(Continued from Page 1 B) QUESTION 8 Sandra Ambrose To Chris Leyolt, When you are translating, do you think in English or in your own native tongue? CHRIS, LEYDOLT, AUSTRIA In the beginning I didn’t have too much training, but if you know all the words and what they mean, you can form a sentence. I don’t think German when I read: I don’t have to transfer the sentence into German. ELSBETH GERRITS, Holland As I mentioned a few days ago, ‘I completely think in English and I dream in English. I dream of things which happened here and things I could have said during the day. It comes to me in English. Even when you speak you try to use English and forget Dutch. | | | | | | QUESTION 9 Sally Moyer to Bjarne Thorning- Lund, Would you say that your visit has been helpful and in- formative and if so, how? BJARNE THORNING-LUND, Den- mark, Definitely! In the first place, the impression they have in Europe is not too good of the Americans. They are very self-centered and are interested only in themselves. I have found this to be very wrong. People want to know everything about other countries. We try to understand these people and not just to shake their hand. You try to give them a good understanding. ARVIN SHAH, India, One thing, certain people are self- centered and some of the mate- rialistic view points in America are ATHLET REXALL w’S FOOT LIQUID FUNGI-REX Be Evans Drug Store SHAVERTOWN OR 4-3888 Relieves [Itching wrong. The Americans should not believe that America is the best; that America is above every other nation. This does not benefit your minds, that I am very low com- pared to you. Of course, America is progressive but you should not feel better than us. You know you are the best and it’s your duty to help other nations. In China the Americans have done a tremendous deed and they have tried to prove that they are thinking about us. They, too, have a feeling of hu- manity. 1 think it will be much better if the people could forget that they are the best nation. ELSBETH GERRITS, Holland, I think that when you are away from your country for one year you appreciate your country more than before.. You realize that you miss it and you see things you like especially in your own country. You appreciate it more when you’ re in another country. QUESTION 10 Elfreide Hefft to Elsbeth Gerrits, Holland, Do the young people in your country tend to group together in cliques and if not why? ELSBETH GERRITS, Holland, That is very hard to say. I think they do. It depends on the schools you are in, considering both private and public. There are sport clubs and when you want to be a member they ask you what your father does. I think this is one of the causes that the students don’t cligue. The public schools are dif- ferent. Everybody was one big | group. The reason for this was when we go to school we have the same class and every year we have the same home room teacher. When there's a clique forming in the school you can go to the teach- er and have her try to make it one big group again. In most public CROSSROADS ~ SHOPPING CENTER -YES... — WELL KNOWN LIQUIDATOR — “The Greatest Selling Sensation of the Age’ “ARTS” IN TOWN - ARTHUR G. ENGLER — WHERE — JOHN WILKES FURNITURE INC. 653 CAREY AVE., WILKES-BARRE, PA. — SMASHES PRICES — — 100 — 1 CANNED CANNED HAMS | HAMS TO BE TO BE GIVEN ; GIVEN AWAY AWAY DURING — WHEN — buRNG SALE SALE Started Wednesday, Apr. 11th at 10 a. m. COMPLETE STOCK OF FURNITURE, FLOOR COVERINGS, RUGS, JUVENILE FURNITURE, HOME FURNISHINGS, YES . . . EVERY- THING FOR THE HOME, COTTAGE AND CABIN THROWN ON THE BARGAIN BLOCK-4-U!! -STOCK ORDERED SOLD- FOR A HAPPY “EASTER TO ALL” CROSSROADS SHOPPING CENTER THE GREATEST PRICE-SLASHING... MONEY-SAVING SPLURGE... TO HIT THIS AREA IN MANY, MANY MOONS! THE EVENT WISE PEOPLE LISTEN TO WILK DON’T MISS! STATION At T | Park Free boi de in OPEN EVERY NIGHT "TIL 8 h 1 THE DALLAS POST, THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1962 schools they go to the teacher when they have any problems. Such as the girl who has no friends. They go to the teacher and tell her that. In the beginning you are embarrassed and shy and don’t con- fide in your teacher but after two years you are able to tell what you feel, what you think about things. They will do this again and again. BJARNE THORNING-LUND, I think that all over the world students tend .to group together. They want to take care of them- selves. And think this is a prob- lem all over the world. They tend to group together with the people who have the same interests as themselves. They discuss the things they like such as sports, and this will