ANITA s i ow by the # i 514, 1. d Sep- he Ed- Church remon- fi Added Frank Judges J 1 Stev- 1acher, is been he Au- ikes ly din- ir son, ade at Telping Helen, fildred, d Mrs. | bh | 3 : ub will ber 4, ng in f the having 1 up by a for Bona- s, Mer- ards of East- rty and or High k &¢ 8 rs. Oce en. | prizes, 0 be in- ities to 2 ; 3 zk . ida, as the Post said last week. Mrs. T. M. B. Hicks, Pioneer Avenue, * Mrs. Howard Place, ~ weekend of September 21 to 23. . Mrs. John Elenchik for particulars family at a dinner Labor Day. Pres- ‘son, N. J., Mr. and Mrs. Victor Mc- Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Swelgin, Briarcrest Road, Idetown, recently visited their daughter, Linda at Lock Haven State College. She is enrolled as a freshman. Louise W. Ayre, Trucksville, at- tended the Diocesan Conference on Church Music held in Trinity Church, Bethlehem, Friday and Saturday, as delegate from St. Clement’s Episco- pal Church, Wilkes-Barre. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Metzger and Mrs. Martha Lamoreaux, Demunds Road, had as recent visitors Sonny Lamoreaux, Long Island, Mr. and Mrs. Carl“Metzger, Buffalo, and Lt. and Mrs. Dale Hoover and son, Keith, | South Hadley Falls, Mass. | Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Risley, | Huntsville Road, spent the weekend ! at the Antietem and Gettysburg Bat- tle Field. Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel Troster, East | Center Hill Road, have moved to 96 South Franklin Street, Wilkes-Barre. Mrs. Ralph Rood, formerly of Leh- ' man ‘Avenue, now of Machell Ave- nue, Dallas, celebrated her birthday anniversary last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Moen and | family have moved from Huntsville Road to a newly constructed home on Machell Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jones who re- cently ‘moved to Machell Avenue Dallas, are still enjoying their new home and have not yet left for Flor- Mrs. Caroline Ferrey, Sweet Val- ley, has returned to her home after spending some time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Raysor at Read- ing. Mrs. Raysor is still a hospital patient. Dr. and Mrs. Richard Post enter- tained informally Sunday evening for new neighbors and friends in the Birch Lane area. Mrs. Carl Goeringer and children attended the 100th anniversary re- faactment of the Battle of Antietam av Sharpsburg, Md., Saturday after- noon and the Hills of Glory pageant that evening at Hagerstown. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Donsavage, announce the birth of their second daughter, Beth Dee on September 1. he was born at Nesbitt Hospital d weighed 6 pounds 15 ounces. Her sister, Amy Jo, 21% and Grand- ma Davis, waited anxiously for Beth Dee and Mommy to come home. Mrs. Donsavage is the former, Ruth Davis of Wilkes-Barre. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Long, Bob, Donna, Sandy, Dwayne, of Parrish Street, recently spent some time in Toronto, Canada. = Molly Hicks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hicks of Lake Packa- nack and granddaughter of Mr. and entered Marywood College last Mon- day for freshman orientation. Mr. and Mrs. Zel Garinger, Lake Street, recently entertained Mr. and Jr., and son, Charles, Vestal, N. Y., Mr. and Mrs. Richard Powell and Nancy, Larry, | partha and Teddy, Johnson City, s. Edward Z. Place, Binghamton. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Metzger and Mrs. Martha Lamoreaux, Demunds d, had as recent. visitors “Sonny” Mamoreaux, Long Island, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Metgger, Buffalo. . St. Gabriel's Retreat League will ld a retreat at Dunmore on the Anyone wishing ‘to attend may call and reservations. