The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, August 16, 1962, Image 5

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Purely | Neighborhood
Mrs. Sara Disque, Dallas;
John Funke with Sara Lee and
Henry, of Plymouth, recently re-
turned from six weeks in Europe,
sailing on the Queen Mary.
Mrs. Harry Harter, with grand-
children Jane Sally and Harry, of
Trucksville, recently took ‘the Circle
Tour by boat around Manhattan.
while in New York. they stayed at
the Commodore Hotel. \
Mrs. C. Roscoe Lee returned to
her home on Terrace Street, Dallas,
Tuesday after spending several days
at @Ssbitt Hospital where she was
taken by ambulance over the week-
end. i
Mary . Lou, Elaine and Audrey
Hunt, formerly of Pittsburgh, have
come to make their home with Mr.
and Mrs. Stuart Marks and fam-
ily, Lehman. The girls are cousins
of the Marks family.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Williams
and daughter, Sharon, formerly of
Vernon Road, Springfield, Pa., have
purchased and moved into a home
on Country Club Road. Mr. Williams
is a retired naval officer. Both ‘the
Williamses were residents of the
Back Mountain area about twenty
years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Walker
and family, former Kalamazoo resi-
dents, have moved to Meadowcrest,
Trucksville. They arrived in the
United States two months ago, after
spending three years in Spain. Mr.
Walker is a radar technician at Red
Mr. and Mrs. William Guyette,
Billy, Jeffrey, Mary Beth and James,
Pioneer Avenue, Trucksville, are
vacationing at North Lake.
Spending the summer at their
North Lake cottage are Mr. and Mrs.
PafLaux, Shavertown.
Tony Groblewski, son of Dr. and
Mrs.” E. A. Groblewski, Overbrook
Avenue, has returned to his home
after spending some time at Camp
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Dreher and
dayginters, Linda and Susan, Lynch-
burg, Va., spent last week at the
home of Mr. Dreher’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Dreher, Stafford
Street, Trucksville. 4
Mr. and Mrs. Loren W. Samsel,
‘Warren Drive, and granddaughter,
Lynn Hoeschele, Allentown; Mr.
and Mrs. Richard Morgan and
daughters, Janet and Peggy, Lu-
zerne, have returned home after
spending a week ‘at Camp Perry,
Port Clinton, Ohio, where Mr. Sam-
sel and Mr. Morgan competed’ in
the National Championship Rifle
M atches. ,
Mrs. Harold ' Lamoreaux and
daughter, Debbie, Mill Street, spent
a week with Mrs. Eugene LaVelle,
Pole 175, Harveys Lake.
Muriel Shaw, Shickshinny, re-
cently spent ‘the day with her sis-
ter rs. Alvin Long, Parrish Street.
Mr, and Mrs. Charles Hosler, Dal-
las, spent ‘the weekend in Penn-
ryn Pa. ;
rs. LaVerne | Race, Davenport
Street, who spent some time with
her daughter and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Douglas Robins, Edison, N. J.,
was accompanied home .by them.
Nancy, Carol and Mark are staying
the month of August with Mrs.
Race. During her stay in New Jer-
sey, Mrs. Race visited her sister
and brother-in~law, Mr. and Mrs.
Norman LoHouse, Buffalo, N. Y.,
and visited their son in Prince-
ton, N. J.
Mr. and, Mrs. David R. Davis,
Silver Springs, Md., are spending
some time with Mrs, Louise Brown,
Lake Street.” Mrs. Brown recently
visted them.
Street, is a patient at Nesbitt Hos-
pital. {
® and Mrs. Richard Disque and
Richard, Memorial Highway, spent
Sunday with Mrs. Disque’s sister
andgybrother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
G. © Pliess of Easton. 2
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Chilson and
Stanley have returned after spend-
ing some time in Italy.
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Wilson and
son were Sunday callers at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. William
Davis, Elizabeth Street. The Wil-
sons left for Mississippi on Mon-
Alfred G. Davis, Elizabeth Street,
is on a tour of the West. He ex-
pects to see the World's Fair and
then go on ‘to Texas.
Mrs. Emma Reese, Sweet Valley,
is spending some time in (Carbon-
© dale with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan York and
Ewart, Lancaster, are spending some
time with Mrs. York's sister, Mrs.
