SECTION C — PAGE 4 THE DALLAS POST, THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1962 URAL SA RARE SA Sate DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA — Luzerne Merchants Unite In Spring Sales Promotion _. 'NOXEN Horseshoe 4-H Club Back Mountain Horseshoe 4-H Club met on Saturday at the Leh- man Firehall to hear James Huston, Jr. and Addison Woolbert discuss slides from the Purina ‘Company. FREE Our Easter Gift Pearls with every purchase of $2.50 One to a family. Double Celebration’ Mr, and Mrs, Z. S. Harmond, par-i ents of Mrs. Howard Whitesell and | Mr. and Mrs. George Whitesell, parents of HE WENN ONS EDS DNR EESN GENE SEN SEND WEPY Seven,” to you. A beautiful strand of or more. GIRLS’ NYLON FLEECE TOPPERS (Washable) Sizes 2 to 14 3.99 to 5.63 BOYS’ SUITS A handsome Jacket with Pants to match 207 AND UP BOYS’ IVY LEAGUE PANTS Sizes 6 to 16 19 GIRLS’ GENUINE PATENT LEATHER SLIPPERS 2.99 MEN’S GENUINE GABARDINE DRESS TROUSERS 3.99 AND UP GIRLS’ HAT & PURSE SETS 1.91 GIRLS’ NYLON EASTER DRESSES 1 07 AND UP MEN'S GENUINE LEATHER DRESS BELTS 8dc LADIES’ GENUINE BAN-LON SWEATERS AND UP MEN’S CHINO WORK PANTS B.V.D. Brand 2.5) Famous BOYS’ OXFORD SHOES Newest Styles =e AND UP LADIES? SHOES DRESSY FLATS Newest Styles 1.94 °™ 3.15 Clothing and Shoes for the en FACTORY DI Corner Main Street LUZERNE Open Even'ngs—Thursday, Friday, Saturday tire family at discount prices STRIBUTORS and Tener Street i as guests over I: Mrs. iN | Mrs. ; | Berwick, were dinner guests at the | has made considerable changes. in § | Richard Traver § General 8 is scheduled for ER Mr #8 Candy and William Race, Bingham- spent the week end with the | | Lawrence Races. William is remain. | fl | ing | Recent visitors at the home of | Mrs. Betty Smth were: Mrs. Jeanie 8 West Milford, N. J. ¥ Philip Cummings and Barb- | 1 ara, Milltown, N. J. Donald Root and ; spent a few days 8 with his mother, Mrs. Liman Root. Members of the Luther League, "Whitesell, wed 41 years last Frida ed the moving picture “Question 3 A at the Hart Theatre, Wilkes | hoppen and Mrs. Violetta Wandell, family, of Allentown, spent the week Howard and Elwood | St. Lukes Lutheran Church, attend- end with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Manning, Mes- Barre, on Sunday. They were ac-| Tunkhannock, visited the William companied by their Pastor Kimm, Mr. Wesley | and Mrs. Roy Dendler tour of Florida. spent two weeks ‘with Mrs. Ira Kresge. They had Harriett Dendler, Harrisburg and Mr. i Holdredge ‘and Scott, Shavertown, | the week end. Warren Stahler and Jerry, | Osmond Casterlines, in Sunday. Dick Traver and Mr. and Mrs. | port, spent the week-end with Mrs. and family. Mrs. Ora Bean spent the week- | lend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. | fRayinond Garinger, Harveys! Lake. | Mr. and Mrs. | iamsport, the home of Mr. and Mrs. ‘Elvin if | Bean. fi Tom Bean, Rahway, N. J., | the week end here with his family. Mrs, Ralph major surgery. ad Mrs. ton, here for a week. Mrs. Anne Isaacs, and Mr. Chapman and Mrs. Mr. family, and Mrs. Buffalo, re- turned on Friday from a month’s | their home today after While there they and Mrs, Jack | Doyle Mingus and Mr. and Ray Evelan, Will- | spent the week end at | 3 spent | Hospital on Sunday. She Mr. Nelson Cargill. and | and | Murphys, on Sunday. | Mr. and Mrs, Walter Winnie and | family of Susquehanna returned to | attending the funeral of her father, Steven | Root. Carl Brobst has accepted em- ployment with Jay Evans, at Tunk- hannock. Mrs. Evelyn Nalbone, Watchung, N. J., spent the weekend with ‘her son Joseph and family. Mr. Nalbone his store during the past week. | Noxen V.F.