__"y. -_—_—. ER v Ro ES “ Tuesday: Girl Scout Troop 168 meets at 3:15; Brownie troop 108 «ab. 4:15, ‘Wednesday: Girl Scout Troop 200 meets at 3:30; Girl Scout Troop 183 at 4:15; Girl Scout Troop 9 at 4:15. - complacency — shattering picture ‘a pleasant picture. SECTION B — PAGE 6 A News Of The hurchest THE DALLAS POST, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1962 | Church Chuckles DALLAS METHODIST CHURCH Russell C. Lawry, Pastor Sunday: Divine Worship at 8:30 | and 11:00. Race Relations Sunligy | will be observed. Sunday School meets at 9:45. Senior M.Y.F. meets at 6:30. Intermediate M.Y.F. meets at 6:30 Monday: Commission on Memb- ership and Evangelism meets at 8:00 Chancel Choir rehearsal at 6:30; Senior Choir at 8:00. Thursday: Boy Scout Troop meets at 7:00. Saturday: Girl Scouts meets from 2 to 4. PRINCE OF PEACE EPISCOPAL Rev. Ralph A. Weatherly Sunday services: Holy Communion at 8 am. Family Service at 9:30. Morning Prayer at 11. DALLAS FREE METHODIST Rev. Ralph Smith Sunday services: S.S. 10 a. m.; | Morning worship at 11; Youth | Service 7 p.am.; evening: evangel- | | istic service 7:30. Wednesday: Midweek meeting at 7:30. prayer ' GLENVIEW P. M. CHURCH Rev. Andrew Derrick, Pastor Sunday: Morning Worship, 9:55 a. m.; Sunday School, 11:00 a. m. Evening ° Service. 7:00 bp. Young People, 7:00 p. m. m.; Wednesday: Choir rehearsal, 6:30! 4 p. m. Prayer Meeting, 7:30 p. m. Thursday: 7:30 p. m., Bible Dis- cussion group. SHAVERTOWN BIBLE CHURCH Pastor. Rev. R. W. Edmondson Thursday: A sound motion picture “The Crimson Shadow’ featuring — Dr. Frederick Schwarz, internation- ally recogmized as one of the Free! World’s best informed analysts of Communist ideology, presents a of Red plans and progress across the face of our earth. It is far from But the facts are completely documented, tersely voiced by a man who serves as a special consultant for many govern- mental agencies because of his stra- | tegic comprehension of Communist issues. Sunday: Sunday School — 10:00 | AM.; Morning Worship — 11:00 | AM. Evening Evangelistic Service — | 7:30 P.M. Special Speaker at both morning and evening service. Rev. and Mrs. | Eric Schultz and family, Missionary | candidates going to Granada to start an orphanage for children. Monday: Christian Boy's Brigade — 7:00 P.M. Ladies Missionary Meeting : 7:30 P.M.—Speaker—Mrs. Eric Schultz. Tuesday: Pioneer Girl's — 7:00 P.M. Wednesday: Ladies Prayer Meeting — 1:30 P.M. , Thursday: March 1, Mid-week Prayer and Praise Serv- ice — 7:30 P.M. GATE OF HEAVEN Rev. Francis A. Kane, Pastor Assistants: Rev. Richard J. Frank, Rev. Michael Rafferty Sunday masses: 7:20, 9 and 11 a. m. Religious ‘instruction Sunday mornings after nine o’clock mass, for children not receiving it in par- ochial school. Confessions Saturday, 4 to 5 p.m. Choir practice Tuesdays. OUR LADY OF VICTORY Sunday masses 7:30 and 9:30. Religious instruction after the 9:30 mass. Confessions before masses. ST. THERESE’S Rev. John P. Walsh, Pastor Rey. Francis T. Brennan, Assistant Sunday masses: 7:30, 8:45, and 10:45. EMANUEL ASSEMBLY OF GOD Harveys Lake Rev. and Mrs. George Clement, Sunday: 10 a. m., S. S. School; 11 a. m., Morning Worship. 6:30 p. m., Young People’s meet- ing; 7:45 p. m., Evangelisticc Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., Prayer and Bible Study. Saturday, 7:30 p. m., Prayer. LEHMAN-IDETOWN CHARGE Rev. Norman Tiffany, Pastor ~EHMAN: Sunday School 10 am. Church service 11:13 IDETOWN: Church 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 JACKSON: Church 8:45 am. Sunday School 9:45 Thursday — Lehman — Couples, Club at the Parsonage 8 p.m. Choirs f— Jr 6 pm Sr. 7 pm. Friday — Lehman — Fourth Quarterly Conference for the charge 7:30 p.m. Saturday — Idetowh — ‘Chéirs— Jr. 11 am,, Sr. 7 p.m. Monday — Jackson — Official Board 7:30 pm. Wednesday — Lehman — Charge Crusaders. 