The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, May 03, 1962, Image 9

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re ST Sm
| Mrs, Stuart Marks, Lehman, en-
rtained the Career Women of the
ack Mountain area at her home
st night.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Crumley,
vertown, have announced the
irth of a baby girl at Nesbitt Hos-
ital on April 29.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Stefan-
wich, Dallas R. D. 2, have an-
ounced the birth of a daughter at
. reneral Hospital on April 30
Mrs. Joseph Schmerer returned
> her home in New Jersey last
reek, after a recent stay in the
[esbitt Hospital.
| Mig” and Mrs. Ralph Rogers of
lainfield, N.J. and Mrs, Clifford
le, Parrish Street; Dallas, spent
hursday in Coudersport, Penna.
isiting the parents of Mr. Rogers,
Ir. and Mrs. Raymond Rogers.
i Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rogers, Plains-~
eld, N. J., spent Easter vacation
rith Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ide, Par-
sh Street, Dallas.
| Mrs. Carl Daubert, 106 [Parrish
treet, Dallas, has just returned to
er home, after spending a week
ith her miece in Virginia.
Mrs. W. E. Schoonover, Demunds,
as returned to her home after
pending the winter with her daugh-
pr, Mrs. William Love, in New-
urgh, N.Y. Mrs. Love, who once
aught in the Back Mountain, is a
rell-known teacher in the retarded
hildren field.
| Mrs. Margaret Sholtis is back a-
ain in Lehman, returning Thursday
light by jet from Alaska, where
he spent five weeks with her daugh-
er, Mrs. Rudy Ruiz and her fam-
ly, renewing acquaintance with her
hree granddaughters, Nancy, 8, and
wins of five, Linda and Diane.
Vith her wrist in a cast following
n dent, Mrs. Sholtis considered
his the best time to take a vaca-
ion from work. S/sgt Ruiz is stat-
oned at Elmdorf AFB.
Ann Peterson left Sunday in her
folkswagon for Montreal to resume
ter duties as teacher after spend-
ng er spring vacation with her
)arents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pet-
irson, ‘Norton Avenue, Dallas.
Mrs. ‘Samuel Thompson who has
teen spending some time with Mr.
md Mrs. Harold Titman, East Dal-
is, will leave this morning for
dcean Grove.
| Mrs. Harry Ohman and her sis-
er, Mrs. Helen Mailander, have
yurchased the John Hughes home
m Grandview Avenue, Goss Man-
r, and will move there in the near
uture. i
4 Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Wells have
returned to their home in Trucks-
rille after spending four and a half
nonths in St. Cloud, Fla.’
| Sally Moyer, Barbara Tag, and
Honda Williams, Dallas, spent the
eekaend in New York City.
Mi® and Mrs. Harry Siley, Bern-
irdsville, N. J., spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Rugsell Siley,
' fast, Dallas.
Mit and Mrs. Robert Stesney,
Jarveys Lake, have announced the
sirth of a baby girl at General
Jospital on April 22. we
Mrs. C. Roscoe Lee arrived home
/his week after spending the wint-
ar in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
ives on Terrace Street, Dallas.
Mr. and Mrs. William Stritzinger,
Dallas RD 3, have announced the
sirth of a baby boy at General
Jospital on April 29.
Susan Newcomb
Mr. and Mrs.
comb, School Street, Shavertown,
announce the birth of a girl, Sus-
an, April 13. The baby weighed
3 Ibs. 4 oz. The Newcombs, former
resid AS of Dallas, have two other
child Louise Carol and Clar-
She |
Theodore New- |
News And Notes Of Personal Interest
Miss Elizabeth Ann Mulcey
ls Bride Of Gerald S. French
At a very pretty wedding, Satur-
day at 2 p.m., Elizabeth Ann Mul-
cey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Mulcey, Overbrook Road, became
the bride of Gerald S. French,
son of the late Mr. and Mrs. A.
Blain French, Hampden Highlands,
Maine. Rev. Robert Webster per-
formed the ceremony in the White
Church on the Hill, Trucksville.
The bride, escorted by her fath-
er, wore white silk organza gown
fashioned with bateau neckline
bordered with Alencon lace, long
sleeves tapered at the wrist, tight
bodice with sash and full length
bell shaped skirt with train. She
carried a bouquet of white orchids.
Mrs. Leo Dombroski, sister of the
bride of Lake Mohawk, N. J., was
matron of honor and Linda Bryan
and Nancy Williams, bridesmaids.
