The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, May 10, 1962, Image 5

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    “Dallas, spent Easter vacation with
cently returned after spending two
~ ciates,
‘speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. James Hawk have
moved to Arlington; Virginia, leav-
ing Kunkle 6x Sunday. Mr. Hawk
has accepted ‘a position at the Pen-
tagon, with ‘Secretary of State Dean
Rusk. Mrs. Hawk is the former
Lorraine Wasser.
- Jack: Lee is recovering from sur-
gery at a hospital in Florida.
Mr. and Mrs. James Joseph and
Jayne, former Lombard, 1Ill., resi-
dents, have moved to 28 Burndale
Road, Dallas. -
Carl Hedden, who is employed in
New York City, spent the weekend
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray-
m#3 Hedden, Loyalville. Saturday
afgernoon he entertained a num-
ber of friends at a party.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Tischner, former
Shavertown residents, now of
Bethlehem, were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Stuart Marks over the week-
end. :
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pagliante,
Wyoming, have built and moved in-
to a lovely ranch. type home on
Country ‘Club Road.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Palmer
and family who have been living
with the Palmers at ‘Chase have
moved to 66 Meadowcrest, Trucks-
ville. 3 X ;
Mr. and Mrs. Raymon Hedden,
Loyalville, entertained a number of
friends at supper on Sunday.’
Mrs. Byron Creasy returned to
her home on Pioneer Avenue last
week after spending the winter at
Coral Gables and Nassau. :
Rev. Duane Collins and his moth-
er, formerly of Regent Street,
Wilkes-Barre, have moved to a home
they purchased at Bunker Hill,
Trucksville. Rev. Collins is a
Presbyterian minister.
. "Mr. and Mrs, James Ide and
Chg'maine who "have been living
temporarily at Oak Hill, have moved
to 67 Meadowcrest, Trucksville.
Mrs. Louise Colwell, Main Street,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fahringer and
daughter, Holly, Natick, Mass.
George Bittenbinder and son,
Dw, Machell Avenue, Dallas re-
weeks in Los Angeles, Cal. They
attended quarter midget races, vis-
ited Disney Land, and other’ points
of interest. : ;
Mr. -and Mrs, Donald Paeglew,
Parrish Street, had as weekend
guests Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barton
of Endicott, N. Y. Lh
Mrs. Robert Lincoln recently re-
turned from New York City. Her
husband; 2nd Lt. Robert A. Lincoln,
sailed to Manheim, Germany, where
he will serve several months in the
U. S. Army. Mrs. Lincoln hopes
to join him in three months. She
is the former Olive Mock and a
frequent visitor in Dallas where her
grandparents live.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hosler spent
hy evening in Reading, where
a farewell dinner was given‘ in
honor of one of Mr. Hosler’s asso-
Commander Frank Neal.
H&g'served in. the Navy. for thirty
years. a2 : :
Mrs, G. S. Williams and Carol,
recently returned after spending
two weeks in Blossburg, where
Mrs. Williams’ parents celebrated
their Golden Wedding anniversary.
Ronald Bennie, Joseph , Street,
Dallas, fell off his bike Friday,
breaking his clavicle. His many
paper route customers wish him a
Mr. and Mrs. Water Dawis, Dav-
enort Street, were luncheon guests
on Thursday of Mrs. LeRoy Muchler,
Mrs. Millie Small is a medical
patient at Mercy Hospital where she
was taken by ambulance. She is
mother of Mrs. Warren Long, In-
man, Street, Shavertown,
N and Mrs. Lewis Anesi, Oak
Hill, spent the weekend in Glen-
Mount, Md., visiting their sister and
rs Mr. and‘ Mrs. Neal:
Ne any iE ; :
Mr. and Mrs. Ornan Lamb, Ma-
chell Avenue, have purchased the
Ralph Davis home on Birch Lane.
The Lamb home has been sold to |
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Krashke- |
Neighborhood News And Notes Of Personal Interest
Girl Scout Council
Meets At Annual Dinner
Back Mountain District; Wyom-
ing Valley Girl Scout Council, stag-
ed its annual dinner Monday night
at Dallas Methodist Church, Mrs.
