BE iret i - Janet in library science. 15th Artillery in Korea. ‘ greatly appreciated. ~ SWEET VALLEY Mrs. Connie Pall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pall, is home after being the guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Booth, Johns- town, on an extended tour of the eastern United States. They visited Fort Knox, Ky., Washington, D. C,, Cincinnati; Col. John Glenn’s home town, West Virginia, Indiana, Virginia and Maryland. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cain, Jr. and sons, Barry and Eddie spent last week in Lime Ridge with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cope. Mr. Cain, played clarinet with Lime Ridge Band at Knoeble’s Grove Sunday. Mrs. Cora Dougal and daughter, Sharon, have moved from Hunlock Creek to the Pollock Courts Apart- ments. Tom Ridout, Lake Silkworth, has accepted work at the General Hos- pital. Tom, is a 1962 graduate of Lake Lehman School. Rev. C. B. Klinetob, Afton, N.Y. visited with his sister, Bess Kline- tob, last week. They visited their aunt, at Creaveling Convalescent home, Berwick, before Rev. Kline- tob returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cope, Lime Ridge, and children, Ralph, Jr., Cloris, Sue, Judy, Leon, Patricia, Jack and Randy, and Cheryl Shaffer were guests at a picnic dinner with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cain, Jr., Lake Silk- worth. Mr. and Mrs. James Culp spent last week in Baltimore with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ruff and daughter, Kathy. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Alva Case, recent- ly entertained, their son Donald, Pearl River, N. Y.; Mrs. Richard Jones and Mrs. William Martin, Ed- wardsville; their nephew and family, Mr. “and Mrs. George Lewis, George, Jr., Marcus Hook; Mr. and Mrs. George Koons and daughters, Linda, Dianne, and Madelyn, Shickshinny; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Griffiths, Long Island and Pauline Davis, Harvey's Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Cramer Cooper, Lake Silkworth, entertained at a family picnic, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cooper, Bonnie, Ronnie, David, Gale and Lynn, Chase; Mr. and Mrs. Robert, Cooper, Debbie and Bobby, Plymouth. David Coslett, Jr., has returned-to ¢ Bloomsburg Teachers College, where he is a junior in elementary educa- tion. ~ Mrs. Betsy Long Winters is a pa- tient at General Hospital. Her lit- tle son, Billy is the guest of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Long. Thomas Roman, Mooretown, is a patient at Veteran’s Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Leon J. Decker, Lake Silkworth, have returned to their winter residence at North Spring- field, Virginia, a suburb of Wash- ington. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Navroth, Mrs. Phyllis Miles, Van Nyes, Cal- ~ ifornia; Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Nav- roth, Stratford, Conn. and Mrs. ‘Sally Koslowski, Detroit, Mich. have returned to their homes, after ‘having been called here by the death of their father, Edward Nav- roth, Lake Silkworth. Patricia Perkins, student nurse at ‘General Hospital spent the week- “end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Perkins. Other visitors in- cluded Mrs. Florence Perkins, Bris- tol, and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ernest and son Matthew, Cornwells ‘Heights. Visiting with the Alton ‘ Johnson family on Tuesday were “Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mason, Pendel. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Billings and ~son Tab, will return from Lake Silkworth to their winter Yesidence © at Nanticoke, this week. Kathy and Anthony Yockavitch, are home after spending some time with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Gragle, while their mother was in General Hospital. ~ Mr. and Mrs. John Gelsleichter, Mooretown, had as recent guests, Mr. and Mrs. William Doran, ~ California and Mr. and Mrs. William Spaulding, Shavertown. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis A. Anesi are ‘visitors of the latter’s brother and ‘sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert ‘Merrell, in Phoenix, Arizona. Theresa Fedor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Fedor, Lehman and ~ Janet Fielding daughter of Mr. and ~ Mrs. John Fielding, Huntsville, sophomores have returned to Kutz- town State College. Theresa will major in elementary education, Both are 1960 Lake-Lehman graduates. Pvt. William Andrasko, spent last week with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Andrasko. Stationed at Edgewood Arsenal, Md. He is 1959 graduate of Lake Lehman, and entered service in April. His bro- ther, SP 4 Stephen, Jr. is with the He was a " member of the 1956 class of Lake Lehman. Items this column will be Your cor- respondent’s new phone number is GR 17-3271. Of special interest is news of our boys in service and col- lege students. Mrs. Blanche Bonning, Lake Silk- worth, and her daughter, Mrs. Agnes Utt, Boston, Mass., visited in Carbon County last week along with Mr. and Mrs. Luther Bonning and daughter, Lucille, Ceastown. On Monday the family were the guests of Mrs. Utt's brother-in-law and family, the Fred Utts, Trenton, New Jersey. Mrs. Utt returned to Boston this week. Dorothy Lonie underwent surgery Wednesday at Nanticoke Hospital. ~ Mrs. Hale Bronson and daughter, Donna and Maude Bronson, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Hess and children, Sharon and for David Bronson, at Fairmont Springs. Mr. and Mrs. George Beeumas, Re- treat,’ were recent guests of Miss Maude Bronson. