Willard an AER ok Jone xy Rieter eee er Tis YET BT - pe a SECTION B— PAGE 8 Kingston Continued from Page 7 B)- Gosart, Mrs. Warren Daubert, ‘Wayne Casterlin, Belle Bauerly, Helen Lyon, Thomas J. Reese, Don- ald Bennett, Tommy Appel, Glennis ‘Price, Dorothy Shaver, Cathy Swin- gle, Tommy Swingle, Joann Thomas, Evelyn Dillon, David Kimball, Wilmaa Koons, Helen Skillinge, Hoover, Mrs. Dorothy Schooley, William Oldershaw and Henry Hill, Last Week’s Items Mrs. Merritt Updyke, Watertown, ~ N.Y. and Mrs. Gary Jones and Laurie and Dav'd Jones, Baldwinsville, N.Y. have returned home after spending the week-end as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Frantz, Brook St. . Mr. and Mrs James Dick; Lehigh 8t., have returned home after hav- ing spent the winter in Florida. Robert K. Lewis Shaghark Drive and Mr. Edward Hartman, Davis St., Trucksville, spent a few days fish- ing in Canada last week. Birthday greetings this week go .tc Charles Gosart Jr. Saundra Frantz, Charles E. Swingzle, Lucy A. Courtright, Mrs. Herbert Tippett. Mrs. Elizabeth Ross, Brian Klepping- ‘er, Clyde Faatz, Jr., Mrs. Clarence Lord, Lewis Underwood, Paul A. Dodson, Carl Thomas Evans, Jr., Jack Magee, Jr., Lena M. Mcoore, Holly Susan Martz, Mrs. Harden ~ Coon, Nancy June Smith. Mrs. Den Shaver, Lynn Hobbs, Elwcod Swin- gle, David Bennett, Charles Howe, Gerry H. Pope. Brian Kleppinger, Pioneer Ave., celebrated his fourth birthday on Monday by having his friends Carl and Eddie Dymond and his brother Gary help with the pretty pink and white birthday cake and the ice cream, of course. Miss Saundra Frantz, Bethlehem, was the guest of honor at a dinner party given by her graandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Frantz, Brook St., Saundra celebrated her @siz- teenth birthday on Sunday. The following were present: Mr, and ‘Mrs. Walter Tworek and Irene, Sweet Valley; Mrs. Merritt Updyke and Thelma Jane, Watertown, N.Y.; Mrs. Gary Jones and Laurie and David, Baldwinsville, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Frantz, Bethlehem; Frank and Hunt Coughlin, Dallas; ~ Miss Evelyn Frantz; the guest of honor and the host and hostess. George Bednar, son of Mrs. Mar- garet Bednar, Hazeltine St., is home from Notre Dame University, In- diana for his summer vacation. Mirrs. Arthur Marth and son Don- ald recently moved to their newly purchased home on James St. They were former residents of Trucksville. Township Mrs. Earl King, E. Center St., is a surgical patient in the Wilkes- Barre General Hospital. Mrs. King has been hospitalized numerous times this past year and I'am sure she would appreciate cards from her friends and acquaintences. Mrs. William Wicks Is Guild Member ville, has been notified that her two entries at Harwichport, Massa chusetts in midMay, were of suf ficient excellence to entitle her to membership in the Esther Stevens Brazer Guild of Historical Society of Early American Decoration, Inc. Mrs. Wicks, a student with Helen Gross for three years, submitted two entries— a. large tray with multiple stencil design, and a dis patch box decorated in an Early American Tin design They were on exhibit May 16. 