Louise Brown, Lake Street.
Mrs. Darwin Roberts, Davenport
Street; Hope Orchid, Noxen, and
Darwin Roberts, Wilkes-Barre, at-
tended the funeral of George Rob-
oY Wednesday in Corning,
N.¥Y. i
Eileen Rattigan, Cannonsburg,
Pa., is spending some time with
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Marley, Goss
Manor, and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ide,
Norton Avenue. :
oe |
Henry Welch, Davenport
‘Russell Thomases, Hosts
To Girl Scout Troop
Girl Scouts, Troop #27 spent
| a most enjoyable day recently as
| guests of Mr. and Mrs. Russell
| Thomas, Dallas, at their beautiful
‘summer home in the Poconos.
| Swimming, hiking, and games were
| enjoyed. It was not all work, as
one girl did badge work and others
discussed what they had accomplish
ed this summer. In the evening a
| cook-out was enjoyed followed by
birthday cake and ice cream in
honor of Sandra Tait's birthday.
Attending: Linda Howell, Patti
Larson, Carol Crawford, Nancy Co-
vert, Donna Smith, Miriam Mohr,
Debbie Savickas, Sandra Tait, Karen
Fisk, Wendy Slocum, also Mr! and
Mrs. John Savickas, Mr. and Mr.
Harvey Kitchen, Mr. and Mrs. Don-
ald D. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Thomas, Mrs. Allan J. Covert, Mr.
and Mrs. Edwards and family.
The girls would like to take this
opportunity to thank Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas for their hospitality.
Visit Parents Here
Mr. and Mrs. Alyn Sulyk and
daughter, Deborah Lee, were recent
guests of Mrs. Sulyk’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Fitser, Staub Road,
‘Trucksville, The Sulyks formerly
owned a home on Holly Street,
Trucksville. /
They have been living in Boston
for the past two years where Mr.
Sulyk is on the executive staff of
General Wholesale Supply Company
of New England. |
Wayne Kings Are
Hosts At Family Picnic
© Mr. and Mrs. John King and chil-
dren, Grace, Carol, Howard and
Robert, Chase, Md. spent a weekend
recently with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
King, Meeker. While there a family
picnic was held. Attending were,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ruggles, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Wadas and children
Brian, David, Frank, Jr., and Patt,
Shavertown; Mr. and Mrs. Donald
King and children Carol Donald,
Alan and Kenneth, Kunkle; and
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle King and chil-
dren Lyle Jr, Ellen, Mike, Barbara,
Rosemary and Susan.
Faith Elaine Edwards, former
Trucksville girl, bride-elect will be
guest of honor at a variety shower
given by Harriet McGavin at
Meshoppen on Sunday. Faith will
marry Philip White on October 20.
Mr. and Mrs. David Edwards and
daughter have moved from Nanti-
coke to a home they purchased at
Oak Hill. Mr. Edwards is claims
adjustor for General Motors.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde S. Taylor and
family have moved from Montours-
ville to 82 Sterling Avenue, Dallas.
Mr. Taylor is sales manager for
Kingston Provision Company. :
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Elicker, former
Dallas residents, now of the Phila-
delphia area, spent the weekend
with Jane's brother and sister-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Cheney, Cen-
ter Hill Road and visited other old
friends ,in the Back Mountain Area.
Their Carol will be married this
fall, Eddie has finished his second
year of college.
Mr. an Mrs. Donald Fossedol and
son, Gregory, Baldwin Street, will
spend some time touring Maine,
Canada, Minnesota and Wisconsin
where they will visit relatives.
Rick Drake, member of the 1962
‘class, Dallas High School, entered
the Air Force this week.
Herman Thomas, patient at Gen-
eral Hospital, is steadily improving.
John Rhodes, Harveys Lake, was
guest of honor at a lovely party on
Sunday when he celebrated his
seventy second birthday anniver-
Mrs. David Hess and Charlene
and David Jr., Eau Galli, Fla., flew
up July 6 to spend several weeks
with Mrs. Hess's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Raymond Malkemes, Shaver-
town. They will be here until Aug*
ust 26. pin
Mr. and Mrs. Basil Gydosh and
family, formerly of Wyoming, have
purchased and moved into a home
at Dallas R. D. Mr. Gydosh is as-
sociated with the Interstate Bakeries.