-W. [Post 16824 held | Cecil Traver and family, Williams. | services at the funeral of Stephen Root on Thursday at Orcutt Ceme- tery. Commander was William Hol- los, Chaplain, Warren Montross, | Color ‘bearers, Vane Race and Ar- | thur Blizzard,, Color guard, Delbert Blizzard and John Kovolick, 'Bug- Stephen Arendt. Firing squad | was under command of Sgt. Steiner | of thé Tobyhanna Military Depot. Mrs. Voyle Traver, Mr. and Mrs. | Chester = Goodman, Mary Shook, | and Mrs. | New Jersey. | Myrle Siglin, Maurice Lameroux, ‘Langhorne, N.o:J. { tain Engelman entered | spent the week end atthe home of | | | spent the week end with her par- | ents the Harry Siglins. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Battell, | Tom's River, N. J., spent the week- end with Ben Sevenski and fam | ily. | Mrs. Donald Meeker, Lorraine and Donna visited Mr. and Mrs. Ellis | | Meeker, Luzerne Stores Welcome Spring With Many Sales Main Street Is AR Big Shopping Center In Itself Main Street, Luzerne, is making a change of face . . . slowly, per- haps, but nevertheless . it is changing. Within the past few months, Ann’s Apparel, formerly located at the cormer of Bennett and Main, has become a part of the ‘heart of Main Street, where most attractive large windows can prop- erly display very latest fashions. Across the street from Ann's is the Mayer's Variety Store, in the former home of Woolworth’s. Buddies’ Men’s Shop, in the form- er Friedman Department Store loca- tion, is another change that has occurred and is proving to be a worthwhile one. The Globe Store, long a favorite Luzerne Shopping spot . . . especiallly for Back Moun- shoppers, continues to treat bundreds through its extra stamp | bonus and wide Srey of mer- | chandise. Schechtman’s Army & Navy Store has added a Sport Shop featuring | discount prices on ladies’ wear, | w hich gives evidence of the Schecht- | man’ s faith .in the Luzerne shopping f area. The large Factory Distributor | Store, on a busy corner of Main | Street, is ever a popular shopping Herrickville, and Mr. and location for the entire family, The | Mrs. Robert Shafer, Laceyville,” on | Warshals are fine folks who have | the interest of their customers at Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hopfer, Clara | heart . andl David and Shirley Patton were : . and buy accordingly. Allnast every week, Strauser’s | dinner guests at the home of Mrs. Linoleum and Floor Covering Shop Mr. and. Mrs. Maxwell Weber, N. J., spent Sunday at their home |Eva Cartwright, Mehoopany,: on in Stull. 3 Sunday. Mrs. Emma Hough and daught- | er. Ruth, Almedia, visited Stella | Shoek on ‘Saturday. Eileen Crispell, Newark, NJ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Crispell. | Nevin Benner, Richfield, Pa, spent | Thursday with Mrs. Albert Caster- | line. : Ice Completely oft Laks | The last’ of the ice disappeared | spent the week end with her par- from Harveys Lake on Saturday, followed immediately by the’ ap- | pearance of waterfowl. Mrs. Wil- liam. Pierce Jr. counted 89, includ- ling Grebes, 'Pied-Bills, Buffle- Heads, PANT END EES OND BED DE GEA BD BEN ESR mm mem gm Mr and Mrs. Sterlyn May and Mergansers and Loons. Ni From Head to Toe..Your family will be outfitted so fashionably...for so little! CHILDREN’S SHOES $3.99 To $6.99 PATENTS— WHITE—STRAPS BOYS’ OXFORDS—LOAFERS MANY STYLES FOR ALL SIZES EASTER BONUS FROM The GLOBE 200 EXTRA S&H Green Stamps USE ONE OR BOTH COUPONS BELOW ONE FOR ONE FOR 1st FLOOR 2nd FLOOR HATS $2.99 To $1.99 100 S&H 100 SUITS $10.99 TO $35. COUPON 00D FOR hogs ) I | In Addition to Regular Stamps On Cash Purchases of $5.00 Or More I 1 I I ! THIS COUPON | 700 | 100 | GLOBE IN LUZERNE | 100 | COUPON GOOD FOR | 100 S&H GREEN STAMPS In Addition to Regular Stamps | On Cash Purchases of $5.00 or more. | THIS COUPON GOOD THROUGH SECOND FLOOR ONLY 100 He vy FL rs EVES ES [yay milf ERY 3% GREEN STAMPS GOOD THROUGH APRIL 11 APRIL 11 LAY-A-WAY YOUR PURCHASES NOW ! feature specials that are attracting shoppers to