Ne YL, SB de a a le Ze te SECTION A — PAGE 6 Eight Weeks On Missils FORT SILL, OKLA. Army Pvt. Danie] J. Stasis, son of bat training at Fort Gorflon, a and Mrs. Grandview Ave., Fy completed | | School, eight weeks of Corporal Mr. (AHTNC)— | . sile Center, Fort Sill, Okla. | Stasko entered the Army February and received basic training at The Artillery and Mis- | sity. THE DALLAS POST, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1962 us] Hundred And Ten Attend Seventh Stasko, | A 1958 graduate of Dallas High | the 21-yer-old soldier at | } missile | | tended Pennsylvania State Univer- | Seventh reunion of the Oney | family was Held Saturday, July 14, at Hanson's Park, Harveys Lake, 1: 3. 3. Postie Says: It’s as easy as 1.2.3 to order your coal from Postie! Call VA 5-3401—Your Credit is Good. Give your Name, Address and how mich coal you want. All the coal you need is put away for you : . . at our Low Summer Price. No Money Down—No Interest Charge —10 Months to Pay. ACT NOW! J. B. POST CO. OR 4-7T181 GLEN ALDEN COAL with 110 in attendance. Ray Oney, president; presided. | Minutes of “the last meeting were | read and approved. Officers elected { were; president, Ray Oney; vice- | president, John Gallagher; secre- | tary, Bertha Oney; treasurer, Mari- on O'Dell. Births reported: Frederick Thomas | Oney, Jr. September 29, 1961, par- {ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick | Thomas Oney, Sr.; Andrew Frede- | rick Harrison, October 21, 1961, son | of Mr. and Mrs. William Harrison. || No marriages or deaths were re- | ported. | Gifts * were given to oldest mar- ‘ried couple, Mr. and Mrs. Marcus | Oney of 55 years, o of Endicott, N. Y. ANUPIA 9 SEEQ Uf SIREN dng PV [IV uf ‘bp jsndny “Lepage. ySNOIqE SANIT PV SIE uJ S00ug MARVEL (Ya Gallon) Now ! IT'S HERE! AtP’s Own Brand of INSTANT TEA Thrifty does it with AsP's new Our Own Instant Tea! Dissolves instantly in hot or cold water, éither Yor! Try it! A Real Money Saver! Oney Family Reunion At Hanson's Latest married couple, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Oney, 3 months, Shaver- town. Largest family, Mr. and Mrs. Olin Wickham, Benton. baby, David Wickham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Olin Wickham. Family traveling farthest, Mr. and Mrs. Asa Wickham, Romery, West Virginia. Committees appointed were: En- tertainment and games, Betty Str- zelezyk, Marion O'Dell, Mattie Cas- terline, Norma Small, Irene Kocher. Get meat for dinner: Marcus Oney; Reserve tables, Bertha Oney. Present were: Noxen; Milo Oney, and Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Kocher; Harveys Lake: Mrs. Chester Strzel- czyk, Sharon, Linda, and Gary. Mrs. Bertha Oney, Rebecca and Eunice. Mrs. Mattie and Na- thaniel Casterline; Shavertown: Mr. Casterline, Youngest | and Mrs. Fred Oney, Danny and der; Scranton: Mrs. Freddy, Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Dell, | Stage, Mrs. John W. Omney; Endi- Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Small, Mary | cott: Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Oney, Mr. and James, Amos Oney, Mr. and and Mrs. Ivison Oney; Endwell, Mrs. Thomas Oney; IN Y.: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Oney, Mrs. Kingston: Clarence Oney, Clar- | Jeanette Oney, and Karen, Mr. and ence Oney Jr.; East Stroudsburg: | Mrs. Earl Northrup and