The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, March 01, 1962, Image 14

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IDETOVAN, Bess Cooke
LEHMAN, Barbara Simms
MEEKER, Mrs. Fred Winter
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Youngblood,
Falls Church, Virginia and Mr. and
Mrs. Benjamin Earl and son John,
Hamilton Square, N. J. were week-
end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Hughey, W. Overbrook Ave. The
Youngbloods came to attend the
funeral of Mr. Youngblood’s mother,
Mrs. Agnes Youngblood of Shaver-
~ Mrs, Liza Marie Holeman, 4
year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
~ William Holeman, East Overbrook
‘Ave., has returned after spending a
week in Nesbitt Hospital,
"Mr. and Mrs. Durland Daron,
Meadowcrest have moved into their
newly built home on West Over-
brook Ave.
Thursday, Missionary Society of
Glenview P. M. Church held its
tneeting at the home of Verna La-
~ Final plans for celebration of the
40th Anniversary of the Missions of
‘Guatemala were made for Sunday,
March: 4. There will be a film
shown and a playlet at the evening
service, 7 p.m.
The, group is getting together a
BEAUMONT, Mrs. William Austin
FERNBROOK, Mrs. George Shaver
HARVEYS LAKE, Mrs.Albert Armitage
JACKSON TOWNSHIP, Mrs. William Hughes
NE 9-2544
OR 4-5460
NE 9-9531
NE 9-5137
OR 4-3391
GR 7-2734
box of used clothing to be sent to
the Dessie Scott Children’s Home in
Attending were, Mesdames An-
drew Derrick, John Fluck; Corey
Crispell; ‘Charles Seward; William
Compton; George Shaver, Sr.; Sarah
Moss; Henry Randall; Earl Belles;
Jane Sowers; John Medovich and
the hostess.
Kenneth King, who suffered a
heart attack Monday and is a pa-
tient at Mercy Hospital is reported
much improved. -
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Dunham and
son John, Seneca Lake, New Jersey
spent last weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Orville Dunham.
Mr. and Mrs. Derwood Kocher
visited Mr. and Mrs. Dorman Kocher,
Benton, on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Richard King and
family, Mt. Zion, and Mrs. Dorothy
Wadas and children Brian and Patti,
Shavertown were Sunday visitors of
Mr. and Mrs. Wayneking.
Augest Rogowski, father of
Alfred Rogowski, Pikes-Creek is a
patient at General Hospital follow-
ing an eye operation.
14 al sh.
Evans Drug Store
OR 4-3888
With a competitive fuel, the extra-large size of the water
heater can mean extra dollars spent and wasted, but doesn’t
mean an ample supply of hot water when you need it, |
With a family-rated Gas Water Heater, you not only save
money when you buy . . . you save on operation . . . save
space . . . AND your tap never runs cold. Don’t wait until
the next time . . . Purchase a new RUUD Gas Water Heater
now during the sale and save.
Mt. ZION, Rev. Charles Gilbert
NOXEN, Mrs. Ira Beahm
SHAVERTOWN, Mrs. Thomas Kriedler
Mrs. Albert Ray
TRUCKSVILLE, Nelson Woolbert
Harding 388-2270
NE 9-8522
OR 4-5231
GR 77-3271
Mr. and. Mrs. John Cooney cele-
brated their twenty-second wedding
anniversary on Saturday February
Word has been received by Mrs.
Annie Winter that her daughter,
Mrs. Hilda Henish was injured in an
accident when a large GMC truck
smashed into the side of her car
while she was on her way home
from work at the Portsmouth Naval
Hospital. Mrs. Henish sustained a
“whiplash neck.
Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Johnson and
children Lee and Shirley with Sue
Fielding drove to Kutztown on
Sunday to visit Janet Fielding who
Trucksville Fire Company will
meet Friday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Friant, Mt.
Greenwood, had as recent guests
Mr. and Mrs. James Newcomb, Mr.
‘and Mrs. Ernest Reese, Richard Al-
berts, and Howard Larson of South
Mr. and Mrs David Stewart,
Carverton Road, and their son-in-
law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Al-
fred Mitchell and family of Harris
Hil] will spend. the weekend with
the former's son and daughter-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Johns of
Niagara Falls, N.Y.
