- 2) . DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA J > Mount Zion = Carvertomn -- Orange NEW NEIGHBORS We are to have a new neighbor over on Carverton Heights before long. The house is being built now by Henry Novak on Valley View Drive. It is to be one of the largest houses in that development and the family will need it. -Dr. and Mrs. Charles Gelb and family of 53 Nafus Street, Pittston, are to be the new residents. We Gilberts think a great deal of these people and ‘will be glad for them to . be living in this choice residential / » § ' section. “The edge of his. property borders the land being proposed for the new State Park and the large picture windows ‘command a pano- rama of the hills and valleys. Besides Dr. and Mrs. Gelb are Mrs. Gelb’s aunt, Mrs. Horace Crosby, and the children William, Ernest and Charlotte. There is never a dull moment where these children are. I used to tell them Twinkling Twin- sy stories down in Pittston church. CHRISTMAS IN THE AIR Christmas is in the air. The Kings Crusaders of Mt. Zion met the other night and planned their Christmas party to be held at Orange at 6, December 18. A word to the wise, Crusaders—have your reservations in the hands of Marie LaBar by Monday. Those present were: Mae Lewis, Emma Miles, Jane Lloyd, Madge Smith, Ida Howell, Marie Shafer, Alice Daniels, Marian Thom- as, Thelma George, Peggy Thomas, Jean Earl, Mildred Krum, Janet Dymond, Jean Emanuel, Jean Hron- ich, and Catherine Gilbert. Speaking of Christmas parties, the Mary Lewis Bible class will be holding its annual celebration Wed- nesday. AMBULANCE DRIVE PROGRESSING Mt. Zion people will be glad to know that the Franklin- Northmoreland Township Am- bulance drive is progressing nicely, with people responding well. The complete report will be published when the drive is finished. Many of our Mt. Zion people live in Franklin Town- ship and all of our community ‘is interested in this worthwhile project. I BAPTIZED THIS BOY We were delighted with a visit from Harold Farr the other day. I was his pastor ‘up at Russell Hill when he was growing up. His mother, Vangie Farr, still lives up there. I baptized this “boy”. It seems to me he was always a huge fellow even back there. During the war he used to “fly the hump”. Now he lives in Massachusetts. He flies jet tankers, refueling bombers up near the Arctic circle at 30,000 feet up. My imagination tears loose from its moorings when I try to picture a bomber needing gas, side- ling up to—or under—an aerial filling station, the pilot sticking his head out the window and shouting to Harold, Fill “'er up, Buddy!” Probably isn’t quite that way! THE SCARLET TANAGER I went down the road to our neighbors the Richard King family. Dick’s mother lives over at Meeker, and Joan’s folks live next door, are the Theron Lamoreaux. ‘Hello, Rickey, how are you?” ‘Fine’, says Rickey, and little sister, Janice, beams nearby. Rickey’s daddy built them a tree house near the garage. There are about 8 rungs to the ladder. The platform is safely en- closed with a stout railing. Rickey goes up and Janice up, too. There used to be a puppy who knew how to paw up the ladder part way. Rickey told me what he sees when he is up in that tree house, for I have wondered. Yes, of course he sees more trees; it is in the edge of the woods. But there are birds, and th first he mentioned is the ‘red bird”, the cardinal. Also the scarlet tanager. There have been tanagers down in that neighborhood for many years. Wish some would nest up this way. Yes, there is often a gray squirrel. There was a big gray hornets” nest on a near limb. Rickey didn’t play with that, but after cold weather came it was taken down and he took it to school for his teacher to see. . The children have pet rabbits, Blacky and Whitey. Rickey and Janice now have a baby brother they are helping bring up— Raymond Wayne King. Cornellius ‘Hastie, our director, was back in ‘the