The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, December 14, 1961, Image 18

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Ty convince these ducks that winter
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IDETOWN, Bess Cooke NE 9-5137 "BEAUMONT, Mrs. William Austin = NE 9-2544 : Mr. and Mrs. Chester Nesbitt and | and daughter Daryl. She is extrem=
FERNBROOK, Mrs. George Shaver OR 4-5460 : HARVEYS LAKE, Mrs. Albert Armitage NE 9-6531 : << / CR ai son, Theron, have moved to the | ely talented and is.a decided asset to
JACKSON TOWNSHIP, Mrs. William Hughes 696-1005 ® LEHMAN, Barbara Simms OR 4-3391 — CT, Garey Apartments on N. Main | the community,
MEEKER, Mrs. Fred Winter GR I-24 @ SWEET VALLEY, Mrs. Albert Roy GR 7-2072 fy oS Street. The former Nesbitt home _ Hobbs Promoted
Rev. Charles Gilbert Harding 388-2270 @ TRUCKSVILLE, Nelson Woplbert OR 4-2748 on Memorial Highway has been tak- Friends of Thomas Hobbs and
NE 9-8522 @ TRUCKSVILLE, Nelson Woolbert 696-1689 en over by the State in its highway family in be pleased to know
NE 9-3930 ® SHAVERTOWN, Mrs. Thomas Kriedler OR’ 4-4429 expansion program. t he has been promoted to
NOXEN, Mrs. Ira Beahm
RUGGLES, Mrs. Glenn Kocher
~ Despite the advanced warn-
_ ing of impending snow, travel-
- ers Saturday night were
obliged to fend their own way
under slippery conditions on
“both County and State High-
- ways. The County did manage
‘ to place ashes on Chase Road
* early Sunday morning but the
: State Highway leading to Lake
~ Silkworth must be a step child.
~ No ashes were in evidence.
- This same condition existed
last year and we trust the De-
~ partment will take better care
. of this highway and make it as
safe as possible to travel.
Mrs. Myrtle Warman, Plymouth,
spent several days with Mr, and
Mrs. Gimble, Chase Manor.
y Mr. and Mrs. Jake Gabel, have as
day visitors their son and
Er law, Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Gabel and sons, Paul, Jr. Johns-
‘town; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gabel
and family, Dallas; their grandson,
Leon, a student at he Pennsylvania
School of Technology in Philadel-
phia; their granddaughter, Carol,
student Nurse at Mercy Hospital;
and on Saturday night their son
end daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
George Gabel and family of Fern-
brook. Jake is a retired employee
of ‘the Sordoni Construction Co.
“Joint Christmas Party of Boy
Seout Troop #255 and Cub Pack
: #225, will be held this evening at
the Fire Hall, at 7:30. A commit-
tee consisting of Scoutmaster, Rich-
grd Lincoln, Cubmaster, Russell
ram, and Den Mothers, Mrs.
Lois Kittle and Mrs, Margaret Yas-
cur, will be in charge.
Elmer Laskowski returned to
work Monday after recovering from
2 leg injury.
"Harold Kittle shot a 4-point buck
Weighing 110 Ibs. at Mountain
Springs, the first day of the season
et 8:30 a.m. and was obliged to
stand by his kill until almost dark
until his fellow hunters with a jeep
came along to pick him up. Eleven
hunters and six deer rode in on the
James Kozemchak reports ap-
proximately forty ducks on Hunts-
ville Dam. It must take a lot to
has finally arrived, and that they
should have started South long ago.
Frantz, who will celebrate her
birthday on Saturday.
Ray Partington, of New Jersey,
hunting with Bertram Balliett, shot
a buck near Kunkle last week.
Eugene Michalycik, Nanticoke,
hunting alone, shot a 7-point buck
in the Ceasetown section.
George Lamoreaux shot a 4-point
buck, weighing 140 lbs. in Lycoming
County on Wednesday.
William , Ashton, Kingston, son of
Mrs. Mary Ashton, shot a spike deer
in the Ceasetown section.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Sorber, Hun-
lock Creek, visited with Mr. and
Mrs, Laing Coolbaugh on Sunday.
Mr. Sorber shot a 6-point buck
weighing 125 at Coudersport.