Birthday greetings: this week to
Mrs. Leland Moss, Mrs. Luther Gre-
gory, Mrs. Gordon Mathers, Mrs.
Robert Johnson, Mrs. Marion Glace,
Pendred Wade Keller, Sandra L,
Johnson, Evelyn Spencer, Margaret
E. Gardner, Gorden F. Mathers,
James D. Dick, John G. Truscott,
Charles Coolbaugh, Cedric Griffiths,
John Shotwell, Norman Baker,
Clyde Archer, Marvin James, and
Corey Henry. - 0k
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Perrin and
family, Philadelphia; visited his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Perrin,
Holly Street, over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Manley and
family, Holly Street, have moved: to
Meadowerest. Mr. Manley is assist-
ant manager of the Acme Market,
Mr, and Mrs. Frank E. Parkhurst,
3rd., Doran Drive, are vacationing
in Florida. :
Mr. and Mrs.. William Cooper,
is attending college there.
Mrs. Russell Ide attended the
W.C.T.U. meeting on Tuesday held
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Milbrodt. About twenty members
were present.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grey and
children Bob, Ruggles, Mr. and Mrs.
George Stuart, Jr.,, and children
Mrs. Robert Sayre, Christine and
Cathy Sue, Pikes-Creek, and Elmer
Kester, Harvey's Lake visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
Varner, Sr. Bruce Varner, Jr. cele-
brated his birthday on Sunday Feb-
ruary 25.
Carverton Road, will spend the
weekend with their son and daugh-
ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Cooper and daughter, Mary Louise,
in Arlington, Va.
Trucksville Service Mothers and
Wives Club met in the fire hall on
Monday night. Mrs. “Albert Wil-
liams, Jr. presided. Present: Mes-
dames Jacob Beline, Leon Beisel,
Mame Dymond, (Clyde Birth, Fred
Case, Earl Gregory, Sr., [Samuel
Lawson, Brucce Long, Wallace Per-
rin, William Rhodes, R.D. Shepherd,
Cedric Griffiths, and Albert Wil-
liams, Jr. :
Airman Edward Croom, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Croom Carver-
‘ton Road, visited Athens, Greece;
Paris, France, and Rome, Italy on a
recent tour. While on the tour he
visited Janet Siglin, granddaughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Asher Weiss.
‘A family party in celebration of
the birthday anniversary of Mrs.
Bertha Evans was held at her home
on Holly Street Sunday, February
18. . Present: Mrs. Anna Branch,
Hazelton; Mr. and Mrs. Hillard
Thomas, Vestal, N. Y.; Janet Evans
and William Strange, Trucksville.
Mr. and Mrs. William Chalker and
children, David, Gwen, and Dorothy,
Plainfield, N. J., vsited their par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moore,
Carverton Road, Sunday.
Cloverleaf 4-H Club met in
That BIG tank
is empty again?
Pamela and Brenda, Dallas, Mr. and |
No Down Payment
3 Years to Pay
Completely Installed
As Low as 1.22 Per Week
No 3-wire Service
Necessary with Gas
and WATER Company
Trucksville Fire Hall February 19.
Officers elected were: president,
Ruth Ann Scott; vice-president,
Harriet Sands; secretary, Sheryl
Beard; treasurer, Chester Rusiloski;
and news reporter, William Conyng-
ham. Ten members attended.
Mrs. William Coolbaugh and in-
fant daughter have returned from
Nesbitt Hospital.
Calvin Perrin has returned home
from Polytechnic Hospital, Harris-
burg, ‘where he was a medical pa-
tient several weeks,
Mary Louise Johns, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Johns, Carver-
ton Road, was honored on her
thirteenth birthday anniversary
with a party at her home. Tables
were decorated with colored can-
dles. Present: Marion Case, Martha
Edwards, Sandra Woods, Herbert
Meyers, Stanley Meyers, John Ells-
worth, Harry Brown, Wallace
Greener, Howard Kerns, Marvin
Doran, and Melvin Husted.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert King, 1202
Holmes Drive, Colorado Springs,
Colorado, announce the birth of a
daughter, Connie Lynn, February
18 Mrs. King is the former Heidi
May Kern, daughter of Mrs, Mildred
King, West Pittston. Mr. King is
the son of Mr. and Mrs, William
King, Howell Road. This is the
couple's first child.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Longstreat,
Carverton Road, are in Puerto Rico,
where they will remain three
Mrs. Clarence Morrow, New
Castle, Vermont, a former local resi-
dent, is a surgical patient in Gen-
eral Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Miers and
daughter, Donna, Bunker Hill, are
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Clinton John-
son and family of Lakewood, N. J.