choir again Sun- day after being sick. Choir was AEH MINS, PVATIONEN i CHRIS Eons I=) Open Your . Christmas Club Now At THE FRIENDLY “MINERS in DALLAS” MINERS NATIONAL BANK Main St., Dallas, Pa. glad to have David {Scull and Louis Bell with them. The anthem, very well sung, was ‘Arise, Shine, for Thy Light is Come,” followed by our minister's sermon on “The Glory of God”, with emphasis on God as light. One of‘the nicest things hap- pened to me as I was leaving church. Mark VanTuyle, Jack and Emily’s youngest, said, “I liked what you wrote about me at Hallowe’en.” He was one, of the Hallowe’eners I mentioned in this column. A youngster’s appreciation is worth a lot! At least 15 of our people attended the Bach program at St. Stephens. We at Dunmovin have been hear- ing patches and snatches from that Oratorio as our Catherine rehearsed her parts. Sunday it .came on all together with chorus and orchest- ra. Magnificient! I feel a sermon coming on, stop me! But ask me sometime what I was going to say. Minutes Were Longer Then Great-grandmother Roseanna’s clock got its face washed and looks right perky. Beautiful old face. Great-great-granddaughter Cathy did it. I got me some fish line and strung up the weights to make those wooden wheels turn. Black walnut wheels. Dr. Stroh says they made clock works of wood on ac- count of the metal shortage during War of 1812. Also told me not to use oil on the wood bearings; suet instead. I did. I'm trying to coax it to run. Have pushed the pendalum a number of times and said, “Go, man, Go!” Clock looks down at me: “Say, young fella, time has changed VA 2-2188 Dr. Aaron 88 Main Street, Dallas OR 4-4506 DALLAS HOURS: Tues. — Wed. 2-to 8 p.m, Friday 2 to 5 p.m. Other days in Shopping Center Optometrist THE DALLAS POST, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1961 Dallas. Senior High School Basketball Opening Tuesday at Wyoming High School. | Tomorrow they play Northwest at home, We hope another successful | season is ahead. ; We Are Happy to Announce | Dallas School Board has granted | permission to the Athletic Council | to install soda, coffee and candy dispensers in the cafeteria. How-' ever, a firm and definite policy has been adopted by the school board and administration. These dispens- ers are not to be used by anyone | during school hours. The use of | these’ dispensers is definitely for] the activities carried on in the eve- | ning, such as athletic and social functions. Cheerleader’s Uniforms ! The cheerleading squad is thrilled at the dream-come-true of having, brand new uniforms for basketball games. The uniforms are made of | a lightweight wool in a color as] close to Columbia Blue as possible. | To please the cheerleaders and the players, come to our games and help us cheer. Disc Jockey Dance Saturday night a Disc Jockey Dance was held at the high school. since I last “ticked off the minutes. Don’t know if can get going or not. Kinda stiff. Are there still 60 min- utes to the hour? I never sounded them ‘off very fast in the old days. Give me time, Maybe I can get go- ing again. All a matter of habit!” S. Lisses Professional Suite Gateway Shopping Center Edwardsville BU 7.9735. i: GATEWAY CENTER HOURS: | Daily 9:30 to 5:30 p.m. Evenings: Thurs. & Fri. to 8 p.m, | High. The faculty advisors are Mr, | with a student. Kunkle A special Christmas Song Service { will be held at the Kunkle Metho- dist Church at 7:30 p.m., Sunday} { December 17. The congregation will | participate and the choir will ren- Lace some Christmas anthems. This News usual carolling by the choir. ted on school grounds. DASH | The first issue of the newspaper | <4. Once students have left the of Dallas Senior High has been | dance, they will not be permitted to return. Christmas Concert circulated under the title of “Dash” which signifies the first letter of | each word in Dallas Area Senior| The cor ha d program of I'girl’s chorus and the band is