From reports received by this re-
porter, President Kennedy has
nothing to fear as to the safety of
our country, with the kind of mark-
manship displayed by the following
citizens of the lower Chase Road.
all of whom shot a buck last week:
Andy Barto, Forest Habblett, Joe
Levi, .Jr., Dan Roan and Dale
Registration for May, 1962 Pri-
mary Election opened last Thurs-
day, and can be made daily at the
Court House Annex from 9 to 4 and
on Saturdays from 9 to 12. The
board will accept changes of
address, changes of party and new
registrations. -
Charles Redmond is recuperating
at Nanticoke State Hospital from
injuries received in an automobile
accident on the Lake Silkworth
Road on December 1st. His left arm |
and left leg are in a cast.
Mrs. Mary Ashtop, accompanied
by her daughter and son-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Bud Nelson of Dallas spent
the weekend visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Woessner of Norristown.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gimble,
Chase Manor, entertained Tuesday
night, the following: Mr. and Mrs.
John IL. Boney, Marguerite Keating,
Mrs. John Gregory, Larksville, and
Mrs. Margaret Grimes, Kingston.
W.S.C.S. of Huntsville Methodist
Church will hold a Closed Luncheon
today ‘at the Church.
The gaily decorated hemlock tree
on the William L. Coyngham Estate
can. be seen from a far distance,
sending out its message of ‘Peace
on Earth”.
Ricky Frantz, son of Mr. and Mrs.
kiss School, arrived home yesterday
for the Christmas holiday.
Mrs. Albert J. Cadwalader is
happy that the small game
season is over! and that her pet
squirrel survived. Mrs. Cad-
walader found the little squir-
rel in the Spring and has
trained it to follow her around
the house, to perch on her
shoulders and to lie relaxed for
petting on her lap, When Mrs.
Cadwalader puts out her hand
to feed the squirrel, it takes the
food very gently and then looks
for a place to hide it inside the
house. When it wants to go
outdoors it hops up on the side-
board and then leaps to her
shoulder. Mrs. Caldwalder
opens the door and walks out
on the porch. The squirrel
jumps down and scampers
away to its nest in an old apple
tree behind the house to re-
‘turn another day at the call of
Mrs. Cadwalader.
Capt. Gordon Grant returned
home from Korea November 27 and
left on December 4 with his wife
and daughter, to spend Christmas
with his parents in Chicago, after
which he will report to Fort Ben-
jamin Harrison in Indianapolis.
Capt. Grant is married to the former
Jane Conner, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. E. L. Conner of Huntsville.
Holy Name Society of St. The-
rese’s Church has elected the fol-
lowing. officers for the year: Bill
Cashman, President, Tom DeMeo,
Vice-President; Frank Reilly, Secre-
tary and Ed. Carey, Treasurer. In-
stallation will take place January
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frantz were
hosts to eighty guests Friday night,
December 1, at a farewell party
given in honor of their house guest,
Retired Capt. Frank R. Sloat, U.S.
Navy, who has returned to his
home in California.
Congratulations to’ A. David Frie-
ble, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl A.
Frieble. Huntsville, who will cele-
brate his birthday December 26.
Mrs. Fred Gabel has returned
after spending sometime with her
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Verne Steuber, Westfield, N. J.
Ladies’ Auxiliary of Noxen Fire
Company had its Christmas party
at the Fire Hall December 4. A
brief business meeting was followed
by a covered dish supper enjoyed
dames Calvin Strout, Nathan Stra-
ley, Guy Fritz, Ira Beahm, Oscar
Fish, Earl Beahm, Jack Williams,
Jameg Traver, and Mrs. Doris Har-
rison, whom we were happy to wel-
come as a new member. Games
were played and gfts exchanged by
the members.
Shrood McKenna, Bethesda, Md.,
spent several days with his parents,
Mr, and Mrs. William McKenna, and
got in some deer hunting.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Neff, Robert
Jr., and Lisa, left on Tuesday for
their new home in Bellingham,
Mass. Our best wishes go with
them. !
Mrs, William Engelman under-
went major surgery at General Hos-
pital Tuesday. Her condition is re-
ported as good.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hanson, John,
Jr., and Kathy Lou Engelman, Can-
andagua, N. Y., spent the weekend
wth Edgar Engleman.
Mr, and Mrs. Laverne Garey,
South River, N. J., spent the week-
end with Mr. and ‘Mrs. Jacob Miner.
Recent; guests at the home of the
Arthur Blizzards were Mr. and Mrs.
John Malloy and family of Wilkes-
Barre and Mrs. Bruce Sutliff of
Brooklyn, N. Y.
Mike Bean, West Hartford, Conn.;
spent the weekend here with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Bean,
and got in some hunting.