Sumner ‘Bachman, Upper De-
munds Road, is spending the week
with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and
Mrs. Lee Morris and family, Levit-
Mr. and Mrs. John [Dobinick,
Goeringer Ave., Shavertown, had as
weekend guests last week their
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. N. B. Flick and family, Cincin-
nati, © Ohio; alsg their daughter,
Kathy of Arlington, Va.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Risley,
Huntsville Road, had as weekend
guests their sisters, Mrs. C. A, Bos-
ton, Nicholson, and Mrs. Leighton
R. Scott, Easton. They came to
attend the Little League Baseball
Wyoming Seminary Day School
Pre-school for ages 3%, 4 and 5
Hours 10 am. to 2 p.m.
Payne Pettebone Heuse, Wyoming, Pa.
For further information, please call
Bu esas
Cletus L. Holcomb Sr.
Surprised On Birthday
Cletus L. Holcomb, Sr., Pikes
Creek, was pleasantly surprised on
Sunday, July twenty-ninth, when
relatives arrived with birthday
Attending were Mr. and Mrs.
Warren Hontz, Whitesboro, New
York; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hontz,
North Carolina; Mrs. Helen Meyers,
and daughter, Barbara, Forty-Fort;
Mrs. Clifford Hontz, and sister,
Marge Benscoter, Plymouth; Mr.
and Mrs. Cletus Holcomb, Jr. and
sons, Sandy and Gene; Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Wallace, Ronnie Hontz,
all of Sweet Valley, the honoree and
his wife, Mrs. Cletus Holcomb, Sr.
A nephew, Clifford Hontz, Plymouth,
who made his home with Mr. and
Mrs. Holcomb prior to his marriage,
was unable to attend.
Nelson Family Reunion
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nelson, John-
ny, Mark and Suzanne, Cincinnati,
Ohio, recently spent some time
visiting Mrs. Nelson's parents and
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Drake,
‘Woodlawn Drive. While in Dallas
a family reunion was held at Wil-
liam Nelson's, in Lancaster.
Present were Mr. and Mrs. Jack-
Nelson, Cincinnati, Ohio, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Drake, and Mrs. Bud
Nelson, Dallas, and Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Nelson, Lancaster, and all their
families. There were thirty in all.
Kenneth Conways, Guests
At Reunion Dinner
Ruth E. Lamoreaux and Mrs.
Bertha Anderson of Shavertown
gave a dinner Saturday in honor of
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Conway,
Maplewood, N, J. Other guests were
Carrie Brown, Kingston, and Lillian
Hildebrant of Dallas, During the
afternoon, old friends who called
upon the guest of honor included
Inez Downing Kresge and grandson;
Mildred Downing Major and grand-
daughter; Ethel Hadsall Keeler,
Dorothy Hadsall Bertram, Mr. and
Mrs. Stephen Johnson, all old
friends of the former Ruth Terry.
On their way back to New Jer-
sey, Mr. and Mrs. Conway stopped
at the old home of Mrs. Conway's
father and mother, Mr. and Mrs.
Chauncey Terry in Huntsville, saw
Mrs. Helen Neely Terry in Berwick,
and called on Mr. and Mrs. George
Lamoreux and Mr. and Mrs. Leon-
ard Derby:
Entertains Friends
Gladys Hummel, Harveys Lake,
entertained a number of friends at
a corn and fbarbecue roast last
Wednesday. Present were Margo
Davis, Elaine Swan, Carol Hadsel,
Ellouise Holmgren and Stella Fetch-
ko, all employees of Commonwealth
Telephone Company.
Tamara Sax
Mr. and Mrs. Maurio Sax, New
Rochelle, N. Y. announce the birth
of a daughter Tamara on July 19.
They also have a daughter, Athen.
Mr. Sax is a former resident of
Harveys Lake. He is presently a
member of the faculty of the New
Rochelle School System.
James P. Kostenbauder
Has Seventh Birthday
James Paul Kostenbauder cele-
brated his seventh birthday on Sat-
urday, friends joining him for games
and refreshments at the home of
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George
Kostenbauder, Dallas. Guests were
Fred and Bonnie Brokenshire, Car-
rie Lee, Brenda and Lois Roberts,
Kenny and Barry Miller, Grandma
Fennimore, sisters Georgeann and
Patty Lynn.