sched- Donald Evans, assisted by Miss | uled for Dea 14. This prom- Engler and Mr. Kirk. The paper |ises to be a fine program of holi- has won the approval of everyome; | day music. The chorus under the Assignments have been handed out | direction of Miss Louise Ohlman for the next issue which promises | and the band uader the direction to be a better one. { of Mr. Lester Lewis have been prac- Dance Etiquette ticing earnestly during activity per- | The dance, sponsored by the Band | service is to take the place of the ‘Dallas Senior High School basket- | Parents’ Association, featured King | { ball team opened its season last! | Arthur Knight and W. A.R. M. the | SECTION B — PAGE L¥ Westmoreland Boy On Convalescent Leave Thomas Schollenberger SN YN is, ter on Staten Island for surgery spending a few days at home injon his nose. He is at present on Orange with his parents, Mr. and | convalescent leave for a few days. Mrs. George Schollenberger,. Thom- | Thomas was graduated from W as is stationed at the Customs House | moreland High School in 1960. in New York. Just recently he was| 19th birthday is coming up on D hospitalized at the U. S. Health alth Cen- _cember 14. | At the last Student Council meet- | jods. Miss Ohlman has introduced | ing the following rules of etiquette | some novelties such as “The Drum- | were passed for future dances: i mer Boy” which is being sung by | an ensemble; “Stille Nacht,” sung by Elfriede Hefft, and many more. We are sure 1. Students will not be permit- ted at the dance without their admission card. 2. One guest may be admitted | | the holiday spirit ' into gveryone's | 3. No smoking will be permit-' heart. Graphic Arts Servi INCORPORATED PHOTO-ENGRAVING Offset Negatives and Platemaking .Sereen Prints, Art Work Phone VA 5-2978 North Main St. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Rear 29 REVOLUTIONARY NEW GULF SOLAR HEAT «Ultra clean! Burns clean, heats - clean... lets you enjoy the very finest automatic heat comfort. First premium heating oil at regular price Order from us today! CHARLES H. LONG SWEET VALLEY, PA. that the music pre- | sented by both groups will convay | ices 1 | “BUNNY-QUICK” SERVICE ON ALL DRY CLEANING Let us be your ‘Personal Valet” CLOTHES COME BACK: V Vv Minor Repairs Free Of Charge Spotlessly Clean V Wrinkle Free V Cuffs Tacked V Linings Hand Finished “SHIRTS 25 LAUNDERED OPEN TIL 9 P. M. THURSDAY and FRIDAY NIGHTS Davis Cleaners MAIN HIGHWAY TRUCKSVILLE TIL 9 ‘OPEN EVERY NIGHT BACK MOUNTAIN SHOPPING CENTER — SHAVERTOWN FREE PARKING SHOPPING CENTER Your Clothes DRY... PRESS... While You Shop! "SOFT WATER SAVES... TIME — SOAP — ENERGY GIVE SANTA A “BREAK” Shop At BACK MT. WASH LAUNDERCENTER “OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY” ° “The Walk Thaf Relaxes” SIZES 3 fo 8 $2.85 HUMPHREYS’ CHILDREN’S BOOTERY ANIMAL SLIPPERS ® NUT @® POPPY SEED @ RAISIN OR 4- 5702 ORDER HOLIDAY BREADS NOW! "FRUIT VICTORIA CAKE CHOCOLATES DICTON'S BAKERY THIS YEAR GIVE HIM ARROW SHIRTS In A Wide Selection Of COLLAR STYLES ® MacShore t ® Majestic Beautiful Selection td ADAMS Clothes for Dad & Lad ‘BLOUSES — $3.98 i SKIRTS 35.98 Costume Jewelry GARAY HAND BAGS \ ROSEMARY Sportswear A Curtsy To Christmas These are the dresses that bring forth ‘“ohs and ahs”—hand smockings, em- broidery, lace and eyelet trims. Sashes with huge ‘| bows! For instance, the smocked dress is styled/. along classic lines; then there's a white fine broad- cloth with a velvet jaccket —and 100% Polyester Dac- ron jumper with blouse and lace trim, 3 to 6; 7-14. | up Sizes 6 Mo. to 14 Yrs. Aaa. . HUMPHREYS’ CHILDREN’S APPAREL "FOAM BACKED PLACE MATS 4 ors ‘BOXED CHRISTMAS CARDS 50 in box 77: McCRORY'S TUCK TAPE BOXED CHRISTMAS PAPER PAJAMA BAGS FOR TOTS ’N TEENS Jo _wr S244 ~ CREDIT COMPLETE LINE MOTOROLA RADIOS— T.V.— STEREO— USE OUR CONVENIENT JACKETS FOR THE FAMILY He WRAPPING RIBBON 3 Spools 38: PLAN 3 at z i SS 29 “15 595 SPECIAL ous ;