Luzerne. The selection of floor coverings is one of the largest in the Wyoming Valley area. For a great number of years, Greenwald's has been a vital Lu- zerne business establishment. Back Mountain residents often speak of the kindly interest the Greenwalds take with each customer problem. A large Gift Shop and Houseware Department supplements a Furni- ture Store that has always been known for reliable business deal- ings. Each week the Dallas Post Paros the listing of Luzerne Theatre at- tractions |. proving that Back Mountain folks patronize that well- kept, nopular movie house. Its con- tinuation is proof again ‘that the Luzerne Shopping Center is still a Yo aetive | area. Linolewms. Stop in and look around . J select from. Let us give you a FREE ESTIMATE Inlaid and Vinyl Linoleum Armstrong’s Vinyl Accolon Inlaid and Vinyl Tiles, 9°x9” ‘Wall Covering, 414° high Rubber Stair Pads, 9x18 I SWEET VALLEY Roseanne Harry, student at Penn | State, spent Saturday with her | aunt, Mrs. Hale Bronson. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harry, Muhlenburg, Mrs. Howard Post has returned home after being a patient at Nes. bitt Hospital for two weeks. Bess Klinetob entertained at sup- per Thursday, Dayton Long and George Johnson, Other callers were Mr. and Mrs. George Grant and son, Morris, /Lake Silkworth; Mr. Mrs, Ollie Harvey, Dallas. Mrs. Margaret Turner, who had resided with her mother-in-law, Mrs. Willis C. Turner, left Sweet Valley March 28, to join her hus- band Charles Donald Turner in Hawaii where they expect to stay for two and a half years. Margaret was accompanied to Avoca Airport and gie Turner. The major part of the trip was by jet. She left San Fran- cisco last Saturday. Margaret is a former resident of Dophan, Ala- bama, Committee of Cub Pack 444 met March 19 at Church of Christ. There will be a camporee at Rum- | ages’ Grove the week-end of May | 25. ‘The 'boys have also been in- vited to march Loyalty Day parade, April 28. Cub theme for April is ‘“Troubadours”. New cubs are Harold Shaw and Bruce Baker. Attending the meet- ing. were Mrs. Floyd Wolfe, Mrs. Marjorie Williams; Cubmaster Burl Updyke; Assistant. Cubmaster George Haines; Mrs. Frank Beuka; Mrs. James Garrahan; Scoutmaster, Joseph Kipp, assistant Scoutmaster, Albert L. Ray. meeting will be April 16. JIMMIE PALL IN GEISINGER HOSPITAL Jimmie Pall, son of Mr, and Mrs. | Walter Pall, Pikes Creek, is a pa- | tient at Geisinger Hospital. Jimmie was stricken ill during the noon recess at Lake school March 16 while playing in the school yard. He returned to the school building and collapsed. . Mouth to mouth respira- tion was administered by Mr. Price, a member of the faculty. He was mitted to Nesbitt Memorial Hospital. On Sunday, March 18, he was taken bv Harvev’s Lake ambulance to taps to relieve pressure, his condi- tion is somewhat improved. Jim- mie’s sister, Connie, is helping him to fill scrapbooks with cards re- ceived, Glenn Brown. Lehman Heights. is a patient at Nesbitt Hospital under- go ng tests. BU 8-28217 SALE REG. $2.89 $1.59 6c Larry, Berwick; Mr/ ahd Mrs, John | by Mrs. Albert [Smith and Miss Vir- | in the Nanticoke The next committee | taken to Noxen clinic and later ad- | Geisinger Hospital, After six spinal | STRAUSER'S 186 MAIN STREET, LUZERNE Timmy Nevill has returned after | 'being a medical patient at Nesbitt Hospital. | Pack meeting of troop 444 was held on March 27 at Church of Christ Hall, with Cubmaster, Burl Updyke presiding, The theme for March was ‘Islands of the World”. Den two, displayed Japanese lan- terns, hats and shoes made by the cubs. They also presented a skit about Japan. Mrs. Floyd Wilfe is den mother, Mrs. Frank Beuka, | assistant, Barry Ray is Den Chief. | Den three displayed sailboats and Hawaiian leis and skirts, made at their den meetings under the direc- tion