The Johnson family are former resi-
dents of Chase Road.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Newman,
Roanoke, Va. will arrive tomorrow
to spend several days with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Gorden Johns.
Franklin Hawk, = Hillside Avenue,
is a medical patient in Nesbitt Hos-
Dorothy Mathers, a student at
East Stroudsburg Teachers College,
visited her parents, Mi. and Mrs.
Robert Mathers, over the week end.
Mrs. J. D. Richards, Carverton
Road, is convalescing at home after
being a medical patient in Nesbitt
Hospital two weeks.
Harveys Lake
Mr. and Mrs. William Gaynor,
New York State, recently spent the
week-end with Mrs. Kate Gaynor.
Mrs. James Worth has returned
home from General Hospital. [She
has been a patient there since Feb-
ruary 11, and submitted to a major
operation on February 16.
Jay Conden, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Elwood Conden celebrated hig 9th
birthday on Tuesday the 20th. Its’
nice to have a birthday on such a
famous day, and Jay can always
say “I was 9 yrs. old the day John
Glenn Jr. made the first “Out of
space” orbit.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brunner, Forty-
Fort, spent Wednesday evening with
Mr, and Mrs. Garvin Smith and
Fourth Quarterly Conference of
Alderson-Noxen Circuit, with John
H. Gordon, pastor, met Thursday
evening at the church. A buffet
supper. was served at 6:30, and the
meeting was at 8:30, conducted by
Rev. Leon Bouton, district super-
There were 40 present, with
representatives from Noxen, Rug-
gles, Kunkle and Alderson.
Mrs. William R, Hughes is Heart
Fund captain for Chase area. Mrs.
Hughes is being assisted in this
worthwhile undertakng by these
public spirited women: Mrs Sheldon
Rice, Mrs. Thomas Gimble, Mrs.
Robert Winiecki, Mrs. Albert J. Bal-
ita, Mrs. William D Sorber, Mrs.
Robert F. Sherwood, Mrs. Silvia A.
DeMeo, Mrs, Alden Wagner, Mrs.
Joseph Emerick and Mrs. Charles
S. Frantz. Open your hearts and
doors to these women when they
call on you and do your part in
combatting the No. 1 killer in Amer-
ica today.
Larry Cease, son of Mr. and Mrs.
‘Wilson Cease, Hunlock Creek, cele-
brated his fourth birthday February
19. Larry is the fourth generation
of the Cease family, his grandfather
being School Director Vernon Cease.
His uncle, Elwin Cease of Plymouth
Mountain also celebrated his birth-
day the same day.
A number of sightseers have vis-
ited the Frank Elenchik farm to
look at the wildcat which he caught
in one of his traaps on Red Rock
Mrs. Louis Wilcox is ill at her
Bonnie and Eddie Dubil, children
of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dubil, Sr,
have returned to school after their
recent illness.
Mr. and Mrs. Frred Gabel report
six more lambs born since we re-
ported the first twelve, making a
total of eighteen with more to come.
Needless to say, the Gobels are
sticking close to home nowadays.
We are living in exciting times
and have witnessed some wonderful
events, but I dare say, that the
orbital flight of Astronaut John
Glenn, rates highest.
Our government must have been
pretty sure that the flight would
be a success, for months ago the
Post Office Department made secret
plans to issue a four-cent stamp
to commemorate America’s first
orbital space flight.
The plan was executed under
strict security precautions so that
only a few offiials and a hand-
ful of government engravers and
printers were aware of it. All the
work of preparing the stamp was
done after hours behind locked
More than 300 postmasters, in-
cluding Wilkes-Barre [Postmaster
William W. Davis, were sent sealed
packages to hold for further in-
Then, on Tuesday, February 20,
at the moment John Glenn was
being retrieved from the Atlantic
Ocean, postal inspectors in the 300
stations were notified by telephone
to open the sealed cartons and
make the new stamps available
for immediate sale.