Shavertown Woman Heads
West Side Flower show
Marian Frantz, Shavertown, is co-
chairman of the 29th annual flower
show of West Side Flower Club to
be held at the Acme Auditorium,
Gateway Shopping Center August 17
and 18. Theme of the show is
“Garden Beauty at the Gateway’.
First, second, third and honor-
able mention ribbons will be
awarded for ‘annuals, flowering
shrubs, vines, chrysanthemums,
lilies and house plants.
Tabloids - Circulars
Try The Post Offset
Miss Nancy L. Brown Becomes
Bride Of Ensign Frank DeGrace
The Papal Blessing was bestowed
at the wedding of Nancy Lee Brown,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren
Brown, 23 N. Church St., Cortland,
N. Y., and Ensign Frank Louis De-
Grace, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter
DeGrace, also of Cortland, Saturday,
August 4th, at 11 AM.
The Rev. Carl J. Denti, pastor,
celebrated the Nuptial Mass and of-
ficiated at the double ring service
in St. Anthony's Roman Catholic
Church before an altar banked with
white gladioli and pom pons. The
bride was given in marriage by her
father. {
Mrs. Marian Tucci was organist
and also sang
and “The Lord’s Prayer”.
Calabre sang “Ave Maria,
The bride wore a chapel-length
gown of pure silk organza and re-
embroidered Alencon lace. The bo-
dice was fashioned with pleated
sculptured neckline of organza and
lace trimmed with iridescent ‘se-
quins and seed pearls and the bouf-
fant skirt featured lace appliques
and side and back drape ending in
sweeping train.
The bride's pure silk illusion veil
was attached to a crown of seed
pearls and aurora borelis stones en-
hanced with pearl tear drops. Her
only jewelry was a pearl necklace,
a gift from the groom. She carried
orchids and stephanotis on a prayer
book. ’
Eleanor (Garbay, Elmira, was maid
of honor. She chose ballerina-
length gown of shrimp-colored pure
silk organza over taffeta with
scoop meckline, short sleeves,
draped waistline enhanced with
bows, and a belle-shaped skirt. She
had a matching headpiece and car-
ried a Colonial bouquet of rosebuds
and carnations to match her gown.
Similar gowns and matching
headpiece in turquoise were worn
by bridesmaids, Phyllis Brown, sis-
ter of the bride, and Charlene Flag,
cousin of the bridegroom, both of
Cortland. They carried Colonial
bouquets of rosebuds and carna-
“Panis Angelicus’’|
Flower girl, sister,” Cheryl Lynn
| Brown, wore floor-length gown of
white silk organza with puff sleeves
and turquoise sash and bow. She
had a matching head piece and
carried a white nylon basket filled
with rose petals. Robert Mac-
Henry, cousin of the bride, of Corut-
land, was ring bearer.
Charles DeGrace, Cortland, served
as [best man for his brother, Robert
MacHenry and Tony Zerillo, both of
Cortland, as ushers.
For his daughter's wedding, Mrs.
Brown chose a dress of light blue
brocade with cone-shaped skirt and
white accessories. The bridegroom’s
mother wore a sheath dress of wil-
low green organza with beige ac-
cessories. They had orchid cor-
The wedding was followed by a
reception in the San Rocco Lodge
with music by Lloyd Herholdt and
his orchestra. The four-tiered wed-
ding cake, made by the groom’s
uncle, Lou Natale, was topped with
revolving musical ornament, a trel-
lis with a miniature bride and
groom. [For her going away outfit,
the bride selected three-piece beige
suit with white accessories and an
orchid corsage. Ensign and Mrs.
DeGrace are residing in Ranier, Md.
The bride is a graduate of
Thomas A. Edison High School, El-
mira Heights, and was employed by
the New York Telephone Company,
Cortland. Ensign DeGrace was
graduated from (Cortland High
{School and received his bachelor’s
degree in engineering from Syra-
cuse University. He is stationed in
Washington, D.C., with the U.S.
Coast Guard.
As bride-elect, Mrs. DeGrace was
honored at many showers, given by
friends and relatives. A rehearsel
party was given by the groom's par-
ents at their home.
Mrs. DeGrace is the granddaugh-
ter of, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Mac-
Henry, of Orange and Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Brown, Sweet Valley, former
Dallas residents.