8: Bible" Study at Hills of Hope. Saturday evehing, prayer meeting, at the church. this week. TRUCKSVILLE FREE METHODIST |ship. Rev. Grove Armstrong, Pastor Saturday, 6:00, Christian Youth Sunday: Sunday School, 9:30, Morning Worship, 10:30; sermon, FMY, 7:00. MONROE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. L. E. Peterson, Pastor Thursday: 6:45, Young People. 7:30, Prayer meeting. 8:30, Choir practice. Sunday: 10:00, Sunday School; Sunday worship service 11 a.m. Friday, February 23, at NOXEN INDEPENDENT BIBLE ROBERT L. SUTTON, MINISTER Sunday: S. S., 10 a. m.; church service at 11. Young people at 6:30; Evangelistic service, 7:30. Men’s. Fellowship Monday | 7:30 in homes. Prayer Meeting Thursday at 7:45. evening at HUNTSVILLE CHRISTIAN CHURCH Rev. C. H. Frick, Pastor Sunday: 9:30 Worship; Church School. 7:00 P.M. Christian Youth Fel- lowship: Monday, 7:00 p. m, Chotr re- hearsal. Thursday night, Midweek Service. The monthly Fellowship Supper will be held Thursday night of 10:30 UNITED PRESBYTERIAN FELLOWSHIP Sunday worship service at 11:00 | m., Dallas Junior High School. | Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. Membership classes are being held Monday in the Back Mountain. Library Annex. Young people, 6:30 to 7:30 p. m. Adults, 8 to 9:00 p. m., and 9:30 to 10:30. Choir rehearsal Thursday even- ing, 8:30 p. m., at the home of Mrs. Clifford Troup, Haddonfield Hills. Saturday: 11 a.m. Young People’s Choir at home of Mrs. Troup. Presbyterian Church Men who at- tended the Eastern Area National Council in New York as delegates, will report to the congregation at the morning service. . SHAVERTOWN METHODIST Rev. Robert DeWitt Yost. Pasto Sunday: 9:45 Church School with 1 Classes for all ages. | 11:00 Nursery during Church for pre-school children. | 11:00 Morning Worship Service. 11:30 Junior Church. 6:30 M.Y.F. in Chapel Room. Monday: 4:00 Brownies, Troop | 115, and Troop 153. 8:00 Deborah Circle at home of Mrs. Chris Williams, Jr. Tuesday: 4:00 Brownies, Troop | 106; 4:00 Girl Scouts, Troop 66; 7:30 Boy. Scouts, Troop 231. 7:30 Commission Meetings. 8:15 Official Board Meeting in | Chapel Room. Senior Choir and Quartet. ‘Saturday: 6:45 Couple's Club Buf- fet Supper in Social Rooms: Speak- | er: Dr. Alfred Holt, Coordinator of | partment of Public Instruction. : ‘CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sweet Valley REV. B. KIRBY JONES Sunday: Sunday School, 10 a. m.; Morning Worship, 11 a. m. Young Adults’ meeting, 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, 7:30 p. m. Deacon’s Visitation. ; Thursday , 7:30 p. m. Prayer Meeting and Bible Study Hour. ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN Rev. Frederic H. Eidam, Pastor Sunday: 9:30 p.m. Sunday School with classes for all ages. 11 a.m. The Service with sermon. Nursery for pre-school children eid cry room for infants. 7 p.m. Luther League. Monday: Brotherhood meeting at 8. Thursday: 6:30 p.m. Chapel Choir Rehearsal; 7:30 p. m., Senior Choir Rehearsal. Friday 4: p.m. Children’s Choir Rehearsal. Saturday 9: Class. a.m. Confirmation MOORETOWN ASSEMBLY OF GOD Rev. Louis Trotta, Pastor Sunday School, 10 a.m.; morning worship at 11. Mrs. Louis Trotta at 11. Evening worship, 7:30. service and Bible study. ! Friday evenig, February 23, ment with games and a party. ing. Sunday is FamiyD Day. William Reid, Pastor Rev. VMT. Zion: : 9:00, Worship—Topic: “The Eter. and Chapters 21-22. 10:00, Sunday School. CARVERTON: 10:00, Worship; ‘School. ORANGE: Prayer Meeting 7:30 pm. ee 1SS at 11. 