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Elwood McCarty, “Wellington Avenue, entertained their ent were: Mr. and Mrs. Lester Mc- Carty, Virginia and Ernest, Harri- Carty, Marge and Ricky, Shaver- town, Mr. and Mrs. Eugenie McCarty and Jane, Plymouth, and Lynn Mec- Carty. Paul Mulcey who has been spend- ing some time in Europe on a busi- gss trip is expected home this week- end. His daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald French, Wrights- ville Beach, N.C. will also arrive to Wend ten days at State College and with the Mulceys. Mrs. Mulcey will return with her husband when he leaves for Europe later in the fall. Tom Gauntlet, Grandview Avenue, Goss Manor, submitted to surgery at General Hospital last week. Frank Slaff, Machell Avenue, is spending some time in Honolulu with an old friend. His son and daughter- n-law, Commander and Mrs. Allen Paul Slaff and family have reported to Newport, R.I. after spending some- time with him in Dallas. Mrs. Emma Smith is recovering from surgery performed at General Hospital, ‘at the home of her son, Ziba Smith, Mrs. Smith, realizing that it is difficult for a convalescent to talk over ‘the telephone to con- veys her own thanks, wishes to thank © all the friends who sent so many lovely flowers ‘and cards. Mrs. Minnie Armlin? Fort Lauder- dale, Fla., has been visiting Mr. and n William Brace, Kunkle, and ey all visited Mrs. Mary Downs, Hallstead, Pa. Mrs. Emma Gensel, Hellers Grove, Trucksville, has returned to her home after being a patient at Mercy .Hospital for six weeks. 3 Olie Harvey, Franklin Street, Dal- las, is still a patient at Nesbitt Hos- pital where he suffered a set back early in the week. He submitted to more X-Rays yesterday. Dr. and Mrs. F. Bud Schooley are enjoying a second honeymoon trip through the New England States in celebration of their wedding an- niversary. : Mrs. Edith Gibson, Mrs. George Norton's sister, is still at Nesbitt Hospital, where she was admitted two weeks ago with a broken hip. DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA ~ Purely Personal To Be Mr. and Mrs. Chase Road, announce the approach- |” Ann, to Robert A. Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Valley. Rev. Earl Cowden and Rev. | High School. William Hughes will perform the |ployed by Buxton’s Dairy in Tren- Saturday, | ton, N. J. where the couple will live. November 3, 3 p.m. in Huntsville | double ring ceremony, Married November 2 JANE ANN COOPER Robert Cooper, | Methodist Church. Albert D. Smith, Sweet | elect are graduates of Lake-Lehman Reception will follow at Top ing marriage of their daughter, Jane | Shelf, Harveys Lake. Both the bride and bridegroom- Mr. Smith is em- Library Book Club Hears Talk. “How To Find Your Forebears” Ralph Hazeltine, member of the Back Mountain Library Board, and authority on Back Mountain his- tory, was guest speaker at the first meeting of the Book Club held in the Annex on Monday. His talk centered around ways and-means of. finding your forebears and tracing your family tree. He concluded with descriptions of some of the New England towns he had visited recently in search of his forebears. Mrs, Mitchell Jenkins presided, Mrs. Warren Ungar reviewed new Maria Plans To Leave The Back Mountain Area “Going Out of Business Sale” will start at Maria's Apparel Shop, Main Street, Dallas, tomorrow when all merchandise will be priced at at- tractive prices. Sale will continue until everything is scold. Don’t’ miss these quality articles that can be yours for so little. Maria wishes to thank all the local people who were her customers while she was in Dallas. They were most kind and courteous when she came here as a sgranger. Unforeseen circumstances are forcing her to close her business. Susan Marie Griffiths Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Griffiths, for- mer Back Mountain residents, now of Mayflower Apartments, Little Falls, N. J. announce the birth of a daughter, Susan Marie, [September 1, 1962. There is another daughter, Donna Lynn, three years old. Mrs. Griffiths is the former Mary Joan Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Willams, Chase Road, Mr. Griffiths, with Becton-Dickinson Co., is son of Mr. and Mrs. Cedric Grif- fiths, Trucksville. Kathy Aston Mr. and Mrs. Carl Aston, Chase, announce the birth of a baby girl, Kathy, six pounds and eight ounces at General Hospital on September 13. [There are two other children, Dianne, ten, and Barry, four. Mrs. Aston is