V- of k at d Ba | “office. Beene CaP DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA Marilyn Eck Writes More About Life In Africa, Visiting Remote Villages These are the places that for most people live only between the pages of a geography. A “Bush Clinic” was a new exper- ience for Marilyn, brought up in a community where a doctor can be procured within minutes when an emergency arises. Marilyn takes it from here, through letters written to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Eck of Shavertown. : Sept. 13, 1961 I've been out of reach of a post On Sept. 4, Roddy and I took a WNLA barge up the Zambesi 60 miles to Mwandi, then trans- ferred to a WNLA truck and trav- eled 50 more miles on an ‘inter- national highway” to Katima, a booming city (pop. 100 Europeans) in Caprivi Zipfield—S. W. Africa. The road was one lane and sandy. We stayed with a Dr. Jameson—a friend of the family. He's the only doctor within an 80 mile radius. Our first night there we had an emer- gency case. Dr. Jameson, assisted by Roddy, operated on a gunshot wound in the arm at 1:30 A. M. ‘We were up until 3:30 A.M. waiting for them to return home. At 8 the next morning we went to the “hospital” and I was nurse for the patient until 2:30. I bathed him, changed his drip bottle, massaged his hand and arm, etc. Then at | 2:30 Dr. Jameson came to the room and we put him (Mr. Hart) on a stretcher, took him to a waiting boat, took him across the river, loaded him in a waiting jeep, raced him to the airstrip and put him in a private plane bound for Bulawayo. I'm glad T had home nursing in school. I was told what to do and was expected to know how—if it weren't for home nursing I would have been lost. The next day Dr. Jameson, Roddy and I made an 80 mile trip into darkest bush to a “Clinic” in a remote native village. I was stared at openly by the half-naked inhab- itants. In one village I was the first white woman to have been there. In the others I was the 2nd or 3rd. The clinic is a small grass hut. Inside is one table with a few medicine bottles on top. A trained African orderly is the entire staff. He merely gives out the medicine to the villagers. The village has a “school”’—large mud hut with very crude benches and 2 blackboards. We made the journey in an open jeep—14 yr. old. It took 41% hrs. to go the 80 miles and the Dr. said that’s the best time he’s made in over a year. I wish Julie could have been here those 2 days I've just described. She'd get a good idea of nursing in the most primitive con- ditions. We stayed there until Sept. 9th, then took a truck back to Sarandel- la (place on the Chobe) (while on this trip with, Dr. Jameson I was on the Angola border). On the trip we saw elephant, impala, wilde- beaste, baboon, monkeys, tseshe— better known as Gnu, bushbuck, and various birds. Yesterday we left Chobe and came back to Bula- wayo. The governor's son stayed with us the last 3 days at Sarandel- la. He's fabulous. Had polio and must walk with crutches but I don’t feel at all sorry for him—he’s got such a wonderful sense of humor and keen mind. He runs a farm and is always puttering around with his land rover and anything me- chanical—he’s 21 but acts much older. I caught a 7 lb. tiger fish while casting with a light breem rod— quite a fish and quite an accom- Rhona is 4'7”, has straight blond hair—neck length, has blue eyes, Se for an easier way to keep track of §1] ff A LUZERNE NATIONAL CHECKING ACCOUNT your money A quick flip through the stubs shows when, why and where you did your spending. Open a LNB Checking Account this week, and start keeping track of your money By shows you where your money goes. this safe, sensible, easy way!’ BOB BARE, Assistant Cashier “The ONE bank for ALL your banking-with complete services under one roof! 118 Main St., Luzerne Member F.D.IC, UII] THE DALLAS POST, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1961 Usable Year 'Round Storm-and-Screen Doors Ideal ForAll-Weather Porch Enclosure Enclosing a porch can be the most rewarding and least ex- pensive home remodeling proj- ect for families who need more living space. Enthusiastic testimony of this comes from all six members of a family in Croton-on-Hudson, N.Y., who recently added a play- room, dining room, entertain- ment center, and overflow guest room by building an enclosed porch on the concrete roof of their attached garage. Has Many Uses The porch is actually more than a porch, say its owners. It’s a screened-in patio in summer and a cozy sunroom the rest of the year. Its uses are almost un- limited, Key to low cost as well as versatility of the project was the use of 12 combination storm- and-screen doors of ponderosa ne for the three outside walls. Ris doors, nailed in place, ac- tually become walls of win- dows. The light glass