Harry Crawford presiding.
Mrs, Stanley Davies, honorary
president of the Council, presented
a certificate of thanks to Mrs, Dar-
rell Crispell.
Mrs. Ralph Thomas spoke on
program changes; Mrs, Russell Law-
ry was song leader. The program
started with‘ the Pledge of Alleg-
iance, ended with singing of Taps.
Seated at the head table were
Mesdames Ernest Norrie, Joseph
Solonick, Vincent Makar, Russell
Lawry, C. Wesley Boyle, Ralph
Thomas, Robert Casper, and Harry
Has Birthday Parties
Mrs. Stuart Marks was guest of
honor last week on her birthday
when friends at Forty-Fort Ice Cream
Company entertained at luncheon
for her. A lovely birthday cake was
the party table centerpiece. Sunday
the Marks were dinner guests of
Mrs. H. A. Brown at Irem Country
Sprenkels Return
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Sprenk-
el, Church Street, who left Good
Friday for a southern trip returned
on May 3 after motoring for over
4000 miles. Driving .a Buick Spec-
ial, they had no car trouble, no
flat tires.
Going south from Harrisburg and
Carlisle by Route 11, they passed
through West Virginia, Virginia,
Georgia, Tennessee to New Orleans.
Then by the Gulf Coast Route they
went over to Miami and up route
301 to Washington D.C. where
they were guests of Mrs. Anna
Fortney and on to Philadelphia to
visit their daughter, Carolyn March-
vich who now rent the Sterling Wil-
liams home on Huntsville Road.
Mrs, Louise Sharp has returned
to ‘her home at Fernbrook after
spending the winter at St. Peters-
‘burg, Fla.
« Mr. and Mrs. John T. Hughes,
Grandview Avenue, have sold their
home and expect to move to
Florida. 7
Mr. and Mrs, Ornan Lamb expect
to move’ next Tuesday from their
home on Machell Avenue to their
new home at 9 Split Rail Lane, Dal-
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Weber are
having fun remodelling their farm
house at Mooretown, enjoying
plenty of elbow room on the 80
acres, and looking forward to home-
grown corn and tomatoes.’
Mrs. Fred Howell of Shavertown,
with former schoolmate Mrs, Char-
les V. Brown of Pasadena, spent the
weekend in New York attending
Founders Day and alumni observ-
ance at Pratt Institute,
Mrs. Aileen Dymond, Shavertown,
is making good recovery from ma-
jor surgery performed last week at
Nesbitt Hospital. In room 121, she
would appreciate - telephone calls
from her friends,
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Harvey, Dal-
las, with Mr, and Mrs. David Daven-
port of Rayburn, drove to Graden-
ford on Sunday to visit Mr. and
Mrs. Frederick Ruggles, Mrs, Daven-
port's son and daughter-in-law,
Mr, ‘and Mrs. Anton Pregler have
purchased a home on Overbrook
Road and will move there from
Stamford, Conn, shortly, Mrs,
Pregler is sister of Mrs, Alfred Bron-
son of Sweet Valley, Mrs. Pregler
is retired, :
Alexander O’Malia, young son of
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph «O'Malia,
Trucksville, was a recent patient at
Geisinger Medical (Center,
where |
he underwent ear surgery for the |
prevention of deafness. He is now
home, hearing restored, and doing
fine “but he will have to remain in |
bed for another week.
Martha Washington
Vinca Vines
Mums ;
House Plants
a a a a a a a a a eg
Located on Route 118, Lehman Highway,
Between Whitesell ‘Bros, and Lehman Center «
a “aaa hehe, PP aaa hh — aad
- Pansy - Ivy = etc.
Hanging Baskets
Philodendran |
inlntuesliaetecsisestinesdiretegieilivectied ced cog rita cdrcdietbeaieabttetddbthediioctint tidied adhere aids: dhdudusumidbticsiudbesedby:
To Celebrate 50th Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs, F. Raymond Sear-
foss, Lehman, will observe their
golden anniversary Sunday, May
13, with open house at their home
from 2 to 8 p.m. No invitations
have been issued but all friends and
neighbors are invited,
They were married June 5, 1912,
.in St. [Paul's Methodist Church,
State College, by the late Rev.
