The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, August 02, 1962, Image 5

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Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Cooper and
Doug, who have been living in
Tunkhannock for the past several
| years, have moved into the Titman
apartment, 27 Main Street, Dallas.
Mr. Cooper is owner of Forty Fort
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Way and
family, former residents of Wyo-
ming, Del, have purchased and
moved into a home at 153 Cedar
Avenue, Shavertown. Mr. Way is
associated with the Penn State Uni-
versity center.
Mr. and Mrs. George Jenkins,
Lehngzn Avenue, Dallas, moved yes-
terda¥; to Bristol, R. I., where Mr.
Jenkins is general secretary of the
Bristol Y.M.C.A. The Jenkinses are"
native New Englanders.
Agnes Sidorek, Roushey Street,
Fernbrook, had as weekend guest
Leona T. ISchwartz of Main Street,
Shavertown. ?
Mr. and Mrs, William Welsh and
three month old Jean have moved
from Maplewood Avenue to second
floor apartment. at 130 ‘Lehman
Avenue, Dallas. 2
William Shelley White, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Wiliam Shelley White
of Dallas R. D. 4, was/ honorably
| discharged from the United States
Army on Wednesday. For the past
year he has been stationed at Fort
Hood, Texas. His wile is the former
Josephine Geamber of Kingston.
Carl Daubert, Jr., Bob Fletcher
and Mrs. Theodore Newcomb, all of
Dallas, spent a few days in Hart~
ford, Conn., recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Moen and
children, Suzanne and Barbara, of
Huntsville Road, recently returned
from Greenlawn, L. I, where they
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Willis
Netter and family, former Wyoming
Valle residents.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Pettoric,
‘Bloomfield, N. J., spent a few days
with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Daubert,
Dallas, recently.
Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Williams and
Carol Ann Williams, Parrish Street,
recefily spent the day in Allentown,
whete they visited Janice Knopper.
Janice and Carol were roommates
while trainees at Pennsylvania Re-
thabilitation Center in Jenkintown.
John 0. Strong, Elmira, recently
spent the day with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. F. D. Reese, Sweet Valley.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Davis and
family, Parrish Street, and Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Davis, Davenport Street,
are spending some time in Ontario,
Canada, Niagara Falls and Buffalo,
Mr. and Mrs, William Moyer and.
Bob, Schuylkill Haven, are spend-
ing some time with friends and rela-
tives in Dallas,
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rodgers,
Plainfield, N. J., spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ide.
ind Mrs. Harry Stewart, Nor-
wood, recently visited Mrs. LaVerne
Race, Davenport Street. i;
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brown, Sweet
Vall, left on Tuesday for Cortland,
N. Y., where they will attend the
' wedding of their granddaughter,
Nancy Brown, former Dallas resi-
dent. The wedding will take place
on Saturday at 11 a. m. in St. An-
thony’s Church,
Mrs. Goldie Ide, Parrish Street,
entertained her card club Wedns-
day. Present were Mesdames Mabel
Davis, Marge Adametz, Ruth Owens,
Gertrude Harmond, Ann Alt and the
‘Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Trammell,
Dallas R. D. 3, have announced the
birth of a baby girl at Nesbitt Hos-
~ pital on July 24.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Tkach,
Goss Manor, have returned from
Seattle where they visited their
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs stephen Tkach Jr. and family.
They also attended the World's Fair.
Mr. and Mrs. Jay A. Woodruff,
Hunleck Creek R. D. 2, have an-
nour®®d the. birth of a baby girl at
General Hospital on July 24.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hallock,
Harveys Lake, announce the birth
of a daughter at General Hospital
on ‘July 23.
Class mates of Noxen Methodist
' Church held a weiner roast followed
by Bible study, at the home of Mrs.
“William MacMillan on Friday even-
- ing. ;
Present were; Mesdames: Albert
Jones, Vane Race, Elwood Patton,
daughter Mary, Charles Patton, Els-
worth Field, Dorothy French, Fran-
cis Schenck, Henry Lane, William
Munketchy, Ray Gunton, William
Ruther, Fred Schenck and Mrs.
MacMillan, the hostess.
Richard Stroud, Mooretown cabi-
netmaker, received painful injuries
in a fall last week. Extent of his"
injuries has not been established
but he has been hospitalized.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Thompson,
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Harvey, and
Kar, Carol Laity, Dallas, and Mr.
and Mrs, Edward Oncay Jr. of
Lehman, are spending a week in
Quebec, Canada, on a fishing trip.