Miss Helen Long Is Honored
At Bridal Variety Shower
Mrs. Robert Lamoreaux, Chase;
Dorothy Long and Mrs. Carl Har-
rison, Sweet Valley, entertained at
a variety shower Saturday, August
4, at the Harrison home in honor
of Helen Long, daughter of ‘Mr. and
Mrs. Simon Long, Mooretown. Miss
Long will become the bride of David
Blaine, son of Mrs. Clara Blaine,
Nanticoke, at the Assembly of God |
Church, Mooretown, September 15.
A color motif of pink and blue
was carried out. Favors were small
glass ashtrays holding mints and
chocolates, ‘Thank ‘you’ notes
were also on the favors. Mr. Blaine
presented his fiancee with a cor-
sage of’ pink gladiolus.
Games were enjoyed and lunch-
eon served to Mesdames Simon
Long, Lulu Harrison, Robert Lam-
oreaux, Irene Maransky, Teresa
Roman, Gertrude Roman, John Mec-
Cloy, Edna Cragle, Bonnie Brader,
Mary Ann Meade, Dot Gross, Ruth
Gross, Robert Cotterman, Claire
Spock, Delores Blaine, Mary Jane
Long, Grace Eckert, Louise Eckrote,
Elizabeth Scott, Jeanne Cragle, Ed-
na Long, Stella Kittle, Arlene Ad-
ams, Claire Fine, Betty Eckrode,
Wilda Lamoreaux, Jimmy and Dor-
othy Long, Joan Harrison.
Sending gifts but unable to at-
tend were Mesdames Samuel Kittle,
Bruce Varner, Helen Kosakowski,
Lois Cultevicz, Ethel Noss; Mr. and
Mrs. William Hunter, Eric Noss.
The bride-elect received lovely
Born in Tripoli, Africa,
August 9, Pamela Ann Fowler is
the second grandchild that Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Kingston of
Dallas have never met. They
are acquainted with Sammy J.
Fowler Jr., now 4, but not with
Jackie Sue, 2. Staff Sergeant
and Mrs. Samuel J. Fowler ex-
pected the mews of Pamela’s
birth to be transmitted by air,
but the first news came Mon-
day by letter. Pamela weighed.
in at the Base Hospital at seven
pounds three and one half
Mrs. Fowler is the former Jac-
queline Kingston. The new
baby has two greatgrandmo-
thers, Mrs. William Philpotts of
Laurel Run, and Mrs. Samuel
J. Traher of Forty Fort.
The name of Sharon Samuels
was inadvertently omitted from the
list of Rainbow Girls who received
the coveted Grand Cross Of Color
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Law, Jack- |
son Street, Dallas, have announced
the birth of a daughter at Wyoming
Valley Hospital on August 7.
will be open AUG. 20
2% : Proprietor
TR diene cote edited ce de Ahi hated dh tht chthonic
Mrs. Lela Bulford Is
Hostess To Democrats
Lake Democratic Women’s Club
met at home of Mrs. Lela Bulford,
August 6. Next meeting to be held
at home of Mrs. Jennie Seltz, Sep-
ember 10. Present were: Mesdames
Cora Hoover, Ann Kyttle, Mary
Nienius, Leona McHugh, Elsie Pan-
iczko, Jennie Steltz, Betty Davis,
Dolores Sorber, Betty Smith, Lela
Bulford and Janice Hoover.
Entertains Club
Mrs. Jeff Wagner, Fernbrook en-
tertained her card club on Thurs-
Present were: Mesdames Ernest
Reese, Edwin Lumley, Larry New-
hart, Floyd Pope, Wilson Honey-
well, Victor Borzone, Philip Pope,
and the Hostess.
John E. Space Reunion
Sixth annual reunion of the John
E. Space family was held recently
Mrs. Allen Brace, Richard, Donald,
at Melody Park. Present: Mr. and
Dale, Wendy, Kunkle, Mr. and Mrs.
James Spare, James, David, Pomp-
ton Plains, N. J., Mr. and Mrs. Clif-
ton Poff, John, Bellville, N. J., Mrs.