James McKenree Reiley.
Mr, Searfoss, who is a life-long
resident of Lehman, is an adjustor
and inspector for the Brier Creek
Mutual Fire Company of Orange-
ville. He is charge lay member for
Lehman Methodist Charge. He is
on the Official Board of that Church
and teaches a class of young men,
He is a Past Grand and treasurer
of Osage Lodge No, 712, and a Past
‘Master and treasurer of Jackson
Grange No. 1312, and Master of
Pomona Grange No. 44, He is a
'D., Waterbury, Conn, Mrs, Made-
{ton, ‘N, J, Mrs. Delphine Sutton,
member of State and National
Mrs. Searfoss is daughter of the
late Della Wolfe Sutliff and Alden
M, Sutliff. She was born in Ross
Township and has been a resident
of Lehman since she was 16, She
is ‘also active in Lehman Methodist
Church, being on the Official Board
and teaching a young girls class,
She is active in W.S/C'S., a mem-
ber of the Fireman's Auxiliary,
Chaplin of Jackson Grange No. 1312,
and Dallas District W.C T.U.' She is
a member of Pomona, State and
National Grange.
There are five children; Wilbur
line Adamshick, R. D. No, 2, Dallas,
Mrs. Ruth Disque, R, D, No. 2, Dal-
las, Mrs. Louise Whitesell, River- |
Wellsboro. They also have
Grace Ann Bachman Engaged
To Lt. Thomas S. Pesikey
Mr. and Mrs, Robert F. Bachman,
Upper DeMunds Road, Dallas, an-
nounce the engagement of their
daughter, Grace Ann;*to Lt. Thomas
S. Pesikey, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas E. Pesikey, Memphis, Ten-
Miss Bachman is a graduate of
‘Westmoreland High School, class of
1960. At Westmoreland she was a’
member of the National Honor’ So
ciety, president of Tri-Hi-\
president of the Senior Class.: She
will complete her sophomore year
at. Pennsylvania State University in
Mr. Pesikey graduated from Mem-
nd vice |’
phis Central High School in 1956.
He was a member of National Honor
Society, Army R.O.T.C. and served
on Student Government. He grad-
uated from Memphis State Univer-
sity in 1961 with a B.S. degree in |
Kappa Alpha fraternity and received |
the Distinguished Cadet rating in |
the: four-year Airforce R.O.T.C. pro- |
He will receive his second B.S.
degree in Meteorology from Penn-
sylvania State University which he
is attending through the Airforce
Institute of Technology program.
A summer wedding is planned.
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Robbins
To Celebrate 30th Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Robbins, 110
Staub Road, Trucksville, will cele-
brate their thirtieth wedding an-
niversary on Théirsday, May 10, and
Bill’s birthday on Saturday, May
Mrs, Robbins is the former Marg-
aret J. Humphreys, daughter of John
R. Humphreys of Kingston and the
late Jennie Jenkins Humphreys. Mr.
Robbins is son of the late Mr. and
Mrs. William J. Robbins of Trucks-
ville. The couple was married in
Scranton by the Rev. John G. Hol-
lenbach and went to housekeep-
ing in Trucksville, \
There are two children, Wilma
Gordon of Trucksville, and William
J. Robbins of Meridan, Conn.; also
two granddaughters, Nancy Jeanne
Gordon and Patricia Ann Robbins.
Mrs. Robbins, a past president of
the Rebekahs, recently received the
degree of Chivalry in the Patriarch |
Militant. She is leader of a Brown-
ie Girl Scout Troop and active in
organizations of Trucksville Metho-
dist Church. Mr. Robbins has al-
ways taken part in civic and sports |
affairs on a local, state and nation-
al scale, He is an authority on con-
servation and Indian lore. Now re-
tired, he has taken over the edit-
orship of the Sportsman’s Notebook |
on Thursday nights at 11 o'clock |
over station WBAX. On the side,
he canes chairs, weaves rugs and
makes baskets. He too is a member
of Trucksville Methodist Church.
with all Your LOYV,
MAJESTIC and others
bi ol
Earl lr
| Delta Kappa Gamma
Horsemen Enjoy Ride
And Covered Dish Party
Back Mountain Horseman’s Club
enjoyed a twenty mile ride through
Orange and around Lake Louise
Sunday followed by a covered dish
supper, with other guests at the Lee
Hier home on Demunds Road.
