i er, Ala. ~~ Jack and Randy, and Philadelphia SECTION B— PAGE 8 SWEET VALLEY Pvt. George Stockage, son of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Stockage, Pikes Creek, who will complete his train- ing at Fort Monmouth, N. J. with- in two weeks expects to be sent to Texas. Mrs. Gwendolyn Bronson Hess, ~ Benton, is a patient at Nanticoke State Hospital where she under- ‘went surgery Wednesday. Mrs. Hess ‘and her children, Sharon and David Bronson lived in Sweet Valley until moving to Benton a few months ago. Getting hungry for home made ice-cream topped with strawber- ~ ries? Plan to attend the social at Maple Grove Methodist church Saturday, June 2. The ladies will also serve Bar-B-Ques. Items of interest will be greatly appreciated for this column. Of ~ special interest is news and addresses of our boys in service. ~ Your correspondent’s mew phone number is GR 7-3271. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cain, Jr., Lake Silkworth, will entertain at a fami- ly dinner party Memorial Day. At- tending will be Berry and Eddie Cain, P.F.C. Karen Cope, Fort Ruck- who is spending a seven day leave! at her home; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cope, Edward, Claris, Sue Anne, Leon, Judy, Patricia, Limeridge. Mr. and Mrs. Cope are Mrs. Cain’s par- _ - ents, Alton Johnson, Hills - of Hope, spent last week-end in the Penndel areas - showing films of the work at Hills of Hope. ~ Two weeks ago Mr. and Mrs. Char- les Perkins and family, Patricia, Ruth, Mark, Jonathon, Charles Tim, and infant twin daughters, Priscilla ~ Beth and Rebecca Sue, motored to Penndel where the twins were dedi- cated, with Pastor Leslie Clouden, Grace Gospel Church, officiating. ~~ Bryan Updyke, son ‘of Mr. and ‘Mrs. Burl Updyke, Pikes Creek, ob- served his fourth birthday on Sun- day, May 20. Helping with the cele- bration were his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Updyke and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Britt, brothers, Merwin, Duane, Allan, and sister, Janine Louise. + Cub Pack 444 will meet at Church of Christ Hall Tuesday evening. : dies Auxiliary of Sweet Valley Volunteer Fire Depart- ‘ment will hold an Auction and Rummage sale, Saturday, Aug- ‘ust 4, Mrs. Sherman Kunkle is gen- ‘eral chairman, Mrs. Joseph G. ~ Kipp, publicity, and Mrs. Ord" Trumbower will be in charge of refreshments. Mrs. Cletus Hol- comb, Jr. is Auxiliary Presi- dent, Members of the commit- tee are asking residents to hold items to be donated. Collec- tions will be made by the auxili ary, if those having any Auc- tion-Rummage Sale goods will call Mrs. Holcomb. Your co- ‘operation is asked to make this a successful community project. Boy Scout Troop 444 under the ~ leadership of Joseph G. Kipp and Albert L. Ray will attend the Boy Scout Camporee at Rummage’s Grove this weekend. - P.F.C. Stephen Andrasko, Jr. son of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Andrasko, is enroute from Fort Sill, Okla. to Korea where he will be stationed with the army for a year. Another son, William Andrasko, along with Thomas Rish, son of Mr. and Mrs. ! Joseph Rish, Meadow Lake, is at are receiving basic training. Bill and Tom expect to be home on leave about June 10. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Andrews and son Paul, Tilbury Terrace, West Nanticoke, will move into their summer home at Lake Silkworth next week. Paul is a sophomore at Nanticoke High School. Bess Klinetob had as guests last week, Mr. and Mrs. George Grant, and Larry, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Ra- rick, Berwick along with Alice Boyle, Berwick and Mrs. Myrtle Dunham, Apadachin, New York, who is spending some time in this area visiting with friends and rela- tives. Birthday greetings to Linda Ha- genbaugh. An eighth grade student. Linda is fourteen. ' Mrs. Blanch Bonning, Lake Silk- worth was pleasantly surprised with a phone call from her daughters, Viola Smith and Agnes Utt, both of Boston, Mass. Sympathy of the community is extended to the family of Mrs. Wal- ter Malonoski, who died last week. Frank Young, Jr. Lancaster Mis- sile Base, N. Y. spent last week-end with this parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young, Sr. Corey Smith, who spends the winter in Panama City, Florida, has returned to the home of his son-in- law and dau ghter, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lamoreaux, for the sum- mer. ; Mrs. Robert Cragle, Mooretown, entertained at a family party on May 7, honoring her husband, whose birthday occured hhat day. Attending were his parents Mr. and Mrs, [Lawrence Cragle, Mrs. Earl Kittle, Jr. and children, Cheryle, Allan, and Keith, Mrs. Mabel Hess, Jeffrey Cragle and the honoree. Mrs. Edward Speary and son, Teddy, Mooretown, along with Mrs. Speary’s mother, Mrs. Moore, Mans- field, have returned after spending three weeks visiting relatives in North Carolina. Daniel Mahoney, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Mahoney was admitted to [General Hospital, where he underwent surgery last week. He is employed in New Jersey. