The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, March 22, 1962, Image 14

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BEAUMONT, Mrs. William Austin
FERNBROOK, Mrs. George Shaver
HARVEYS LAKE, Mrs.Albert Armitage
~ IDETOVe, Bess Cooke
. LEHMAN, Barbara Simms
MEEKER, Mrs. Fred Winter
Spring, beautiful Spring, has fin.
elly arrived and the birds are re-
turning in large numbers. Flocks of
~ Geese are flying North.
Tech. Sgt. Joseph J. Baluh, son of
My: and Mrs. Joseph J. Baluh,
Huntsville Réad, has returned to
his base at San Antonio, Texas,
after having made a flying trip
home to attend the funeral of his
uncle, Peter Beresky, Sr., RD 3,
Shickshinny. This was the first time
home for Tech Sgt. Baluh in three
years, = Tech. Sgt. Baluh and wife
and two children, have been sav.
"ing all their leave time to 26 to the
World's Fair this summer. 'He is
making the Air Force his career;
having spent eleven years in that
branch. .
When Mrs. Albert J. Cadwala-
der invited the Study Group of
Huntsville Methodist Church to her
home Wednesday afternoon, she
thought she would surprise them
with a birthday cake, as Wednes-
day was her birthday. But she was
surprised instead when one of the
ladies = brought along a birthday
cake for her. The following en-
joyed refreshments along with hav-
ing a good discussion of their les-
son, with Mrs. Raymond Kuhnert
as the teacher: Mrs. Clarence Els-
ton, Mrs. Ruth Harrison, Miss Laura
Smith, Mrs. John Fielding, Mrs.
Beatrice Headman, Mrs, Edna Ray,
Mrs. Catherine Lashford, Mrs, Dor-
othy Russell, Mrs. Claude Newhart.
The same group met at the home
of Mrs. Ruth Harrison, Dallas,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Baluh
paid a recent visit to Mr, and
Mrs Ernest Hassell, Prospect Park.
Mrs. William L. Conyngham, ac-
companied by her mother, Mrs, F. |:
E. Parkhurst, spent 'two days in
New York this past week. -
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Sher-
wood and children, Denice and
Scott, spent the weekend Visiting
relatives at Allentown.
Jessie Conyngham will be homed)
from Madiera School Friday, for
spring vacation. ‘She spent yester-
day and today at a friend’s home
at Luray, Virginia, Her parents
drove down to Luray to pick her
up and will return tomorrow.
Another evidence of Spring, was
- the large group of boys from Chase
Manor and surrounding areas, who,
despite the chilly wind and soggy
turf had a good time Sunday after-
nooo playing ball.
Bonnie Dubil daughter of Mr. and
NE 9-2544
OR 4-5460
NE 9-9531
NE 9-5137
OR 4-3391
GR 17-2734
Mt. ZION, Rev. Charles Gilbert
NOXEN, Mrs. Ira Beahm
Mrs. Michael, Dubil, has her frac-
tured right wrist in a cast as the
result of a fall two weeks ago while
on her way to board the school
Frank Elenchick has disposed of
the wild cat he captured on Red
Rock Mountain At the time of his
demise, the cat weighed over sev.
enteen pounds. Much lighter than
when it was caught. Frank had it
in a pen in their barn where a
large number of persons viewed it
during the past few weeks.
Ricky Frantz, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles S. Frantz, has arrived
home from Hotchkiss School for
spring vacation. Ricky will return
to the School on April 4.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Gabel
had as weekend guests, Mrs. Gab-
el's sister and brother-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. William Young and daugh-
ter, Debra, Highland Park, N. J.
Auxiliary of Jackson Fire Comp-
any has taken on the project of
making new draperies for the Din-
[ing Hall. Mrs. Roland Gensel, is
president of the Auxiliary. Firemen,
under the direction of President
Carl Aston, will paint the Dining
The Lehman Township School
Authority at a Special Meeting held,
March 8, passed a resolution auth-
orizing the razing of the old wood-
en building at Lehman.
The Lake-Lehman Joint School
District has gone on record as being
opposed to any re-organization plan
as reommended by the State, and
that they are definitely in favor of
remaining as is, and the school
secretary was ordered to notify,
Mr. Teter of the County School Of-
fice, of their intentions.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gabel enter-
tained their daughter and son-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. Verne Stueber
and family of Westville, N.J., over
the weekend.