They wore identical wisteria blue
silk taffeta gowns, styled with scoop
necklines, elbow length sleeves and
dome skirts. Mrs. Dombroski car-
ried pink and Miss Bryan and Miss
Williams, yellow cymbidium. Little
Amy Dombroski, niece of the bride
was flower girl. She wore party
dress of white net and carried a
basket of mixed flowers.
Mrs. Mulcey, mother of the bride,
selected egg shell sheath, pink ac-
cessories and shoulder bouquet of
pink orchids.
Best -man was Silas White of
Lycoming and ushers, Leo Dom-
broski and Thomas Clifford, Wil-
Following the ceremony, a small
reception’ was held at the home
of the bride and the couple left for
their home in Wilmington, N. C.
Mrs. French is a graduate of Wyom-
ing Seminary and Pennsylvania
State University. Mr. French was
also graduated from Pennsylvania’
State University. He is employed
as meteorologist for U.S. Weather
Bureau in Wilmington.
Fifty-five Years
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gay, Sutton
Creek, celebrated their fifty-fifth
wedding anniversary Sunday by
driving out to State College with
their family and having dinner at
the Nittany Lion. Going along
were two cars full of family, Mr.
and Mrs. Malcolm Baird and Sandy,
Barney, Marjorie and Arthur; Mr.
and Mrs. Ernest Gay, Ernie and
Enola; and the guests of honor.
Five years ago the Gays celebrated
their golden wedding anniversary
with a family dinner at Irem Coun-
try Club followed by open house
at home.
The Arthur Gays were the third
generation of the Gay family to
celebrate fiftieth ' wedding anniver-
saries: Mr. Gay's maternal grand-
parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. John
Snyder of Avoca; his paternal grand-
parents, the late Mr. and Mrs.
Milo Gay, Orange; and his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Arth ur Gay Wed
On Tuesday
the late Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Gay of
The Gays were married in Bing-
hamton Methodist Church, May
1907. Mrs. Gay is the former Mab-
el Heitsman, daughter of the late
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Heitsman of
Centermoreland. She is a member
of Orange Methodist Church, Wyom-
ing O.E.S. and the Auxiliary of
Orange Fire Company. Mr. Gay is
son of the late Mr. and Mrs. G.
E. Gay, of Orange. He is also a
member of Orange Methodist
Church, of Wyoming Lodge 468, F.
and AM., Keystone Consistory and
Trem Temple. He is past president
of Nepa Breeding Ass., Tunkhan-
nock, and is associated with his
son, Ernest, in Nationwide Insur-
ance Company. :
There are two children, Eudora
Baird and Ernest; also six grand-
? J
Albert Burkhardts Are
Married Forty Years
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Burkhardt,
Pikes Creek, observed their fortieth
wedding anniversary on April 26.
They were marred on April 26,
1922 at the @Luthern Church;
Wilkes-Barre by Rev. Shiffer. Mrs.
Burkhardt is the daughter of the
late Anthony Haas, Wilkes-Barre
and Mrs. Anthony Haas, now re-
siding in Levittown. Mr. Burkhardt
is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Nicholas Burkhardt, Wilkes-Barre.
The couple have five children,
Edwin, Silver Springs, Md.; Mrs.
Ralph Swire, Germantown; Mrs.
Gladys Fink, Shavertown; Raymond,
Dallas, Clifford, Fernbrook.
Mr. Burkhardt is a carpenter, and
has a work shop at his home in
Pikes Creek.
Patricia Ide, Engaged
To Marry Kansas Man
Mr, and Mrs. Albert Ide, Lehman,
have announced the engagement of
their daughter, Patricia, to Jerry
Minnis, son of Mr, and Mrs. Hubert
Minnis of St. John. Kansas,
Miss Ide is a graduate of Lake
Lehman High School and attended
Wilkes College. She is employed by
Arizona Fire Rating Bureau in Phoe-
nix, Arizona, Mr. Minnis attended
Kansas State and Arizona State
Universities, He is employed by the
Valley National Bank of Arizona,
No date has been set for the
Mrs. Ruth Fossedal
1 To Study At Bucknell
Mrs. Ruth M. Fossedal, Dallas,
has been awarded a fellowship to
attend the Summer Language In-
Bucknell University, June 25 to
August 3. :
Mrs. Fossedal, who teaches Span-
ish at Dallas Senior High School, is
among 40 high school teachers of
French and Spanish: selected = as
fellowship recipients, according to
an announcement made by Dr. M.
K. Blume, director of the special
six-week program. .