of Den mother, Mrs. Marjorie | Williams, assisted by Mrs. James Garrahan, = Bernard Saluta is Den Chief. Slides of a den meeting were | featured. Refreshments were served | by mothers of Den three. Attending | were, Mrs. Fred Whitesell, Fred, Jr.; | Mrs. Joseph Zapotoski, Betty and Agnes; Mr. and Mrs. George Haines, George, Jr. David, Karen, Paul and Jeseph; Mrs. James Garrahan, Timmy Garrahan; Mrs. Marjorie Williams, Danny; Mr. and (Mrs. Burl Updyke, Bryan, Merwin, | Allan and Duane; Mrs. Audrey Ed- | wards, Dale and Brenda; Mrs. James | Yoder. Virgina, Jimmie, Geralyn and Kenny; Charles Perkins, Jona- { thon, . Charles Tim; Howard Piatt, | Tommy; Mrs. Ruth Disque, Lewis and Jimmie Cooney; Mrs. Richard N. Stroud, Allan; Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert L. Ray, Randy Kevin, Brooke and Graceanne, Dale Edwards and Fred Whitesell received Bobcat pins. Howard Piatt accepted the office of Pack 444 treasurer. Mrs. Albert L. Ray will have a “uniform swap shop” at her (home. Outgrown or discarded cub or boy scout uniforms will be ap- preciated. Both troops are in need of uniforms. W.S.C/S. of Maple Grove Meth- odist Church, fellowship supper April 10 at the church hall will be- {gin promptly at six, DARWIN SMITH FETED Mr. and Mrs, William Smith, Ne- vell Hollow Road, entertained Satur- day evening honoring Mr. Smith's brother, Darwin Lee, who was twelve. The following attended; Wendy Elaine Smith, Jane Ann Cooper, and Bob ‘Smith. Darwin's father, who is self-employed, haul- ling cars was in Indianna. last week. SHARE BIRTHDAY HONORS Adrian DeMarco and seven-year- old son, John, observed their birth- | days April 3, with a family dinner. | Joining in the celebration were Mrs. | DeMarco and Adrian, Jr.. Mary Ann, {Helen Paul, Gerard and Clare Marie. | The DeMarcos reside on Sutton 'Road, Trucksville. SPRING FLOOR and WALL COVERING We sell and cxponly install ARMSTRONG’S Inlaid and Vinyl Corlon . we have hundreds of patterns to SALE PRICE $1.98 Sq. Yd. $1.19 Sq. Yd. each and up 25¢ lineal ft. 39¢ ea. Hallmack and Miami Carey Chrome Bathroom Accessories 15% OFF Inlaid Linoleum and Vinyl Remnants 50% OFF 9x12 Felt Base Rugs $4.95 ea. FREE YARDSTICKS PORCH OUTSIDE ETIAN BLINDS . . Open 9 15 5:30 PAINT SALE hans CONLYN LATEX FLAT WALL PAINT ONE COAT ENAMEL (White) AND FLOOR ENAMEL WHITE HOUSE PAINT Also available ifn quarts... 99¢ qt. We also carry a complete line of MASTICS, METAL TRIMS, TILE- BOARD, WINDOW SHADES, RUG BORDER, RUBBER BASE and VEN- . custom made and installed. Expert installation of GERAMIC TILE and Formica Countertops WALL TO WALL INSTALLATION MAGEE CARPETS AND RUGS STRAUSER'S LINOLEUM & TILE CENTER 86 MAIN Sd, LUZERNE — BU 8-827 $3.49 Joe, Jr. 1 MT. ZION NOTES We went over to Ed: Miles’ to see Billy's new new kitchen and dining room cup- boards, They are roomy, convenient land beautiful. Dick King was there doing the work. I could tell he knew what he was doing and how to do it. Mrs. Russell Lewis and sister Net- tie Parrish went to Pottstown to visit their sister Mrs. Lloyd (Kate) Drake. Dale Drake has just left to join the Marines, Mrs. Cornelius Hastie was missed from church Sunday. She has bronchitis which we hope she'll soon be rid of. Alex Smith is home again ¥ a brief time in Nesbitt Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. William Bell Sr. from Philadelphia visited their son’s family down the road from Mt. Zion church, Mr. and Mrs. William Bell Jr, ; You should see our Mt. Zion dresses up the sanctuary making it a delight to see. Also there has been permanently installed a public address system which will carry the services to the Sunday School room the. lower level, This will be a real necessity especially on Easter Sun- day and other special occasions. It would be nice for any Sunday. Like many churches if all the