tend to form a clique. It's proof of fact that birds of a feather flock together. ARVIN SHAH, You don’t have these in the pub- lic or private schools cause you are together in one class and you just communicate with these people. But in the university, you do this because of the variety of classes. Moderator-~ The basic difference between | American teenagers and yours is what? s ARVIN SHAH, India, Basically, there is not much dif- ference between students of any na- tion and I don’t think there is any difference between what you are and what they are. After all, the teenager’s mind is of the same pro- gressive and I don’t think there's very much difference. Some people say that American students are known for juvenile delinquency. We do not have drinking in India and we do not have as many cars. BJARNE THORNING-LUND, I would say that basically all the young people are the same. When I just came here there was much hostility because I was a foreigner. When you talk to these kids you find out that we are pretty much the same. I think that your school system is very appropriate. QUESTION 11 Dorothy Eck to Arvin Shah, What has impressed you most in your visit to American his- toric scenes or shrines if you have visited them ? ARVIN SHAH, India, I don’t think I can answer that. BJARNE THORNING-LUND, Den- | mark, I'm sorry too. NUALA DOWNEY, New Zealand I've been to Washington and Val- ley Forge and that is all I've seen. I didn’t find anything extremely interesting. wibal ELSBETH GERRITS, Holland, I've been all over Europe and you can’t compare historic shrines in Europe with those in America. Because they are different in ages. This history is pretty young here. I went to Independence Hall in ® Antique Refinishing ® Cabinet Making ® Furnitue Repair . ALSO . AMAZING NEW METHOD . +. To Remove Cigarette Burns, Scratches, Stains from Table Tops, etc., with- out removing finishing coats. STEFAN HELLERSPERK OR 4-0744 CALL EVENINGS There is only one WELCOME WAGON 30 years of experience fostering good will in Duginess and community ife For information on Welcome Wagon, phone W0O0CVCOCOCEOCCICCCONICECOCCOC00COC0COCCOC0CO0CO0CC0CRCORTO OTD Pececereecreceeecenoeneeeccocoocecebu oe NE 9-3871 MKS. WILLIAM HELLER BU 7-4467 FRANCES IVES Philadelphia. The Hall didn’t inter- est me, but the man that was work- ing there did. I was amazed to hear that young people send them chairs, tables, and desks that were used in this hall and it was very interesting to see how they handled them. The Hall itself didn’t im- press me very much. QUESTION 12 Diane Payne to Bjarne Thorning- Lund, What do you miss most now and what will you possibly miss when you return to your home? BJARNE THORNING-LUND, that I miss. I miss my parents and friends. When you love a country and are accepted you don’t feel so much lonliness. When I go home I think I will miss the United States more. I found more and truer friends over here. ELSBETH GERRITS, Holland,- When you return you will al- ways remember. your experiences and friends. It will be hard to ac- cept the idea that I might never return. I will miss the United States and the people very much. CHRIS LEYOLT, I will miss the Country Clubs very much. You have a lot of clubs and they're very nice. The: radio has a- very nice program—WARM. QUESTION 13 Sandy Ambrose to Noala, Downey, New Zealand, Are the television programs in your country similar to ours and if not, in what way do they differ? Yes, they are very different in New Zealand. Television in New Zealand was in operation for only three weeks when I left. Only cer- tain days of the week was shown returns of old films. When I came here I was very intrigued including the commercials. I've gotten in the habit of television and like it very much. Now I can take it or leave it. Now I don’t like the com- mercials. I like the television very much especially the live programs. I expecially enjoyed the tribute given to Col. John H. Glenn. It’s a hot question because we were under German rule until 1945. 