Objectives of the institute, estab-
lished under National Defense Edu-
cation Act's [Language Develop-
ment Program, are to train parti-
cipants in the use of new-key
methods and materials.
Taking Basic In S. C.
Will Study Electronics
John C. Honeywell, Noxen RD, is
taking basic training with the US
Army at Fort Jackson, S. C., with
expectation of enrolling in Electron-
jcs School at Fort Monmouth, N. J.
July 6. 2
Honeywell, 18, son of Mr. and
Mrs. John Honeywell, and a 1961
graduate from Lake-Lehman schools,
enlisted as soon as a vacancy in
the electronics field opened. He left
last Thursday for South Carolina.
His special friend Mike Zorzi, Har-
veys Lake RD, is already in the
504% oft
hs BOYS’ and GIRLS’ WEAR ;
MT. |
stitute in French and Spanish at
Attorney- and Mrs. Burt B. Lewis,
39 Woodlawn Avenue, Dallas, will
celebrate their fiftieth wedding an-
niversary with open house in the
annex of the Dallas Methodist
Church, Saturday, May 5. Guests
will be welcome from 2 until 4 in
the afternoon and from 7 until 10
in the evening.. No invitations have
been issued.
Attorney and Mrs. Lewis were
married May 6, 1912, at Scranton
by the Rev. James Benninger. Mrs.
Lewis is the former Elizabeth Ridge-
way of Wyoming.
Attorney Lewis graduated from
Pittston High ‘School and Dickinson
Law School. He was admitted to
Luzerne County Bar Association in
1909 and is presently an honorary
member of that organization. After
teaching school in West Pittston
for Several years, Mr. Lewis opened
a law office in Pittston in 1919. In
1932 he moved to Dallas where he
has practised ever since.
Mary Alice Lumley
Has Eighth Birthday
Mary Alice Lumley, eight year
old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin
Lumley, Harris Street, Fernbrook,
received her first communion at the
9 a, m. Mass at the Gate of Heaven
Following the service a dinner
was served to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Williams, Linda, and Mr. and Mrs.
George Hinde and Billy, Media, Pa.;
Mrs. Mary ‘Sheridan, Mr. Cahill and
daughters, Mary Alice and Patricia,
Bronx, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Morgan, Shavertown; Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Morgan and Peggy, Lu-
zerne; Mrs. Joseph Dougherty, Ed-
wardsville; Kathleen Lumley, the
host and hostess and the guest of
James Robert Bottoms, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Bottoms,
147 North Main Street, Plains, and
Harvey’s Lake, announce the birth
of their first child, James Robert,
the Wilkes-Barre General Hospital
on April 28. Mrs. Bottoms is the
former Jane Elaine Banks, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. James Banks,
Plains. Mr. Bottom is the son of
of Trucksville,
Married Fifty Years
Mr. and Mrs. Burt B. Lewis |
To Celebrate 50th Anniversary
The new arrival was born at |
James Bottoms, Luzerne, formerly |
Janet Whitesell Enjoys
Thirteenth Birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Whitesell,
Sweet Valley, entertainment at
a family dinner, honoring their
| daughter, Janet, who observed her
| thirteenth birthday on April 24.
Helping with the celebration were
the honorees brothers, Freddie and
Rodger; her sister, Alice; Mrs. Gil-
bert Hannis, and children, Darl,
Sharon of Ashley; Lana Johnson,
Sweet Valley.
Humphreys Attend
National Shoe Show
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Humphreys,
Bak Mountain Shopping Center, re-
turned” Monday after attending the
National Shoe Show in New York
City where more than 800 manufac-
turers had displays. /
| Mr. and Mrs. Humphreys were
| impressed with the new stylings
{and among the merchandise purch-
| ased for. Humphreys Bootery were
|a number of new lines.
While in New York, they stayed
| at Motel City.
' Senior Woman's Club
| Plans Dance For July 14
Dallas Senior Woman's Club's
| annual summer dance committee
{ met recently at the home of the
chairman, Mrs. George McCutch-
eon and made plans to hold the
| dance Saturday, July 14 at O’Con-
nell’'s Twin Lakes, 9 to 1. Mrs.
William Wright is co-chairman. Mrs.
Harold Brobst, decorations chair-
man, and her committee are work-
ing on the theme “Mexican Holi-
Others present at the meeting:
Mrs. Thomas E. Reese, Mrs. Merrill
Faegenburg, reservations chairman;
Mrs. Edward Ratcliffe, poster chair-
man; and Mrs. Robert Brown, pub-
licity chairman.