Mr. and Mrs. James Davenport, of-
Lehman, had as weekend guests,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hilliard, Dick and
Cathy, of Brooklyn, N. Y.
Mrs. Beatrice Williams, Trucks-
ville Justice of the Peace, has as
house guests Mr. and Mrs. Robert
‘Williams and infant Alan, of Hat-
field. The baby is six weeks old. .
Mrs. Sterling Kocher, Noxen R.D.
’ 1, and her sister. Mrs. Mildred Mar-
tin, Loyalville, have returned from
New Port News, Va. where they
‘spent a week with Mrs. Kocher’s
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Oscar Reese Langston and
family. ?
Neighborhood News And Notes Of Personal Interest
Carol Rother To Become Bride
Of Frederick Hons On Saturday
Carol Rother, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs, Paul G. Rother, Dallas,
will become the bride of Frederick
Hons, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester
Hons, [Lehigh Street, Trucksville,
Saturday morning, August 4 at 10
o'clock. Rev. Francis Kane will per-
form the ceremony in Gate Of
Heaven Church.
Maid of honor will be Judith Ro-
ther, sister of the bride, and brides-
maid, Beverly Bergstrasser. Robert
Heltzel, cousin of the bridegroom,
will act as best man, and William
Strausser and Wilfred Anderson, as
‘A reception will be held at the
Jonathan R. Davis Fire Hall at 5
Both the bride and bridegroom-
elect are graduates of Westmoreland
High School. Mr. Hons was gradu-
ated from Bloomsburg State Teach-
ers’ College in June. Miss Rother
has been employed by Common-
| wealth Telephone Company.
Staff Sgt. Hildebrant
Is Home On Vacation
Staff Sgt. Jet Aircraft Technician
Sherman Hildebrant of Clinton Sher-
man AFB, Burns Flat, Oklahoma,
and his wife and two sons, Lyle
and Keith Allen, are vacationing
with his father, D. Friend Hildebrant
and family at 'Appalachin, N. Y.
Last Wednesday the older Hilder-
brants and Staff Sgt. Hildebrant
and family visited his uncle, George
Snyder and his aunt, Myrtle Miller
at East Dallas.
Tom Kingstons, Hosts
At Calico Bass Fry
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kingston, Wel-
lington Avenue, Dallas, entertained
at a family fish fry last Friday to
celebrate the fine catch made by
Tom and grandson, Billie Burnaford,
at Fanti’'s. They were calico bass.
Present were Mr. and Mrs. Laur-
ence Creter Sr., Mrs. Laurence Cre-
ter Jr., Dale and Jill Creter, Mr.
and Mrs. William Burnaford, Billie,
and Mr and Mrs. Thomas Kingston.
Stork Shower
Mrs. Mary Ann Swire was hon-
ored at a stork shower given by
Mrs. Diana Wegner and Mrs. Mary
Nienius at the home of Mrs. Mary
Nienius. Many lovely gifts were
received. Present were: Mrs. Arlene
Stuart, Mrs. Doris Stuart, Mrs. Bes-
sie Ide, Mrs. Cora Dougal, Mrs. Mar-
tha Swire, Mrs! Martha .Steinruck,
Mrs. Emily Tord, Mrs. Irene Eve-
land, Mrs. Della Long, Miss Bess
Klinetob, Miss Kathy Bossert, Miss
Jean (Spencer, the hostesses and the
guest of honor.
Return From Trip
<? Mrs. ‘Michael . Delkanic and. Lois,
Jane, Joyce and Michael Lee, recent.-
ly returned from a week’s vacation
through the New England States,
Canada and the Finger Lakes. The
trip consisted of 1500 miles of senic
countryside including the St. Law-
rence Seaway.
Butler Accepted
At Rensselaer
Jon Terry Butler, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Herbert H. Butler, Machell Ave.,
has been accepted as a member of
the Class of 1966 at Rensselaer Poly-
technic Institute, according to James
F. Newman, director of admission.
About 815 members of this fresh-
man class are due on the Rensselaer
campus September 12 for orientation
period. Classes will start September
17. Jon, a graduate of Dallas High
School, will major in electrical engi-
neering at Rensselaer.