Benjamin Jenkins, Jr., has res-
igned as a teacher at Lake-Lehman
Schools, effective at the end of
the present term.
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Gabel had
| as weekend guests, their sons, Paul,
{and family of Johnston, Harold, and
| family, of Lebanon and Charles and
family of Dallas.
Lake.Noxen P.T.A. approved buy-
ing a reading machine for Lake-
Noxen School. Lehman School re-
ceived a reading machine from
Lehman Jackson Ross P T A some
time ago.
Boy Scout Troop 25 will cease
* Starting at
Come see the
April Showers of Bargains
To be held in {
Modern Farm Machinery
Your Minneapolis Moline Dealer
Good Time To Be Had By All
March 29
10 A. M.
FE 3-4426
_ | taking orders for Easter Candy to-
day. Mrs. Peter Lincoln, chairman
of this project, asks mothers of
scouts to report to the Fire Hall,
March 29 to help with the dis-
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gable report
lambing season over for the year.
Twenty-one of their sheep gave birth
to thirty lambs, ten sets of twins
being included in the lot. The lambs
will be ready for the Easter Mark-
et. Four Angus heifers were also
added to their herd.
The community rejoices with the
| Nicholson family on the safety of
| their son and brother, Samuel T.
Nicholson, 2nd, who was a nav-
igator on the ill fated Flying Tig-
er Super Constellation that vanished
in the Pacific with the loss of all
107 aboard. It was Navigator
Nicholson’s good fortune that his
part of the run ended at Guam
where he disembarked, and an-
ther navigator crew took over. Staff
Sgt: John H Calahan of Hazleton
was lost on the plane.
Miss Lawler, Public Health Nurse,
has requested the School District
nurse and teachers to assist her
in checking first grade students for
immunization of Diphtheria. Whoop-
ing Cough and Tetanus. After this
survey is made, the Department of
Health will decide if a clinic is
needed for our area. There would
be no charge for this service.
Congratulations to Laing K. Cool-
baugh, who celebrated his birthday
on March 19.
his base at Fort Bragg, N.C. last
Wednesday after spending two
weeks at home. His father, Paul
Dugan, Sr.’s birthday was on March
15, but they celebrated it on. March
14, in order that Paul Jr, would be
able to be present.
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hummel,
Jr., Lorain, Ohio, are rejoicing over
the birth of another son Ronald Jay.
They have four other children,
Ricky, Robbie, Randy and Elaine.
She is the former Faye Smith. Her
mother Fern Smith has returned
home after spending some time with
Those from here attended quart-
erly conference
were Mesdames H. E. Payne, Wil-
bur Dougal, Marvin Hoppes, Clar=
ence Swire, Ivan Stienruck. Arthur
Darnell, Gilbert Ide, Luther Hum-
mel and the following men: Clarence
Swire, Gilbert Ide, David Ide, Arthur
Darnel. Also attending were Jane
Dougal and Bess Klinetob. Loyal-
ville had the largest percentage
in attendance.
Peace Air Force Base, N. H. spent
the week end with his mother Mrs.
{ Mary Nienius.. Her son Victor of
| Plymouth, wife, Helen, and daught.
er, Marlene, were also here.
Beverly Eckerd, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Peter Eckerd and Richard
Gliddon of West Nanticoke, were
married Saturday evening at the
home of John Dombroski, Plym-
outh Justice of the Peace. Attend.
ing them were mother Claire Eck-
erd and brother-in-law Edwin Wink-
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin « Winkley,
Middleport, N. Y. are rejoicing over
the birth of their first child, Lori-
Ann, She is the former Ada Eck-
erd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Eckerd. Mr. Winkley spent the week
end with her parents on his way
| to New Jersey, where he is in ser-
vice. Their son Robert Eckerd Med-
ina, N. Y., spent some time at
Mr. and Mrs. John White, son
Daniel, and daughter, Kathy, par-
ents Mr. and Mrs. Donald Boston,
are planning on going to Buffalo,
N. Y. wher sister Mrs. Jay Boone
and family and brother Theodore
and family live. They plan to en-
joy the ice follies.
Mrs. Matthew Price, the former
Peggy Miller, spent a week with
a friend, Mrs. L. E. Mong of RD 4
| Mechanicsburg, who is a patient at
Polyclinic Hospital in Harrisburg.
A shower was held at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Eckerd for
Showing |
At The
APRIL 4. 5, 6, 3
2:15 P. M. and 8:15 ¥.
MATINEE 10:15 A. M.