members came out on any given Sunday they could not all be seated in the sanc- tuary. They could overflow and still hear the service now. Elec- tronics are great! Thanks to Mrs. Alired Armi- tage, correspondent at Harvey’s Lake for her springy comments about her territory and about the spring at unmovin. Wonder if she ever saw actual peepers ? We had one stray peep, ion our front porch one year What actually “sang” wus his little flute song. Last Friday night in the rain 7 or 8 peeplers (com- bination for peepers and people!) came on our front porch. Crazy little folks, A we love them. They put onl orchestra at far end of the pond. We wondered if these on the porch are like the takers- up-of-the-collection at a street concert, or like the organ grinder monkev that used to doff his cap and hold it out for a penny. Anyway we told them ton scat before someone in a2 hurry might step on them. You should see them jump! The Kings Crusaders “class: met last Wednesday night at the church. How do vou suppose the discussion got started about having a chicken sunper May 5? Well, . (the class decided to put on a chicken supper. That was that. [Some people say the biscuits are | the best part of a chicken a Mildred Krum was named chairman of the dining room: Mae Lewis of the tickets. Mark that on your date- pad. Then it was noted that the class will have a bake sale on the occasion {when the MYF serves its spaghetti | supper May 26. So, Crusaders for the King put that in your date book ‘and bake your prize recipe for the occasion, | Ida Howell reminded members that she has all-occasion cards to | sell. Anyone wanting to put flowers in | the church Easter or any other Sun- day remember Marie LaBar is flower [Pros now, Let her know. For evening entertainment the Kings Crusaders tried to guess the identity of baby and youth pictures submitted by the members. Mar- ' vellous how these ladies and their families have changed through the years. One of the most inteigfting pictures was that of pupils of Mt. Zion school taken 45 years ago. One of the class members was in first grade in that picture. (TM porter thought it not wise to say which one!) . Catherine's father was taken back when he was 7 or 8, wearing a huge ribbon bow under his chin. I remember the picture was taken when I had a bad case of St. Vitus Dance; wonder how they ever got me steady-nerved enough to get the picture. Marian Thomas won the prize for guessing the most pictures. Further entertainment ‘was provided by the girls drawing pictures. Easter bon- nets. (Probably dream-pictures of wishful thinking!) Those present were: Emma Miles, chairman of the committee,. Joan Dymond, Bruno, and Ruth Grey others of the committee. Other members present, Mae Lewis, Ida Howell, Marie La- Bar, Jane Lloyd, Peggy Thomas, Jean Earl, Millie Krum, Clara Gon- ser, Marion Thomas, Catherine Gil- bert, Audrey Earl, Janet Dymond. Ralph Swan, neighbor aro b the corner on the other road from us, was under surgery in Nesbitt Hos- pital March 12 and is now con- valescing at home, [I dropped in on him and found him doing nicely, being entertained by his youngest Ralph Jr. Also visiting was Ralph’s Elwood Ide from Dallas. Mrs. Ide was in a class in nursing just be- hind our Dorothy. Ralph's wife also is Shirley, formerly Shirley Johnson of Trucksville. Heard this from West Pittston: a “the thing about disciples’. asked: “Were they any relation to ‘the ‘Seiples” I know?” I think maybe they were! rds lamb. Also’ Emma’s | church now. The new green carpet . back of the pulpit and the room on ° Clara Gonser. offered to bake all the biscuits if glad nobody recognized his picture. Julie’ sister Shirley Ide and her husband teacher was telling her class some- One pupil who is acquainted up our road H bn n : GS EARLATRAL | Aid = 1 I Ap: Ba tra > VOY VV VV VY 11 y ~~