and screen inserts, quickly interchangeable, make the porch breezy and cool in summer, and sunny but weatherproof in cooler months. A portable electric heater makes the glassed-in room usable on even the coldest days. Labor was partly professional, partly do-it-yourself. A contrac- tor was needed to erect a roof supported by 4x4 posts, and to install a plywood floor and ceil- in g Low Labor Costs The home owner, not a skilled carpenter, also engaged the con- tractor to erect the combination doors. A semi-skilled handyman however, could have handled this part of the job easily. It re- quired merely fitting the 36-inch wide doors between the 4x4 supporting posts and covering the joints with molding. The home owner did all paint- ing inside and out. He also put down a cork floor and installed ceiling tiles. - A unique finishing touch that adds beauty to the interior of the new room is a wainscoting Photo above of newly-enclosed porch in Croton-on-Hudson, N. Y., was taken on winter’s day. Sun streams through glass storm inserts in combination doors of porch. Paneled wainscoting was pane] doors together, giving the that runs along the three outside walls. The wainscoting is con- structed of 2-foot-wide panel doors: of ponderosa pine turned on their sides and placed end to end. The finished effect is of rich, custom-made paneling. Families who might want to add a similar room to their own homes can obtain most of the materials from building material dealers. The combination doors of ponderosa pine, for example, as well as the pine panel doors used as wainscoting, are stock items available in many styles and sizes. The Croton-on-Hudson proj- ect was financed by a low-in- terest FHA-insured moderniza- tion loan, The home owner says that a recent reappraisal of his house by real estate agents shows that the new addition has added more than double its cost to the resale value of the house. ponderosa pine used to frame created by butting stock pine effect of custom-made paneling. During construction, carpen- ter nails one of ponderosa pine combination doors in place be- tween 4x4 posts supporting roof, loves horses and most animals, has a fiery temper which flares 2 or 3 times a day—usually at Lynne. Lynne is 5’2”, weighs 110, has straight brown hair—just below the ear, is very orderly and neat, very critical—especially of Rhona, usual- ly even-tempered. Roddy is 6’ tall, weighs 150, has blond hair, blue eyes, average looks. Likes hunting, fishing, and trapping snakes. : Dr. Thompson is 6'1”, weighs 200 lb., has blue eyes—great sense of humor, very. neat and orderly, rarely gets angry. Mrs. Thompson is 5’5”, weighs 115, has blond hair, blue eyes, loves animals and “roughing it” rarely gets angry. I think I've convinced Thompsons that Wilkes is better than Scranton U. 1 told them that they can ask NG days! Order now! 3, Send Purvin Ice Cream Cakes as gifts! h- 3 Free delivery anywhere in the Wyoming .§ Valley area. Attractive giftcard gnclosed ! Ei) See your milkman, Bal VAllsy 2 2- 8151 HRT or use handy coupon! a el Aor the Holiday Se: EA = oN Tr A =. 2D ea! Extra rich! Extra creamy! Extra delicious! Non-alcholic. All the family will enjoy it! Keep several quarts on hand for the holi- Gr Dr Dlr Pr Pr Dlr Dlr Pr Per Bl Dlr er Per Mail to: Purvin Dairy Wilkes-Barre, Pa. order and delivery schedule, Name Address City 3 SS 9 Re wm BM BM he ason A delicious combination of ice cream and frozen whipped ‘cream. Festive holiday decoration. Serves 10 to 12 people. Order now for holiday delivery. a» 1 ' 1 1 t 1 1 ) 3 1 1 1 1 ’ 1 ' 1 \ ) ' 1 ) 1 [) ) i 1 1 i 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ’ ’ ' 1 1 1 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 1 ' 5 ’ ’ 2 1 -? I would like to order [] Egg Nog [] Ice Cream Cake [J Ice Cream Cakes as gifts. Please contact me for my Phone. sms enannssvnensnsssnansmnenn. BES Dr. Jordan what he thinks of the two schools. So, if Roddy goes to Wilkes he can stay with us if you want him. 1 haven’t said anything to Thompsons but I thought that we'd have plenty of room with Bev being the only one home. Anyway, if you decide you want him at least for the first couple months, if not all year, let me know and tell Dr. Jordan (if Roddy can get in to Wilkes). Also, could you get a Wilkes catalogue and a Scranton U. cata- logue and send them so we can compare the courses offered. Also, please tell me what you think of the two schools and which would benefit Roddy more. {School starts next Tuesday and I haven’t yet finished one uniform. I haven’t too much more to go tho. How’s the mew school? Does Dort like it? Bev? The teachers? I really envy them all. I got the package you sent on Aug. 29—33 days after you sent it. My package from London got here Sept. 5th. I've gained 15 lb. 1 just have to lose 10 of them. None of my shorts fit except 2 pair. Enclosed is the article which ap- peared in the Sunday news. The woman who wrote it learned all that in 10 min. talking to me—Hah! I don’t know what made her write all that flattery. Sept. 14, 1961 Please forgive the envelope. 