{ Mr. Lewis served as solicitor to
{ Dallas Borough School District and
| to the Borough of Dallas for a num-
|ber of years. He is presently at- |
| torney for the Dallas Branch Miners
| National Bank and for Rural Build-
| ing and Loan Association.
The Lewises are members of Dal-
las Methodist Church. Mrs. Lewis
is a member of the J.A.B. Sunday
School Class and of the W.S.C.S.
The couple has two sons, George
R., head of the mathematics depart-
ment at Clarion State College, Clari-
on, Pa., and Robert B. head of the
English Department Lansing Cen-
tral School, Ludlowville, N. Y.; a
single granddaughter, Bonni Gayle
is a senior at Lamsing Central.
Sandy Beach Now
Open Week-Ends
starting Friday, May 4.
As usual a lot of spring work,
coming season is being done.
* ...and hasn’t Mother always known best?
, Give her the finest, the freshest candies made: Fanny
Farmer Miniatures, Assorted Creams, Milk Chocolate
Assortment, Home Assortment, from $1.60 the pound.
Remember! Mother's Day is May 13th™
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v POTATO SALAD | saw -.-
| Pick Up On: Your Way Home
ALWAYS 1 To Place Your Order. a i ALWAYS
/ FRESH! i OR 4-91 Ih | DELICIOUS!
— wm em e-em em A wm mm em mm = ow \
Sandy Beach, Harveys Lake, is |
opening for the season, weekends, |
renovating and planning for the
To Be Installed
New officers of Harveys Lake
stalled at a Charter Night at O’Con-
nell's Twin Lakes on May 3. All
past presidents will serve as re-
ception committee with Mrs. Harvey
Kitchen and Mrs. Dick Williams as
co-chairmen. Special invitations
were sent to charter members. Mrs.
president of Luzerne County Fed-
eration of Women’s (Clubs, and Mrs.
Edward Wicks, the newly installed
pres ident of Luzerne County Fed-
eration, have been asked to attend.
Charter members, honorary mem-
bers and officers will be photo-
graphed at 6 p. m. preceding the
meeting. Mrs. Joseph Rauch, foun-
der and first president, will pre-
sent the charter program assisted
by Pauline Davis. Honorary pins
will be awarded two senior mem-
bers bringing honorary membership
Woman's Service Club will be in- |
Gordon; Dietterick, immediate past |
Woman's Service Club Officers
Charter Night
|to a total of six.
Mrs. Rowland Ritts is making
| arrangements for the dinner to be
{served in the Buffalo Room. Mrs.
| Wilfred Ide will preside until the
|new president is installed. Plans
| for the affair have been in the mak-
| ing for the past seven months. Res-
| ervations to be made by April 30.
New officers are: Mrs. Charles
| Williams, president; Treva Traver,
vice president; Mrs. Earl Crispell,
second vice president; Mrs. Calvin
| McHose, recording secretary; Mrs.
[John Zorzi, Jr., assistant record-
ing secretary; Mrs. Howard Jones,
| treasurer; Mrs. Rowland Ritts, as-
| sistant treasurer; Mrs. Malcolm Nel-
| son, corresponding secretary; Mrs.
100 Bicking, assistant correspond-
| ing secretary. Mrs. Williams will
| present her chairmen of standing
committees during the business
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Harris, Phil-
adelphia, announce the marriage of
their daughter, Janice, to Thomas
(Steve) Siley, son of Mr. and Mrs.
| Russell Siley, East Dallas. The
| ceremony was performed in the
Philadelphia, on April 21.
The bride is a graduate of West-
moreland High School. She is
presently employed in the office of
the Farm Journal in Philadelphia.
Township High School and served
four years with the U. S. Air Corps,
parsonage of the Methodist Church, |
Mr. Siley was graduated from Dallas
Janice Morris Becomes Bride
Ot Thomas Siley, Philadelphia
|two of them in Japan. He is em-
| ployed in a garage in Philadelphia.
To Install Officers
At P.T.A. Meeting
Officers will be elected and in-
| stalled at Westmoreland Elementary
{School PTA meeting Tuesday, May
!8. Mrs. Elwood Swingle will talk
{on the blood bank program.
Mothers of grade three will serve.
beautiful and tangible way
63 South Main Street
gifts of fourteen karat to appeal to the Midas in her. A
Mothers’ Day, gold offers a truly memorable memento.
STORE HOURS DAILY - 10:00 - 5:25
THURSDAY ONLY - 10:00 - 8:45
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