Smithsonian Institute, saw the Hope Diamond, Washington ". Monument and F.B.I. high spots of the trip. DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA i Girl Scouts Are Thrilled With EY x Trip To Nation's Capital Thirteen Girl [Scouts of Troop 200 and their three ‘leaders have re- turned from Washington D.C. where they travelled by Martz bus and stay- ed at the YYW.C.A. Among the highlights of the tour were Mount Vernon, a boat trip down . the Potomac and Arlington Cemetery where they saw the “Changing of the Guard”, an impressive sight that they urge all to witness. They toured the White House, Bur- eau of Engraving and Printing, where they The Troop dined at the Ambass- ador Hotel with a group of Reading ir] Scouts and then went swimming ith them in the Hotel Pool. The whole trip was a “Blast” the girls remarked when they arrived home, tired but happy, and the Back Mountain never looked so good. Mrs. Oliver Rome, Troop commit- tee chairman; Mrs. George Bauman assistant leader; Karen Rome and Mrs, Jack Barnes, leader accompan- ied the following girls: Sandra Tur- ner, Sharon Piekanski, Susan Alla- baugh, Cynthia Konsavage, Betty Lamoreaux, Betty Joice Rome, Joyce Hughes, Pat Bauman, Ann Barnes, Peggy Rood, Nancy Gensel, Mary Daley, and Rose Marie Gabel. The girls will now go on to Senior Scouting and 200 will be open for other girls. The leaders, after five years of hard but enjoyable work, lare retiring. Charles Johns, a student at Wilkes College, is serving the Car- verton Charge as assistant to the pastor for the summer. Charles is planning to study for the ministry, is also an organist and plays the flute. His home is in Pittston where he has been a member of the Broad Street Methodist Church for some time. Last year he went as a youth delegate from our confer- ence to Oslo, Norway. He has been assisting in Vacation Bible School on this charge and also visiting dif- ferent youth classes in the Sunday Schools. We are fortunate in kaving him doing youth work on this three point circuit. One of the canvassers for the Methodist Progress Crusade tells me that Mt. Zion expects to close its campaign with its goal oversub- scribed. Which sounds good. Attending Mt. Zion church last Sunday morning were Mr. and Mrs. THE DALLAS POST, THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1962 Mi. Zion Donald Conklin from New Jersey. They formerly lived in Orange. Donald is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Conklin, Phyllis Seiple has been enjoying her vacation from duties at Nesbitt Memorial Hospital School of Nurs- ing. She goes with her family oc- casionally when they hitch their motor boat to their wagon and go to the lake for a few hours of putt- putt-putting in the water. Nesbitt Hospital Alumni cele~ brated their 50th anniversary last Saturday night at Hotel Redington in Wilkes-Barre. The following alumni from Mt. Zion attended: Emma Miles, Jane Lloyd, and Dorothy Gilbert. Last Sunday was W. Brainerd Daniels and Alice Daniels. 37th wedding anniversary. If they keep on living together as nicely as they have so far they'll be celebrating the golden one someday. Brainerd did me a big favor when we first and moved up here by helping me con- dition the pump. So I wish him | many years of joy and gladness. WEATHERLY’S HAPPY HILL It has become an annual affair and a delightful one. The Rev. and Mrs. Ralph Weatherly invited, the members of the Board of Directors of the Wyoming Valley Oratorio Society and their families to hold the final business meeting at their home. ‘ Catherine