Oldtime Reunion
Mr. and Mrs Ted Poad, and Mr.
and Mrs. Willard Durbin of Shaver-
town, with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Egan
of Dalton, were entertained over the
weekend by Mr. and Mrs. David
Armstrong of Doylestown. All four
couples were neighbors on Shaver
‘Avenue, Shavertown, twenty years
Leaves For Shore
Mrs. C. N. Booth, Lehman Avenue,
will spend the weekend in Ship Bot-
tom, N.J. at a house party with her
former bridemaids and other old
friends. The girls expect to have a
gay old reunion.
Mr. and Mrs. ‘William Beltzer of
Bucks County, formerly of Trucks-
ville are vacationing at the Kunkle
cottage in Beaumont.
George Bulford, Guest
At 77th Birthday Party
George Bulford, Huntsville, was
guest of honor at a birthday dinner
given by his daughter and son-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Myers and
family on July 24. He was seventy-
seven. Present at the dinner were
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Bulford ahd
son, Foster, Mrs. Loretta Myers, the
host and hostess.
Mr. Bulford enjoys good health
and takes an active interest in the
Jackson Township and Joint School
Boards. He is president of the Jack-
son board.
Lester McCarty Is
Honored On Birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Elwood McCarty,
Wellington Avenue, recently enter-
tained at a birthday party in honor
of their son, Lester.
Present, were: Mr. and Mrs. Lester
McCarty, Virginia and Ernest, Har-
rison, N. J.; Mr. and Mrs. Victor
McCarty, Margie and Richard, Shav-
ertown; Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Mec-
Carty and June, Plymouth, and the
host and hostess.
Girlhood Friends Enjoy
Lunch At Sweet Valley
Seven women, all former Loyal-
ville residents and girlhood friends,
gathered at the home of Bess Kline-
tob, Sweet Valley, where they en-
joyed a covered dish luncheon in
observance of the birthday of Mrs.
Faye Brown which occured
July twenty-ninth. Attend -
ing were Lillian Hildebrant, Dallas;
Viola Schmoll, Edwardsville, Letha
Spaulding, = Shavertown, Letha
Mayer, Dallas, Ida Gray, Loyalville,
Mrs. Brown, who resides at Lehman
Heights with her son and daughter-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Brown;
and Bess Klinetob.
Larry William Farr Is
Wing Airman Of Month
A/2c Larry William Farr, son of
Mr. and Mrs. S. Farr, receised word
while home on leave from Pope Air
Force Base, N. C., that he was
selected as Wing Airman of the
month. Selection was made on
the basis of job knowledge, effic-
iency, military bearing and leader-
, ship qualities.
Being chosen Airman of the Month
is the highest honor an airman can
receive on the base.
Airman Farr is a graduate of
Westmoreland High School and sev-
eral Air Force Technical Training
[Schools. He is married to the former
Barbara Cooney and has one daugh-
ter, Valerie Kim. They. reside at
Spring Lake, N. C.
Baltimore - Shaskan
Mrs. Lenore Shaskan, Shrine
Acres, Dallas, married Herman D.
Baltimore, Pioneer Avenue, Dallas,
Monday in Temple B'nai B'rith.
Rabbi Earl IS. Starr officiated. - |
Terri Lynn Langston
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Reese Lang-
ston, New Port News, Va., announce
the birth of ‘a seven pound, two
ounce baby girl, Terri Lynn, at
Riverside Hospital New Port News,
on July 12. [The Langstons have
a son, Timmy, three and a half.
Mrs. Langston is the former Phyl-
lis Kocher, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Sterling Kocher of Noxen.
Tabloids - Circulars
Try The Post Offset
We Will Be. :
For Vacation
August 4th Thru August 11th
Jeweler |
Noxen Couple, Married
Fifty-Eight Years
Mr. and Mrs. George Dendler,
Noxen, will celebrate their fifty-
eighth wedding anniversary quietly
at home Saturday, August 4.
The couple was married at Wawv-
erly, N. Y., on August 4, 1904. There
are four children: Henry, Bethle-
hem; Mrs. Christine Frantz, Beau-
mont; Mrs. Elmer Steltz, Danville;
Mrs. Job Derhammer, Little Mead-
ows; also ten grandchildren and ten
Judy Schooley Is Six
Judy Schooley, Davenport St. |
was honored on her sixth birthday,
July 18th. :
Present were; Marrianne and
Andy | Stash, Diane Fiske, Shirley
Lewns, Beth and Brett Hunter, Don-
ald, Jeffrey and Scott Carter.
Refreshments were served and
games were played.
Charles Spencer Jr.