7:45 p.m. ‘ship Service 11. [7 p.m. | Wednesday: 3:30 . Girl Scouts, Troop 75. : Thursday: 4:00 Junior Choir Re- | hearsal; 6:30 Youth Choir; 7:30 Adult Education, Pennsylvania De. | Children’s ¢hurch conducted by 1 Tuesday prayer meeting, 7:30 p.m. Family Night in the church base- Saturday ‘evening, Prayer Meet- { CARVERTON METHODIST CHARGE nal Life.” READ: Revelation 7:9-17 11:00, Sunday { 10:00, Sunday School; 11:00, Wor- |. Sunday: Trustee election follow- ing service at each church. by CAR TWRIG HT E J ACKSON TOWNSHIP BROTHERHOOD WEEK Rev. Earl Cowden of Huntsville Methodist Church will ex- change pulpits on Sunday with Rev. Atterbury of Bethel A.M.E. March 5: Fourth Quarterly Con- ference. Bible Readings: February’ 1-22 - | Revelation 1-22; February 23-28- Psalm 22-25, 27, 28. TRUCKSVILLE METHODIST (The White Church on vhe Hill) Rev. Robert E. Germond, Pastor Sunday, February 25th—9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Worship Services. Pastor | will speak on ‘Is Christianity the only way to God?” 9:30 a.m. Church School. 6:00 p.m. Junior Fellowship; 7:00 | pm. Senior High M. Y. F. Church, Wilkes - Barre. The choirs of both churches will also exchange places, in connec- { tion with the observance of Race Relations Sunday and Brotherhood Week. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gabel and family, Johnstown, were dinner | | gliests of Mr, and Mrs. Jake Gabel, | Saturday evening. Will ‘Gabel, New | York City, also spent several days | with the Gabels. | Evans Falls Church joined with | | | Huntsville Methodist ‘Church at | | Fourth Quarterly ‘Conference with {the Rev. Leon Bouton, District | Superitendent in charge. The | women of the Church served re- | freshments. i . Lehman High School will play the | ‘Sensational Seven’ of Radio Station W.A R.M. Saturday night starting at | 7:30, for the benefit of the Fred Hennebaul Fund. A Record Hop will | Monday: 6:30 p.m. Father and | Son Banquet. | Tuesday: 9:00 a.m. Quilters. ©) CHAS. CARRVRIGHT 7:00 p.m. Girl Scouts 7:30 p.m. Intercessory Prayer | “Give it everything you've got. We're bucking i Group. ‘Porky Grunt and His Cartoon Pals’ on. the other 8:00 p.m. 'W.S.'C..S. | channel!’ Wednesday: 1:30. -3:30 p.m. jae Sewing Club. 4:15 p.m. Junior Boys Choir Re- hearsal; 5:00 p.m. Cherub Choir. Thursday: 4:15 p.m. Junior Girls Choir Rehearsal; 6:00 pm. Youth Choir. 6: .m. Rair 7 Girls. i . a Dallas Methodist Church MYF needs | Friday: 8:00 pm. Senior M.Y.F. | blankets for its project of piecing Square Dance [2 the needs of migrant workers | Saturday: Young Adult Couples | the Back Mountain. The goal is | Ciou 100 blankets; health kits consisting | P: | of soap, towels, combs, tooth paste ! MAPLE GROVE | und brushes; first-aid ‘kits; © baby | clothes. METHODIST CHARGE The MYF saw a film on Migrant Rev. James Garrahan oe kers Sunday night at the MAPLE GROVE: Sunday services, church, Pictures were taken in the S.S. at 10 a.m.; morning worship at | West, not locally, but conditions in 11:15. | any migrant camp follow much the Charge MYF at 8 p.m., parsonage. | Choir practice at 7. | den influx of many people who have | LOYALVILLE: Motning worship 9 | 30 roots in the community. They am: SS at 10, | must be housed, must have cooking 2 ly i ; | facilities. sanitation, recreation. MEEKER: Moming gonlup Rr ley, Percy Love showed the film. Mr. by the Council of Churches for | Love is on the comittee sponsored | Luzerne-Lackawanna Counties. He OUTLET FREE METHODIST Rev. Emery D. Stokes Sunday School at 10 — Worship at 11 am. F.M.Y. at 7:15—Leader, Joyce Stokes—Evening Worship at terested in migrant workers