Bob; Mrs. Edith Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Earl |Apalachin, N. Y.: Mr. and Mrs. Ron- VanWhy, Mr. and Mrs. James | |ald Oney, Pattie and George; Port Smith, Dorotha and James, Mrs. | Crane, N. Y.: Mrs. Frank Swavoli, Clarence Plattenburg, Josephine, | | Joan, Joanne, Frank, Wayne; Beth- Carol and George; Stroudsburg: Mrs. | |lehem: Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pop- Jesse Oney, Lewis Oney, Mrs. lasky, Mrs. Caroline Sanborn, and Francine Lutzins, and sons, Mrs. | | Rose; Mrs. Susan Wickham, Susan Paul Labar and boys; Wilkes-Barre: ‘and Julie Sonny and Mary Ann Mrs. Elsie Petrillo, Rosemary, Flor- Nanjuivski; Florida: Blaine Oney. rie, Mrs. Jean Macri, Robert, i a KING REUNION Joseph, Ann Marie, Donald, David d Attending the King Reunion at and" Jean; West Virginia: Mr. an Mrs. Fred Miller; Benton: Mr. and | the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Asa Wichkam, Terrylynn and | Mrs. Olin Wickham, Peggy, Paul, | | Morris King at Sonestown, Sullivan Norma, Helen, ‘Jim, Bob, Eddie, | County, July 15, were 116 members. David; | - Prizes of one silver dollar were Binghamton, N. Y.: Mr. and Mrs. given to several guests, among them John Gallagher, Mrs. Lillian Hart, Sgt. Walter King and Family from Belle, and Louise Sears, Margaret | Kentucky, who came the farthest and F rederick Owens, Sonny Sny- | distance; Walter King’s baby Mich- Blanche: Oney | ae], weaksiold, the youngest; Wal-" | __DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA | ter's father, Ralph Ww. King, 83 years old last April, the oldest. The largest family present was that of Ralph King; married the longest: were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph King, 56 ‘years; Mr. and Mrs. R. E. King, fifty-third anniversary; most descendents, the Ralph King family. Present were Mr. and Mrs.. R. E. King, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. King, Mr and Mrs. Joseph King, ‘Mr. and Mrs. Robert King, Mr. and Mrs. Mor- ris King, David Williams, Mrs. John Oliver, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Lipp, Mr. and Mrs. John Metzger, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Metzger and Bonnie; Mr. and Mrs. William Walter, Betty and Krista; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest King, M/Sgt.” Walter R. King, his wife Betty; children Donna, Connie, Ralph W., and Michael Edward. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Reilly, Tommy and Patricia; Mr. and Mrs. James Magee, Sam and Jim; Mrs. Mary King Stanko and Joanne; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bradley, odé, Den- mY and Suzanne; Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Parks, Mr. and Mrs. John L. King, Suzanne, David and Vicki. Mr. and Mrs. John L. King, John- ny, Sheila, and Alex; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wandall, Bobby Randy; Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Sitler; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bedford, Debby, Wendy and Sammy; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woodhead, Bobby, Jackie, Mark and Hally; Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. Bryek, Mrs. William Albeck; Mrs. Sprnger. Mrs. Thedore Houseknecht, = Mr. and Mrs. Henry Little, Mr. and Mrs. James Devereaux ‘and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. . Arley Day; Frank Woodhead. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hild with five children; Jeanne Metzger; Mrs. Sally Covert Young and Don- na; Robert Metzger. Wedding Invitations Birth Announcement At The Dallas Post A:P’s TREMENDOUS SELECTION OF DEPENDABLE AND THRIFTY VALUES IS... CONTINUE SAVING YOUR YELLOW GASH Register Tapes FROM YOUR A&P SUPER MARKET Dallas FOR VALUABLE FREE PREMIUMS ASSORTED. FLAVORS SPECIAL SALE! tastes great = 69¢ IONA YELLOW CLING PEACHES 4 SUNNYBROOK MEDIUM SIZE . Fresh Eggs 279: CHEDDAR CHEESE... 53¢c *65¢ (SLICED OR HALVES) 1-Lb. 13-Oz. Cans MILD CRESTMONT (2 Gallon) 99° ANN PAGE SPARKLE ANN PAGE iid 6-1 Thrifty way to refresh family thirsts! Get a few packages of your favorite flavors to make pitchers of drinking Pleasure! Enjoy Good Taste-Beonomize, Tow, With Ann Page Fine Foods! With Tomato Sauce or Boston Style SPECIAL! 3 1-LB., 15-OZ. plane ves i By Ne A re US ie se a8 ateTe 4 va ete aCe e wines eT ater TEER s AMA Ts Te Ta Tae Tete Ta Ta tata Te oT Ta Tate Ta Tate atu Ta tate atu tata a TT Te Pl 0 . . GRADE "A" SHARP What s Good and and Thrifty for Meals? Jane Parker Baked Foods! JANE PARKER FLAVOR, resh-ground flavor you cant get in Juicy slices of orchard-ripe apples, delectably seasoned a | inside a flaky light crust. Enjoy this fine pie — save cash, too! JANE PARKER CRESCENT Pound Cake Sas 39° The minute you taste it you'll know that nothing but the best ingre- dients go into the making of this fine pond cake! Save on your choice! JANE PARKER PLAIN Raisin Bread = Good-tasting bread with plump ’n’ sweet raisins distributed generously throughout the loaf. Extra savings on A&P’s special low price, too! SAVE 10c — SPECIAL! 3 ; baked 1-LB., 8-OZ. SIZE 15-0Z. SAVE 10¢ — SPECIAL AnN pace RED Kidney Beans >: £1 p : JANE PARKER SPECIAL OFFER! CANS ANN PAGE T-LB. AAY: ; Deliciously cooked in ‘seasoned tomato sauce. . . or ‘prepared in Pp G J _ equally good-tasting Boston Style! Big, BIG VALUE at A&P! Ure rape ail SPECIAL! : SPECIAL! ANN PAGE QUART sortie - 3 = = 2 PB¢| 9:29 White Vinegar PKGS. PKGS. pi a ANN PAGE Stock up. on a rainbow-bright selection of delicious fruit ve gelatins—and save on A&P’s special low price for both sizes. ic ling pice 4-07, CHOICE OF FLAVORS! : ANN PAGE Witole Cloves 15 PROVES fine foods Meant Ge we 3: or wi oy cE a) &e Hou lovsekes Ping Lag SEMENT 0 nesunn 10 OX od ag rani SAVE 4c — SPECIAL! Cinnamon Rolls 35° MARVEL. : JANE PARKER FRANKFURTER OR SANDWICH ROLLS 9.52 37, Pkg. Of 8 JANE PARKER ICED GOLD, COCONUT AND CHOCOLATE SAVE 4c — SPECIAL! ~ Hot or iced . .. There's nothing like the flavor of | fresh-ground coffee! That's why A&P whole-bean CUP CAKES Cc BOX C SPECIAL! OF 10 OFFER PACKAGES | (PACKAGE... 10c) MILD & MELLOW EIGHT O'CLOCK COFFEE OAS, Coffee is never ground in some far-off factory. You see your freshly-roasted A&P whole-bean Coffee ground for your Coffeemaker right in the store . . . the only way to give you big, fresh, wonderful COFFEE MILL FLAVOR... fresh ground flavor you can’t get in a can. Enjoy it hot or iced! 4 50 . . a can! Fhe RICH. & FULL-BODIED RED CIRCLE 3-1b. Bag *L.71 VIGOROUS & WINEY BOKAR 1-1B. BAG * = 1-1B. BAG 3-Lb. Bay *1.83 Terry, Sherrie, and Michael; Mr. and 25¢ A nis, Patrica, Catherine, Terry and ¥ 'Bill; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fenster- Dennis Bender ad Kim; Mr. ad Mrs. B