Is Honored On Birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spencer, Sr.
and Mrs. Charles Spencer, Jr. and
children entertained at a party on
Sunday, July 29, honoring Charles
Spencer, Jr. whose birthday oc-
curred that day. Birthday cakes
were baked and decorated by the
honoree’s wife and his thirteen year
old daughter, Charlotte. The party
was held at the Spencer home, Lake
Silkworth. Attending were Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew Spencer, Marvin Ha-
genbaugh, Marian Hagenbaugh; Mr.
and Mrs. Edgar Spencer, Edgar, Jr.,
Christine, Jimmie, Justine, Paul,
Gary and Pamela; Jean Honeywell
and children, Charles and Harold;
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Johnson,
Bernard, Jr. and Douglas, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Spencer, Sr.; Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Spencer, Jr. and chil-
dren, Charles III, Charlotte, Linda,
Edgar, Larry, Mark, and LeRoy.
Trucksville Ladies
Plan Flower Show
Trucksville WSCS will stage its
fifteenth Annual Flower Show
September 6 in Fellowship Hall,
from 3 to 9 p.m. Judging will take
place beginning at 11,with doors
closed to the public.
Co-chairmen are Mrs. Cedric Grif-
fiths and Mrs. S. R. Henning. Hon-
orary chairman is Mrs. S. B. Finney,
who also serves as chairman of
In charge of schedules are ‘Mes-
dames Howard Ide, Cedric Griffiths,
Stanley Henning, iS. B. Finney,
Sheldon Jones. Mrs. Henning “has
charge of judges, Mrs. J.B. Schooley
of clerks. Secretary is Mrs. Stanley
Mrs. Ernest Norrie is dinner
chairman. Mrs. Howard Ide handles
registration. Mrs. Sheldon Bennett
is section supervisor. Julia Knorr
will have the plant booth, and at
the door will be Mrs. Finney and
Mrs. Laing Coolbaugh.
Hostesses are Mrs. Finney, Mrs.
Robert Germond, and Mrs. Thomas
Mrs. Richards Improved
Mrs. Hayden Richards, Lehman
Avenue, is able to be about but still
has considerable pain from torn
ligaments in her ankle which she
suffered in a fall at Dallas Acme
Market some weeks ago when she
Margaret Elizabeth Todd
Marries Robert C. Morgan
Anne Louise Remley Marries
Dallas Junior Women
‘Plan Tour Of Houses
slipped on a green bean.
| Square Dance
Fanti’s Park |
FRI, AUG. 3 - 8:00 pum |
BENEFIT — Franklin & North-
mereland Twp. Ambulance
Association }
bose — The Country Cousins |
Margaret Elizabeth Todd, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. ‘G. Raymond
Todd of RD 3 Bethlehem, was mar-
ried on Saturday, June 23, in New
Jerusalem Lutheran Church, Beth-
leham RD, to Robert Caswell Mor-
Morgan of 376 Wyoming Avenue,
Wyoming. Bob is a former Harveys
Lake boy. His father was Methodist
pastor there for years.
The ceremony was performed at
2 pm. by Rev. Richard A. Beck
and Rev. Mr. Morgan, father of the
lowed in the church social rooms.
The bride, given in marriage by |
her father, wore a gown of silk
organza wth appliques of geed
pearls and crystals. Her fingertip
veil of silk illusion was fastened to
a crown of seed pearls and aurora
crystals. She carried a bouquet
of white roses and white daisy pom-
Carolyn Lehr, Bethlehem R. D.,
was maid of honor. ..Bridesmaids
were Barbara Joy, Bethlehem RD,
and Gail Rosenberg, Maplewood, ‘N.
J. Attendants were attired in gowns
of ice blue peau de soie. Their head-
pieces were “pillbox hats trimmed
with spring flowers. They carried
bouquets of white and yellow daisy
William C. Morgan, Harveys Lake,
was best man for his brother.
Usher was Charles James, Dallas.
After a wedding trip the couple
will reside at 18 Broadway, Jay
The bride is a graduate of Liberty
High School and Muhlenberg Col-
lege and did graduate study at Le-
high University. She was a second
grade teacher in Norristown schools.
The bridegroom is an alumnus
of Wyoming Seminary and Wilkes
College and took graduate work at
Syracuse University. He is em-
ployed as a sight conservationist by
Carbon County School Board.
Ear] Hummell Wins B. 5.
Degree In Engineering
Earl Hummell, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Eugene Hummell of Harveys Lake,
graduated in June from Technical
College of Fort Wayne, Indiana,
with a B.S. in electrical engi-
neering. Present at the ceremonies
were his wife, the former Mary
Scouten, and her mother, Mrs. Guy
Scouten of Harveys Lake.