17 and 18. These are the first entries ever submitted by Mrs. Wicks. She is the only one in this area who applied this year for membership. Local Teachers Attend Convention At Hershey The twenty-fifth anniversary of Delta Kappa Gammaa, an honorary society for key women teachers, was held at Hershey June 2 and 3 when these local teachers attend- ded: Mrs. Louise Colwell, Mrs. Ar- line Rood, Mrs. Grace Fleming, Pearl Averatt, Esther Saxe, and Mrs. Wil- liam A. Austin of Dallas Schools; Mrs. Mildred Garinger, Lake Noxen' Lehman Schools. s Mrs. Arline Rood did a most ca- pable job as organist for the state convention as did the Luncheon Committee for the favors and de- corations at the Community Cen- ter Miss Averett, Miss Saxe, Mrs. Garinger, and Mrs. Austin. Ruggles Strawberry Night Ruggles Methodist W.S.C.S. will hold a strawberry festival with homemade ice-cream Saturday even- ing June 16, at 6:00 p.m., in the Church basement. Everyone wel- come, Westmoreland Reunion Class of 1952 Westmoreland High School, will hold a reunion June 20 at Russell A. De Remer’s home, 117 Sago Rd., Dallas, at 8 p.m., For information call OR 4- 6131. Anyone is welcome, LIBRARY BTEC RTE ETE EIR ETRE E \ E = n : “The Time Has Come, the Walrus Said” E ¥ 1. To scour your attic, cellar, spare rooms for good used B £ furniture, toys, knicknacks, dishes, antiques. gE : = 2 2. To pot those annuals, ground covering, bulbs, shrubs. = g 3. To make fresh jellies, juices, marmalades, relishes, = o ® E 4. To give just “one thing you'd like to keep”. e g £ gE to g E THE BACK MOUNTAIN z g g - z B £ : F JULY 5 — 6 — 7 RISLEY’S BARN MEET ETE ETE CITC RE IN NTT RETR AUCTION AHCI Hl “POP”ular GIFTS FOR FATHERS DAY 1 k HANES T - SHIRTS $1. SHORTS $1. Mark II Toiletries Af ter-Shave Lotion Cologne DRESS SHIRTS SPORT MENS MAIN / GIFT CERTIFICATES | Soi ———) — — — — i. nit SOX — CAPS — BELTS S&H GREEN STAMPS BUDDIES LUZERNE Terry Cloth Beach Jackets 34.95 - SWIM SUITS SHIRTS SHOP STREET a Ee rt i ea wr] Junior League Plans Orientation Course Mrs. Richard Hogaboom, Sutton Rd., Trucksville, Provisional Chair- man of Junior League of Wilkes- ‘Barre, announces that the orienta- tion course for new members will begin Saturday, June 16,when the group will be entertained at tea by Mrs. Stuart Graham, 1830 Wyoming Ave,, Forty Fort. ; Back Mountain Junior : League members who helped plan this course are Mrs. Stanley Davies, Mrs. Houston Day, Mrs. Paul Rodda, and Mrs. John Aponick. Other members ot the committee are: Mrs. George Fvans, Mrs. Donald Bernett, Mrs. Howard Harris. Completion of this course is a requirement for new Junior League members. It is designed to acquaint the young women with their com- munity and serves as a beginning point in their education for informed citizen participation. This year’ pro- visonals from the Back Mountan area are: Mariellen Daw, Mrs. Frank Parkhurst III, Mrs. Edward L. Scan- lon. Others are: Mariana English, Linda Kiley, Ellen MacCartney, Jean Mattern, John Northrup, Jr., Mrs. Richard Pearsall, Geraldine Ruddy, Rosemary Shea, Mrs. H. Alexander Smith, Jr., and Claire Tretaway Included in the scheduled events are: a tour of “he Court House. Valley Crest, Swetland Homestea 5 Kis Lyn and lectures on Heaitn Legislation, Urban