camps for some years, after visiting one such camp in the Oswego area in New York State. The film showed before and after pictures of a camp where great improvement in living options. | Sad been made. Wednesday — FM.Y. prayer | meeting, leader, Elizabeth Milbrodt, | and Bible study of 1st’ Samuel Ch. 19.” l ROWMANS CREEK Requiem Mass Yesterday | FREE METHODIST CHURCH H. D. Deats, Pastor For BEgnes Youngblood Sunday: Sunday School 10; Wor- Mrs. Agnes Younblood was laid | | over | following a requiem mass at St. | Therese’s church. Mrs. Youngblood, Young People’s Meeting 7 p.m.; Evening Service 7:45. Monday: Youth Prayer Meeting resident of Tuesday C.Y.C. 7 p.m. Wednesday: Mid week 7:45. SOTVice | died Saturday night at | Hospital, | medical patient for a week. Mrs. Fleckno Was Recent Resident Of Dallas Mrs. Louise Fleckuive. resident of | Upper Demunds Road since last | September, died Wednesday eve- | ning at the office of Dr. Walter Kistler Hanover Street, Wilkes. ! Barre, where she had been making | a routine professional visit. She | had been under the doctor's care for some time. She was buried Saturday at Oak- lawn Cemetery. gil ee al Surviving are her husband Leon- | Leaving on Friday for New York, ard, associated with David Ertley; | ang returning Sunday afternoon, a brother, Leroy Henry, of Miami, | were Hugh Aird, of Haddonfield and a niece, Mrs. John Norman, at | Hills; Lester Hauck, home. | Robert Ziegler, Truckgsville; er ST | Raymond Carmon, Dallas. Presbyterian Council | AGLI A I [A big three-degree man got his Four area men last week attend- | first degree from Harvard, his ed the National Council for Pres. | second from Yale and the third byterian' Church men as delegates | from the Bureau of Internal Rev- from The Presbyterian Fellowship. | enue. ET Emme enna PGE | daughter of the late Cornelius and | Mary Ann Marley Ward. She was | | Altar and Rosary Society. Arlington, Va.; Robert, | sidine, Shavertown; ten children; a sister Sarah Ward, and brothers Daniel and Manus Ward, Wilkes-Barre Township. and Although no one can predict the future . . most family men provide for it through : Life Insurance. . write . . , visit ; Peter Kaye - 76 Midland Drive Dallas, Pa. Phone OR 4-5107 NEW YORK LIFE INS. CO. Life Insurance @ Group Insurance ® Annuities ® Health Insurance @® Pension Plans @ / phone . . Dallas Methodist MYF In Search Of Blankets For Migrant Workers | same pattern, where there is a sud- | and Mrs. Love have been much in- | to rest in St. Mary's Cemetery Han- | Township, Tuesday motning; | | Shavertown for the past 38 years, | Nesbitt | where she had been a She was a native of Wilkes-Barre, | | | a member of St. Therese’s and its | She leaves her husband Francis; | { four sons; Francis Jr., Shavertown; | | John, Falls Church; Virginia; Joseph, | Quaker. | | town; a daughter, Mrs, Robert Con- | grand- | Shavertown; | | follow. - The public is invited. GETS WILD CAT Frank. Elenchik caught a heavy wild cat in one of his “traps on Red "Rock Mountain Friday. Frank placed two traps on the forevaws of the cat and carried it down the mountain. He almost succeeded in captur- ing ‘a second cat on Saturday. TEACHER RESIGNS Mrs. Suzanne Bethke, Fifth Grade Teacher at Ross School, has resigned. Her husband, who has been stationed at Red Rock Air Base has been trans- ferred to the State of Washing- ten and she will accompany him. Lois DelKanic has been appointed in her place, and will assume her duties in Septem- ber. Mrs. Love, in speaking afterward, of the need, said that in the Back Mountain twelve babies had been born last summer, and that for none of them had preparation of | clothing been made. One