The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, August 30, 1962, Image 16

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    ERR PE
Mrs. Donald Wall spent the week-
end with her husband in Newark,
N. J. :
Mrs. Hulda Peterson, Shaver-
town, visited her grandson Larry
Peterson this week..
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Yellitz, Wil-
liamsport, are spending their vacat-
ion with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Lyle Crispell and 1amily. Mr. Yellitz
is former superintendent ot the Nox-
en Tannery.
Leslie Kocher, Williamsport, spent
Wednesday evening here. His wiie
and son Jack returned with him,
after spending a few weeks at their
home in Noxen.
Mrs. James Berger, Gretchen and
Kurt, Buffalo, are wisiting Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Coole and tamuly. Peggy
Coole came home with tnem aster
a visit with the Berger family.
Mrs. Flora Bender, Philadelphia,
is spending ja few days with Mr. and
Mrs. Willard Bender.
Mrs. Ronald Hopter entered Gen-
eral Hospital as a medical patient on
Thursday night.
Stella Shook received word of the
death of her sister Mrs. Julia Scott,
Niagara Fails, on Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Shook and Mrs.
William Butler attended the funeral
on Monday.
. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Fish attended
a family dinner at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Peter Zurinski; Luzerne on
~ Sunday.
Noxen Methodist Sunday School
held their Sunday School picnic at
the Grove at Stull Bridge, on Satur-
W. S. C.. S. of Noxen Methodist
Church will hold a rummage sale at
Lare's Market, Luzerne, in October.
Date will be announced later. Any-
one having rummage to donate,
please contact Mrs. Dorothy French
or Mrs. Oscar Fish.
Sandra Engelmon and Connie |
Smith spent Friday in Bristol.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Winner spent
the weekend in Bristol, also called
on Mr. and Mrs. John Sabatini and
family while there.
Jane Cheadle returned to her home
in. Harrisburg after a visit here with
her grandmother, Mrs. Harry Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Lord spent Fri-
day visiting Mrs. Thomas Tompkins
at a hospital in Oneonta, N.Y. Mrs.
Tompkins is seriously ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Parr, Bristol,
spent the weekend with B.E. Engel-
Mr. and Mrs. Haarry Schwartz re-
ceived word on Saturday night of
the sudden death of Mrs. Edward
Bradbord, Mr. Schwartz's mother.
They left immediately after learning
the sad news. They were spending |
the summer with Mrs.
"Members of the staff of the Child-
ren’s Service Center and the child-
ren, Stull Road, will leave on Friday,
31st, for their residence in Wilkes- |
Barre .
- George Pellitieri, Trotton, IN. J.
came up on Tuesday for his wife who
had spent a week with Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Bigelow and daughter Virienne
who had spent five weeks with her
grandparents. Jan Bigelow, Shaver-
town, spent Friday with the Bigelows
Visitors at the Arthur Blizzards
this week were Mrs. Bruce Sutliff,
Brooklyn, N.Y. Mrs. Albert Granda
and Mrs. John Malloy of Wilkes-
Barre, Mrs. Marian Lasecki, Nan-
7 ticoke.
_ Richard Rauch and daughter, Re-
becca, Nacungie, Pa., spent the week
with his mother Mrs. G. H. Rauch.
. Mr. and Mrs. Egbert Traver, Belle
Gardens, Calif., returned to their
‘home on Wednesday after visiting
their many friends and relatives in
this area.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wesley, Jr.
‘and children, Donna, Wally and
Jeffrey, and Mrs. Florence Stevens
spent a week at Newport, Maine
visiting Mr. and Mrs, Dorne Wesley
‘and children, Ricky, Jennifer, Kent,
and Sue Ann. They also visited Mr.
and Mrs. Guy Tardy who are the
parents of Mrs. Dorne Wesley.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry LaBar and
children, Donna and Douglas, drove
‘her parents, Mr, and Mrs. H. E.
Payne to Pittsburgh to Misit their
sons, Harold, Earl, and Eugene and
their families, !
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Sorchik
“and children, Ricky, Scott, Lance,
and Gail, of Newton, N. J., spent
a week visiting his mother, Mrs.
Agnes Sorchik, and brother, Walter
‘Sorchik and niece, Marcia Sorchik.
. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Baer and chil-
dren, Billy, Diane and Cheryl
motored to Thousands Islands, St.
