. and Mrs, Harry Reid, Sher- church for baptism. Mr. and Mrs. | wood Park, Delaware, entertained Olen W. Clark Jr. of Scranton | the MacQueen family runion at their '| brought their third child to me to home over the weekend. In attend- baptize. The baby was born March | ance were: Mr. and Mrs. George J. 3 of this year. Olen Clark is son "Lumb, Hyde Park N. Y., Mrs. Alfred of Phoebe Brown Clark, daughter of | Scureman and brother, Theodore the late Edward Brown of Mt. Zion. | MacQueen, Carverton, Mr. and Mrs. I had baptizd Olen when he was a : Henry MacQueen, Bethlehem, Nancy baby, and when his children came | Valentine, New York City, brother baby at the Mt. Zion | baptize; first on July 12 1959, the | | fr ey and Harry Reid Jr., children of second on March 12, 1961 and this | | the host and hostess. third one last Sunday. BECOMING GRANDPARENTS * CARVERTON NEWS IS AN EVENT! Our former neighbors, the Rus-| Mr. and Mrs. Harry Spare of Car- sell Neilsons, (and what wonderful | verton are quite elated over the neighbors they were, too) tell me | birth on Thursday Oct. 11 to their | that they had some visitors on Sun- | son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and | day: Mr. and Mrs. S. Thorne, and | Mrs. Gail Spare, East Dallas, of a Mrs. Nora Randall, all of Moosic. boy named Robert Spare. The baby The Neilsons also tell me about a | was born at Nesbitt Hospital and turkey supper the Mountain Grange | weighs eight pounds, thirteen will be having on Nov. 10. That's | ounces. A good start in life. Mother quite a ways ahead but one had | and child are doing well! along he brought them to me to | William, Lehman, and Brian, Jef- DALLAS, = PLEASE SEND 'ADDRESS From ‘time to time The Post receives unsigned letters offer- ing suggestions on the handling of news and correspondence as well as tips on news stories. Some of them deserve a per- sonal answer but it is impossible for us to write to a will-o-th- wisp. Will the person who re- cently wrote us from Orange send us name and address so that we can reply? We would like to follow up on his or her suggestion. — Editor Ne Fernbrook Sterling Rineman and his mother, == Mrs. Myrtle Rineman, Main St. and | Mr, and Mrs. George Bulford, Huntsville attended the funeral of Mrs. Stella Bulford Reynolds in Norwich, N. Y. on Sunday. Mrs. Reynolds was a sister of Mrs. Rine- man and Mr. Bulford. Sincere Select A&P Values . . . Collect Cash Savings! PENNSYLVANIA sympathy is extended to these families: Adult Fellowship Group, Glenview It P.M. Church, will hold its monthly get-together on Saturday, October 20 instead of October 27 — due to the Youth For Christ meeting. Douglas Shelley, Blackwood, N. J. spent the weekend visiting his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Shelley, Poplar St. John Mokychic, East Dallas who has been a patient in General Hos- pital for several weeks returned home on Tuesday. Donna Rogers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Rogers, Maple" St. has returned home after being a patient in Nesbitt hospital for 10 days. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Dymond, E. Overbrook Ave. spent several days visiting Mr. and Mrs. Homer Dy- mond, in Clifton Springs andgMr. and Mrs. Harold Woodring in Newark, New York. (Continued On Page 5 c) Nutley Margarine . 39¢ 39¢ EXCEL SALTED PEANUTS _>=_%. A&P SPANISH PEANUTS >=: _h. Pillsbury Flour 25 Ib. bag $2.35 NESCAFE sant corre ( ee y= 10.0; $111 SAN GIORGIO SPAGHETTI ___%. 25¢ VERMONT MAID s=» ";2- 31¢ :0. 59¢ REPP-U-TATION CIDER ____. o 456 EARLY CALIF. “2 OLIVES __ °c. 33¢ NABISCO OREQ creme sanowicn By. 39¢ JIFFY PIE CRUST MIX ____2 2: 29¢ CURAD BANDAGES “n 45¢ "5" 69¢ Aga stant Coffee . PILLSBUR SUNSHINE KRISPY CRACKERS STAR-KIST TUNA cuunk sme 2 DUNCAN HINE A&P oecarremaren stant GOFFEE SANKA INSTANT COFFEE ___°2 DROMEDARY PITTED DATES EE ————————————————— a Tomato Paste “sow” 6 Cookies “cos "ze" 4 i Projzolg nl woe. trae Apple Butter wae... =u Orange Juice wm: wr, ot Choc. Bon Bons "= .. i Je Lue nt PINEAPPLE Rl : . 2D Hines fmt, |. dexo Shortening.....3 = 10-0z. $ oB Marvel Ice Cream AE Hu Evaporated Milk x 6° 1-Lb. Solids gr be wm m— — BUTTERMILK and COUNTRY STYLE BISCUITS FUDGE BROWNIE MIX - Bot. — Bot. — = Pkg. - « Jar 69° 29° 79° 23 Marvel Anti-Freeze .. --*1.59 ANN PAGE CAKE MIXES _. ANN PAGE ANGEL FOOD MIX - — Pkg. 19-0z. Pkgs. 17-0z. 41c 35¢ 37¢ 19¢ nn 310 on 690 16-Oz. 45¢ 79¢ $143 8-Oz. 8-Oz. 8-0z. Rolls 5-0z. Jar -8-0z. Pkg. 49¢ i 20. | nam —- | OOo FT a < | 242 hn sme OO C2 v2