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Long, Doro- thy, Jennie, Robert and Mary, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Long and Eli, Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. William Winter and son Billie, were dinner guests of Mrs. Simon Long's aunt, Mrs. Amelia Fetterman, Catawissa, on Sunday. First Christian Church held a Bible Conference last week begin- ning on Wednesday and closing on Sunday. Rev. George Kramer, Philadelphia, was a guest. On Thursday evening Rev. Kramer and Rev. B. Kirby Jones, pastor of the Church were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Adams. On Fri- day evening Mrs. James Lord entertained at dinner, Rev. Jones, ‘his mother, Mrs. James Jones, Lees- ville, North = Carolina, and Rev. Kramer. Mr. and Mrs. Phillp H. Farber Sr. and daughters, Phyllis and Kathleen, ‘recently ‘ visited Sister Jane Elizabeth at the Villanova No- viciate of the Bernadine Sisters. Sis- ter Jane Elizabeth is the former Mary Ann Farber. Dinner guests at the Farber home Sunday were Mr. | and Mrs. Frank Ultsh, Lake Winola. Sympathy of the community is ex- tended to the family of Sherman Hoover, who died last week. Mr. and Mrs, Anthony Yockavitch, Elizabeth, N.J. spent last week-end SUMMER’S COOLEST & Wash & Wear SLACKS 5% 1 MAIN BUDDIES Brighten The Memorial Day Holiday With A Handsome New SPORT SHIRT ALL SIZES ST. LUZERNE o #e as guests of their son and family, Mr- and Mrs. Anthony Yockavitch, Jr., Pikes Creek. P.F.C. William Cragle, Fort Bragg, N. C., is spending a nine-day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Cragle, Sr., Pikes Creek. Mrs. Howard Post and sons, Henry and Brent spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Guy Lynn, Berwick and Mr. and Mrs. James Kibler, Foundryville. Mrs. Post is a sister to Mrs. Lynn and the daughter of Mr. Kibler. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Miller and daughter Kathy, and Mary Lonie, |Sazleton, spent Sunday visiting with Mary's sister, Dorothy Lonie, Pikes Creek. Mrs. Leslie Lewis and daughter, Mrs. Richard Dougal and daughter, Liza, spent a day last week with Mrs. Lewis’ mother, Mrs. W. H. Pgst, Sr., Forty-Fort. Mrs. Post who had been ill is improving and able to be about her home. A daughter-in-law, Mrs. W. H. Post, Jr. has moved in with Mrs. Post, Sr. Mrs. Anna Hudak, Pikes Creek, is a medical patient at Nesbitt Hos- pital. Mrs, Hudak is the mother of Mrs. Charles Stockage, Pikes Creek and Mrs. Karl Jensen, Overbrook Avenue. Mrs. Adrian DeMdrco, has return- ed to her home after spending nine days in Nesbitt Hospital with in- juries received in a two-car collision, Harveys Lake Mr. and Mrs. George Brodie, Larks- ville visited at the Al Armitage home Sunday. Mrs. Howard Higgins has been ill at her home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Clark spent the weekend in Baltimore visiting Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Yellalonis and family. Their granddaughter Joan received her first Communion |on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Rivaldo Coppellini of West Virginia have opened their summer home at the lake. This beautiful weather is bringing many people to Harvey's Lake. So many are busy cleaning yards, houses, painting and getting ready to enjoy the summer, Have seen many movings go by, knowing they are going to some cottage. The parks and concessions are ready for the summer rush. May we have a happy, safe summer holiday. Mrs. Albert Armitage Beaumont Our gracious “Aunt Callie”, Mrs. Calla Parrish, will reach the age of one hundred Monday, May 28! To commenmorate that marvelous at- tainment, — friends, relatives, and neighbors are invited to “Open House” Sunday, May 27, from one to four o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ray of N.J. were with the Earl Johnsons last week-end. Mrs. Madaline La Barre and chil- dren took Granddad La Barre to visit relatives at Jamaica, Long Island recently. The William Arch Austins will at- tend Mrs. Austin’s thirty-fifth class reunion at Bloomsburg State Col- lege Saturday. Sue Baker, Mehoopany, enjoyed last weekend with Diane Transue. The last P.TIA. meeting of the | school year was held at the Ele- {mentary School Monday; May 14, when these officers for 1962 - 1963 were installed by Mrs. Mildred Mac __THE DALLAS POST, THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1962 Shavertown