Hummell, a graduate of Lake-
Noxen ‘High School, spent four years
in the Navy after commencement,
taking basic training at Great Lakes
and serving on the USS Iowa and
the UBS Franklin D. Roosevelt. It
was while in the Navy that he be-
came interested in electrical engi-
neering, and decided to make that
his field in college. Earl and his wife
are here in the area for the summer.
Hospital Patient
Linda Hagenbaugh, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. William Hagenbaugh,
Lehman, is a patient at General Hos-
pital where she submitted to. surg-
ery. She is in room 273 and will be
glad to hear from her friends.
Linda will enter ninth grade at
Lake Lehman School this fall.
Save On Your Printing
Have It Done By The Post
son of Rev. and Mrs. David |
Herbert H. Brumbach, Saturday
At a very pretty wedding, Satur-
day, July 21, 3 p.m. Anne Louise
| Remley, daughter of Carl H. Rem-
ley and the late Charlotte Taylor
Remley, became the bride of Her-
bert H. Brumbach, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Brumbach of Whip-
| pany, N. J.
| The ceremony was performed in|
| First Presbyterian Church, Rock-
| away, N. Y., before an altar banked
| bridegroom. (Charles Weiss played |
| the wedding music. Reception fol- | ©
| with palms, ferns and white gladi-
| The bride, given in marriage by
| her father, wore floor length gown
of white appliqued lace over taffeta,
feted “with tight bodice, scolloped
| neckline, and full bouffant skirt
{with ~cummerbund. Her fingertip
veil fell from a coronet of seed
pearls and she carried a white Bible
marked with white orchid and ivy.
| Maid of honor was Carol Remley,
| sister of the bride, and bridesmaids,
{Linda Stevens, former East Dallas
| resident, now of Washington D. C.
| and Betty Sweitzer, former [Shaver-
| town resident, both classmates of
[the bride. They chose identical
| waltz length gowns fashioned with
tight bodices, full skirts, and white
lace bolero jacket. Carol's was pale
blue, Linda’s, yellow and Betty's,
pink. All wore white bow caps with
nose veils and carried, red, yellow
and pink roses, respectively.
Mrs. Remley selected white jersey
print street y white accessories,
and shoulder bouquet of white car-
nations, and Mrs. Brumbach, blue
and white striped street dress, navy
accessories and pink carnations,
Best man was William Fettes,
husband of a former Lehman girl,
Nancy Smith, and ushers, John
Hinyak and Fred Dunn, former
classmates of the bridegroom.
Following the ceremony, a recep-
tion was held at Pine Grove Village
Inn. /
The bride is a graduate of West-
moreland High School. She is em-
ployed by the Seaboard Finance
Company, Dover, N. J. Mr. Brum-
bach was graduated from Hanover |
Park High School. He is employed
by the Radio Freguency Laborartory,
Boonton, N. J.
The couple will reside at 110
Monroe Street, Boonton.
Idetown Fire Company
Plans Fall Festival
Jonathan R. Davis Fire Company
will sponsor a Labor Day weekend
| Festival, with colorful parade around
Harveys Lake and selection of a
festival queen and her attendants
August 31, September 1, 2, 3.
Assisting the company will be the
Harveys Lake Business Men's Asso-
ciation, Lions Club, and American
There will be free ground prizes
every night and drawing of an R.C.A.
Deluxe color TV by the festival queen
and her attendants on Labor Day.
Neighbors and friends are inviting
old timers. to come, spend the week
end and enjoy a good old fashioned
Fifty-Eighth annual reunion of
the Shook family was held Sunday
July 8th in the Pines at Noxen.
Present were Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Luci, Mehoopany; Mrs. Clara An-
thony, Kingston; Mrs. Emma Hough
and Ruth Hough, Bloomsburg;
* Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller, Donald
Miller, Mrs. Cora Adams, Kenneth
Rioiden, Rose Rioiden, Lopez; Char-
les Baker, George Baker, Montrose;
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Meeker, Mr.
and Mrs. | James Haddle, Susan
Ward, Timothy Ward, Kunkle;
Mrs. Clara Shook, Dallas; Mrs.
Madeline La Barre, Robert La Barre,
Claire La Barre, Russell Transue Sr.,
Mrs. Russell Transue Jr., Dianne |
Transue, Russell Transue 3rd.