mother, | she reported, had given birth to | her infant just on the eve of de- parture for the south with her family along the route. | A storage and workroom is | needed, where clothing can be | reconditioned for distribution to | the people who need it, and blan- ' kets can be safely stored. The MYF is on the lookout for such a place. Around 700 migrants appear an- |. nually in the Back Mountain, of | whom almost 300 are children, who need daytime ‘care while parents pick green tomatoes. Migrants remain to themselves for the most part, but they are nomne- theless a community responsibility. | Some of them, accustomed to warmer climates, do mot realize [that by the time the green tomato season is over, nights will become very chilly, and extra bedding will WILL RESIGN tor, will tender his shortly. Mr. Kocher has obtained a job in Williamsport and will soon move his family to that city. at the Church Saturday night. women pack the box lunches and ‘the men purchase them and eat be needed. | a —— ee IR Hi) | 27S : tad of Thanks vy ATIONWIDE | MUTUAL BNSURANCE COMPANY | The family of Billy Belles, in-| ly woms oma + ColmbA wo ~ . Sormesdy Povm Burews moense | stantly killed in a sledding accident § ——— 2 last Saturday, wishes, to thank all the wonderful people who eased the I] burden of sorrow by heartfelt ex- | pressions of sympathy, collections of | ERNEST GAY ‘money, gifts of food and flowers : ; from residents ‘of Demunds, Beau- | New Dallas mont, and Dallas Township. { Shopping Center The trouble with each generation | DALLAS ORchard 5-1176 Male faculty members of Loko: | |, Les Kocher, Noxen School Direc- | C-N’C Class: of Huntsville Meth- | odist Church will hold a Box Social | The their lunch with the. woman Who | packed it. It is a mixed up deal [but it means fun for everyone. The ‘Social is open to the Public. Thomas M. Marshall, Dushore, State Dog Enforcement Officer, has announced a general check will be ‘initiated for owners ‘of unlicensed | dogs. All persons found owning ‘or | harboring unlicensed dogs will be { prosecuted without exception. Mini- mum fine is $5.00 and costs of prosecution. Maximum fine is $100 land costs or 30 days in jail or both. |All dogs not bearing a current | license tag are considered as strays land may be disposed of by any of- |ficer on sight. A license does not permit dogs to run at large unless | accompanied. Better get that license | | quick. Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian Gurnacia land Mrs. Helen Buckley, Wilkes- | Barre, were recent visitors at the {home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gabel. Mr. and Mrs. William R. Hughes | entertained the following officers | and committee members of Fellow- ' ship Club of Dorranceton Methodist | Church Saturday evening; Mr. and | Mrs. Russell Ide, Mr. and Mrs. Rus- | ‘sell Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Arlington | L. Price. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. David VanFossen. Mrs. | Minnie Perkins, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel | Schramm, Mr: and Mrs: Ray Mac-" | Donald. | were enjoyed. At the last meeting of Lake- Leh- man Joint School Board the: ques- 1 tion of Atty. Lewis Crisman’s bill | came up: From information ob- | tained from the Department of Jus- | it is claimed that thers is a | | tice, | legal basis for the payment of the 55. 