the former Leona Cigarski, daughter of Mrs. Charles Cigarski and the late Mr. Cigarski of Chase, Mr. Aston is employed by Chase Dairy. . Peter Garey, son of Mrs. James Garey, Harveys Lake, is stationed at Fort Sill Oklahoma, on the surveying team. He enlisted July 5 for, six months with the National Guard, Peter, 22, has a photo laboratory in Baltimore, takes movies of accidents, fire, races. Mrs. James Garey, at Harveys Lake for the summer, will return to her home in Baltimore September 29. Mr. and Mrs. Alden Dietz, Beau- mont, have returned from Berrian Springs, Michigan, where they en- rolled their daughter Carolyn as a freshman’ at Emmanuel Missionary College. Another daughter, Sally, is a‘ freshman at Blue Mountain Academy at Hamburg, Mrs. Emma Richards and James Bagrosky of Harrisburg, were week- end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alden Dietz, Beaumont. : r books on the Club shelves, Mrs. Charles. Frantz thanked Ralph for a set of rare books on Pennsylvania that he had given to the library. Tea was served by Mesdames James . Lacy, Lyman Lull, Alfred Boysen, Wiliam Brown . and Emil Bauman. Others present: Mesdames Fred Howell, A. L. Jones, Thomas E. Heffernan, Warren Unger, A. G. Rutherford, J. H. D. Ferguson, W. E. Mokychic, Robert Dolbear, Charles Hosler, Edgar Brace, G. C. Faust, Ornan Lamb, E. C. Norcross, Ralph. Hazeltine, Charles Frantz, Dana Crump, Burt Bryant, Russell Steele, Herman . Thomas, Homer Moyer, Louise Brown, Willard Sea- man, Jane Faust. Mrs. Fred Howell, mambership chairman, read names of new club members: Mesdames Donald Gund- rey, Thomas E. Williams, Alexander Innatt, Conrad Martin, James B. Post Jr., Lyle iSlaff, John Hoffman, Bruno Gruppo, John Newcomb, ‘Billy Hughes Is Two THE DALLAS POST, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1962 Neighborhood News And Notes Of Personal Interest Mrs. Alan Root Is Hostess At Shower A stork shower was held recently at the home of Mrs. Alan Root, Car- verton Road, ‘Trucksville, for Mrs. Marjorie Rambus, Kunkle. Hostesses were Mrs. Root and Mrs. Kenneth Franklin, Kingston. Lunch was served to the follow- ing: Mrs. Beulah Root, Mrs. Shirley | Barnard, Mrs. Lois Lamoreaux, Mrs. Lois Ruggerri, Mrs. Ruth Krupp, Mrs. Merrill Aus- tin, Mrs. Arlene Rambus, Mrs. Doris Rambus, Pat Rambus, Mrs. Irma Harding Mrs. Irma LaPorte, Mrs. Emaret Franklin, Jean Franklin and Marian Jolley. Marion G. Ruggles Goes To Bradford College Marion G. Ruggles, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Ruggles, Jr., of Haddonfield Farm, Dallas, will enter the freshman class at Bradford Junior College, Bradford, Mass., when the college opens for its 160th year on September 18. Bradford, founded in 1803 as a local educational acade- my, is now a two-year liberal arts college enrolling young women from all over the world. Miss Ruggles is a graduate of the Baldwin I3chool, Bryn Mawr. Her grandmother is an alumna of Bradford: Billy Hughes, son of Pastor and Mrs. William G. Hughes, Sweet Val- | ley observed his second birthday on September 14, with a small family party. Attending were the honoree’s grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Gilman, Wilkes-Barre, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hughes, Sr., Thomas Hughes, Jr., Ashley and Maureen Lee, Lee Park. Local Teachers Attend Honor Society Meeting First Fall meeting of Tau Chapter, Delta Kappa Gamma, the national honorary society of key women teachers, was a luncheon held at Bennett's Restaurant, Berwick Saturday, at one o'clock. William T. Swain, Jr., Adminis- trator of Presbyterian Homes of Central Pennsylvania, presented tHe group with his many interesting views on “Serving the Aged.” Back Mountain members who at- tend were: Oce Beryl Austin Pearl Averett, Adline Burgess, Lillian Burgess, Nora Dymond; Sarah Dy- mond, Arline Trimble; and Esther Saxe. Attend Comference Mr. and Mrs. Johnson C. Miers Shavertown attended The Wyoming conference on Membership and Evangelism at Sky Lake Winsdor, N. Y. Sept. 8th. Delegates from the Methodist Churches at Old Forge were sixteen, including