On the ride were Hope Smith,
Art Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. Bud
Glahn, Fred Kindler, Laverne Kind-
ler, Linda Mekeel, John Behm, Mat-
tie Hunsinger, Warren Mekeel, Mr.
and Mrs, Tony Bogdon and daughter
Teachers Meet At Club
Tau, Chapter of the Delta Kappa
Gamma, national honorary sorority
of Key Women Teachers, had a
luncheon at the Conyngham Valley
Country Club Saturday, when the
following Back Mt. teachers attend-
ed: Mrs. William A. Austin, Pearl
Averett and Esther Saxe of Dallas
Schools; Mrs. Ray Garinger and Car-
rie Rood of Lehman, Lake Noxen
Miss Isabel Dryfoos of Hazleton
presided at installation of officers
when Mrs. Austin became recording |
secretary. :
Debra Anne Blazick |
fr. and Mrs, Leonard Blazick, |
former local residents, now residing |
in Levittown announce the birth |
of their third child and first daught- |
er, Debra Anne, born April 25 at |
Levittown. She weighed seven |
pounds and three-quarters ounces. |
Her two older brothers ‘are Jos- |
{eph, three years ‘and Lance five. [1st at Irem Temple Country Club.
Mrs. Blazick is the former Delores |
{ Butz, daughter of Mrs. Anne Shed- | Melton’s Orchestra.
lock, . Nanticoke, and Mr. Blazick |
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph |
Blazick, Sr., Hunlock Creek. Debra |
Anne’s father is with the U.S. |
a |
Barbara Zoe Blazick
Is Christened
Barbara Zoe Blazick,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Blazick, received the sacrament of |
Baptism at Our Lady of Mount
Carmel Roman Catholic Church on |
Saturday, with Rev. S. F. Banas |
infant |
He was a member of | officiating. Godparents were Mr. and |
Mrs. Joseph Blazick Jr., Trapp, Pa.
A reception followed at the home
of Barbara Zoe's grandparents; Mr.
and. Mrs. Joseph Blazick Sr., Hun-
lock Creek, with the following at-
tending: maternal grandmother, Mrs.
Edna Boyle, Mrs. Zoe Brown, Shick-
shinny; Mrs. Evans, Nanticoke; Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Janick, Mr. and
Mrs. John Doreshefski, Bernard Dor-
eshefski; Mrs. Madelyn Glodek, Step-
hen Morgans, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Roman, Sarah Adams, Joseph Kuch-
inski; Mr. and Mrs. Phillip H. Farb-
er, Sr., all of Hunlock Creek RD 2.
Barbara Zoe was born April 18.
Silver Leaf Club
The monthly meeting of the
Kunkle Silver Leaf Club will be
held Tuesday, May 15, at the home
“Rendezvous Of Stars”
Dance, To Be Held May 11
Biggest dance of the year for
both Juniors and Seniors of Dallas
High School will tke place at Irem
Temple Country Club on Friday,
May 11. Theme of the Prom is
“Rendevous of Stars.”
The following are on committees:
John Wardell and Nancy Sieber,
Dallas, observed theiir twenty-fifth |
wedding anniversary with a dinner | Joseph Rushnock, Joseph, Lodi, N.
party at their home on May 5.
East Dallas Couple Celebrates
25th Anniversary With Dinner:
Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Moss, East |semble.