Lawrence Seaway and up thru
“Canada. On their return trip they
stopped at Rochester, N. Y., to visit
Mrs. Veneta Moyer and daughter,
and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Moyer
‘and son, |
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hummel,
Mr. and Mrs. John Boone and fami-
ly, and Mr. and Mrs. Jay Boone and
family visited Mr. and Mrs. Jerry
Boone of Eyers Grove.
Mrs. Della Dobson had as visitors
‘her cousins, Kenard Scott and two
sons of Springbrook, Pa.
Loyalville W.S.C.S. monthly meet-
‘ing was held at church hall, August
21. Mrs. Virgie Wolfe, a former
president presided. Present were;
Mrs. Martha Steinruck, Mrs. Martha |
“Swire, Mrs. Cora Dougal, Mrs. Josie
Hummel, Mrs. Virgie Wolfe, Mrs.
Diana Wegner and Bess Klinetob.
Mrs. Ottelia Titus had the follow-
“ing as guests recently, Mr. and Mrs.
~ William Christopher and son Jerry,
and Mrs. Marge Perry and son
‘Bobby, Philadelphia; ‘Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Worthy, Erie; Mr. and Mrs.
{Brady Walizer, Ashley; Mr. and
Mrs. Donald Walizer and son David,
Eglin Air Force Base, Florida,
Dorothy |
Mr. and Mrs. William Hackling,
Reading, spent the weekend with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Louise and Ann Huntsinger, Allen-
town, are visiting their grandmoth-
er, Mrs. J. E. Turrell.
Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler Hess were
called to Atlantic City on Thursday
by the illness of Elizabeth Thomas,
Mrs. Hess's sister.
Emory Newell and family have
moved from here to Dania, Florida.
John. Lyons, Dallas, has moved his
family into the trailer formerly oc-
cupied by the Newells.
Mrs. Ronnie Swingle has joined
her husband stationed at Fort Ben-
ning, Ga. She left by plane on
Tommy and Allan Keiper are
spending their vacation at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stredny
and family, Harveyville.
Carolyn DuBois, Oneonta, N. Y.,
is spending a week with Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Shalata.
Fred (Case is on the sick list at
his home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Loren Case spent
the weekend at the home of their
daughter, Mrs. Jack McGinley and
family, Newark, N. J.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vilasi and
children, Binghamton, spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Teddie
Mrs. Lee Wilson left on Saturday
to spend some time with her par-
ents in Pisa, Italy. She has been
in this country for two and one-half
Jackson Twp.
Mrs, Robert ' Sherwood has’ re-
turned home, having been a medi-
cal patient at Neshin Hospital last
week. © :
Mr. and ‘Mrs. Robert Scruitsky
returned after spending
several days at Atlantic City. Mrs.
Scruitsky is the Home Economics
teacher at Lehman High.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Pollock, Chase
Road, had as recent guests, their
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Mestel and daughter,
Sherry Yvonne, 9, of Long Island.
Mrs. Margaret Yascur is home
after ‘being a medical patient at
Nesbitt Hospital last week.
Wayne Hughes, Chase Manor,
and Joseph Houlette, New Goss
Manor, have returned after a few
days visiting friends at Long Port,
N. J.
Robert Wienicki hes returned to
Kromelbein-Ellis Families Hold
Largely Attended
The fourteenth annual Kromel-
bein-Ellis reunion was held at Me-
lody Park, August 12. The meeting
opened with Mrs. White leading in
prayer. Games were played and
prizes were awarded ‘to the follow-
ing: Oldest Gentleman — Henry
Kromelbein, Oldest Lady — Mrs.
Elizabeth Gilroy, youngest baby —
Billie Carey, largest family — Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Fine, youngest
married couple — Barbara and
Fred Hylton, farthest distance —
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Swank.
\ Officers elected were: President,
Mally Faltz, Vice President — Phyl-
lis Jones, Secretary — Ruth Wil-
liams, Treasurer — Ruth Evans.
Those present: Noxen Mr. and
Mrs. Loren Case; West Pittston;
George and Thelma Harmon and
Jacquelin, - Mrs. Alice Fine, Mrs.