1 tore it open to add this page. F.R.C.S. stands for Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, WNLA stands for Wetwaterstrand Native Labor Asso. Here are 2 funny stories about the natives in Katima. They are TRUE: 1. A prisoner made a plea to the magistrate to please put a door on his cell because he was afraid the lions woul get him at night. 2. While at the native clinic Dr. Jameson had the following conver- sation with the orderly in charge: Dr.: Richard, do you know where. America is? Rich.: No, doctor, Dr.: Have you heard of America? Rich.: Yes, doctor. Dr.: Do you know what the people do there? Rich.: (pause) No, doctor. Dr.: Are the people there black or white, Richard? Rich.: White, doctor. Dr.: Some are white, Richard. Rich.: (pause) Yes, some, Dr. Dr.: Have you ever seen an Amer- ican, Richard? Rich.: No, Dr. Dr.: Would you like to meet one, Richard ? Rich.: (Chuckle) Yes, Dr. Dr.: Well here’s one now, Richard. (Dr. points to me) Rich.: (Chuckle) PAUSE Dr.: What do you think of her, Richard ? Rich.: Very good, Dr. rassed chuckle) Richard, of course, is a native. Simple like most of them are. There are so many more stories I could tell you. And they're all true. 3. A prisoner complained to the magistrate that the jail guard was taking the prisoners’ mealy (corn) meal and selling it. The magistrate (embar- gave the prisoner hell for making |. up such stories and causing trouble. However, as a matter of form, the magistrate called the jail guard in and asked him if he was selling the mealy meal that he was supposed to be giving the prisoners. He replied, “Yes, Marina.” (‘Marina” is Native ~ |language for master.) The shagis- trate nearly died on the spot. Needless to say, the jail guard is has been brought in. Marilyn NEWS ARTICLE Marilyn Eck — No “hick town” gal; If you think most American teenagers have the pert, precocious air of the Misses of the glossy mags, or the combustible quality of flam- ing youth in Hollywood’s angle on small-town life, you should meet 18- year-old Marilyn Eck from *'Penn- sylvania. Refreshingly unsophisticated ' and she is obviously no problem child, she is probably more typical of the average American adolescent than the glossies, paperbacks and movies would have us believe. She still looks a schoolgirl. Which is exactly what she is — a high school girl who is here to take her post-certificate course at Townsend School under Rotary International’s student exchange scheme, She likes the idea of wearing a school uniform as a change from the -summer and fall dresses of their own choice worn by most schoolgirls in the States. To Marilyn, Bulawayo is a big city. Back home in Shavertown, Penn., the population is only 2,500. But don’t get the idea she’s a hick- town girl with small ambitions. She’s aiming at a career in scientific research or in the diplo- matic service when she gets through her studies at the University of Susquehanna, for which she’s book- ed on her return home. She is getting a taste of life in the bush on holiday at a camp on the Chobe River, Bechuanaland, with her Rotary host in Bulawayo, Mr. Denis Thompson, and his family. Next year Mr. and Mrs. Thomp- son’s son Roderick will be going to America Lecture Series A forty-eight lecture semi-weekly filmed course in Genetics was rec- ently completed at Geisinger Med- ical Center, with an average of 40 area bacteriologists and physicians in attendance at each session. The course began July 11 under the auspices of the center's new Insti- tute. Dr. Seymour S. Cohen, emin- ent biochemist, and Charles Hay- den, professor of biochemistry at University of Pennsylvania, gave the opening addresses. 579% We can’t possibly describe this wonderful value in this small space. We dropped our regular markup to bring the price so low, Drop in — see for yourself. The Dallas Post The Area’s Exclusive Distributor For 45 x 30” DESK LEHMAN AVE. . DALLAS _ PronNE OR 4.5656 SECTION C—PAGE 3 Check and Compare AsP’s REGULAR LOW MEAT PRICES! Salta ATI FRESH FRYING CHICKENS | (WHOLE) (CUT-UP) now in jail and a new jail guard |§ 3: 33: SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY STEAKS SIRLOIN & PORTERHOUSE SMOKED CENTER HAM SLICES BONELESS CHUGK ROAST SMOKED _. CENTER ..CUT ' PORK CHOPS 99. 79: 99. CANNED HAMS ~~ 79: CORNISH HENS ~~ 45: BEEF LVR 45: LAMB LVR 39s | BEEF KIDNEYS ~~ 229: | STEWING BEEF 79: 15: 29: Ib 6 Oz. Pkg. 39: PLATE BEEF FRESH, MEATY SPARE RIBS PORK ROLL LAMB Combination 45x SMOKED BUTTS 69: | Cole Desks and Office Equipment | COME SEE . . . YOU'LL SAVE!