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Bucking- ham recently entertained at a picnic dinner; Mr. and Mrs. George Sower- by and son George, Mr. and Mrs. William Sowerby, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tremayne, all of Forty-Fort, and Mr. and Mrs. George Bronson, Sweet Valley. [Summer residents of North Lake who have returned to their homes are Mrs. Ella Kersteen, Kingston; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Evans, and Mrs. Mae Schimmel, Wilkes-Barre. Loyalville Is it spring or fall? There are twelve apple blossoms on an apple tree on the farm of Andrew Mihali- shin. Mr. and Mrs. Coral Eveland and daughters, Savona, N.Y., and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Guildner and daughter, Tonawanda, N.Y. spent the week- end with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Swire and family. Mrs. Adell Rittenhouse, Mt. Grove is spending the winter with her niece and family Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Stein- ruck. Loyalville = Methodist W.S.C.S. monthly meeting was held at Church Hall on September 18. Vice-President Maryann Swire presided. Present were: Mrs. Cora Dougal, Mrs. Thelma Leach, Mrs. Delores Garrahan, Mrs. Josie Hummel, Mrs. Martha Stein- ruck, Mrs. Maryann Swire, Mrs. Di- ana Wegner, Bess Klinetob, and (Shar. on Dougal Mrs. Peggy Price with her sister, Mrs. Susie Milbrodt and children, and cousin, Bell Stackhouse, spent a weekend in Ithaca, N.Y. visiting her nephew, Mr. and Mrs. George White and family. Ne Fernbrook Mr. and Mrs. Leland Cooke and Mr. aand Mrs. Ray Cooke, Wilming- ton, Del., spent Saturday with Mrs. Sarah Moss, Shaver Ave. and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Moss, Demunds Road. The Cooke’s showed colored slides of their recent six week trip to Alaska. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Randall, Roushy Plot motored to Marelton, N. J. on Saturday returning Mrs. Randall's father, B. F. Muchler to his home. He spent three months with the Randalls. Monthly birthday and anniver- sary celebration of the Adult Fel- lowship Group of Glenview P. M. Church will be held at 7:45 on Saturday evening in the social rooms of the church. Mr. and Mrs. Lauren Dymond, son Lauren, Jr., E. Center St., Shaver- town and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Dy- mond, 178 E. Overbrook Ave., spent Sunday visiting, the former’s daugh- ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eyet and son Robert in Som- merset, New Jersey. Mrs. Rose Farber, daughter, Doro- thy and granddaughter, Gaile of Rochester, New York spent a few days visiting Mrs. Ira Button, E. Overbrook Ave. On Saturday, Mrs. Button attended the golden wedding celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Hosier in West Pittston. Memo to all Fernbrook residents: NEWS FROM POST CORRESPONDENTS ~ MEEKER, Mrs. Fred Winter MT. ZION, Rev. Charles Gilbert Harding 388-2270 NOXEN, Mrs. Ira Beahm SWEET VALLEY, Mrs. Albert Ray TRUCKSVILLE, Nelson Woolbert BEAUMONT, Mrs. William Austin FERNBROOK, Mrs. George Shaver HARVEYS LAKE, Mrs. Albert Armitage IDETOWN, Bess Cooke JACKSON TWP. William Hughes LEHMAN, Barbara Simms THE DALLAS POST, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1962 NE 9-2544 OR 4-5460 NE 9-9531 NE 9-5137 696-1005 OR 4-3391 GR 7-2734 NE 9-8522 GR 7-3271 696-1689 The big news is the word Dottie got from New York that her visa from the Congo has arrived. She says she has to wait for the surgeon's release. In her Jots in my current issue of The Gilbert Story she writes: “This time I won't be so bold as to say just what I'm going to do, but I expect maybe, perhaps, to get on my way the lat- ter part of October. I will fly direct- ly to Leopoldville .