Elizabeth Gilroy, Doris and Robert
Fine and Alice, Ruth, Rusty and
West Pittston: Mrs. Viola Thomp-
son, Jack Thompson, Kathryn
Carey, Louise Bachman, Mr. and
Harveys Lake
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Adams and
family, Detroit, have been spending
two weeks at the lake. Mrs. Adams
is the former June Kistler. They
will visit her brother William Kist-
ler in New York before returning
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Thompson and
Mrs. Erma Morris Forty-Fort,
visited Mrs. Florence Conden, Sun-
Jack Davis, eldest son of Mr. and
Mrs. Elwood Davis has returned
from Nesbitt Hospital. He was a
patient there for 3 weeks, ill with
Mrs. Jessie Beckerman, Kingston
spent Thursday and Friday with
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Armitage. On
Thursday all spent a pleasant day
with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lavelle
at Springville, R.D. 2,
Nancy Gebler has returned to her
home in Lansdale, after spending
the summer with her father and
brother, Paul and family.
Mrs. Mildred Garinger is im-
proving at Geisinger Hospital, fol-
lowing an operation,
his boat on the Great Lakes after
having a week’s vacation at home.
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Witek and
children are home after several days
at the seashore.
Postie Says:
We Sell
Sales Service
| coal So
Engineering Installations
Automatic Heat
Call OR 4-7781 For Your Free Home Heating Survey
SURVEYS Call OR 4-7781
66 Oxford Street
Lee Park, W-B
19¢ 2 Gal.
Asst. Flavors
Evans Drug Store
OR 4-3888
? 4
14th Reunion
Mrs. Ronald Dietrick and Sandra,
Mrs. Paul Clifford;
Scranton: Mr. Jay Parin; Ham-
burg: Miss Trevilla Dietrick; Phil-
adelphia: Miss Bertha Dietrick;
Wyoming: Mr. and Mrs. Eugene
Carey and Billie, Mr. and Mrs.
James Switzer and James Jr.;
Carverton: Mr. and Mrs. Ronald
Williams and Ronnie, James, Patty
and Fred, Mary Daley; Dallas: Mr.
and Mrs. William Carey; New
Jersey: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Swank;
Falls: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Evans
and Robbie; Wilkes Barre: Mr.
Henry Kromelbein, Mr, and Mrs.
Haydon Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Hylton, Mrs. Molly Faltz and Glen,
Mr. and Mrs. William Jones, Gladys
Ann and Glen, Michael Blagi.
Disque Family Meets
For F irst Time In Years
The Disque family of Pikes Creek,
coming from distant points were
able to be together last week-end,
the first time in many years. Ga-
thering at the family home, now
occupied by Ruth Disque and Mr.
and Mrs. John Cooney (the former
Barbara Disque) and family, were
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Disque, Con-
don, Oregon; Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Disque, and childen, Washington,
D.C; Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Disque,
Bennington, Vt.; Mr. and Mrs. Mau-
rice Seitz, Linda, Kevin, and Patty
Ann, Levittown, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs.
Lewis Disque, West Wyomissing,
Pa., their children, Luanne, Arthur,
and Craig; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dis-
que, Althea, Cindy, Shirley, Peggy,
Bobby, Lehman; Marion Disque,
Kingston; members of : the John
Cooney family, Helen, Cathy, Jim-
mie, Lewis, Tommy, Joe and Mr.
and Mrs. Gerald Wagner, Jr. Also
visiting with the family on Sunday
was their aunt, Mrs. Katherine Bal-
lantine, Sweet Valley.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Disque ac-
companied a troop of boy scouts to
Detroit, Michigan, flying home from
there in time to attend the former's
class reunion Saturday.
Extra Evening Buses
Two extra buses, five evenings a
week, are scheduled for Dallas by
Wilkes-Barre Transit, to accommo-
date shoppers who will take advan-
tage of Monday through Friday
evening hours in downtown stores.
Buses will leave Wilkes-Barre
Public Square for Dallas at 7:55 and
9:10 p.m.
Active people need energy-quick build
up! Only. this natural drink made from
tree-ripened orange juice refreshes, yet
replenishes needed vitamins! Of course, it’s
Hey, Kids!
We're Getting Gas Heat!
Now Daddy Can Make That Playroom In Our Cellar!
GAS HEAT costs less to install, operate and maintain! : ¢
Before you buy fuel or convert your heating equipment, be sure s fo
phone your Heating Contractor, Dealer, Plumber or Gas Company!
Brac 8 Sy AIER Company
In the BACK MOUNTAIN teléphone ENterprise 2-0668, TOLL
FREE for information and service,