Gilbert is family. So we all went. Every- body had a good visit. The follow- ing were present: Mr, and Mrs. Carlton Chapin and their nephew Edward Shone, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Beckendorf Jr., Mr. and Mrs. John Reid, Mr. and Mrs. S. Keene Mitchell Jr., ‘Miss Pauline Wolfe, Mrs Mary Sheeder Wilson, Mrs. Louie W. Ayre, Mrs. Ruth Turn Reynolds, Miss Doris Crane, Miss Margaret Nicholson, Miss Harriett Ehrhart, Mr. Clifford Balshaw, Rev. the | secretary and the rest of us are her | | | { Mus. Charles Gilbert and (married on June 28, 1912 in the, {daughters Dorothy and Catherine Nanticoke Methodist parsonage by | Gilbert, Mr. Reid of Board. Howard Perry Fiftieth Anniversary Philadelphia. Mr. Mt. celebrating anniversary. homestead, place. and there to Mt. Zion. Howard Perry is the son of the late David Perry of Orange where Howard did farming for a number Howard also did a great deal of road work in different terms twenty seven of years. over a years. Howard and Ruth Perry were their Mr. are living in Mrs. the period of Wilbur Myers. and Mrs. Howard Perry of Zion are today — June 28 — fiftieth wedding and Mrs. Perry’s father’s Lewis Mrs, Perry was born there with her husband has lived the present time. brothers, the late Ralph and Shay Lewis are still remembered around | Perry grows lovely gloxenias. Vincent John | ithe late Rev. Clark Calendar. Brown Manor Carverton | pair is blessed with a son and two Road was elected president of the | grandchildren. Perry Her The {lives at Newtown [Square near He has a son Charles and a daughter Margaret, When we Gilberts moved back |into this section a few years ago and had a summer place up the dir road a short distance Perrys we were pleased to renew the acquaintances we had with them | back. We noticed how much they | were both lovers of flowers. Ruth | Ho- | new in the past few years until now he has a lawn to be envied. | Flowers border the driveway. A large new concrete front porch af- fords a comfortable place to sit in the warm weather and watch the world go by. Son Gerald Perry | from the | {to know through the years and the One might think that not bnehf SECTION B—PAGE 5 of the world would go by on the dirt road extending from the Me- morial Shrine over to the Mt. Zion road going down to Sutton Creek, But with three access roads all | being torn up at once there is more | traffic than usual past the Perry | home. People find ways of circum- venting construetion blockades and find cross roads of beauty they t | have been missing. The Perrys are delightful people friends and neighbors are thinking the year of our pastorate here years | {of them these days with congratu- | lations, Mrs. Perry has recently {had cataracts removed from her right eye and when a lens is fitted ward has done the yard all over | 10 her glasses she will once again see some of the beauty around her, Later on she will have the same | kind of operation on the other eye, | Then we think she will see the ar- | tistry in her gloxenias which she hasn't seen for some time. = Sell Quickly Through The Trading Post FO KERNEN ETA ER AAT ANT NIIANIAA NRA “SIRLOIN AND RIB SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY... NONE PRICED HIGHER! “A&P's Super-Right Steak Sale naturally includes all the various ” cuts of Sirloin and Porterhouse which are often labeled and sold Ib. elsewhere as ‘Charcoal’, ‘His and Hers’, ‘Thick or Thin’ at higher ‘prices—but not at AGP! YOU CAN SHOP WITH CONFIDENCE AT AGP SECAUSE YOU PAY ONLY ONE PRICE . . . the advertised