For Group Reservations On.y
On Sale Tues..
Office, the
Wilkes-Barre, Pa..
214 Hour Show—25 Thrilling Acts
‘Seats $2.40 and $1.80
27 at the Irem Temple Bex
Store, Colombo Smoke Shop,
and Kutz Bakery. Gateway, Kingston. !
Sponsored by Uniformed Units of Irem Temple.
~ SHAVERTOWN, Mrs. Thomas Kriedler
SWEET VALLEY, Mrs, Albert Ray
TRUCKSVILLE, Nelson Woolbert
PFC Paul Dugan Jr., returned to
at Maple Grove |’
Staff Sgt. William Nienius of a
Harding 388-2270
NE 9-8522
OR 4-5231
GR 17-8271
- There will be a reorganization
meeting of the Beaumoént Girls’ 4 H
Club Wednesday, April 4, dt 3:30
PM. at the home of Mrs, Carlton
Rogers. Girls of the 10 thru 21 age
group are invited to attend to plan
activities for a worthwhile summer’s
' Mrs, Mildred Lutes spent’ this
week in New York City where she
attended the convention of the cos-
Mrs. Calla Parrish, who is a guest
at the Patton home at Noxen in-
vites her friends to call to see her.
~ Mr. and Mrs. George Ryman,
Vestal, N.Y. were recent visitors
Charles Moyer and family are
living in California where Charles is
employed with the Civil Service
after retiring from service with the
Air Force,
Happy Birthday to Harry Gibson
who will be eighty-eight years old
March 25!
Mrs. Henry Randall will be host-
ess of the Missionary Society of
the Glenview P.M. Church on Satur.
day at 1:45 p.m. at her home.
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Derrick,
Endicott, N. Y. spent Sunday with
Rev. and Mrs. Andrew Derrick; De-
munds Road. John Fluck, Harveys
Lake was also a dinner guest.
Mrs. William Holeman. and daugh-
ter,” Linda, "E. Ovérbrook Ave,
have been ill for the past week.
daughter Beverly, Games were play-
ed and luncheon enjoyed by all
present. «Gifts were received from
the following: Cora Lee, Mr. and
Mrs, Clarence Payne, Mr. and Mrs.
Luther Hummel, Mr. and Mrs. H, E.
Payne, Louise Lee, Ethel Stucker,
Minnie Eddy, Mr. and Mrs, William
Jackson, Emma Eddy, and from
host and hostess. CREA
Happy Birthdays go out to Pedrl
Ide, Daniel and Leland Grey, David
Mrs. Donald MacDermott and son,
David, Stillwater, spent some time
this week with mother Mary Nien-
ius, sisters Dianne Wegner and Mil-
dred Darnell.
One of the first things a child
learns when he gets'a drum is that
he isn’t ever gonna get another
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thomas
had as weekend guests, the latter’s
unclé and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. C.
A. Oberst, Bloomsburg.
M¢. and Mrs. William Edwards,
Marysville, visited with the form-
ér's mother, Mrs. Alice Edwards,
Mooretown, last week-end.
Mrs. Nettie Post is visiting this
week with Mr. and Mrs. Charles
H. Long. :
. Mts. Howard Post is undergoing
tests af Nesbitt Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Zerfoss, Sr.
had as Sunday guests, Mr. and
Mrs. Bruce Swisher, Donna, Dana,
Donald and Linda; Mr. and Mrs.
Benton Culver, Glenda, Bernadine,
Benny, Bhickshinny; Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Zearfoss, Donald, Rodney,
Country Club, Dallas; Mr. and Mrs.
Guy Zerfoss, Jr., Toby and Debbie,
Chase; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zer-
foss, Donna and Karen, Harvey's
Lake; Butchie Edwards, Mr. and
Mrs, William Edwards, Maryville.
(Charles H. Long held his annual
Auction, March 10. Farm equip-
meént was brought in from this and
neighboring communities and dis-
posed’ of by means of an auction.
The sale attracted many people,
some to buy and sell, some just to
watch and be in on the fun, and
all to enjoy the delicious lunch
served by ladies of First Christian
Church, Sale of home-made soups,
pies, hot sandwiches and plenty of
coffee netted the ladies $446.27.
Dean Long took time off from his
studies at Bloomsburg to act as
auction clerk.
Mrs. George Barski and infant
son, Randy Eugene, have returned
‘| from Nesbitt Hospital.
Sweet Valley Fish and Game
Protective Association will meet at
the Fire Hall on Tuesday evening.