William Space, Jerry, Levittown,
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Space, Brenda,
Madlyn, Karen, Frank, Nutley, N. J;
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Space, Vicky,
New Milford, Mrs. Gershom Hoyt,
Shirley, Jeffrey, Kingston, Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Pramick, Joseph Jr.,
Debbie, Mrs. Ellen Space, Shaver-
St. Ann's Alumnae
Sponsor Card Party
St. Ann’s Alumnae Association
will sponsor a card party September
11, 8 p.m. at American Legion
Home, North River Street, Wilkes-
Barre. Reception committee will
consist of all past presidents of the
alumnae. This is the only fund
raising event planned by the alum-
nae during ‘the year.
A mink trimmed. cashmere swea-
ter will be awarded.
William Drabicks, Hosts
At Surprise Party
A surprise party for Mrs. Marion
(Harrison) Glenright, Binghamton,
was given by Mr. .and Mrs. William
Drabick, Meeker on Saturday even-
ing. Attending were, Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Wolfe and Letha Wolfe, Mr.
and Mrs. John Rebennack, Carrie
Wolfe, Lillian Hildebrant and James,
George Weintz and Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Davenport, Mr. and Mrs. Rus-
sell Ide and Grace.
Grandma Dilg, Hostess
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Woolbert, Main
Street, ‘[Shavertown, had as week-
end guests their daughter and son-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James White
of Carlisle and Mrs. Mary McGough
of New Britain, Conn.
Mrs. McGough and Mrs. Dilg (Mrs.
Woolbert’s mother who lives with
her) have been close friends since
they were three years old. They are
now eighty two and in excellent
health. : .
When Grandma Dilg and Aunt
Mame start talking about “old times’
the most fascinated listeners are the
teenage Woolbert daughters who get
a delightfully graphic picture of how
life was to youngsters growing up
before the turn of the century.
Mrs. Peter Gallagher and daughter,
Helen, Wilkes-Barre, spent the week-
end as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ted
Woolbert, Shavertown
Mrs. Tom Hillyer returned to her
home on Machell ‘Avenue Saturday
after spending a, week at General
Hospital submitting to tests. She is
feeling better.
Georgeanne Welch, Davenport
Street, is a patient at Nesbitt Hos-
Howard W. Risley, publisher of the
Dallas Post, and Jim Lohman, sports
editor, are attending the Little Lea-
gue baseball game at Medford, Mass.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Morlot, form-
erly of Wyoming R.D., and daughter,
Claire DeWolfe and granddaughter,
Nanty, who were patients in Poly-
clinic Hospital Harrisburg following
an automobile accident on August 3
have been removed by plane to
their home 3611 Oates Drive, Raleigh
N.C '
Mrs. Helen Hart and son, Bill and
family of Rochester are spending the
week with Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Monk, Shavertown. The. Harts are
former Dallas residents.
Bob Ashman, Cities Service Gas
Station,is back on the job after being
ill at Nesbitt Hospital for ten days.
Cards have been received from
Mrs. Thomas S. Pesikey, the former
Grace Ann Bachman, saying that
she and her husband have finally |
arrived in Florida after spending
sometime with Lt. Pesikey’s folks in
Memphis. Their new address: 15332
Lincoln Drive, Leisure City,” Home- |
stead, Fla. Homestead is where the |
Londons and Heitsmans have their |
green wrapping tomato business in |
the winter. A |
@® Furniture
@ Household Items
@® Produce
i A << << << > << <I << <I ED a << <I <<
AUGUST 18—2 P. M.
® Baked Goods
@ Refreshments
@® Games for Children
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert N. Carpen-
ter, Harveys Lake, celebrated their
fiftieth wedding anniversary with
a family dinner arranged by their
twin daughters, Sunday, August 5.
Mrs. Carpenter is the former
Miriam Jones, daughter of the late
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Jones of Ed-
wardsville, Mr. Carpenter is son
of the late Mr. and Mrs E. J. Car-
penter, N. Washington Street,
Wilkes-Barre. The ceremony was
performed at the home of the bride
by the late Dr. T.C. Edwards, Kings-
ton, then pastor of the Edwards
Memorial Church, Edwardsville,
August 7, 1812. Attendants were
Jennie Jones Rees, sister of the
bride of Clarks Summit, and Ira
Harlos, Philadelphia.