Guests at dinner: Mr. and Mrs.
|J.; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hopkins and
The couple was married by the |family, Mrs. Ann Puterbaugh, West
Rev. Carl Schindler in St. Paul's |Paterson; N. J.; Mr. and Mrs. Bart
Lutheran Church, Wilkes-Barre. At- |Reed and family, Clifton, N, J.; Mr.
tendants were Mrs. Anna Kurtz [and Mrs. David Hopkins, Courtdale;
Puterbaugh and Ray Hopkins. Mr. and Mrs. Frenk Zarno, Orange;
Mrs, Moss is the former Caroline | Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moss and fam-
Kurtz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. |ily, Jonestown; Mr. and Mrs. John
John Kurtz of Dallas. Mr. and Mrs.
co-chairman; Susan Larish, Barb-
bara Kozik, Tom Gauntlett, Gary
Cobb, Marleen Futch, Bob Letts,
John Dana, Paul Siket and Gloria
Dolbear, Decoration Committee;
Dorothy Cleasby, Judy Stanley, Judy
| Theme Committee; Archie Paltren-
of Mrs. William Brace.
Miller, Gary Smith, Gary White-
sell, Linda Scholl, Jeanne Merolla,
Marjorie Baird and Diane Stash,
Invitation Committee; Don Ander-
son, Paul Jenkins and Jean Ide,
Orchestra Committee; Susan Dev-
lin, Lucy Daniels, John Ferguson,
John Molski, Jim Strauser, Ken
Kennington and Arline Miller, Pro-
gram Committee; Charlotte Roberts
and Carl Miers, Reception Com-
mittee; Ellen Dudasick and Judy
Besteder, Reservation Committee;
Tom Houlette, Linda Smith, Alice
Newberry and Tim Groff, Selection
of queen committee; Judy Crispell,
Susan Fleming and Barbara Urban,
eri and John Schaffer, committee to
select sophomore waiters for Prom;
Advisors, Miss Emma Engler and
Kenneth G. Kirk.
“Twisting Tn Orbit”
To Be Held On May 1
Plans are well underway for the
annual Dallas Junior Woman's Club
Spring Dance, “Twisting In Orbit”
to be held Friday. evening, June
Music’ will be furnished by Jack
Mrs, Elston Brace, chairman for
the dance, has named Mrs. W.
Dean Johnson co-chairman. They
are being assisted by the follow-
ing committee: Decorations, Mrs.
Janice Rice, chairman, Mrs. Evan
Bonawitz, co-chairman, Mrs. How-
ard Marquart, Mrs. Clifford Boyer,
Mrs. George Hamm, Mrs. Paul
Lauer, Mrs. Donald Fossedal, Mrs.
Ronald Ruston, Mrs. Robert Lewis,
Mrs. Henry J. Wood, Mrs. Ralph!
Rozelle; Reservations, Mrs. Robert | Adrian E. DeMarco.
Moore chairman, Mrs. George Hamm
co-chairman, Mrs. Francis Barry;
Door Committee, Mrs. James Hust-
on Jr.; Door Prizes, Mrs. Clifford |
Parker, Chairman, Mrs. Bernard
Rogers co-chairman. Mrs. C. Ed-
ward Johnson is in charge of Pub-
Mrs, Janice Rice, chairman of
decorations, has announced that the
motif of the dance will be outer
space, Dancing will be from 9. till
1 a.m, Reservations may be made
with Mrs. Robert Moore, Mrs. George
Hamm, or Mrs. Francis Barry.
Sings At Seminary
Judith Ann Young, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gimble, Chase
Manor, sang in a recital at Wyom-
ing Seminary on Sunday. She sang |
“I Love You Truly” and ‘One God’.
Rubber Stamps
Made To Your Design
the look
and ligh (ness
of lace !
only nylon can. Check the sole, too
Coolie fits like a dream and feels 1
of course. In Narrow and Medium
new “see-through” nylon
NYLON COOLIE — the feel of bare feet plus the chic of a shoe?
Cool nylon mesh is soft on your skin, and it wears as :
: it’s new matching Marvelite,
so slim you have to look twice. Like all U.S. Kedettes, Nylon
ike a million. Washable. ~
widths. $4.95
Mr .Moss | Handley, Luzerne;
is son of Mrs. Sarah Moss and the | Henry Ziminski and son, Chase; Mr.
late Charles Moss of Fernbrook. {and Mrs. Charles Schnappauf, Prin-
There are two children, Ronald at | le; Mr . and Mrs. Al Makukitus, and
home and Mrs. Melvina® Rushnock | family, East ‘Dallas; Mr. and Mrs.
of Lodi, N. J.; also one grandson, | Marvin Moss, Mrs. Sarah Moss,
Joseph. Mrs. Moss is employed at | Geraldine Letner, Charles McCune,
Natona Mills. Ronald Moss, Dallas; Mr. and Mrs.