2 7 3 j 7 J &y ROBIN HOOD Actually there is not too much PATENTS WHITES— STRAPS BOYS’ OXFORDS—LOAFERS OVER 35 STYLES FOR ALL SIZES BJARNE THORNING-LUNG, Television is eight or ten years old and it's sponsored by the state. We have only one channel and one program a day from 8 o'clock in the morning until 9 o’clock at night. The programs we get there are cut throat. They are selected by the government. CHRIS LEYDOLT Television is very high classed. It's very striking and very inter- esting when you get used to it. Galley (7) QUESTION 14 Sally Moyer to Chris Leyolt, Austria Do you have racial prejudices in your country and if so, what meth- ods have been adopted to combat them ? CHRIS LEYDOLT, Austria There was a lot of descretion a- gainst the Jews. There is no racial discrimination between the people. BJARNE THORNING-LUND During World War 2 we did all we could to hide people from the Germans, Freedom fighters paid with their lives to help the people, ‘QUESTION 15 Elfreide Hefft to Arvin Shah, India What religion is predominant in your country? ARVIN SHAH, : ; Hinduism is in the majority. The second is Christianity. The third is of Moslems. Most of the people are Hindus. - Moderator— We don’t have much time left, so we better go to the last question. Dorothy Eck to Elsbeth Gerrits, Hol- land QUESTION 16 Do you feel that our First Lady, Jacqueline Kennedy, has strengthened our prestige in her recent trip abroad and if so, in what ways? ELSBETH GERRITS I don’t think that you could tell that yet. I certainly think that she shows the country that she went to that here is some interest in that country and I don’t know if it will have any affect. I think that there might be some logical effects.. ARVIN SHAH I think that this question is most suitable to me because she just FROM The GLOBE EASTER BONUS visited my country. I think this will have a great effect on the people. The Americans are .inter- ested in coming to India. I think that Mrs. Kennedy knows that there is a love of beauty in India, and the people were impressed by see- ing her. Thousands of them came out to welcome her, I think it has a very great influence on the peop- le. Such as when Queen Elizabeth 2 came to India, millions of people came to see her. Moderator— Any more comments before we close? 1 would like to thank our guests and I think that everybody enjoyed it all—dismissed. Donald Casey Recruit In Navy, Great Lakes Great Lakes, Ill. (FHTNC) — Donald P. Casey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Casey of Route 1, Harveys Lake is undergoing recruit training at the Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Ill. The nine-week basic training pro- | gram covers military etiquette, drill, physical fitness, swimming and sur- vival, first ‘aid, shipboard safety precautions and security duty. Throughout the training, exper- ienced counselors help determine which of the Navy's 67 career fields each man is best suited for. “I hate to hear people saying, ‘He is young, he must wait; he will get plenty of chances.” How do they know? Could Keats have waited, or Shelley, or Byron, or Burns ?”’ —J. A. Spender ~~ 0 ATIONWIDR SMUTUAL INSURAMNCE COMPANY MOMS OFFICE © COLYMSVS. G59 Sormedy. Dom ota iraaomes y ERNEST GAY New Dallas Shopping Center DALLAS ORchard 5-1176 Centermoreland FEderal 38-4500 | 200 EXTRA S&H Green Stamps USE ONE OR BOTH COUPONS BELOW + .ONE FOR _ 2nd FLOOR ‘ONE FOR Ist FLOOR OUTFIT THE FAMILY FROM.. HEAD TO TOE — with friendly} ~~ “GLOBE SERVIC PLUS EXTRA STA MPS New Shipment This Wee: HATS 9.99 1 7.99 GLOVES “1, HANDBAGS ‘2:99 CHILDREN’S SHOES and SUNDIAL $3.99 to $6.99 GIRLY’ re DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA RT Silver Leaf Models - Remarkable Hats Kunkle Silverleaf Club competed Tuesday night in displaying the funniest, the prettiest, the most or- iginal, and the wackiest Easter bon- nets at the annual dinner, staged at the Franklin Tea Room in Center Moreland. Mrs. Eugene Fisk, mod- elling an Easter basket hat complete with downy chicks, colored eggs, and flowers rated first place for the prettiest; Virgie Elston’s straw hat, loaded with bows and flowers, was the funniest; Lillian Kunkle's le’s inverted Easter basket, handle under chin, most original. Present yere Mesdames Emma Miller, Clifford Hawke, William Weaver, Eugene Fisk, Ralph Ash- burner, Forrest Kunkle, Owen Ide, Ralph Hess, Ann Weaver, Eliza- beth Hess, Fred Dodson, William Brace, Lillian Kunkle, James Trav- er, Russell Miers, William Freder- ick, Virgie Elston, Ernest Martin, Ralph Elston, and Stanley Harris- , on. “When we are out of sympathy with the young, then I think our work in this world is over.” —George MacDonald “Youth, as we older people know to our cost, detects in a flash the repetition of pious tags and pompous platitudes.” —John Cowper Powys. PEAS po (TET TEVH oiese rons ‘COUGH i MIXTURE 4 BY Jefferies Mkt. Demunds Corners = vee Caddie Labar Dallas i pe Herron’s Mkt. Harveys Lake 2 ee Wheeler's Cafe Lake-Noxen Road = le Rinken’s Cafe Idetown — ee Gavy’s Mkt. Trucksvi.le FOR COUGHS DUE TO COLDS WET CONTENTS 4 FLUID 02 PRICE (LEZUIN * CILVIK ‘PRODUCTS CO. LISTEN Loe FG Te? 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