Mr. Carpenter, employed at the
time of marriage by E. T. Long,
left the valley in 1911 to join the
Kresge Company, first in Detroit,
later in Huron, Mich, and Youngs-
town, Ohio. Their son, Gilbert W.,
5 pm. t
Hostesses at the Post home will
Diffendafer at the Jacobs
Mesdames Leonard Craig, Paul
Besecker, Ned Hartman,
Rogers; at the Ruckno home, Mes-
Myron Williamses Hosts
At Family Reunion
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Williams,
Harveys Lake, entertained recently
at g family reunion. Present were
Tech. Sgt. and Mrs. Dennis S. Dobi-
| nick, Barbara, Barney, Kelly and
Vicki of Syracuse, N. Y., Mrs. Ellen
Kinney, Wyoming, Mr. and Mrs.
Norbert Flick, Sack, Alice, Sally,
Mary Ann and Katey, Cincinnati,
0., Kathy, Dobinick, ‘Arlington, Va.,
Mr. and Mrs, John Dobinick, Mrs.
Lewis Sax, Sandra, Denna and
Linda, Shavertown, Patty, Sudy,
Tommy Williams.
Walter Chamberlain Jrs.
Entertain At Picnic
lain, Jr. entertained at a picnic
recently. Present were Mr.
Mrs. Arthur Nuss and David, Mrs.
Nusses’ sister and children, Colora-
do, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Prutzman
and Daniel, Mr. and Mrs. William
Simms and Greg, the Chamberlains
and Buddy and Bunney Chamber-
lain. The Nusses will move shortly
to Pulaski, New York and the
Prutzmans will move to Danville
about October 1.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Chamber- |
and |
at the Liebowitz home, | : n
Mesdames David Alderson, James along with a map showing direc-
Bernard | tions to the homes.
Lauer, Robert Rave and Richard | refreshments.
was born in Huron.
Later the Carpenters returned to
the valley and rejoined th Long
Company, Mr. Carpenter retired
eight years ago. The couple has
resided at the Lake since 1940.
' There are living only the twins,
Mrs. Mary C. ZXrauss, Hasbronck
Heights, N. J., and Mrs. J. H.
Mitchell, Syracuse; six grandchil-
dren and one great-grandchild.
‘At the anniversary dinner were:
Mrs. Krauss, son Roland, daughter
Miriam Sue; Mrs. Mitchell, John,
Jr.;; Mrs. G. W. Carpenter, Beth
Ann, Helen, Mrs. Norma Williams,
Kingston; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Jones, Wilkes-Barre; Mrs. J. A.
Reese, Clarks Summit; Mr. and Mrs.
A. J. Navecarrow, Herkimer, N. Y.;
He died in
D. Jones, Cincinnati; Mrs. W. D.
Hurn, Karen, Paul, Seven Mile,
The guests of honor received
lovely gifts.
Hostesses For House Tour
Announced By Junior Club
Twenty five members of Dallas |dames Joseph Balavage,
Junior Woman's Club will act as | Barry, Kenneth Kirk, Phillip Wal-
hostesses at the six Back Mountain | ters, Fred Templin; at the Gundry
homes to be open for the house tour | home, Mrs. Dean Johnson, Mrs. Clif-
on Sunday, September 9, 1 until | ford Parker, Donna Labar; at the
Gunning summer home, Mesdames
Joseph Borton, club president, John
be Mrs. Thomas Decker, Mrs. John Culp, tour chairman, Edward John-
s home, | son, James Huston, Ronald Ruston.
Mrs. Charles Smith is chairman of
Tickets can be pur-
club member,
chased from any
Karen Marascio Is
Surprised On Birthday
Karen Marascio walked into a
surprise party on Saturday, when
friends appeared for her twelfth
birthday an hour after she returned
from spending two weeks at Little
Flower Camp. Mr. and Mrs. Bruno
Marascio arranged for friends to
gather at their home on Birch Lane.
Guests were Patty Daley, Jane and
Anne Gallagher, Emily Botsford,
Judy ‘Shonk, Kathie Cashman and
Anne Marie “Gallagher. Present al-
so were brothers James and Danny
Nineteenth Annual
September 10 and 11
11:00 a m to 10:00 p am
Snack Bar and Dinner
Admission 75¢
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RRA ih Wl abet A
News And Notes Of Personal Interest
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Carpenter
Celebrate Fiftieth Anniversary
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