Thus for the first time in history,
a stamp went on sale all over the
nation on the first day of issue at
the exact hour the event it me-
moralized was being enacted. This
stamp will surely become a “must”
in any stamp collector’s collection.
Mrs. Roland Gensel, president of
Jackson Township Auxiliary, has
issued a call to all members to re-
port to the Fire Hall on March 7,
prepared to stay for the whole day
to give the Fire Hall a good house-
cleaning. The Auxiliary will serve
a meal to the Fruit Growers’ Asso-
ciation on March 13.
Mrs. John Billow and Greatgrand- |
ma Mary Billow, have spent the
past three weeks at York with their
daughter and granddaughter, re-
spectivelly, awaiting the arrival of
Mr. Stork, who finally arrived on
February 12, and blessed Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Voitek with a beautiful |
baby daughter, Barbara.
teks have two other daughters,
Margaret and Eileen. Mrs. Voitek
is the former JoAnn Billow. Grand-
ma and Greatgrandma © Billow re-
turned home Sunday evening after
attending the christening of Bar-
bara. ;
Welome from the community Is
extended to Mr. and Mrs. Nick
Colatosti and sons, Nicky and
Garry, who moved into their new
home on Chase Road around the
first of the year. The Colatostis
with help from their relatives built
most of their home themselves.
Nick, Sr., ceebrated his birthday in
his new home on February 6.
Congratulations to William Hill,
Jr., who celebrated his birthday on
January 28, and to Barbara Hill
who celebrated her birthday Febru-
ary 2.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis V. Ide and
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ide spent the
weekend visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Ide, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs.
Arden Steele, at Dover and Vernon,
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. John, Jr,
have spent the past two weeks with
Mr. John’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. E John, Sr., at Fort Lauderdale,
Florida Mr. John returned home on
Tuesday and Mrs. John intends to
return in the next few days.
Mrs. Dorothy Elston, Wilmington,
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis V.
Ide recentlly.
Mrs Blodwen Vanstone, Philadel-
phia, will arrive tomorrow t o spend
The Voi- |
some time with Mr. and Mrs. C. J
Clyde Littleford, son of Mr. and
Mrs. John Littleford, who celebrated
his eleventh birthday February 16,
was honored guest at a birthday
party February 17 with the follow-
ing in attendance: Mrs, Samuel
Ruggere and daughter Doree, Mrs.
Thomas Gimble and children, Judy
and Billy, Roland, Ray, Mrs. John
Yuhas, Paul Robey, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Zimminski and son John,
Mrs. Samuel Paulette and daughter,
Mary and Barry: Romanowski of
Nanticoke. Clyde rreceived many
useful gifts
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gabel en-
tertained on Sunday in honor of
their daughter, Donna, on her
eighth birthday, with the following
in attendance: Mrs. Carl Gabel, Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Beline and chil-
dren, Tommy, Susan, Barbara and
Patsy, Mrs Andrew Stash and chil-
dren, Betsy, Carl, MaryAnn and
Andy, Mr. and Mrs. John Chmiola:
and son, Johnny. In addition to
the usual birthday party games, the
children enjoyed excellent coasting
on the hills in back of the Gabel
property. Donna is in the second
grade of Gate of Heaven School.
Robert Lamoreaux will leave Sun-
day to spend two weeks at a Naval
Reserve Training School in Rhode
Two-Fold Class of Huntsville
Methodist Church will meet in the
church parlors tomorrow night,
Supervisors of Jackson Township
will meet at the Fire Hall on March
6 at 7:30 p. m.
Jackson Township Firemen’s As-
sociation will meet at the Fire Hall
Monday evening at 7:30 with Pres-
ident Carl Aston presiding. Plans
will be discussed for the annual
spring turkey dinner which will be
served by the firemen the first Sat-
urday after Easter,
This past week has been one
in which the world of television
played a great part. More women
have complained that they didn’t
“get a thing done”. In our book
Colonel Glenn is tops, not only
as a astronaut but as a good clean-
living, God-fearing Christian fam-
ily man. A friend of ours had the
most annoying thing happen the
day of Glenn’s press conference.