< . I am sup- posed to teach nurses and sanitary officers, and the rest of the person- nell is doubling up on my classes somehow until I get there.” WESLEY LEWIS ILL WITH A HEART ATTACK One of the strong men of the Methodist Church, not only our Mt. Zion Church but the Methodist Church at large, G. Wesley Lewis is seriously ill with a heart attack. He was taken last Tuesday morning to Nesbitt Memorial Hospital. Prayers are going up all over for his re- covery. ‘I think of his growing spiritual strenght during the years when I was his pastor and ever since; I think of his activities in the local church, of his rise in Confer- ence affairs from being District Lay Leader and then as Conference Lay Leader and then as one of the Lay Delegates to General Conference and a member of important General Conference committees. I don’t like to think of a man like that being laid aside even for a short time. But with his Christian background I know he will be making spiritual “hay” during his recovery. Even in the present uncertainty of his con- dition his many friends hope and pray for his recovery. SUNDAY SERMON Sunday morning service was ap- propriate. Pastor Reid preached on The New Creature, and made clear what was central and essential in the Christian faith. Pointed out how there were many things that some seem to think all-important even to the point of making “good” Chris- tians terribly intolerant of those who differ. In his sermon Pastor Reid called for ‘surrender to Christ”. Cathy and’ Dottie. had chosen for their duet a song en- titled ‘‘Surrender”. Which turned out to be most fitting. Our kind neighbor Ralph Weatherly from over on the other road dropped in Saturday morning with some varieties of literature he knows we like. | By the way, “his” road is black topped down the hill as far as the cross-road that goes from Howard Perry's to Memorial Shrine. \ Well, Ralph and I chatted a few minutes. I asked him if he knew Bill Wright of Dallas and of course he did; said he was a fine lay read- er in Prince of Peace Episcopal Collection time for all Ambulance and Fire Co Coin Cards: apart! shingles. | 4 are you a “SHINGLE CHASER"? If high winds and stormy weather keep you worried about your roof, why not let us ease your mind, quickly and inexpensively? We can apply LOGAN-LONG high quality shingles right over your old, worn roof—and do the job with no mess or fuss—nothing torn Why take chances with a doubtful roof? Espe- cially when it’s not necessary. Youll receive many extra years of roof security plus a new fresh appearance at low, economical prices by re-roofing with LOGAN-LONG asphalt Stop in today. See the wide choice of colors and shades available. Let us PROVE the econ- omy of a LOGAN-LONG shingle application. Open Until 3 P.M. Saturdays LUMBER (Z “16 £. CENTER STREET. Mit. Zion church were Weatherly served for a- while this summer. We agreed on the fine work many such laymen are doing for Christ and the Church. Then he told me that he and Mrs. Weatherly left last Monday for a trip to New Jersey. They stopped at Glen Ridge where their daughter Carol and her husband, Henry Ho- bart Tallmadge, are living. They went on Tuesday to the coast to visit where they used to spend their summers, Avalon. The hurricane has torn that place to bits. Many houses have been swept out to sea. Then they spent Wednesday and Thursday with son Bruce and fami- ly. Bruce is recuperating from seri- ous surgery of some weeks ago but is now able to resume his services in the church. His assistant had been taking over. To those who do not know this fine friend of mine I would hint that while nothing comes ahead of his ecclesiastical interests one might notice that golf comes a close sec- ond. Running through these inter- ests are those of his home and fami- ly, his son, daughter and grandchil- dren. The flowers at Mt. Zion church were beautiful bouquets of snap- dragons, dahlias grown by Jackie VanTuyle in her 4-H club garden. CARVERTON Sunday night the missions study classes of the three churches met at Carverton with a number from each of the churches attending. The theme was ministering to persons with special needs. I was asked to talk about the chaplain’s work at Valley Crest. The group were very much interested and wanted to do something to help the patients at our County Home. Dendler C Completes Course Army Pvt. Clyde E. Dendler, 21, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dendler, Noxen, completed the nine-week general supply specialist course at The Quartermaster School, Ft. Lee, Va., Sept. 11. Dendler entered the Army last March and completed basic training at Fort Gordon, Ga. Ladies Auxiliary of the Noxen Volunteer Fire Co. held its annual picnic on Monday evening at Dave Fritze’s Cabin, Stull. A tasty sup- per was served to the following, fol- lowed by a business meeting and games. Present were: Mesdames; Calvin Strohl, Chester Keiper, Rich- ard Traver, Jack Williams, Joseph Nalbone, Arthur Blizzard, Nathan Straley, Guy Fritz, Willard Bender, Oscar Fish, James Traver, Ralph Lutes and Elida Beahm. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Fish spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ray, Sunbury. Roger Race, Walling. Ford, Conn. spent last week end with Mr. and Mrs! Vane Race. William Race voranily spent two weeks with his daughter, Mrs. Carl Monroe and family, Elmira, N. Y. Mrs. Alton Field, Mr. and Mrs. El- bert Field are visiting at the home of Christine and Delbert Blizzard. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Richards re- cently spent a week's fishing trip in Canada. Mrs. Kenneth Turner has been ‘a medical patient at the hospital, since Tuesday. Mrs. William Engelman is spend- ing a week with Mr. and Mrs. Dale Engelman, Sayre. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Coole and son NOXEN Bill spent the week end at their home in Watrous. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Miner spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Gorey, South River, N. J. Mrs. David Hopkins, Vienna, N. J. is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Siglin. Robbie Timko, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Timko won first prize in a musical amateur show, held by Lady Toby Rebekah Lodge in the educa- at Trucksville on Robbie plays the tional building Friday evening. piano accordian. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Timko and family recently spent some time at the home of their former Noxen neighbors Mr. and Mrs. Robert Neff and family, Franklin, Mass. Annual bazaar and supper of Noxen Lutheran Ladies Society will be held on Thursday October 18th., at the Parish hall. Serving starts at 5:30 p.m. Fancy work, aprons, fish pond, home made candy, baked goods and Christmas. cards will be on sale. Henry A. Ireland, Jr. a student at Philadelphia Seminary had the sermon on Sunday at the Lutheran Church in absense of Pastor Wesley Kimm. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Narsavage MICRI TRADEMARK Coupons! OR 4-3888 Redeem your Evans Drug Store Shavertown MICRIN TRADEMARK ORAL ANTISEPTIC § FOR MOUTHWASH & GARGLE N phone your Heating Contractor, Dealer, Plumber or Gas Company ! Get Your FREE Heating Survey Now! PENNSYLVANIA GAS and WATER Company 4 and grandson, Andy Leandri and Nelson Parrish; Kingston, were guests at the William Munkatachys, on Sunday. ‘Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler Hess visited Mr. and Mrs. Davis Smales "at Spring Hill, on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bigelow spent several days at the home of their daughter, Mrs. George Pelitier and family, Trenton, N. J., last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bigelow visited Mrs. Martha York at Wyo- ming on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Shupp, Shavertown spent Saturday after- noon with the Bigelows. Mrs. Tillie Loveland recently at- tended a luncheon meeting of Wyo- ming County T.B. and Health As- sociation at Hotel Prince, Tunkhan- nock. Mobile X-ray unit for Wyoming County will be at the Earl Crispell Service station, Noxen, on Friday September 28th from 3 to 4 p.m. only. At this time it will be possible for citizens of Noxen to get a free Chest X-ray. It is hoped, many will avail themselves of this, once a year, opportunity. Mike Bean and Roy Newell left for Kansas last week. They expect to be employed there. Dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Fish on Sunday were Mrs. Thelma Williams, Tunkhannock and Mr. and Mrs. Dale King and children, Laceyville. ~ For Letter Press Or Offset Try The Dallas Post DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA Idetown Serving and Waiting Class met in the church house on Thursday night. Mrs. Ernest Fritz and Mrs Emory Hadsel were hostesses. Ruth Worthington led the devo- tions and then presided. Mrs. Elisa Gillman gave a reading. The next meeting will be held at the home of Marie Spencer in form of a birth- day party. Those present were Mrs. Hattie Hilbert, Mrs. Lila Felt, Mrs. Elisa Gillman, Mrs. Pearl Connor, Mrs. Jesse Boice, Mrs. Ethel Shaver, Marie Spencer, Mrs. Virgie Mon- tross, Ruth - Worthington, Hazel Gordon, Mrs. Ruth Ide, Mrs. Emory Hadsel and Mrs. Ernest Fritz. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Meade with Mr. and Mrs. Corey Meade spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. John Dobson and family in Elmira. Mr. and Mrs. Frances Wentzel and children who had been living in Philadelphia moved back inte their home on Saturday. Dale - Campbell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Campbell, flew on Sun- day to Dayton, Ohio where he will take a course in Printing for three months. Linda, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Hodge was baptized at Ide- town Methodist Church Sunday. Mrs. Edmund Webber is a patient at Nesbitt Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Will Thomas of Lu- zerne with her sister, Maude Marcy, of Wisconsin spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hoover. New DALLAS CLEANERS Martinizing Process The “MOST” in Personalized Garment Care We use the Best Perchlorethelyne, that EERE EN EEE NE EE NNER EER”, \ RB Before you buy fuel or convert your heating equipment, be sure to J é Hn Hu |] i Bi : ou wm ONE-HOUR SERVICE No extra charge from 8:30 a. m. to 3:30 p. m. ; Solvent—DuPont : H" HM continuously filtered MARTINIZING gives your Clothes “Like New Look”. NEW DALLAS SHOPPING CENTER EENEEEEEEEEEENEEEEENEAAEEE RE NANCE EEE | Automatic Gas Heat... As Carefree As Playtime! ...and so delightful at all times! GAS HEAT costs less to install, operate and maintain! — IN THE BACK MOUNTAIN — Telephone ENterprise 2-0668 TOLL FREE for information and service