Table decorations for the party | Hans Schnappauf, Newark, N. J.;
were a tiered wedding cake and |Mrs. Wallace Leitch, Maryland. A
bouquet of twenty-five roses, gift |Sister could not be present but sent
of Mr. Moss to his wife. He also | best wishes. :
presented her with diamond | The honored couple received love-
engagement and wedding ring en-|ly gifts, flowers and messages.
Phillips Plan Open (To Play Guitar
House On Anniversary |At Kingston Church
Mr, and Mrs, William F. Phillips, |
32 Main Street, Dallas, will celebrate
their twenty first wedding anni-
versary with open house at Bill's
Town Tavern today, Thursday, at 10
Ricky Davis, Parrish Street, will
present Special music on his Ha-
waiian Guitar at the 11 a.m. service,
| Saturday, at the Kingston Seven
Day Adventist Church
pm. A buffet luncheon will be | He will be accompanied by Mrs,
served, | | Shirlee Jones at the organ.
The Phillips, originally from | :
Wilkes Barre, were married in St. % .
Aloysius Church, Division Street, | Michael Zorzi To Study
Wilkes-Barre, by the late Rev. D. | .
W. McCarty, on May 10, 1921 | Electronics In Texas
There are two children, Bernard, : : :
member of the graduating class at | Michael Zorzi, 18, completed his
Dallas High School and Paul, thir- | basic electronics course at Fort Mon-
teen, student at Gate of Heaven (mouth, N. J., April 27, and arrived
Sohool. at the home of his parentts, Mr.
and Mrs. John Zorzi, Jr., Harveys
Lake, on Tuesday, to spend a few
days before going on to Fort Bliss,
Claire Marie Demarco
Has First Birthday i Texas, where he will continue study-
Clare Marie DeMarco observed jhe glectionies, «3% will report May
her first birthday April 28, with 2
family dinner party. Helping little : ,
Clare with the celebration were |21d immediately “took tests
brothers and sisters, Adrian Jr. Discement je ‘w' schiool, Passing
Mary Ann, Helen, John, Paul and the electronics test with an almost
Gerard, h vents; Mr. perfect score, he was advised to
or Dates, Mr..and Mus, | make that his field, and since that
| time has done a great deal of ex-
tracurricular reading on his subject.
| For eight years Zorzi played the
| drums in the band, graduating from
| Lake-Lehman High ‘School last June.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Littleford, |He took an academic course, but
Chase Manor, entertained at a | also was interested in shop, and
birthday party honoring Sam Pal- built himself a small boat while a
Pvt. Zorzi enlisted in September,
Sam Palletti, Guest
At Birthday Party
etti, Chase. Present were Mr. and | student.
Mrs. Paletti, Mary, Joseph, Mis. |
Jack Littleford, Sr, Mr. and Mrs.! Mrs. W, F. Newberry, Stone
John Yukas, Paula, Robby, Mrs. | Acres, is recuperating at her home
Henrietti Romanoski, Pamela, Nan- | from an attack of pneumonia, Mrs,
cy, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gimble, | Newberry became ill on a flight
Judy, Billy, Mr. and Mrs. Norman | home from California, and from
Groblewski, Mrs. Piasecki and Paul | ‘Avoca Airport was taken directly to
and Clyde Littleford. General Hospital April 20. She
came home May 5, but is still con-
SUBSCRIBE TO THE POST | fined to her bed.
up ll wots
On Mother's Day, the everlasting kind that will still be in
bloom in years to come. From our garden we've picked
azaleas, carnations and roses in sterling silver to blossom
on her dress or the lapel of her suit.
63 South Main Street
STORE HOURS DAILY - 10:00 - 5:25 :
THURSDAY ONLY - 10:00 - 8:45 .
—— S— Ee ——
i Ia pina lk
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