Renewal, Indus- trial and Commercial Resources. On Wednesday, June 20 at 8 p.m, the group will meet at Da’las Senior High School for an Education Symposium. Dr. Robert Me'lman will represent Back Mountain School Mr. Kenneth Mac Acthur, Jr. ree Private Education, Joseph Boyle will speak for Wilkes-Barre schools. ae i ee Enjoys Fifth Birthday Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sayre. en- tertained at a birthday party on June 4, on their daughter, Debbie s fifth birthday. Carol and Craig Sayre Mary Ann and Susan Spock; and Debbie's sisters and brother, Karen, Beth and Tommy. HOME CALENDAR ei Seer ee TTA ‘Buy Rug Cushion — Omitting the rug cushion when buying carpeting is not the way to save money In the long run, believe Penn State extension home management spec- jalists. The cushion helps lengthen the life of the rug or carpet and also makes the floor covering seem richer to the eyes and more pleas- ing to the step. This is true whe- ther the carpet or rug is the ex- pensive or the highest priced on the market. - Eat Breakfast — The homemaker | who is too busy to eat breakfast | pays for it during the morning and | even later in the day, reminds Mrs. | Ruth J. Mozzi, Penn State exten- sion foods and nutrition specialist. | She pays with a let-down in a | feeling of well-being, often respon- | sible for nervousness, anger, and a lack of patience with everyday pro- | blems. But the woman who. man- | ages a good breakfast for herself | and family can face the day with | confidence. Snap-down Collars — Many men’s | cotton sport shirts feature snap- down collars, reports Bernice 4. Tharp, Penn State extension cloth- | ing spscialist. Similar to button- down styles, snaps instead of but- tons fasten the collar tips to the shirt. Because they're easy to fasten, snap-down collars are ex- pected to be a big hit with men. Women also should like them since sewing on buttons will be elimin- ated. Work Dress Styles — Dresses for housework need to be easy to slip into, reminds Mrs. Mae Barton, Penn State extension clothing specialist. | Button fronts and wrap-arounds are two popular styles, Women who don’t care for either type can look for dresses with necklines openings large enough to avoid strain or fuss when dressing. POLITICAL DEFINITIONS Socialism — You have 2 cows and give one to your neighbor. The Government takes both and gives you some milk. Fascism — You have 2 cows. The Government takes both and sells you the milk. Nazism — You have 2 cows. The Government takes both, shoots you. New Dealism — (Alias, the New Frontier) — You have 2 cows. The Government ‘takes both, shoots one, milks the other, and throws the milk away. Capitalism — You have 2 cows. You sell one and buy a bull, POETIC INJUSTICE Guests who always Say ‘“We must go,” Are very slow In doing so. My Neighbors Fed late af the office...” Sr Communism — You have 2 cows. | MAR FRIENDLY \" HOME “FOOD . j “ STORES OPEN EXCEPT TIL ON YO STOP FOR “HOT BAKED GOODS” Jib DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA "DON'T MISS OUT ON THIS FANTASTIC CASH GIVEAWAY! EVERY CARD’S A WINNER! IIR INIT ANNI NL, YONI YE OWNED 10d od pe seal, FREE OF COST Invalid if punched by any punch other than