price.” PORTERHOUSE i...» 89¢ % + SUPERRIGHT “FULLY COOKED” + +4 . SMOKED HAMS ge = QQ EL For Indoor or Ouidoor Eating! FRESH CUT-UP FRYING Chicken Parts LEGS BREASTS c c w 47°C u SWIFT'S DOMESTIC CANNED Hams 2°.) = 69¢ 5:°3.79 34:°1.89 Canned Picnics 3:42.79 49¢ og TENDER, Juicy IMPORTED Canned Hams GRAND DUCHESS Frozen Steaks BALLIET'S BRAND Fresh Salads LARGE CUP 29° SMOKED %* PORK CHOPS -- 89¢ READY TO COOK DUCKS __v 49¢ BONELESS STEW BEEF ___» 79¢ ALL AGP MARKETS WILL OBSERVE | REGULAR STORE HOURS THIS WEEK! STORE HOURS NEXT WEEK ALL A&P SUPER MARKETS MONDAY . . . Regular Store Hours TUESDAY ..... Open Til 9 P.M, WEDNESDAY, JULY 4 . . . CLOSED THURSDAY . . . Regular Store Hours FRIDAY . .... Regular Store Hours SATURDAY . .. Regular Store Hours Fresh Produce! 10-Oz. Pkg. 4 Baked Beans, Coie Slaw, Fruited Gelatin, Garden Rel- ish, Rice Pudding, Macaroni Salad, Potato Salad, Pepper Hash AND OTHERS. SHANK PORTION Lb. Butt Half Shank Half Whole Ham 3. = 44¢ 18.8. 8 0.¢.8.00.800880880.800880.0 Ses. = pierreinrrirn ocr tiiorrneRE neers tery pete pven LT ~~ 4-} BEEF STEAKS 7-0z. Pkg. 39¢ Super-Right, Skinless, Shankless. Defatted . Fully-Cooked LAMB PATTIES . 49g HELE ¢ | | MEATY SPARE RIBS ____- 55c alerme ons 2 HALE ' is ea Foo uys | ow FANCY ‘5.1. Bot $2.69 LARGE, g 1 kx US. GOVERNMENT INSPECTED FOR WHOLESOMENESS % Sea Scallops wu. 55¢ 2 - 0 8° Ba Lobster Tails «meoz ______ w. *1,59 i READY Little Neck Clams _______ 50 ~ 98 ’ high i Fancy Jambo Shims ii 59 139 Blueberries == ____3 77. $1.00 Fried Fish Sticks ______ tb. I9C SON CALIF oo Pint LB. AVG. Cooked Shrimp » oc gio ggg | Strawberries cr + 3.7. $1.00 JANE PARKER Frosh Slacker —— eee E EE oa ; OCEAN SPRAY 16-0Oz. Oz. ¢ ii Hb c Cranberry Sauce SERVE WITH TURKEY — — — Cans 43c| Cubed Bread iva Jal 29 Re at 202 3s 151,09 Cantaloupes ahhh kkk kkkkkkkkkkx (CROCERY VAITES FOR THE 4th! *okkkkkkkkkkk kkk kA Jumbo ALL POPULAR VARIETIES NONE PRICED HIGHER! CARTON OF 24 Size 89° 5° CANDY BARS . Beverages _ ‘oui. 6 49° Kosher Gherkins “i: = 29° Hawaiian Punch cox 3425190 Cucumber Chips "Sot 5 19° Sweet Com Seneca 3& 59° 28 49: Dill Pickles ni 2559 | Tru-Ade mms 4% 4% 9@: Sweet Pickles "nv in O° | Tender Ears Juiced-Rite ows “3 © 9Qe 5° Chewing Gum Wik Wi FQ | | 0 Chl, Plumrose cmneo mans 9 co. $189 Banquet Chicken wio™"co™ 8° | Ripe Bananas 2 25¢ CALIFORNIA Bing Cherries PAPI IAA PAPI I PIAS ZION COOKIES ) ) ) 4 Your Choice of é Flavors ) ) ) ) ) ARMOUR’S 43c Special Low Price! CHARCOAL OUR OWN TEA BAGS SENECA FROZEN 6-0z. LEMONADE can: §B° { 4c 12-Oz. < q 4 KIDDIE CUT FROZEN < q 4 4 Treet or '< CORNED BEee / AANA INA AA, i Re AAA AA Hash Gi to 350 § $e Tare on Pi. 6 i 9 Qe VIENNA — 3c OFF - . 3 fe Foe | §99° 99¢% { FRENCH FRIES... %: 10°} { “* 48 : a . or. EEL EN Ir I LI Tena Sweet, Open Pit susccur sce su” 39€ "5" 556 Chase & Sanborn "2 (i=) > 89c Campbell's Pork 'N Beans _4 so: 57¢ Yosh Open Pit Smoky woscur sus __ 2 43¢ Flejschmann’s "53m > 44c HormePs Spam "43 Banquet "nner =EETmm=_ 00 29¢ Borden’s Scalloped Potatoes ‘32° 39¢ Maxwell House core —t 18 AY "WISHBONE | WISHBONE | Borden's Au Gratin Potatoes _ “ry” 446 m7 oisonms 1 uiv issue Sato sree Soar Caste Borden’s Insiant Coffee (or) °° 69¢ | Folding Chair |W 's D ITALIAN DRESSING RUSSIAN DRESSING Bi ry oman’s vay 8.02. c 5.02. : | Beles Peanut Butter __=_""..**59¢ | x 0 8 Now ON ; NYT LE CEE Bots = 37° Boi 39 Brillo Soap Pads i oe 39¢. y = SALE 10 DEPENDABLE FOOD AY SINCE 185% With $15 In Register Tapes Prices In This Ad Effective Through Saturday, June 30, In ag. A&P Super Markets in Dallas & Vicinity,