Plattsburg; I
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Weaver,
Gayle Weaver, Billy Weaver and
Mrs. Weaver, Hudson Falls, N. Y.;
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Shook and |
sons Terry, Carl and Kurt, Stella |
Shook, Mrs. Agnes Butler, Larry |
Butler, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Butler, |
Brenda and Billy Butler, Mr. and |
Mrs. LeRoy Butler, Lee and Billie |
Butler, Noxen. |
8 Or Offset
For Letter Press
Try The Dallas Post |
Postie Says: It's A Home Run
With Your Coal Bin Loaded!
10 Months To Pay—Local Deep Mined Coal
No Money Down—No Interest Charge
18,000 B.T.U.’s—Full 2,000 1b, Weight
CALL OR 4-7781
Wayne Weaver - Caller Lee Park, Wilkes-Barre
Di i amp ia am: as. ~~: a? |
a ! |
Come as
1 miners NaTL | |
Your Car
Try it.
you are!
Bank from |
at The Miners!
No need to get “dressed
up” — no baby sitters.
service ever.
Member F. D. I. €,
&' 5 ZT
2 ae
At The Friendly
Main Street, Dallas, Pa.
~~ “Miners in Dallas™
Burl Updykes, Hosts
At Swimming Party
Mr. and Mrs. Burl Updyke, enter-
tained at a wiener roast at the Up-
dyke. Pond, Pikes Creek, on Tues-
day, July 24. Swimming, boating
and games were enjoyed, after
which those attending roasted hot
dogs and marshmallows over an
open fire. Attending were Charles
Perkins, Jonathan and Charles Tim;
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Wolfe, Bing;
Kaye Ray, Kevin and Graceann;
Marjorie Williams, Danny and Rox-
ann; Terry Eck, Phillip and Lee;
June Fisk, Danny and Jimmie; Bar-
bara Cooney, Lewis, Tommy, Jim-
mie and Joe; Mr. and Mrs. George
Haines, George, Jr. Joseph, David,
Karen and Paul; William Owens,
and Dennis; Mrs. Frank Beuka and
Douglas Young, the Updyke chil-
dren, Merwin, ‘Allan, Bryan, Duane,
and Janine.
Edwin C. Norcross
Patient At General
Edwin C. Norcross, 7 Birch Lane,
is seriously ill at General Hospital
where he is constantly under oxygen. |
A retired executive of Miners Nat- |
jonal- Bank, Mr. Norcross and his
wife, Helen, have made many friends
since moving here two years ago.
Mr. Norcross underwent major
lung surgery some months ago.
| six lovely homes in
| Mountain Area will be open to the
Dallas Junior Woman’s Club will
sponsor a house tour for September
9 from 1 p.m. until 5 pm. when
the Back
| public. Punch and cookies will be
| served at the end of the tour.
| This new project for the club
| will be a delightful treat to Back
| Mountain folks, since houses of split
| level type as well as hundred year
| old models will be included in the
| tour.
| Lake-Noxen 1958
| . »
Has First Reunion
Saturday evening the class of
| 1958 of Lake-Noxen had its first
| reunion at the Sportsman Bar and
{ Grill at Harveys: Lake. After a
chicken and Lobster tail dinner,
| members discussed future reunions
| and decided to hold them once
| every five years, with an informal
reunion every year during the last
week of July. They elected these
officers to arrange future reunions,
| President, Robert J. McGovera;
| Vice-President, John M. Williams;
| Secretary, Mrs. Grace Steele; Treas-
| urer, Walter J. Hennebaul.
Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Wal-
{ ter J. Hennebaul, Jr.,, Robert J.
| McGovern, Sandra Engleman, Mr.
and Mrs. John M. Williams, Mary
| Charles McHose, Albert Kizis, An-
{drew D. Oney, Claudine Miner,
| Mr. and Mrs. John Steele, Mr. and
{ Mrs. John White, Mr. and Mrs.
{ Leroy Butler, Mr. and Mrs.. James
{ W Scouten, Mr. and Mrs. Michael
| Bielecki, David V. White, Roger V.
| Rave, Warren J. Ide, Thomas R.
| Swire and Keith S. Evan. Teachers
| present were Mr. and Mrs. Calvin
| Kanyuck, Mrs. Carrie Rood, Mr. and
{ Mrs. Willard Smith and Mr. and
| Mrs. John Zaleskas.
& Mee Published as a
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63 South Main Street
STORE HOURS DAILY - 10:00 - 5:25
THURSDAY ONLY - 10:00 - 8:45
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