Wilson Harding will enter Gen-
eral Hospital Sunday and is sched-
uled for major surgery on Monday
morning. i :
Mrs. J. E. Turrell and Robert May
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Ward Hunsinger and family at
Mr. and Mis. Wheeler Hess are
spending some time with their son,
Wheeler and family at Connecticut.
Little Doris Parrish is ill with
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Winnie and
daughter, Gibson, Pa., spent the
weekend with the Ermest Teetsels.
Tommy Teetsel, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest Teetsel, was thrilled to
get his first deer.
William Engelman returned from
General Hospital Saturday after
submitting to surgery.
Mrs. Jerry Boone, Eyersville, Pa.,
visited the William Engelmans Fri-
Walter Schooley has returned
after several weeks at Geisinger
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hackling, Jr.,
spent the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Francis Lord, Niagara Falls.
Mrs. Edna Kromelbein, Tunkhan-
For Heaven’s sake,
he spent his vacation!
don’t ask him where
ton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Hackling, Sr., Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. James Hettesheimer
and family spent Saturday night at
the home of Mr. and Mrs, Emra
Traver at Buckhorn, Pa.
Guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Jesse Benjamin on Sunday
were Mr. and Mrs. Merton Cool-
baugh, Shavertown, and Mr. and
Mrs. Ben Winogrodzk, Kingston.
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Strohl spent
the weekend in Philadelphia where
they saw Mrs. Dale Leach off on
a plane to Honolulu, where she will
join her husband.
Nik Fritz; Penn State College,
Hazleton, is home for Christmas va-
Mr. and Mrs. George Kromelbein;
Carverton, visited Mr. and Mrs.
Loren Case on Saturday. Mrs. Fred
Kromelbein returned home with
them after a week's visit with the
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Stahler and
family, Benton, spent Sunday with
Mr. ad Mrs. Osmond Casterline and
Trucksville Service Mothers and
Wives Club will hold their
Christmas party Monday night.
Curtis and Lee Evans, East Hart-
ford, Conn. visited their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Evans over
the weekend.
Mrs. Esther Bennett LeGrand and
son, Robert, Jr., Wilkes - Barre
visited relatives and friends here |
Mrs. Dwight Dick, Mrs. Warren
Marrow, Mrs. Beverly Puff Dymond,
Mrs. Isabel Deroff, Frank Trimble,
Wilbur Deroff, Thomas Cook, Wil-
liam, Lohman, 2nd., Sherman Kun-
kle, David Bottoms, Howard Ide,
James Carl ‘Goodwin, Robert Char-
les Hutchison, Elda Coolbaugh,
Gloria Jean Roe, Barbara Bullock,
and Beatrice Mayo.
Mr, and Mrs. R. C. Farley and
family, Harris Hill Road, will move
shortly to their new home on Cen-
ter Hill Road, Dallas.
Returns To Base
Joseph Walton, Jr. has returned
to his base at Glascow, Montana
after spending a twenty day fur-
lough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Walton, Sr., Lewis Avenue.
Nancy Blair, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Blair, Highland Avenue,
is convalescing following an illness.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ashman,
Terrace Avenue, entertained at a
party at their home on Thursday in
honor of their son, Robert Charles,
who celebrated his sixteenth birth-
day that day. Out of town guests
were: Mrs. Charles Ashman, Mrs.
Dorothy Cochran, and Mr. and Mrs.
Sterling McMides, Robert and
Thomas McMides of Wilkes Barre.
Trucksville Cub Pack 155 will hold
a Christmas party December 15 at
7:30 at the Fire Hall. The Cubs will
decorate a Christmas tree and
awards will be presented. Each
Cub Scout attending must be ac-
companied by a parent. Mrs. George
Messersmith, Mrs. John Banks, Mrs.
George Farber and Leo Corbett are
in charge of refreshments,
N. Main Street, at the Shopping
Center (Saturday. ®ill has spent
many inactive months as the result
of a fall from the roof of his home.
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Kriegh, Div-
ision, ‘Street, spent Sanday visit-
ing in Williamsport.
Mr, and Mrs. Edward Sidorek, Jr.
and son are flying from California
to spend the holidays with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sid-
orek, Sr., Demunds Road and Mr.
and Mrs. Sterling Fiske, N. Main
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Belles, Rou-
shey Street, recently visited their
son and daughter-in-law in Bing-
hamton. The younger Belleses are
newlyweds. Art is associated with
International Business Machines in
Womens Auxiliary of Shavertown
Fire Company are having = their
Christmas Party to-night at Mrs.