Mrs. Warren Long, Inman St. had as week end guests Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kintner, Treichlers, and children Terry Lynn, Andy and Dorothy; Mr. and Mrs. Victor Small, Garfield, N.J. Miss Terry Lynn Kint- ner was a flower girl in the wedding of her uncle, Warren Robert Long and Della Steinrick, Loyalville’ on Saturday. The newlyweds have left for a honeymoon in New York. They will reside on Inman Street upon their return. Mrs, Millie Small, Inman Street, is convalescing after being hospitalized. She is ninety years old and blind. She manages to dress herself, feed herself and even do dishes in the home. She especially enjoys her great grandchildren, listening to her radio and looks forward to having her daughter, Mrs. Warren Long, read the Dallas Post to her each Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Rozelle, 131 Inman Street, are the proud parents of a baby girl born May 18 in the General Hospital. They have three other children Judy 12, Kenneth 7, Danny 3. The Rozelle’s recently moved to their newly built home on Inman [Street coming here from Wyoming. Mrs. Lou Evans, E. Canter Street, has been ill with pneumonia. We about and feeling better. Ridge Street, after having lost his wife recently. Dr. and Mrs. Albert Blase, Fer- guson Avenue and Mrs.’ Nora Hall, Sunset Avenue, recently returned from Fort Pierce, Florida. They spent approximately six months in the sunny South. Mrs, Hall tells us the weather we have been having is what they were used to for the entire winter. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Davis, Le- high Street, have returned home after spending a few days in Atlantic City. Mrs. Frank Kriegh, Division Street, is recovering from a ruptured disc in her back. Mr. and Mrs. G. Robert Wahlgren, Division Street had as week end guests Mr. and Mrs. Eric Osterblom and Eino and Elsie of New Bruns- wick and Brenten“Woods N.J. They also entertained Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kerchanni, Elainne, Sandy, JoAnn, Lynn Kerchanin and JoAnn Kohan of Georgetown. Congratulations are in order for Mrs. Lewis Underwood 7 ‘W. Center Street on winning a set of watch- bands in a local radio contest. Ralph Walp, local serviceman, is home on leave visiting his parents on Lehigh Street. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lukasavage, Jr., will arrive in Germany this week to spend two years. While in Ger- many they plan to visit Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mollahan (former resi- dents of Shavertown). Mrs. Mollahan is the former Sandy Lee of Dallas. Mrs. Lukasavage is the former Sharon Butler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Butler, 95 Ridge Street, Shavertown. Mr. Lukasavage is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Luka- Dougall: Dr. John Lee, Jr., presi- dent; Mrs. Stanley Cook, first vice- president; Herbert Goodwin, second vice president; Mrs. Irene Transue, secretary; and Mrs. Madaline La Barre, treasurer. Tentative plans were made to have the P.T.A. spon- sor the “School Picnic” June sixth. extension in color. MONWEALTH TELEPHONE COMPANY Play it COOL-ER this summer with a KITCHEN EXTENSION — an J. = [im J y T—— A kitchen telephone does all your errands in short order—Ilets you reach instead of run when the phone rings. For a comfortable summer—call our Business Office for this low-cost convenience—an i a SS ED are happy to report she is up and! | We wish to extend the sympathy of the community to Mr. Sam Arber, THESE WOMEN! By d’Alessio “Now, promise me you'll be a good i ndustrions, } thrifty, domineering . . J” JACKSON TOWNSHIP A small group of citizens attended the meeting at the Fire Hall, Sunday afternoon to discuss formation of an Ambulance Association for the Town- ship. Carl Aston, president of Jackson Firemen’s Association presided. Mar- tin Porter, president; Voight Long, vice president and William Frederick, captain of the Ambulance Units, spoke on the formation of an am- mulance association and told how Kingston Township Association is operated. It was reported that if an ambulance association is formed there is a strong possibility that a 1954 Cadilac suitable for conversion into an ambulance may be donated, to such an association. Another meeting for further discussion will savage, E. Center (Street, Shaver- town. and is with General Electric. Mrs. Nora Hall, Sunset Avenue, had as Sunday callers. Mr. and Mrs. George Stephenson, Eloise and Nora Jean and Mr- and Mrs. Burt Stephen- son, Barnesville, also, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wandell and family of Courtdale, be held June 11 at 7:30 at the Fire Hall. The Fire Department was ealled Sunday afternoon to help extinguish a fire in the woods