000 fee by Lehman Township | School Authority. The fez is for | services rendered in connection | | with the recent Bond Issue. There hae been a dispute between the- | Joint School Board and the Author- jy as to who is to pay Crisman’s | bill. | The | Lake-Lehman Joint School the A.A.S.A. Convention at Atlantic City over the week Stephen M. GLOVA FUNERAL SERVICE Harveys Lake NE 9-3571 is that it hasn't read the minytes | Centermoreland FEderal 38-4500 of the last meeting. ; Is Change-of-Life Making You Only Half a Woman? * wwsToo tense, too tired 10 He ¢ to be a real companion to your husband ? Special women’s medicine can relieve Without suffering! i“ i % If change- -of-life has left you hot flashes”, weakness, nervousness only “half” a woman, get Lydia ...then you can enjoy life fully again! = E.Pinkham’ s Vegetable Compound Has change-of-life left you weak, from druggists. See how fast you nervous so you feel “half” alive? can feel “all woman” again! Lydia Pinkham’s Compound can relieve both tense feelings and physical distress! In doctor’s tests with Pinkham’s “hot flashes” subsided. Nervousness was'calmed. Then most women can go “smil- ing” through “change-of-life SLEEP 8 HOURS—WAKE UP TIRED ? When due to simple iron-de- ficiency anemia, take Pinkham Tablets. Ifon-rich, they start to strengthen your blood in 1 day! (ar Equal NEW DALLAS CLEANERS “Martinizing Process’’ The “ultimate in dry cleaning PERSONALIZED SERVICE I HR. SERVICE NEVER AN EXTRA CHARGE. RAINCOATS and HEAVY OUTER JACKETS Treated with VIVITEX WATER REPELLENTS ($2.50 value) DALLAS SHOPPING CENTER OR 5-1508 * WHERE PARKING IS funeral directors |is and Mrs. Paul .Zweier, | Plans were made for the February meeting and refreshments lloning members of the | Board | resignation | and officials of the ‘system attended | ~end: School «i Directors: Edgar Lashford, Walter Chamberlain and Willard Sutton, | and Supervising Principal, Lester B. | stances, you may call us, receives the same attention. NOWD ON WILKES-BARRE eo KINGSTON DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA ’ 1 ; It's A Tough Break A plea from somebody on the Hunlock Creek route: “Why can’t you folks get our paper transferred to the Sweet Valley route? Every time I see something in Trading Post I want to buy, it's gone before I can telephone. The paper doesn’t get here until Friday, and right down the road folks get their pap- er on Thursday.” Tough lyck, Lee. Take it up with your congressman. The Dallas Post powerless. Squier, Asst. Supervising Prinripal, Robert Belles and Principal An- thony Marchakitus. 1 How to have extra money, while you're ina HOSPITAL If you're hospitalized this year (your chances are 1 in 8), perhaps your family will have plenty of money to get along. Or maybe they won't. Only you know the answer. ° But quite often, when the wage earner is hospitalized, most fami-. lies badly need some extra “emer- gency’ money” coming in every week from their insurance company. Our IN-HOSPITAL INCOME POLICY is the one that, for many families, will keep that extra cash rolling in. The weekly insurance sum can be anywhere from $25 to $175. May we tell you how IN- HOSPITAL INCOME insurance can fit in with your present insurance? HARCLD E. FLACK INSURANCE * AGENCY BROOKS BLDG. VA 3-2189 Attention Snowdon service is truly available to all. By this, we mean that regardless of your creed, social standing or financial circum- for everyone courteous, thoughtful ] —— NEVER A PROBLEM" REVOLUTIONARY NEW GULF SOLAR HEAT «Ultra clean! Burns clean, heats clean... lets you enjoy the very finest automatic heat comfort. First premium heating oil at regular price ITE Tn Order from us today! CHARLES H. LONG SWEET VALLEY, PA. AE DEERAE NER iT SER AL ci Ba Mom is tenn A NATIONAL BANK MEMBER FDL IN DALLAS FAMERS SR ons a i I ls So——— EOE livin lieve . MOC - tric qual The indt the arry Fits star . set N Prov : stall § peri It’s “hon heat WV insi: Nn Anu pa ET. gasses a Pe —————— EAM Re oh or