Marsha ® Thomas, Sylvan Lake,
member of LakeLehman Junior
Class will observe her seventeenth
birthday tomorrow.
Lucky Pal Bingo Club met last
Friday evening at the home of Mrs.
David Evans, Sr. Mrs. Emil Grab-
owski, San Diego, Cailfornia, was
a special guest. Games were played
‘and refreshments served to the fol-
lowing members: Mrs, Harry Heck-
man, Mrs. Robert Heckman, Mrs,
Ethel Piatt, Mrs. Robert is
iSr., Mrs. Robert Haharty, Jr.,
David Evans, Jr, Mrs.
Evans, Mrs. Jack Han
Timmy Nevill, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Heiser, Pollock Court,
is a medical patient at Nesbitt Hos-
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Judge
entertained at a family dinner in
observance of the birthdays of Mrs.
Judge and her grandfather, J. E.
Boston, 82, Pikes Creek. ‘Attend-
ing were Mr. and Mrs. Warren
Boston, Mrs. J. E. Boston,. Elaine,
Craig and Terry Judge, and the
Dorothy Lonie, Pikes Creek, had
as Sunday guests her sister, Mary
Lonie, Mr. and Mrs Ray Miller and
daughter, Kathy, Hazelton.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gordon,
Benton, entertained at dinner Sun~
day, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Naugle,
children, Sherry, Jerry and Lori
Beth, Pikes Creek.
Ttems of interest for this col-
umn will be greatly appreciated.
Your = correspondent’s new phone
number is GR 7-3271.
Mrs. Mary Craig has returned to
her home in Courtdale after spend-
ing sometime as the guest of Mrs.
Lulu Reynolds, Gibsonton, Florida.
Mrs. Craig is the mother of Mrs.
Ord Trumbower. Doug Trumbower,
student at Penn State, is spending
an eight day mid-semester vaca-
tion at his home.
Martha Cragle, daughter of Mrs.
and Mr. Harold Cragle is a patient
at’ Nesbitt "Hospital, where she was
taken by ambulance three weeks
Mrs. Lewis Trotta, wife of Rev.
Lewis Trotta, pastor of the As-
sembly of God Church, at Moore-
town, is a surgical patient at Gen-
eral Hospital.
Ross Committee will meet in the
school auditorium Monday evening.
Parents are urged to attend.
Cub Pack 444 will. meet at
Church of Christ Tuesday evening
atiiT. Parents are invited to at-
Boy Scout Troop 444 toured Penn-
sylvania State Game Commission
Building, Saturday. The boys en-
joyed an informative movie “The
Lost Hunter”, and talk by Mr.
Trexler, supervisor. Attending were
Barry Ray, George Swire, Darwin
Smith, Richard Dougal, Peter Clarke,
Gerard Kipp, Bernard Saluta. Al-
bert L. Ray, assistant scout mast:
er accompanied the boys.
Sweet Valley Volunteer Firemen
and Auxiliary met March 15. Re-
freshments were served to Mrs.
Michael Maransky; Mrs. Delbert
Meade; Mr. and Mrs. Sherman
Kunkle; Mr. and Mrs. Ord Trum-
bower; Mrs. Paul Farver, Mr. and
Mrs Russell Major; Mr. and Mrs.
Cletus Holcomb, Jr.; Mrs. Richard
Davenport, Sr.; Loren Cragle; Clar-
ence Doberstein; Albert Wallace;
Joseph Kipp; Michael Niemchik;
George Wesley; John Quick; Mrs.
Cletus’ Holcomb, Jr is Auxiliary
president; Loren Cragle, Jr. Presi-
dent of the Fire Co. and Sherman
Kunkle, Fire Chief.
Sympathy of the commmunity is
extended to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
D. Bronson, and family, upon the
death of Mrs. Bronson'’s father, Will-
iam Richards, who was buried from
the Bronson Funeral Home, Mon-
| Happy Birthday to David Paul
| write it.
Now see what I've got to do!
After putting in an item in last
week’s paper that the “Editorially
Speaking” article of the week be-
fore, credited to me, I said I didn’t
1 said some nice things
about the article because I thought
Howard wrote it. Now Mrs. Hicks
has dug up the article in the
original and I did write it after all.
My name was on it! What does one
do; apoogize to whom? It was one
of those peculiar occasions when I
dashed off something better than I
knew and forgot all about it. Oh
Last week was unusually full
Howard asked me to come in and
work in the office for a day and a
half in the absence of Mrs. Hicks.