the Miers. Retired Teachers A dinner meeting of the Retired Teachers Organization, Luzerne County, will be held in Hotel Ster- ling, October 6, at 1:00 P.M. Joseph Powell, principal of the Lafayette School, Wilkes-Barre, will Marie Duffy, R. L. Hogoboom, R. R. Steele, Marj Austin. be the speaker. EU ET TET EE TE ET EE TTT TTC LTT RCN TET New EEE EE EE EEC EL EE TE EI EET RP ENTREE SU gu METRECAL SOUPS ® Split Pea with Ham ~ ® Cream of Tomato '® Clam Chowder: HEAT & SERVE Evans Drug Store SHAVERTOWN OR 4-3888 new textures..... new colors..... FOR FALL! Headquarters For Best Dressed . Women in the Back Mt. ANN'S APPAREL MAIN ST. LUZERNE CEE CTE HEE EST EE ETT ERE EI RITE I Knits JOO ELC ETE CIEE EHEC FEL HC OER ETE HEHE ST CT EEE EHEC RE, Mrs. Arlene: Werts, | Celebrates MRS. JOHN CRISPELL Pictured above is Mrs. John Cris- pell, Noxen R.D. with three of her grandchildren, Douglas, Cathleen and David, children of Mr. and Mrs. Al- | bert Crispell of, Levittown, who help- ed her celebrate her seventy-sixth birthday anniversary August 10. The children’s dad is an administrator in | Levittown public school system. Mrs. Crispell, happy and well, leads a very active life. She runs her own home on the family farm, Buckwheat Hollow, in the summer, planting, picking and canning her own veg- etables, and moves in with her daughter, Mrs. Ernest Brown, Har- veys Lake R.D. 1 in the winter to help with the household chores while she teaches in the Beaumont Grade School. Mr. Crispell died five years ago. There are three living children, Mrs. Brown, Albert and Kenneth of Luzerne. A son, John died about twenty years ago, a daughter, Mrs. Leon Race more recently. In addit- ion to the above grandchildren, there are two Brown children, Albert and 76th Birthday And GRANDCHILDREN | Paul, two Races, Audrey, now Mrs. | Miner, and Beverly, and four of the Kenneth Crispell family, Carol, Ken Jr., Edith and Claude. Mrs. Crispell is an active member | | of the Bowman's Creek Eree Meth- | | odist Church. Happy birthday, Mrs. Crispell! LaBar Family Has Birthday Supper Party A surprise birthday supper was held by the LaBar family on Sep- tember 11 in honor of their mother on her 76th birthday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don LaBar. Pres- ent were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence LaBar and family, Mr. and Mrs. William LaBar and Susan, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis LaBar, Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald LaBar, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy LaBar and Jimmy, Mrs. William Simmons and children, Mrs. Albert Simmons and son, and the guest of honor, Mrs. Laura LaBar. SUBSCRIBE TO THE POST SECTION A—PAGE 5 other gifts - for, of all the presents she receives for nner new home, solid silver will be the most lasting. It will hold a place of honor among her possessions - be treasured through the years. Here, several suggestions. Payments may be arranged FREE PARKING for our customers FRANK CLARK 63 South Main Street Wilkes-Barre * ip REGISTERED JEWELER AMERICAN GEM SOCIETY Store hours daily 10:00 to 5:25 Thursday only 10:00 to 8:45 cs... "Globe COAT SPECTACULAR ONE THOUSAND!! 1000 S&H Green Stamps OF ANY COAT OR COATS PRICED AT JUST $32 4.99 WITH THE PURCHASE *YES, choose any misses, junior or half-size coat or car coat; infants’ or children’s coat, sno suit, coat set, jacket or car coats. BOYS OR MEN'S TOO! COMBINE any of these items to total $24.99 or more! *YES, you may , LAYAWAY any purchase for up to 2 weeks with a $10.00 down payment. 1000 stamps given to you when payment is completed. *YES, you select from a huge collec- tion of children’s and teen coats; cute snow suits and coat and legging sets and car coats for boys and girls. OFFER GOOD SOME chi nt ONLY THROUGH SAT., SEPT. 22 *YES, you may choose from hundreds of beau- tiful coats—the finest of wools, many with fur trims; in solids, checks, and plaids; dressy and casual styles. Sizes 8 to 18, 167, to 24. % Limit — One Offer Per Family YOU MUST BRING THIS ADVERTISEMENT OPEN THURSDAY and FIDAY NITES