along the Weav- er Town Road, believed to have been caused by lightning. Lake Silkworth and Sweet Valley also reported brush fires Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Zweier and Mr. and Mrs. James Evans of Kingston were guests of Mr. and Mrs. William R. Hughes of Chase Manor Saturday night. Bob Wienecki reports that ‘traffic on the Great Lakes is quite heavy. Bop operates a winch on one of the largest boats on the Lakes. iA new, concrete driveway has been laid in front of the Fire Hall, the work being done by the firemen. Jackson Firemen’s Auxiliary served the banquet for the Nanticoke Bowl- ing League Saturday night at the Fire Hall. ‘A number of local people attended the sessions of Wyoming Conference held at the Elm Methodist Church, Scranton, Sunday. Township Supervisors graded the roads in the Chase Manor Saturday preparatory to spreading oil. This section has been plagued with dusty roads due to the heavy traffic and dry weather. As this reporter drove around the Township Sunday afternoon he no- ticed quite a few cook-outs being held a sure sign that Summer has arrived and “HOW,” especiallly with those high temperatures of the past week. The Firemen’s Association will be meet Monday night at the Fire Hall, when plans will be completed for a Strawberry Festival at the Fire Hall on June 23. Anyone interested in the manner in which our Fire Department operates is invited to attend the burning of debris and old wood at 1 barn site on the Radonavitcch farm, Chase Road, between 5 and 6 p>m., May 31. The Fire Dept. will stand by to control the flames. Anyone having news items for this column, please call reporter at 696- 1005. Meeker . A Mother's Day dinner was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Varner in honor of Mrs. Lena Var- ner. Those present were Pauline Slocum, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brey and children, Linda and' Bobby, DALLAS, . PENNSYLVANIA Harvey's Lake; Mr .and Mrs, George R. Stuart, Jr., and daugh- ters, Pamela and Brenda, Fern- brook; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Varmer, Jr.; and daughter Kimberly, Muhlen- berg; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sayre and children, Christine, Kathy Sue and Carrie June and Elmer Kester. Linda Grey was three years old and Brenda Stuart was one on Friday. Recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Josuweit, Sr., and family were; Arline Josuweit Cook and children Connie, Johnnie, Guy and David, New Jersey, Mrs. Herman Josuweit, Sr., Kingston and Mr. and Mrs. Luther Josuweit and son Bobbie, Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leonard and daughter Micchelle, Philadelphia spent Mother's Day visiting their families, Mr. /and Mrs. Alfred Ro- gowski; Pikes Creek and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Leonard, Demunds. irthday wishes go out to Kenneth King who will celebrate his birthday on May 26. Mrs. Sandie Rifendifer, Shicksz hinny, cousin of Mrs. Annie Win is a patiet at Mercy Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hendricks and children Cindy and Wesley, New Jersey visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Co-~ vert and family on Mother’s Day. Elizabeth Ide and Marie Wolfe at- tended the past matrons party held at Mrs, Steve Johnsons in Shaver- town, Thursday. The New Dallas Cleaners DALLAS SHOPPING CENTER welcomes the ultra modern Speed Wash with their top loading Magraw Edison Equipment and super soft water system. laundry. / When you come to do your laundry, bring your dry cleaning to us on our “New Martin- izing Economy Plan.” We professionally pre-spot, clean and moth proof your garments while you do your 8 pounds for $1.75. Pom om snes mas nm Em EEE EE B I i i i B : ’ } i 2 i be vo with gas.” } | heaps to use.” \ *1 simply haven't Boy 2. GAS COOKING IS CLEANER, . *l hate the way heat hangs on in other burners. It makes things boil over and | mess up your ange, i 3. GAS IS THRIETIER, \ *Gas is much more ny a it's ‘ GAS IS FASTER, ' minutes to start cooking a 3-minute egg.” 5. GAS COOKS BETTER, . “My husband, who's .a real ‘meat and ~ potato’ man, won't let me consider broi!- tng with anything but Gas.” 1 GAS IS MORE CONTROLLABLE, \ “If I want a shade less heat to stop butter from browning, | can lower it instantly time to wait several ap 30 © u. [Ba A SEE THE GALAXY OF GOLD STAR 13,436 HOMEMAKER INTERVIEWS RECENTLY TOLD WHY MOST WOMEN WANT GAS RANGES! WHAT WOMEN SAID: | RANGES AT YOUR GAS APPLIANCE DEALERS NOW... i CALORIC » HARDWICK » KENMORE » MAGIC CHEF « MONTGOMERY-WARD o NORGE » RCA-WAIRLPOOL + ROPER * TAPPAN « UNIVERSAL. ws FREE INSTALLATION ON COMPANY SERVICE LINES NO COSTLY 3-WIRE SERVICE NECESSARY WITH GAS PEN NSYLVANIA GAS and WATER Company vy