The television went completely
black—the reason being a burned-
out picture tube, A radio sure does
come in handy in situations like
It was a great privilege to be
part of the Heart Drive. While
Mommy prepared the Sunday re-
past, Daddy went door-to-door ac-
quainting neighbors concerning this
worth-while endeavor. He was
warmly greeted by all and was very
successful in his solicitations. Mrs.
Bernard Rogers is the co-ordinator
in this area and deserves a great
deal of praise for the effort and
time given to so worthy a cause.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Swartz
and Ralph, Jr, Danville, recently
spent some time at the home of
Mrs. John E, Ferguson, Lawn St.
Marvin Dymond, Franklin Street,
recently returned from a week in
York. Mr. Dymond is employed by
Cleveland Brothers Equipment Com-
pany and attended a course on
Heavy Equipment Electrical Syste
ems while at York. This is the
third such course Mr. Dymond has
attended and we might mention
that he has been rated tops in each
of these courses of study. 2
Gosart’s in Shavertown and Dal-
las have opened their respective
stores to the members of the Lutha
er League for the purpose of hav
ing a Bake Sale. This sale takes
place on Saturday and open your
pocket books and shopping bags
to help these fine young people
have a successful day. :
Conrad IS. Martin, Midway Man=
or, Trucksville, had a painful expers
ience Sunday.
While playing the part of a 73
Samaritan by taking care of a relas
tive’s dog, Mr. Martin stepped in
to break up a fracas between two
dogs and was severly bitten on
the hand by one of them. The bite
necessitated five sutures, a hurried
call to Dr. R. E. Crompton who
was in Church and a tetanus shot.
(Not necessarily in that order). In
the excitement Mr. Martin fell on
the ice and is now suffering from
a bruised back.
Jackson Township Cubs
At Blue And Gold Dinner
Jackson Township Boy Scouts, Cub
Pack 225, held its annual Blue and
Gold Dinner Tuesday evening at
Huntsville Methodist Church. Al-
bert Dubaskas, recently appointed
Scoutmaster of Troop 225, spoke
on the first step to Scouting, “Cub
Scouting.” Den Chief Ronald Ray
led in the cub scout promise.
Mrs. Walter Powell gave the
invocation, and Mrs. Walter Ray
led in singing of “God Bless Amer-
ica.” Mrs. Russell Bertram was
chairman, :
Favors were made by the cules
each one decorated with an Am
ican flag.
Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Don-
ald Klaiber, Karen and Billy; Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Dubaskas; Mrs.
Dennis Bonning, Beverly and Dene
nis; Mrs. Harold Kittle, Sharon.
Laurie, Douglas and Craig; Mr. a
Mrs, William Sponseller, Gary, Dale,
and Tommy; Mrs. Walter Ray, Al-
fred and Ronald; Mr. and Mrs. Rus-
sell Bertram, Gene, Ronald and
Donna; Mrs. George Gabel, Robert,
Rose Marie and Linda Ann; Mrs.
Willard Lozo, Jr., Billy and Todd.
Mount St. Mary's
Glee Club To Sing
Mt. St. Mary’s College Glee Club,
from Emmitsburg, Md., directed by
Rev. David W. Shaun, will give a
concert at College Misericordia late
in March. The weekend of March
23 to 25 will also feature for these
young men participation in the
Catholic Intercollegiate Glee Club
Festival in Wilkes-Barre, their hig:
King’s College. oy
Mount St. Mary’s Glee Club ig
already starting its spring concert
tour. \ yY
Spring Lambs At Hillside
Forty spring lambs at Hillside
Farms and more expected, accord.
ing to manager Charles Hemenway,
who says the lambs started to are
rive immediately after New Year's.
Sell Quickly Through
Post Classified Ads
Open your eyes...
to our superior
Thorough, deep-down cleaning of your spring and summer
garments is only one aspect of our Sanitone service.
YOU get special finishes that restore
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YOU get special attention to belts,
buttons, trim. Our professional press
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the shape and fit of your garments.
YQU get the very best in dry cleaning,
yet our Sanitone service costs no more
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Try us — calf on us today.
Laundry & Dry Cleaning
Luzerne - Dallas Highway
Enterprise 1-0843
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