Franklin's Tea Room in Center-
moreland. Gifts will be exchanged.
The Auxiliary wishes to announce
that they are open for membership.
The only requirement is that a
husband or brother is a member
of the Fire Company. Additional
information may be obtained from
Mrs. William Frederick, E. Center
Management and employees
of McCrorys will hold their an-
nual ‘Christmas party on Satur
day night at Pine Brook Inn,
Demunds Road. This will be a
Supper Party.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kintner,
Treicklers (near Allentown) , spent
a few days visiting Mrs. Kintner’s
mother, Mrs. Florence Long, Inman
Street. Grandma [Long spent en-
joyable hours with her grandchild-
ren. Her daughter, Betty was fort-
unate enough to bag a deer while
visiting here.
', Walter Davis, Jr., E. Center St.,
a seventeen-year old student in the
Dallas High School, got his first
deer in Kunkle on the first day
of the season.
While taking a walk in the
snow on Sunday, this reporter
noticed quite a few deer hang-
ing at homes but had an un-
usual sight at the Sheldon Mac-
Avoy' residence. Hanging from
their back porch was a fox. It
was the first I had ever seen.
One of our local Shavertown resi-
dents, Mrs. Franklin ‘Dymond of
Perrin Avenue, is being kept ex-
tremely busy giving Christmas read-
ings in the Back Mountain area
as well as in Wyoming Valley.
Brenda is an English girl with a
most delghtful English accent. She
has resided on Perrin Avenue for a
It was good to see Bill Morgan,
the New York office of “Greens”
as a buyer. Tom was former
manager of McCrory’s Shaver-
town store and left here to
manage a store for Greens in
the Lancaster area. Greens is
a part of the McCrory chain.
Democratic Women’s Party
Kingston Township Democratic.
Women’s Club recently held its
Christmas Dinner at Meneguzzo's in
Pringle. Nominations were presented -
for a slate of officers for the com-
ing year. The club was honored to
have as one of the guests, Mrs.
Mayme Furmanski, Regional Direct-'
or of the Pennsylvania Federation.
of Democratic Women. Attending
were: Naomi Holdredge, Bernice Bo.
back, Mary Purcell, Shirley Boback,
Jean Spears, Helen Dunn, Sue Tem-
prine, Mrs. Capwell, Irene Major,"
Emily Boback, Dorothy Pope, Ber-
tha Metzgar, Margaret Mieczkow~
ski, Betty Kraynack, Arlene Hoover,
Barbara Kennedy, Mary Bonfig, Ann.
Brady, Leona Loveland, Lucille
Spaciano, Jean Glahn and Mrs. .Fur-
Lucky deer hunters in Loyalville
and regions around here were — .
Walter Lubinski, Paul Knetck, Steve
Moss, Clarence Swire, Doris and
husband George Stuart, Bob Lutz,
William Lerch, Bobbie Sorber, Gabe
Garret, Donnie iSteltz, Robert Rink=-
en, Elmer Steltz, Howard Moore,
Sheldon Evans, Duane Titus, se
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Titus and
son were home for deer season with
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Titus.
They are now living at Natrona,
Heights, Pa. 3
Mr. and Mrs, Donald Boston, Ten-
nessee, spent some time with their
daughter, Nancy and husband Mr,
and Mrs. Jack White, son and daugh-
ter. They came to attend funeral
of her brother, Henry Swire; also
Vesta Boone of Buffalo, N.Y. another
daughter arrived. He was her unclie,
Our deepest sympathy goes out to
all his relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Scott Sr.
motored to the home of their; daugh-
ter, Mrs. Herbert Kemmerer Jr. of '
137 Kendall Drive, Parlin, N. J.
where they enjoyed the arrival of
a new daughter Cindy Jane. They
have two other daughters Barbara
and Marion. Herbert is the son of
the late Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kem-
merer Sr. of Lehman. Mr. Scott
returned but Melvina stayed to take
over house hold duties. ;
For Engraved and Printed
Wedding Invitations
_ Congratulations to Mrs. Albert! Charles |S. Frantz, student at Hotch- | by the following members: Mes- | nock, and William Stonier, Scran- Birthday greetings this week to Read The Post Classified few years with her husband, Frank, Try The Post
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OR 4-3868 etl ~ SHAVERTOWN a a OR 4-3888