Just sitting at the desk of that in-
comparable writer didn't make me
into an accomplished reporter by
any means. I'm telling you that
the air in that office and print shop
was condensed and compressed with
thoughts and feelings for Mrs. Hicks
who was at her husband’s bedside.
I did some routine work of proof
reading, re-writing and once dashed
out to grab a story from a highway
accident, Meanwhile there was Ho-
suggestions and revisions of my
work which made me call the whole
experience ‘in-service training”. He
and Myra are incomparable teach-
On Thursday night I was privi-
leged to preach at the Luzerne
Lenten service for my friend Clar-
ence Andrews. While in the pulpit
there came that sonic boom which
shook the choir loft and set the
town’s fire alarm system off. Then
came the scream of traveling sirens.
Recalling Luzerne's ghastly experi-
ence with a fireworks explosion
some time ago I could understand
how jittery the people were.
Billy Miles has a new-born lamb.
Good and husky.
I wish someone would give a dif-
ferent name to the animal called
muskrat. Rat isn’t in good favor
with anyone except miners whose
lives have been saved through the
warning approach of: rats ‘fleeing
from a break-through of water in a
tunnel. But we like our big fat
muskrat. He waddles like a me-
chanical animal with oscillating
wheels under a low-slung chassis.
His tail obediently follows along af-
ter when he goes here and there
for rotten apple seeds, carrot peels,
cabbage trimmings.
Later: I regret to record that
the muskrat which has been giving
Cragle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Loren
Cragle, Jr. who was six on) March
Jane Olinatz, Lake-Lehman Jun-
ior, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mich-
ael Olinatz, has returned home af-
ter being a patient at the Nesbitt
ward Risley with his on-the-spot’
Mt. Zion
us such a good view of himself
I think is sick, for he lies in a
stupor at pond’s edge, breathing but
inactive. Wonder if our carrot peels
ings gave him a bad time. Hope
Members and friends of the
W.S.C.S. have been meeting ' at
Mt. Zion Church for the past ten
Wednesday mornings studying Lat-
in American Lands in Focus, and
Land of Eldorado. During these
sessions the ladies. made six hund-
red dozen cancer dressings in 25
work hours. Meanwhile they en-
joyed a lot of fun and fellowship.
The group will begin again on March
28 to make cancer dressings and
also Easter favors for the residents
of our Methodist Home for the
Ageing at Scranton.
Mildred Lloyd of Mt. Zion went
into Pittston Hospital Tuesday for
Dave and Celia Emanuel of West
Chester spent the week end with
Leon and Jean Emanuel.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Smith of
Centervalley and their children,
Kathy and Kenny visited Keith's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smith
a week ago last Sunday.
[Wesley Lewis and Brainerd Dan
iels went to the Laymen’s Convo
cation at Buckhill Falls last weeks
Macolm Baird went to the Lay-
men’s Convocation last weekend.
David Roberts Ends
Service At Fort Sill
David Roberts, an instructor in
the missile school at Fort Sill, OkKla.,
having completed a three yer term
of service plus three months ex.
tended service, has now been dis-
charged and expects to be home
this week end.
A graduate of Westmoreland High
School, he is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Roberts, His wife ig
the former Ruth Clark. 7
Farm Machinery Deal
Leases Green Property
George L. Matusavige, proprietor
of Centermoreland Garage, has
leased the former Sam Green prop-
erty on Route 309 near the’M
Farm and will open there abh®t
April, 1 a sales outlet for Minnea-
polis Moline Farm ‘Equipment.
‘Mr. Mautsavige also plans to have
a complete automobile service de-
partment and will feature Flying
“A” gasoline and lubricants,
y Mr. Mautsavige, who has been in
Centermoreland for the past eleven
years, will continue to operate his
farm equipment establishment there
as well as the new outlet. .
Presently he is planning a Farm-
er’s Day Program and farm equip-
ment display at Centermoreland
on Thursday, March 29.
A family-rated Gas Water Heater will recover its
capacity in one hour. No waiting for hot water... No
shut-off period . . . No need to pat the tank . . . No
fretting and fuming! GAS is the fastest and thriftiest
way to heat all the hot water you'll ever need round
the house, ‘round the clock, day and night. It’s for sure
"+ « There’s nothing like a Gas Flame to heat water!
and WMI ATER Company
% A ¥ wit
Ps Ch