shown here | VOID IF SEAL IS BROKEN NO PURCHASES NECESSARY } TO OBTAIN FREE PUNCHES FREE PUNCH OR PUNCHES EACH TUESDAY When free punches are punched out and if you are skillful and can answer the question under the you may receive up to $1,000 Cash. NO BLANKS To be valid seal must be opened by authorized store personnel, THIS CARD MAY BE WORTH $1,000 CASH! ) 0 25|25|25|25|25|25|25|25|25|25|25|25|25|25|25|25|25|25 50/50]50/50]50|50|50|50/50]50/50/50/50| 50/50/50|50|50 CZ ZAC TOUT PROFIT SHARING PREMIUM CARD Sapeen QUALITY MERCHANDISE £5 LOW PRICES 4 PLUS ® TOP VALUE STAMPS ¢ Honored At GIANT MARKETS In Wilkes-Barre & Luzerne Pennsylvania Only This Card Is Void After Aug. 11, 1962 FREE PUNCH SECTION NOIL)3S ISVHIUAL FREE PUNCHES 112]3]|4|5|6|7|8]9]|10/11]12]13 $1[$1[$1[$1]$1($1]$1]$1 $2($2($2|$2($2|$2($2|$2 $51$5]$5|$5|$5|50|50|50 Pat. Pend. Ser. No. 65476 Premium Cards, Inc., 6710 Snider Plaza, Dallas, Texas $11$11$11$11$111/81/81($1($1]$1]$1{$1[$1[$1]81($1]$1 Fe | | oe] de | ok [ok | dk | ok | | ok | [kk $TISTIS1[S1[S1[$1[S1[S1[$1[$1$1[$1]$1[$1[$1[$1]$1/$1 MONDAYS 6 PM. UR WAY HOME! 100 BONUS TOP VALUE STAMPS With $10.00 Purchase or Over Coupon Good Thru Sat., June 16th LIMIT ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER REDEEMABLE AT ALL GIANTS MARKETS S50 WITH THE PURCHASE a E on 6 = Top Value Stamps [i "CLIP THIS SECTION TO REMIND YOU AS YOU SHOP OF THIS WEEK'S BONUS STAMP OFFERS REMEMBER . . . NO COUPONS NECESSARY FRESH GROUND BONUS TV-STAMPS | BONELES ROUND STEAK (OR SWISS OR CUBE STEAK ...™ 89c¢ Excluding Cigarettes, Milk Products, and Fair Trade Items S50 WITH THE PURCHASE OF 3-LBS. BEEF BONUS TV-STAMPS LAYER CAKE 50 WITH THE PURCHASE MIXES OF 2 PKGS. OF BONUS TV-STAMPS OF ONE PKG. OF (ANY VARIETY) BOSTON MINT TEA OR BOSTON TEA PARTY BONUS TV-STAMPS 50 WITH THE PURCHASE BOSCUL OF 100 COUNT TEA BAGS BONUS TV-STAMPS 2 5 WITH THE PURCHASE MUEHSTER OF ONE POUND OR OVER CH 2 WITH THE PURCHASE OF EA. PKG. FROZEN BONUS TV-STAMPS CHEESE BLINTZES CHERRY BLINTZES POTATO PANCAKES POTATOES, CORN FRITTERS I I I I I I I I I | | I | ! I | | | | I I I I I | I WHIPPED ASSORTED CREAM CAKE (Gc ALL BUTTER QUALITY BAKED GOODS ORDER A SPECIAL FATHER'S DAY CAKE MADE WITH UNUSUAL HIGH QUALITY INGREDIENT 9%¢ CREAM TOPPED—BOSTON BREAKFAST BUNS =..4 .., 25¢ GIANTS FAMOUS comes e¢ o Ea. 55¢ PECAN BROWNIES xs. vs.10. 39C MILD WISCONSIN SHARP CHEDDAR CHEESE e—— DAIRY FOODS —— OAK FARM—MEDIUM SIZE FRESH EGGS CHEESE eis hain GRADE A 31 Doz 3 i® 49c¢ » 63¢ + FROZEN FOODS STRAWBERRIES . SWEET PEAS . .2 5% 37c GRAPE JUICE . .2 & 33c ne 490 OOO OTTOTMOIOTOTOTOGOR POIROT TVR IVT EVIE IR GRADE WESTERN STEER BEEF Lh. ROUND ROAST) ARMOUR STAR—SMALL, SMOKED FULL C Fu c SHANK pp BUTT yp, HALF HALF WHOLE HAM Lb. 44c 39° EEF LIVER b 39¢ UNCLE SAULS—BRISKETS OR ROUND CORNED BEEF -79° FISHERMAN FRESH SEA FOODS FRESH WHITE FISH . . « . . . § FRESH YELLOW PIKE . . . . . ™59c || FRESH HADDOCK FILLETS . . . . »49c fl LONG ISLAND CLAMS . . 50" 98c SUGAR CURED SLAB BACON TENDER—BABY ANY SIZE CURED Ib. 590¢ WATERMELONS “= X GEORGIA NEW CROP PEACHES FRESH—CRISP ICEBERG LETTUCE 2 SLICING TOMATOES __ 3 fos. 39. Hoods 2c 33 ~ pee 9 i — | BREAKFAST FRUIT DRINKS $ 1 .00 ASSORTED FLAVORS 46-0z. Cans